Damn, I Have to Marry the Strongest Antagonist at the Start?

Chapter 117: Chapter117-The Banquet

Chapter 117: Chapter117-The Banquet

Why aren't they running?

Monroe's noble eyes showed confusion.

The arrival of two master-tier mages was a matter of absolute strength. Even within the Sun- Moon Sect, they were among the most elite!

As the saintess of the Sun-Moon Sect, she had interacted with such powerhouses.

She knew their power was unfathomable, with various methods far beyond the capabilities of ordinary mages.

Numbers meant nothing before them.

These people staying here would only die alongside Owen and Leslie.

She snorted lightly; if they wished to die here, it was none of her business, so after a cold smile, she looked at Davis, the eldest son of the Prime Minister of the Cloud Empire.

If others wished to wait here for death, let them wait.

But Davis had a special status and position, and if he died here, it would be hard to explain to the Cloud Empire and the church.

"Davis, this place is dangerous; we shouldn't stay long."

She said flatly and turned to leave.

However, after a few steps, she realized that Davis showed no sign of getting up to follow her. Instead, he seemed deep in thought, narrowing his eyes.

"Davis, what are you thinking? Stop dawdling and come quickly!"

Monroe beckoned him, looking slightly annoyed.

Previously, Davis had always been obedient and respectful toward her.

But now, for some unknown reason, he no longer listened to her commands.

As Monroe's expression began to change, Davis seemed to snap back to reality, quickly stood up, and walked over.

Seeing Davis rise, Monroe nodded approvingly, "Good, that's the Davis I know. I'll forgive your earlier rudeness for now."

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Davis said with a peculiar expression, "Who said I was going with you? I want to go to House Ravenwood."

At these words, the pride that had just appeared on Monroe's face instantly vanished, and her expression turned as dark as a pot's bottom.

She kindly reminded Davis to leave, but he was ungrateful, ignoring her goodwill and showing no regard for her dignity!

"The Duke's mansion? At a time like this, it must be under close watch. We should go there too. Although the two master-tier mages are indeed terrifying, I think Owen and Leslie must have a backup plan."

"I agree. Neither of them is easy to deal with; they have hidden cards that seem endless. As long as they don't panic this time, I believe there's an eighty to ninety percent chance they'll manage to get through it!"

After Davis spoke, others also began to get up, deciding to go with Davis to the Duke's mansion to see what was happening.

Owen and Leslie must know about this news, and everyone was curious about how they would handle the situation.

Seeing others gradually say they wanted to go to the Duke's mansion, a look of disbelief flashed across Monroe's charming and proud face.

She could see their real thoughts at a glance.

They seemed to express great confidence and respect for Owen and Leslie.

In reality, many wanted to use this to test Owen and Leslie's strengths and see if they had the guts and means to handle this.

Even more people wanted to use this opportunity to befriend Owen and Leslie.

Was it worth risking their lives at a time like this to curry favor?

Many of the prodigies clamoring to go to the Duke's mansion were indeed trying to cozy up to Owen and Leslie, as Monroe had guessed.

This time, the two master-tier mages coming was indeed a major crisis for Owen and Leslie.

But for them, it was also a great opportunity.

Previously, they had been cautious, avoiding too much contact with them during their crises, fearing being caught up in it themselves.

However, from previous experiences, it was clear that these two could not be judged by

common sense.

They all had a strong premonition that if they missed this opportunity to connect with and ingratiate themselves with Owen and Leslie, they might remain mere acquaintances in the future.

After all, their growth rate was astonishing, like two prodigies!

Seeing Davis and the others' resolute attitudes, Monroe gave them a cold look, as if she was looking at corpses, then turned and left.

Shortly after Monroe swiftly distanced herself from the capital, two terrifying auras descended upon the capital like mountains covering the entire city.

The once calm skies over the capital began to churn, the air thickened, and the mana there ignited and boiled.

To the far west, an expanse of dark clouds, like the night itself, flew rapidly toward the capital.

It was the nine Fallen Angels, their wings beating mightily!


At the Duke's mansion, led by Davis, the assembled prodigies had gathered at House Ravenwood.

Leslie, Owen, and Duke Charles valued these prodigies who came to lend their support. Even though their current strength could not help resolve the crisis, they all represented major kingdoms and top-tier powers, which made them invaluable.

Additionally, while their current strength might not be substantial, they were among the most talented individuals on the continent.

Their future potential was limitless, and they were likely to become the backbone of their respective factions, even pillars of their nations!

It was important to establish good relationships with them early on.

The prodigies, having been received by Duke Charles, Leslie, and Owen, felt they had made

the right choice coming.

They were well aware that Owen and Leslie were now at a completely different level than


If it weren't for their backgrounds and their timely show of support, they might not have been qualified to meet Owen and Leslie under normal circumstances.

Owen and Leslie had surpassed them by far, and the gap would only widen in the future.

Seizing this opportunity to show goodwill would undoubtedly yield unprecedented rewards

once Owen and Leslie reached their full potential.

Their strength and potential were evident to all!

Moreover, despite the impending arrival of two master-tier mages, Owen and Leslie

remained calm, showing no signs of panic.

Clearly, they were confident in handling the situation.

Since the two in charge were unafraid, any lingering worries in their hearts vanished.

"Owen, today Young Master Davis abandoned the Sun-Moon Sect saintess Monroe to come here personally. Such loyalty deserves three toasts!"

At the banquet, everyone was drinking and eating heartily, creating a lively atmosphere, and Andre, being cheerful and outgoing, raised a glass of red wine and teased.

Hearing this, everyone immediately joined in the fun.

"Indeed, Monroe is the saintess of the Sun-Moon Sect, and Young Master Davis refused to be

a sycophant. He's truly a role model for us!"

Amid the uproar, Davis couldn't help but chuckle, realizing these people had misunderstood


Owen could vaguely sense the mutually exploitative relationship between Davis and Monroe,

which was definitely not romantic.

However, amidst the lively atmosphere, he raised his glass and said:

"Young Master Davis has helped me a lot in the past, and today's gesture has moved me

deeply. Come, I'll drink first as a sign of respect!"

With that, he drained his glass of red wine in one go.

Although these words had a teasing tone, the information Davis previously provided about

the Chief Elder and the General was indeed crucial for Owen. Otherwise, things wouldn't have

gone so smoothly.

Owen had wanted to thank Davis in person before, but he never had the opportunity.

Seeing Owen speak so sincerely, and the atmosphere being joyful, Davis, following their

playful banter, glanced at Leslie and said:

"Others might learn from me, that brothers are like limbs and women are like clothes, but Owen should never follow my example. Miss Leslie, this unparalleled empress, is worth more

than ten thousand brothers!"


In response to Davis's sycophantic remarks, many mages gave him the finger. With Davis and Owen leading, the already lively banquet atmosphere became even more heated, filled with jokes, laughter, and merriment, reaching its peak!

Suddenly, everyone at the banquet felt two overwhelming pressures descending rapidly upon


In an instant, it felt as if a heavy stone pressed down on everyone's hearts, and the cheerful atmosphere plummeted to freezing.

At that moment, everyone knew that the two master-tier mages had arrived!


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