Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 127: Chapter127-Within the Dark Tower, I Am King

Chapter 127: Chapter127-Within the Dark Tower, I Am King

In a sky shrouded in dark mist, the Fallen Angel stood like a god high above, emanating an overwhelming and domineering aura that suppressed everything, forbidding even birds to fly. Opposite the Fallen Angel, Leslie, who had been blown back, struggled to stabilize herself as ice crystals continuously formed under her feet. Her beautiful face was devoid of any color, pale and frail.

However, her eyes were filled with anger and murderous intent.

A kind of madness, not belonging to Leslie, faintly tore through the space around her, exuding a thick aura of malevolence.

This also caused Leslie's fingernails to become sharper and longer, like scimitars gleaming with cold light.

Her straight posture began to bend like a bow, resembling a beast ready to pounce.

The change in Leslie's aura was almost immediately detected by the Grand Elder, but he paid it no mind.

His hands came together in front of him, forming an ancient seal.

"Black Water Tide!"

A deep and cold voice issued from his mouth, and suddenly the sound of rushing water could be heard from all directions.

Centered on his body, waves of black tide spread out one after another, transforming the surrounding miles of sky into a swamp-like state.

The onlookers gazed upward, feeling as though the world was inverted, with black rivers flowing wantonly through the sky, the waves surging endlessly, causing a sense of mental disorientation.

Surrounded instantly by black water, a chilling and dangerous aura came rushing in.

The dual pressure from both bloodline and domain immediately locked onto Leslie, whose aura was rapidly increasing.

The pressure was as heavy as a mountain.

Even a master-tier mage of the same tier would be suppressed and affected.

However, this time, the moment these two pressures fell upon Leslie, a profound black light began to glow faintly from her.

The Dark Tower, which had previously shielded the citizens within the imperial capital, protecting them from the impact of the battle, was now summoned by Leslie, hovering above her head.

The black light cascading from the base of the Dark Tower was like a protective shield, dispelling the black tide and pressure, making it the only place within the vast swamp unaffected.

Seeing Leslie wield the mysterious Dark Tower, the Grand Elder's expression became serious.

Earlier, when the Dark Tower had blocked the aura of both him and William, he had sensed that this tower was extraordinary.

Now, with Leslie controlling it, it effortlessly neutralized the dual pressures of domain and bloodline, proving that the Dark Tower was even more remarkable than he had imagined.

The key point was the ancient aura emanating from the Dark Tower. Even for the Fallen Angel clan, which hailed from the upper realms, it was an unprecedented sight.

As the Grand Elder's expression turned solemn due to the appearance of the Dark Tower, Leslie's slender fingers made a grasping motion, seemingly resonating with the Dark Tower, which then swiftly charged towards the Grand Elder.

At this moment, the Dark Tower had contracted to a height of only ten meters. This condensation made it less grand but more refined.

As it charged towards the Grand Elder, the lowest level of the Dark Tower quivered slightly, and the black light spread like mist, quickly dispersing the black water and pressure around him, pinning him in place.

The Grand Elder frowned, feeling as if an overwhelming and terrifying aura emanated from the Dark Tower, giving him the illusion of suffocation.

Suddenly, his vision blurred, and the world seemed to turn pitch black in an instant, with the grand imperial capital vanishing from sight.

The Grand Elder was suddenly shocked to realize that he was no longer outside the imperial capital but had been transported into a mysterious space.

This space was extremely dark, filled with an ancient and decaying smell.

Even when he channeled mana into his eyes, he couldn't see anything in the darkness, as if his vision had been taken away.

He quickly spread his mind power to sense the unique space within the tower. However, as soon as his mind power expanded, he sensed a massive black shadow.

Before he could perceive it clearly, the approaching consciousness was swallowed whole! The pain and disorientation from the tearing of his mind power made the Grand Elder grimace, and even the rhythm of his wingbeats became erratic.

