Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 142: Chapter142-The Horn of Counterattack

Chapter 142: Chapter142-The Horn of Counterattack

Seraphina's teeth were triangular and sharp, and although the Crimson Dragon's scales were tough, they were no match for her teeth, which pierced through its flesh in an instant.

The crushing pain made the Crimson Dragon struggle frantically, trying to escape Seraphina's bite.

But Seraphina only bit down harder, blood flowing between her teeth, the metallic scent spreading instantly, followed by the sudden sound of crunching.

In her mouth, the Crimson Dragon was treated like a delicious morsel, being slowly crushed by her teeth and swallowed whole.

The Crimson Dragon was devoured!

This scene, witnessed by the other Crimson Dragons, caused their pupils to constrict abruptly, their fierce, greedy expressions turning blank with shock.

The leading Crimson Dragon was the strongest among them, serving as their leader.

Yet, in just a single encounter, not only did it fail to pose any threat to Seraphina, it became her meal, as if it had willingly delivered itself to her mouth.

This made the others shiver with fear, their bodies trembling uncontrollably, and their forward charge came to an abrupt halt.

Since they began undertaking various missions, they had never encountered a situation like this!

On their backs, the mages riding the Crimson Dragons felt their scalps tingle and couldn't help but take a few steps back on the dragon's back.

As dragon riders, they were acutely aware of the Crimson Dragon's power. At the same tier, a Crimson Dragon was nearly invincible!

Even when facing spellbeasts and mages far stronger than them, they could rely on the dragon bloodline and speed advantage to engage in a prolonged fight.

At the very least, they could depend on their robust bodies and tenacious vitality to withstand attacks.

However, now, in just one move, the giant serpent had devoured one!

At this moment, not only were the Crimson Dragons and the mages on their backs filled with horror and fear, but Grace and the Kyrik soldiers watching from nearby were also chilled to the


Even those with diamond-tier strength among them wouldn't dare claim they could annihilate a Crimson Dragon in one strike, let alone devour it so brutally!

The sight of Seraphina swallowing the Crimson Dragon weighed heavily on their hearts, causing their breathing to slow.

And those soldiers who already believed that Seraphina was the snakefolk prophesied to destroy Kyrik were now fully convinced of this notion.

The Crimson Dragons possessed the dragon bloodline and were one of Kyrik's trump cards!

Yet Seraphina had just eaten one as a snack!

Such a fierce and terrifying giant serpent must be the snakefolk foretold in the prophecy!

In an instant, the morale of Kyrik's 200,000 assembled troops was shaken!

It seemed as though their previous efforts and sacrifices to exterminate the snakefolk for the sake of the prophecy had all been in vain.

Grace, the commanding general, immediately sensed the weakening and defeat in the army's morale.

At once, she fixed her gaze on the enormous and ferocious Seraphina, and said firmly: "Form the battle formation!"

"Today, with the strength of Kyrik's elite army, we will assist the Crimson Dragons and destroy this beast to eliminate future threats!"

As Grace's cold but resolute voice spread, the previously shaken soldiers immediately began to act, moving like a flowing black tide to form the battle formation.

Unlike fighting mages, the confrontation between two large armies relied on battle

formations and the commanding generals.

The stronger the battle formation, the more terrifying its destructive power.

The power of a battle formation, as if carrying the force of nature, could not be resisted by the strength of a single mage.

Now, the dense gathering of elite troops began to form an orderly battle formation, and the resulting power was enough to threaten even a master-tier mage!

As the magical glow rose from the soldiers below, each soldier seemed to become a faint point of light.

Though these points of light were weak, their vast numbers gathered densely together and quickly transformed into a mysterious formation, from which a massive white pillar of light shot into the sky.

Within the white pillar of light, the sixteen Crimson Dragons seemed to undergo some sort of catalysis and growth.

In an instant, their claws became sharper, their bodies larger, and crimson, blood-like flames danced on their bodies.

It was as if they had leaped from maturity to their ultimate form!

The aura and pressure emanating from them surged explosively at this moment!

If before they were only comparable to platinum-tier mages, now, with the enormous power

of Kyrik's battle formation, the sixteen Crimson Dragons temporarily possessed combat strength comparable to diamond-tier!

Seeing this, Stanley's face darkened. Such a vast battle formation's power, combined with the extraordinary bloodline of the Crimson Dragons, was not a simple one-plus-one.

The strength of the Crimson Dragons had increased at least tenfold at that moment!

"Form the battle formation!"

Seeing the unfavorable situation, Stanley shouted, calling on the soldiers of the Azure Kingdom to form a battle formation.

Although they only had about fifty thousand elite troops remaining, far fewer than Kyrik, they could still provide some support to Seraphina.

"No need for that. You and the soldiers should rest well. From now on, leave it to and


Owen suddenly spoke up, stopping Stanley.

Stanley was seriously injured, and the remaining fifty thousand elite soldiers also had injuries

to varying degrees.

The collision of battle formations was extremely brutal, especially when the numbers were so vast. One mistake could lead to disastrous consequences.

After speaking, Owen gave Stanley no chance to refuse and charged with Seraphina toward the

battle formation of Grace and the others.

Seeing this, Grace and her people all showed vicious smiles.

Although the strength Seraphina had displayed earlier was terrifying, Owen was clearly

underestimating the power of the battle formation, especially Kyrik's, which was unparalleled in its ability to enhance spellbeasts among all the kingdoms.

Owen not only refused to retreat but charged forward instead he was courting death!


"We must leave these two scourges here today!"

Grace shouted.

At once, the sixteen Crimson Dragons, whose power had soared, excitedly flapped their wings

and charged toward Owen and Seraphina!

At this moment, the sixteen Crimson Dragons were about half the size of Seraphina.

With a seemingly endless flow of mana surging through their bodies, they became extraordinarily strong, brimming with explosive power.

Their strength had increased more than tenfold, giving them unprecedented confidence.

Seraphina must die!

With a ferocious roar, sound waves rolled forward like crashing waves, causing ripples in the

air and shattering the floating clouds.

Owen's expression grew slightly serious.

As expected, the power amplification from a battle formation formed by 200,000 troops was

indeed formidable for the Crimson Dragons.

However, he wasn't truly fighting alone.

"Since you're here, why hide? It's time to get to work."

Owen suddenly looked toward a seemingly empty part of the sky beside him.

Originally empty, the area began to fill with a viscous black light as Owen spoke, and the

figure of the Fallen Angel gradually emerged.

The newly arrived Fallen Angel looked at Owen with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth,

feeling somewhat embarrassed.

He hadn't expected to be spotted by Owen right after arriving, intending to enjoy the

spectacle first.

With the appearance of the Fallen Angel, a dark, chilling wind, akin to one from the depths of

hell, suddenly permeated the air.

The Crimson Dragons, who had been ready to strike, immediately turned their wary gaze

toward it.

Their pupils contracted sharply.

From the Fallen Angel, they sensed a bloodline suppression, not as intense as Seraphina's,

but clearly from a being with a higher bloodline!

Especially the level of power emanating from the Fallen Angel was notably higher than


Is this Owen and Seraphina's reinforcements?!

Grace and the others couldn't help but rub their eyes when they saw the appearance of the

Fallen Angel, thinking they might be seeing things.

The Fallen Angel race was extremely rare and seldom ventured onto the continent.

Yet, now a Fallen Angel had appeared, seemingly having a close relationship with Owen, as if

it were his reinforcement.


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