Cultivator's Slice of Life: Spiritual Farming System

Chapter 13 - 13: Cultivator’s Hidden Lair

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Cultivator's Hidden Lair

The idea of dying was not something I was fond of. I had recently arrived in that new world, and dying like that after getting a farm, meeting Big T, Big F, and Wan Yu. It sucked.

My mind raced, trying to find ways to escape that situation with my life, but there was nothing I could do. I didn't know any other martial arts capable of defeating Kang Duyi, who had become significantly more powerful.


Just as I was about to give up, something strange happened to Kang Duyi! He retreated a few steps after delivering his initial attack and started screaming in clear agony.

"No! No! No!"

His body began to contort, and his bones cracked. It seemed like his body was rejecting the lady's cultivation, or something had gone horribly wrong with his technique.

Then, out of nowhere, Kang Duyi's body exploded in a gruesome display. Blood, organs, and tissues were scattered throughout the room, turning it into a scene straight out of hell.

I placed my right hand on my stomach, where his attack had landed. The loss of blood was a serious concern, and even though the fight was over, my chances of survival were slim.

My only refuge was my farm, the place I could call home. After killing the lady and witnessing Kang Duyi's demise, I made my way towards it. It wasn't close to the cabin, and with each passing second, my energy drained further, making the journey even more challenging.

But I couldn't give up, not before bidding farewell to Big T and Big F. Wan Yu's face flashed through my mind, and perhaps she was right. We would never see each other again.

As my eyes met the sight of the crops, a sense of peace washed over me, momentarily relieving the pain. I was home. Big T was leaping around near the well.

"My dear friend... Our time together was cut short, but you can still live here even after I'm gone," I whispered to him, gently caressing his head.

While I accepted my impending death, feeling my energy wane and my face grow pale, Big T had a different plan in mind. He looked at me, then directed his gaze towards the well, jumping and croaking.

"What's going on with the well?" I inquired.

He continued his repetitive motions, jumping and fixating his gaze on the well, accompanied by his croaks.

"Do you want me to go inside? Well, I don't have much to lose. I still have enough strength to climb back up if needed," I murmured.

Following Big T's instructions, I used a rope to lower myself into the well. I had always wondered why this particular well was larger than the others, more spacious, as if it was built for a person to fit inside. And when I reached the bottom, I understood why.

There was water, as expected, but there was also a door. It wasn't supposed to be there!

The first thought that crossed my mind was that I resembled the protagonists of the cultivation novels I had read, stumbling upon a hidden realm, a heavenly sanctuary brimming with treasures. It felt cliché, but it was the only logical explanation for the door that stood before me.

Big T followed suit, leaping into the well and perching on my shoulder. His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he fixed his gaze on the door. With my injuries limiting my options, exploring this mysterious place held the potential for salvation. And so, I made the decision to push open the door, eager to uncover what lay beyond.

Curiosity flooded my mind as I stepped into the room. It was impeccably clean, with a meditation rug, a bed, and a few essential items. Absent were the typical amenities of a bathroom or kitchen, leading me to speculate that the previous cultivator who inhabited this place had little need for such conveniences.

Powerful cultivators possessed the ability to sustain themselves for extended periods without food or restrooms, although they still indulged in these activities for their own comfort. My attention was drawn to a bookshelf adjacent to the bed, adorned with numerous scrolls and notes. The collection piqued my curiosity, but I reminded myself of my current priorities—primarily, to heal my injuries. But how?

Once again, Big T's croaking caught my attention, his gaze fixated on a tranquil water pond situated on the opposite side of the room. Even as a weak cultivator, I could sense the extraordinary nature of the water contained within.

"Could this be a spiritual spring?" I mused, the possibilities swirling in my mind.

Fortune seemed to favor me in that moment. Hoping it was a stroke of luck, I approached the water pond, shedding my bloodied robes and exposing my skin. Tentatively, I dipped my fingers into the warm water, immediately experiencing a delightful sensation that traversed my entire body, tempting me to submerge myself completely.

Should I take the risk? I pondered. What if it was a trap, and the water held some hidden danger? However, with my life rapidly slipping away, I knew I had no choice but to seize this opportunity. With a leap of faith, I immersed myself in the water, and to my astonishment, the pain subsided, and my wounds began healing at an accelerated rate.

"This is undeniably a spiritual spring!" I exclaimed, marveling at its miraculous properties. Assuming a cross-legged position, I devoted my full focus to healing, entering a deep state of meditation. The concept of time became distorted in my mind, and with my eyes shut, countless hours elapsed before I finally opened them once more.

The once life-threatening wound on my torso had completely vanished, leaving behind only a faint mark that would likely fade with time. Big.T patiently awaited me near the water's edge, and the first thing I did upon emerging was embrace him tightly.

"You saved me, Big.T. I will never forget this, my dear friend," I expressed, my words unable to fully convey the depth of my gratitude. Yet, the way Big.T gazed back at me assured me that we shared an unspoken understanding.

Feeling rejuvenated and strengthened, I turned my attention to the bookshelf adorned with scrolls and notes. My fingers delicately examined the worn paper of a small note, its age evident.

"The villagers in Riverside perceive me as a mere ordinary cultivator, oblivious to my secluded meditation where I draw closer to entering a new realm! I will likely put this place up for sale, hoping it finds a fortunate cultivator," the note revealed.

"So, this place did belong to a powerful cultivator. I wonder who he is or what realm he has reached. Regardless, let's search for some techniques!" I muttered, surveying the assortment of scrolls on the shelf.

One scroll, in particular, caught my attention. Its ancient appearance hinted at its significance, aligning with my knowledge from cultivation novels. An ancient-looking scroll was often a treasure trove of valuable information.

Without hesitation, I grasped the scroll and carefully unfurled it. The first words I encountered sent a shiver of excitement coursing through my body.

"Spiritual Soul Fusion!"


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