Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 60: Chapter60-War?

Chapter 60: Chapter60-War?

Having these mana stones was beyond the wealth of a nation. If kingdoms could be sold, these mana stones would be enough to buy several of them and still have plenty left over!

Owen stood there, gazing in awe for a moment, before snapping back to reality. He quickly opened his storage ring and began to sweep all the mana stones into it.

As Owen continued to collect the mana stones, delving deeper into the vault, the small hills of mana stones began to dwindle, replaced by various treasures stored there.

Holy Moon Bow!

Red Dragon Flowing Light Armor!

Holy Grail!


Priceless treasures were piled up here, each capable of causing a sensation in the outside world.

Owen thought for a moment and decided not to take all the treasures. Instead, he left a portion behind. He also placed the Mini Nuke he had previously exchanged in the mall at the base of the Azure family's Holy Grail.


While Owen was dealing with the two from House Ashbourne, in Kyrik, the ministers had already gathered in the council hall, seated around the long oval conference table.

"Your Majesty, Owen from Azure Kingdom is becoming increasingly unruly. He even dared to harm Commanders Alfonso and Bada. Does he have any regard for Kyrik and the Church?"

The military minister, seated in the center, angrily patted the table, venting his dissatisfaction.

"If we don't eliminate this person quickly, it will not only damage the reputation of Kyrik and the Church but also leave a lingering threat!"

"Your Majesty, I agree with the military minister. We have underestimated Owen. A person recognized by the Godslayer Staff is a rare genius, possibly once in a century or even a millennium. I suggest issuing a kill order for Owen and retrieving the Godslayer Staff!" Many ministers expressed deep agreement with the military minister's view.

Kyrik had always bullied others; no other country had dared to bully and despise Kyrik. Whether for the sake of their reputation or the Godslayer Staff, they could not let Owen go!

Especially the representatives of the Church present at the meeting; their emotions were also ignited. Alfonso was a top talent that the Church had painstakingly nurtured, yet he was killed by Owen!

"Your Majesty, we believe that Owen is still young and not a significant threat. The real issue affecting Kyrik is the prophecy of the high priest. The high priest has never been wrong, and this matter concerns the fate of our nation!"

"I second this! Your Majesty, although most of the snakefolk have been purged, there might still be some who escaped. This matter requires serious attention. We need to eliminate both the domestic and foreign snakefolk to prevent endless future troubles!"

Many ministers focused their attention on the prophecy concerning the snakefolk.

Compared to Owen, this issue had more far-reaching implications. They hoped the king would prioritize dealing with it.

As a result, many ministers argued fiercely in the court.

"Your Majesty, while both Owen and the snakefolk issues are significant, they are not the most urgent matters!"

"John and Princess Marry's three-year agreement is about to expire. This is what we should discuss and prepare strategies for!"

"Exactly. Previously, the Azure Kingdom's reputation soared because of Owen. If we secretly assist John in defeating Princess Marry, we could greatly humiliate the Azure Kingdom in front of all the major kingdoms!"

Another minister spoke up, and the entire council hall was filled with noisy discussions, everyone offering their own strategies and opinions, creating a tense atmosphere.

King Kyrik, seated at the head of the table, watched the noisy ministers, feeling overwhelmed and slightly frowning.

Recently, many unexpected major events had occurred, each of great importance, and most were related to Owen and the Azure Kingdom.

This made him quite irritated.

Just as he was about to take a sip of tea to calm his nerves, a guard suddenly rushed in, half- kneeling on the ground, and said:

"Your Majesty, a secret emissary has arrived, claiming an unknown employer sent him with something that you would definitely want."

Hearing this, the previously noisy ministers immediately fell silent, all staring at the half- kneeling guard with a mix of confusion, curiosity, and caution in their eyes.

King Kyrik hesitated briefly but then nodded. The ministers' bickering was making him irritable, and if this truly was good news or something he needed, it could help ease his mood.

Seeing the king nod, the guard quickly retreated, and soon, a figure cloaked in black entered, carrying an exquisite box.

As the cloaked figure approached, an elderly man with white eyes behind King Kyrik frowned slightly, his murky eyes fixed intently on the newcomer.

He sensed a familiar and special aura emanating from the box in the cloaked figure's hands, which made him tense slightly and speak up:

"You said someone hired you to deliver this item. Who hired you?"

The sudden question from the white-eyed elder startled both King Kyrik and the other ministers. After all, this white-eyed elder was one of Kyrik's two master-tier mages.

Moreover, he was a high-level master-tier mage with unfathomable strength, who typically guarded the king and was almost like his shadow, rarely speaking.

Now, he was proactively inquiring.

Though the ministers were surprised, they respected the white-eyed elder greatly and turned their attention to the cloaked figure.

Under their gazes, the cloaked figure remained unfazed and calmly said, "The gift my employer has asked me to deliver to His Majesty is something he currently needs very much. I am not at liberty to disclose my employer's identity."

"My employer says that while Kyrik is strong, there are still many forces that need to be dealt with. His Majesty will understand once he opens the box. I will not disturb you further."

With these final words, the cloaked figure placed the box on the council table and pushed it towards King Kyrik.

As Kyrik was about to inquire about the contents, he saw the cloaked figure vanish like a wisp

of smoke.

The sudden disappearance of the cloaked figure heightened the ministers' alertness.

"Your Majesty, this person is shrouded in mystery and unwilling to disclose his employer's identity. The item he delivered might be dangerous. I suggest caution," one minister advised. However, the white-eyed elder shook his head slightly and said, "Your Majesty, the cloaked figure just now was merely a projection. The box contains no dangerous magical fluctuations and is not a trap. The sender likely possesses considerable influence."

King Kyrik nodded, then slowly opened the box, his curiosity growing stronger.

What could be inside?

What did the sender go to such lengths to deliver?

Could it be a map of the Azure Kingdom's territory, or perhaps...

As King Kyrik's interest piqued, the queen beside him also grew curious and leaned slightly to

get a look.

Their gazes met as they peered inside.

Light penetrated the box, dispelling the darkness, revealing black hair and then two faces

twisted in extreme terror.

Their pupils suddenly contracted as they recognized these familiar faces!


Prince Billy!

These were their severed heads!

In an instant, King Kyrik's scalp tingled with shock!

He had considered the possibility of many things being inside the box, but he had never

imagined it would be his own child and one of the kingdom's guardian mages, Bryan!

At that moment, the two heads felt like sharp swords piercing deeply into his heart. His heartbeat thundered, his breathing became rapid, and his eyes were filled with disbelief and


The queen, having never seen such a scene before, screamed, rolled her eyes, and fainted.

Seeing the king and queen's drastic reactions, the other ministers immediately crowded

around to look into the box.

Their pupils also shrank suddenly, feeling a sense of surreal disbelief.

Two bloody heads!

Master-tier mage Bryan and Prince Billy!

Not only had they been killed, but their heads had also been severed and sent here!

The ministers recoiled in shock, unable to believe their eyes.

Even the white-eyed elder, who had seen countless storms, had his pupils contract suddenly.

He now understood why he had sensed a familiar aura from the box.

He also noticed that between the two heads lay an Azure Kingdom emblem!


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