Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 86: Come At Me If You Dare!

Chapter 86: Come At Me If You Dare!

The whole Arena exploded with rage and fury!

“HUUH!? What did you say?”

“I will fucking kill him! Tear him into pieces and burn his corpse away!”

“To save some time? Came at me once?! Just who the fuck he thinks he is!?”

“That’s it! I want to fight right now! I challenge him! I demand a challenge right now!”

“Me too!”

“Count me in!”

People after people stood up from their seats with thick veins bulging out of their necks and walked down to the very front row ready to jump at any given moment.

Right now, if killing with only a single stare would have been possible Khal’s body would have been sliced into thousands if not into millions of pieces!

Among the vulgar and deafening curses, akin to wild animals in the wilderness, Nate, Liza, Lyra and the guy next to her stared at Khal with eyes like they just saw a ghost; they were dumbfounded beyond talking or utter a single word!

This guy before them, who was just only on the mere Second Cultivation Stage stated before hundreds of Cultivators if they wanted to fight him feel free he accepts it! And what’s more, he said he will fight all of them at once just not to waste time! This declaration was similar to throwing oil onto burning fire in a forest! A complete suicidal move!

Only a calamity could result out of this nothing else for sure!

“Khal… Does he have a death wish this much?” asked Nate from Liza, his eyes showing both confusion and shock.

“I… Don’t know…” out of all the people she knew, Khal was the one she understood the most. He was kind, caring, but if he wanted to he could become aggressive and quarrelsome too. The latter two were especially true after the incident that happened years ago but luckily after the Ceremony those traits of his lessened with each passing day. However, he was never arrogant nor did he decide about things on an impulse; he always thought about the consequences and only began something if he was at least 99% sure to succeed.

Naturally, only 99% because nothing could become perfect and flawless and Liza knew this too.

So watching Khal declare such a statement before hundreds of Cultivators that each had bigger pride than mountains, was something she would have never thought she would hear from him.

“Let’s see how you will get out of this…” murmured in a low tone Jane on the too, her eyes gleaming with great anticipation.

Logan on the side however didn’t look anticipated nor shocked by Khal, but just simply crossed his arms before his chest and knitted his brows together, “You sure about this?”

“Yes, and to show you how determined I am, I will put my key on the line! Whoever beats me first will get the right to hold Blade Mountain!”


The words that Khal said made the crowd even angrier than ever; for them, what Khal just said now held not mountain solid determination, but heaven-defying arrogance! It was like Khal looked down on them, thinking he could beat each of them at the same time with only his low Second Stage power! It felt like he threw salt right at their faces with that single proclamation!

For them, this was a sin! An unforgivable sin!

“You sure? Last chance to change your mind,” warned Khal Logan with a questioning look, but deep inside in his heart, he already knew that Khal could not escape from this situation even if he stepped back now. Things escalated to such heights that if not now, in the near future Khal will definitely find himself in dire situations.

“As sure as the sun will rise from the east and fall on the west. I was never so sure about something like this in my entire life!” replied Khal, his eyes shining with rock-solid determination.

“…” Logan pondered for a while as he examined Khal’s expression but could only sigh and nod, “Sure, let it be as you want.”

Immediately after he said that he glanced at Connor on the side and with an apologetic look, smiled wryly.

“Haha, don’t worry about it at all. I’m already here so it’s only natural for me to help.” laughed Connor merrily as he understood what Logan wanted, but because his black sunglass was before his eyes, it was unknown what his real thoughts truly were.

“Well then… If there are no objections at all,” said Khal and waved his hand.


With a blinding light, just like how it was a few moments ago, Khal’s key flew high up into the air and with a dim white light floated there gently. And at the same time as this happened, all the people who wanted to beat Khal up so much, jumped onto the platform and stood still next to each other with anger plastered all over their faces; obviously, even they didn’t dare to go in and attack Khal without the teachers signal!

“Everyone knows the rules already so ready up!” said Khal, making all the 100+ Cultivators on one side to took up all kinds of stances, while the spectators on the seats leaned forward to get a better look.

Right now, what was about to happen never occurred ever in the past!

One guy against a hundred! This was madness!

“What do you think, who will win?” a guy that didn’t look older than 17, glanced at Alde on his side and asked.

“Ha! What question is that? Can’t you see properly? Are you blind as that girl? Even though more than half out of the hundred are still on the Second Cultivation Stage, there a few with a presence on the Third and even the Fourth Cultivation Stage! Let alone him, even if there were hundreds of him he would fail miserably! I would be surprised if he could leave even a single bone intact after this!” with apparent disdain on his face, Alde replied with a loud snort as he leaned back, showing his imposing figure to the guy on his side.

“I know, but still…” wondered the guy out aloud and started to tap his fingers on his side, “Don’t you think it’s strange?”

“Strange what?” asked Alde with furrowed brows as he tilted his eyes slightly at the guy.

“I mean, don’t you think it’s strange he acts this way? He could have simply stayed silent and let everyone laugh their heads off after what happened. Yet, he not only stood up instead for that girl but even ignited everyone’s hate present even though he knew there were others much stronger than him in Cultivation Stage. He brought a complete calamity onto his head for no sole reason!”

As Alde listened to this line of thinking, he stayed silent for a while but still snorted, and with loathing, in his voice, he said, “I would not call it as strange, but instead as simple foolishness! And considering that the one who did all of this was him, I am not surprised even a bit!”

As the close to hundred Cultivators stood still ready at any given moment, Khal raised his palm before him and slowly, a smugful grin emerged on his face, “Come at me if you dare!”


And just as his voice fell…



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