Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 63: Chapter63-What a Cliché Plot?

Chapter 63: Chapter63-What a Cliché Plot?

Countless eyes of the dignitaries and nobles were fixed on the depths of the Royal Arena, filled with anticipation and curiosity.

"So many prodigies have gathered here; this three-year agreement is the grandest event in years."

"But why haven't we seen Owen? Wasn't he supposed to participate in this three-year agreement as well?"

"Yes, most of the prodigies are already here. Is Owen not planning to attend? I mainly came here to see him. He has been at the duke's mansion and hasn't appeared in a long time."

After scanning the Royal Arena, many people showed slight disappointment on their faces. The three-year agreement was indeed highly anticipated, but more people wanted to use this event to catch a glimpse of the rising star, Owen.

After all, Owen was not only unmatched among the younger generation but also outshined the older generation of strong warriors. Who wouldn't want to see such a legendary figure?

Meanwhile, in the VIP seats of the Royal Arena, the prodigies and representatives from various forces were also scanning the crowd, searching for Owen.

The three-year agreement had caused a huge stir back in the day, drawing curiosity and attention from all the kingdoms. However, this attention was not enough to make the kingdoms send such heavyweight figures.

Their core purpose was to see Owen, to witness if he was as dazzling as the rumors claimed. Owen had previously stirred up a storm in the Azure Kingdom, becoming a renowned figure. How could they not pay attention to such a genius?

However, after scanning the crowd, they did not see Owen's figure, causing them to frown slightly and their gazes to fall on Marry.

Among all the prodigies present, Marry had a good relationship with Owen. It was said that she had sent an invitation to Owen specifically for this three-year agreement. Previously, King Aldric had even intended to marry Marry to Owen.

Since Owen had not arrived yet, Marry might know the reason.

Under their watchful eyes, Marry stood beneath the arena, surrounded by members of the Council of Elders and the royal family.

On one hand, they were there to ensure her safety at this crucial moment, and on the other hand, they were helping her adjust her state and breath.

With so many kingdoms witnessing this event, Marry could only win; she could not afford to lose.

Otherwise, the Azure Kingdom's reputation would be utterly tarnished!

Marry was clearly aware of this.

However, her expression remained calm.

For this day, she had been diligently training, whether in the capital or at the academy.

According to the intelligence she had received, John seemed to have been training hard as


But with her resources and assistance, she did not believe John could surpass her.

This battle was hers to win!

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Marry was also distracted, searching for Owen's figure. This battle was meant to put the past behind her and completely sever ties with John.

On such an important day, she hoped for Owen's presence.

However, Owen was nowhere to be seen.

"My dear sister, at such a crucial moment, where is your beloved Owen?" said Saint Annie of the Moonspring Kingdom, standing beside Marry, unable to resist teasing her as she looked around.

Hearing Annie's teasing, Marry's cheeks turned slightly red.

Ever since Owen had saved her from being thrown off the arena, she had to admit she liked him more and more.

But she didn't expect others to have noticed this as well, and the matter had become widely discussed.

"Annie, stop talking nonsense. Since Owen accepted the invitation, he will definitely come. Just wait," Marry said with a roll of her eyes, speaking softly.

"But I want to see him up close beforehand. Don't worry, I have no romantic interest in Owen. I just want to see his talent and spar with him. This isn't just my thought; every prodigy and representative from the various kingdoms who dared to come here shares this idea," said Saint Annie, scanning the eyes in the VIP seats, her bare feet surrounded by swirling water vapor, and her expression growing more serious.

Marry followed Saint Annie's gaze and noticed that everyone was staring at her. From the faint murmurs she could hear, it was clear they were discussing Owen and herself. This made Marry's cheeks even redder, and her determination to win grew stronger. Whether for the sake of the royal family's honor or for Owen, she couldn't afford to lose this time!

Meanwhile, in the central area of the VIP seats, a young man in a black robe with gold embroidery sat on a chair, looking at Marry with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"Is she really Marry? Her strength seems quite average."

As the eldest son of the Prime Minister of the Cloud Empire, Davis had seen many prodigies.

While Marry might be considered top-tier in the Azure Kingdom, she was nothing special in

his eyes.

"Isn't Owen here yet?"

Losing interest in Marry, Davis turned to look at a young woman beside him.

She was dressed in a sheer, gauzy outfit that resembled translucent mist, perfectly wrapping

her curvaceous, fair body.

This semi-transparent attire exuded an unusual allure.

This woman was none other than Monroe, the saint of the Sun-Moon Sect.

When Davis asked her, Monroe didn't respond immediately.

She simply raised her jade-like, half-seductive hands, resting her beautiful face on her snow-

white thighs, revealing a generous glimpse of her cleavage.

Her actions left many prodigies around them with parched mouths, their gazes seemingly

glued to her, unable to look away.

Seeing how every move Monroe made was filled with inexplicable allure, Davis frowned

slightly, feeling his resistance to her diminish.

He knew well that Monroe was like a razor, born with a seductive charm.

Deep entanglement with her would only lead to being drained dry.

Even he felt a bit wary of her, but he also saw this as an opportunity to get closer to her or the Sun-Moon Sect she represented.

However, Monroe seemed uninterested in engaging with him. Glancing at Davis, Monroe said


"Are you free tonight? I'll be waiting for you in my room. Dual cultivation will benefit us


She glanced around at all the male mages present; none of them caught her eye.

By comparison, the previously unimpressive Davis now seemed like a suitable partner for

dual cultivation.

As for Owen, despite the rumors of him being the continent's top genius, she hadn't seen him in person and wasn't sure he would even show up. So, she decided to keep Davis as a backup. Hearing Monroe speak, Davis understood her true intentions.

He cleared his throat and said, "I think I'll pass. The other women in your Sun-Moon Sect are

quite excellent."

As the Prime Minister's son, he naturally represented the interests of the royal family.

The Sun-Moon Sect, being a powerful yet unstable factor, needed to be approached gradually

and with caution.

"Besides, don't you think that John would be a good choice?" Davis's gaze shifted to the rest area at the edge of the arena.

John had arrived some time ago, but most of the attention was on Marry and the search for Owen, leaving him largely unnoticed.

"Gold-tier level 8 is indeed impressive in the mundane world, but it's not quite up to your standards," Monroe said, shaking her head slightly.

Seemingly sensing Monroe's gaze, John felt his blood boil and couldn't help but look back at her. Seeing her stunning figure and face, a desire to conquer her immediately arose within


"Focus, now is a crucial moment for practicing the secret technique!" At this moment, Ymir's voice sounded in John's ear, forcibly calming his agitated mind.

Upon hearing this, John sobered up and restrained his desires, fully concentrating on merging

his staff and weapon.

"You may have missed out on the Order of Thunder and the Order of Fire, but there are powers

in this world beyond the Orders that can dominate. This technique, Armament Merge, is a secret skill of my family."

"It allows you to merge your weapon and staff into your body, using them as a mana core. A mage who trains this way will have strength surpassing others of the same tier!"


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