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7 months ago
In his previous life, Mu Yixi, an illegitimate child, was taken back to the Mu family by Mrs Mu.... Read more In his previous life, Mu Yixi, an illegitimate child, was taken back to the Mu family by Mrs Mu. Doing everything possible to deceive her and break her trust, he caused Mu family to shatter into pieces. But in this life, he is truly sincere about being a family.He loves Mrs. Mu like his real mother, his two half-siblings are his pride and joy and while he still doesn’t like his father, he will not let him die like in his last life.As Mu Yixi begins this new life, he gets to go to do the things wealthy people would do, unlike in his past. A vacation in France, all the pastries, clothes, and toys he’d want. He began to live a wealthy life filled with familial love. Collapse Adopted Children, Businessmen, Child Abuse, Child Protagonist, Childcare, Childhood Friends, Cold Love Interests, Complex Family Relationships, Cousins, Cunning Protagonist, Doting Older Siblings, Familial Love, Family Business, Family Conflict, Kidnappings, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Manipulative Characters, Modern Day, Multiple Reincarnated Individuals, Psychopaths, Second Chance, Seme Protagonist, Siblings, Smart Couple, Tragic Past, Wealthy Characters Holy dragon... Its BL novel.... I didn't even notice until around chapter 21 when i see tl note, it's weird how MY interact with FW, I thought FW was girls at first, but... It was a good read not really heavily based on the two characters ml and Mc in my opinion. Mainly focused on Mc having some weird paranoia about protecting his “family” and loving half of his life just doing everything for them which can get a bit annoying. Been a while since I read this but I kept a good impression of it. The development of the side characters is not as good as the mc's but I wouldn't say that I don't care about them.I must warn everyone who wants to give it a try, there is a big drama between mc and ml in the middle of it causing my heart to break in two and I wanted to drop this novel and insult the author for writing this. However I forged my heart and kept going. That is what I recommend for those who reached this stage because the following deserves it. I won't say more to avoid spoilers.