Meanwhile, Leslie, who had entered the lowest level of the Dark Tower alongside the Fallen Angel Grand Elder, felt completely at home here, as if she had returned to a familiar place.

She squinted, using her cat-like vertical pupils to see the Grand Elder's initial awkwardness in

this space.

She immediately gripped her spear again and charged at the Grand Elder.

This time, being inside the Dark Tower, Leslie's speed increased dramatically.

The demonic power within her boiled over, causing her hair to stand on end, elevating her combat strength to a new level.

Although the Fallen Angel Grand Elder was unfamiliar with this place, his sense of danger was exceptionally keen.

Instinctively, he infused mana into his spiked armor, causing it to writhe and grow like a sea urchin bristling with long spikes, preventing anyone from getting too close.

But Leslie was no longer the same!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Her spear swept across with unstoppable force, shattering the spikes.

The spear's cold tip: The sound of their clashes echoed, with countless sparks flying and quickly vanishing.

as she engaged in combat with the now-responsive Grand Elder.

The terrifying battle waves reverberated through the Dark Tower like a destructive torrent, but as they struck the ancient tower's walls, they were immediately absorbed and neutralized. As the battle between them intensified and reached a fever pitch, the second layer of the tower above the base began to tremble slightly, with the faint sounds of ferocious spellbeasts echoing within.

Soon after, the third layer of the tower also showed signs of instability, with similarly vicious and cruel sounds faintly emerging.

Leslie was especially sensitive to the sounds of these spellbeasts.

She knew it was time to conclude the battle quickly; otherwise, if the seals of the Dark Tower continued to break, the ferocious spellbeasts contained within would likely target her first. While the Dark Tower granted her immense power, it also burdened her with heavy shackles. The Grand Elder, though unaware of why Leslie was speeding up, could tell from her urgency that she could not sustain the Dark Tower's power for long.

This was the first bit of good news for the Fallen Angel Grand Elder inside the Dark Tower.

Under Leslie's relentless attacks, even he was struggling to keep up.

He had suffered considerable injuries, particularly his spiked armor, which Leslie had punctured with her spear until it was full of holes, nearly losing its protective effect.

He immediately shifted from offense to defense, intending to draw out the battle with Leslie and see how long she could last.

As a result, mana surged within him, and bones began to grow out of his body, covering him completely and replacing the spiked armor.

He resembled a living Asura, exuding a terrifying aura that sent chills down the spine.

Then, just as he switched to a defensive stance, a massive claw descended from above, enveloped in an unimaginable gust of air, crashing down upon him with lightning speed. The Grand Elder had not anticipated the presence of a third party within the Dark Tower. When the claw struck him, even with his bone armor for protection, he suffered broken bones

and tendons.

The shattered bone spikes pierced into his body, causing indescribable pain.

Almost simultaneously, as he was severely injured by the claw, Leslie launched her attack.

An extreme cold swept over, freezing the space around him for an instant, making his movements stiff.

Leslie thrust her spear, and the glint of cold light became dazzling, briefly dispelling the darkness inside the lower level of the Dark Tower.

The Grand Elder's face changed dramatically, but after being suddenly attacked by the claw and frozen by Leslie's Order of Ice, he was already gravely wounded.

He could only watch helplessly as the spear pierced through his body.


The sound of the spear penetrating his sacred body echoed abruptly.

The cold emanating from the spear instantly froze the bloodline and internal organs within

the Grand Elder, even covering his flapping wings with a thick layer of ice, immobilizing

them. Then, with a thought, Leslie quickly took the Grand Elder out of the increasingly unstable Dark Tower, reappearing in the sky above the imperial capital.

As Leslie and the Grand Elder of the Fallen Angel clan reemerged, the mages who had been scanning the surroundings to find them immediately focused their attention.

Seeing the Grand Elder's body pierced by a spear and frozen solid, they all gasped in shock.

What had just happened?

How had the Grand Elder, who seemed to have the advantage, ended up in such a state?!


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