Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 41: Untitled

Chapter 41: Untitled

On a black and hot hill, two demons were fighting fiercely.

One of them had a big head with demon horns protruding straight and sharp. It was good at attacking through collision. The other demon had strong hind legs and was good at jumping. Both of them were preying on each other, their eyes bloodshot. Their surroundings were now a great mess.

The battle did not take long to reach a conclusion. The demon that was good at jumping found an opportune moment to pierce his fangs through the neck of the big-headed demon, landing a fatal blow.

Purple blood oozed out, and the victorious demon stepped on his enemy’s corpse and howled wildly.

Just when he lowered his head to enjoy his spoils, a black shadow shot at him from behind. This demon that was good at jumping was shocked. He turned and tried to escape, but that black shadow pounced on him and bit his hind legs directly.

The demon only managed to look at the predator at this point. It was a three-headed hellhound. This hellhound was still small, but the bites of its three heads were rather startling. After being bitten, the demon kicked his hind legs desperately, wanting to throw the little hellhound down. But no matter how he struggled, the hellhound did not loosen its grip. It just swayed around in the air.

This demon picked up a stone from the ground and smashed it at the hellhound, but the hellhound chose this moment to loosen its grip. The little demon could not stop his attack in time and actually smashed his own foot with the stone.

The demon roared angrily and grabbed at the hellhound, wanting to tear this thing in half. However, one of the heads actually breathed a blast of cold air before his hand could reach, nearly freezing his hand.

After breathing out the cold air, the hellhound jumped, moved to the other side of the demon, and all three heads bit the demon.

The demon screamed in pain and tried to jump out of the battlefield, but a sense of paralysis crept up the first bitten leg, making it so stiff that he fell to the ground.

Seeing the demon falling to the ground, the hellhound rushed up excitedly, but it was careless this time. The demon rolled on the ground and punched the hellhound coming at him. The hellhound wailed as it flew out from the impact.

It was not injured, but it hurt! The hellhound stood up and whimpered aggrievedly.

Answering its sobs, a voice came from above. “Okay, okay. Fat Tiger, you’ve done well!”

The wounded demon stiffened and looked up into the sky only to see a bigger demon flapping his wings and descending. He immediately realized that he would not be able to get away.

It was Roy. Fat Tiger wagged his tail after he landed, rubbing himself against Roy’s legs.

In the past few days, Roy had been taking Fat Tiger out hunting to train his battle skills. Fat Tiger was indeed a hellhound. He battled fearlessly, rushing up without hesitation even if the demon or monster was bigger than him. However, he was in his infancy and could not yet complete a kill alone many times.

Even so, Fat Tiger’s auxiliary combat skills were remarkable. He was a qualified hound.

Roy squatted and caressed Fat Tiger’s head as a compliment. He then walked up to that injured demon, grabbed his hind legs, and smashed him into the ground twice, immediately killing him.

Together with that big-headed demon not far away, Roy obtained two prey. Roy stored one of their souls and gave the other to Fat Tiger.

This was what Roy had discovered when he was training Fat Tiger recently. He might be a custom-made creature, but he was not a demon. However, perhaps because Fat Tiger was created by a soul, he could actually devour souls like a demon. Moreover, he would grow bigger every time he did that.

Fat Tiger was no longer a puppy with a size of ten centimeters. He had now grown to about forty centimeters, and his muscles were growing stronger as well. He had some might fighting and biting. His speed was increasing, but... he still looked chubby!

While Fat Tiger swallowed the soul, Roy collected some burnt black wood, piled them together, and called out to Fat Tiger.

Fat Tiger came running. One of his mouths opened and breathed fire onto the wood, lighting a fire immediately. Roy used this fire to start roasting meat.

Ever since he had Fat Tiger, Roy had been eating cooked food whenever he wanted. It was an accidental windfall. Previously, he had to go to the magma river to obtain a spark, but Fat Tiger was a portable lighter that he only needed to call.

Roy distributed some of the roasted demon meat to Fat Tiger. Fat Tiger’s three heads looked at Roy and barked their three different voices of aw, woo, and woof in unison to express his gratitude before starting the meal.

Roy estimated that Fat Tiger would not need too long to reach the size that he initially set for him if Fat Tiger ate food and souls everyday like how he was doing now.

Roy’s psychological goal for Fat Tiger was to be a fighting pet. After Fat Tiger mastered some fighting skills, Roy was toying with the idea of having Fat Tiger fight alongside him.

It was rare to see a demon and a dog collaborating in the upper level of the Abyss because demons usually operated individually and did not trust other demons at all. It was foreseeable that the demons Roy and Fat Tiger would encounter in the future were going to be really unlucky...

During these past few days, Roy had been training Fat Tiger, but he had not stopped exploring. He had abandoned the nest he had found previously and was already far from it.

The upper Abyss was vast, and Roy’s exploration was very different from the other low-rank demons. Powerful demons usually drew an area and designated it as their territory. They would prey and hunt in their territories and would not move unless expelled by stronger demons.

Roy’s exploration often led him into the territories of other demons, and he would come under their attacks. However, Roy was no longer worried since he had the Bloodlust skill and Fat Tiger aiding him. Throughout his journey, he had killed all the demons that initiated fights, including some powerful top low-rank demons.

Roy was now almost unmatched among low-rank demons, and he would not need to detour unless he encountered an oversized opponent...

During his continuous exploration and advancement, Roy was naturally rewarded. He had found three places with altars of the Gate of the Abyss magic formation. Different from what Roy imagined, these altars were not necessarily found in extinct volcanoes. Some of them were in the open field.

The three altars that he found undoubtedly covered a large area nearby. As long as there was an altar, the demons and monsters nearby would run to it from time to time, and then they would pass through the Gate of the Abyss.

Although he did not know who built the altars, Roy guessed that their real role was not merely to let demons go to other worlds. A bigger possibility was that they were designed for battle. These altars were like base station signal towers. As long as they sent out a signal, the nearby demons would receive it...

In addition to the altars, Roy had covered thousands of kilometers in this upper Abyss. Up until now, he had not encountered a single middle-rank demon, baffling Roy. Could the middle-rank demons living in the lower levels of the Abyss not be bothered to come up, or is there something that prevents them from coming up at all?


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