Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 7: Moon City

Chapter 7: Moon City

After changing his old clothes into new ones, brushing his teeth, and washing his body slightly, Khal picked up the envelope from the desk and walked down into the hall, where Miss Mary and Liza were waiting for him.

“Finally! I thought you would never come!”, said Liza with a somewhat impatient expression.

Miss Mary on the side hearing Liza like that could just smile and say, “There is no reason to be in such a hurry, sweety. The Ceremony will only begin two hours later. Moon City is only 30 minutes from here, so we are perfectly on time.”

“I know, but still… I just wanted to see what has changed since then in Moon City even if it’s just for a few seconds more.”, answered Liza with a slight pout, knowing that she has gotten a bit excited for no reason.

Seeing her like that, Miss Mary chuckled and said, “I see, so that’s why. Then let’s go. Khal? Did you bring your envelope? It wouldn’t be great if you forget it here.”

“Yes.”, said Khal and waved the envelope in his hand gently.

“Perfect. Then let’s get going.”, said Miss Mary and walked out of the building with Liza and Khal following her closely from behind.


Moon City.

A place where life could be visibly felt, no matter where you looked at.

Thousands of people were energetically going here and there, exiting and entering buildings one after another, each of them busily dealing with their own business.

Each building was made out of high-quality bricks, while each was dyed with different colored paints, giving the whole area a kind of cheering atmosphere.

On the streets, small stalls could be seen standing next to each other, selling different kinds of meats, fruits, or objects to people.

And exactly somewhere in the middle of this buzzing city’s streets, Khal was walking closely next to Liza and Miss Mary while he looked around with awe.

“Woah… Not as advanced as the world where I lived, but it is still amazing. Especially the people’s appearance around here.”

As Khal walked, he saw as different types of people passed by him, each wearing sharp weapons or strange-looking clothing on them, that were very similar to those characters from novels from his past life.

There were even a few who didn’t wear anything at all, but just a single short, flexing their insane amount of muscles on their body to everyone around.

“Just like in a fantasy novel…”, said Khal quietly and turned his head to the other side.

There, what he could see were several shops with different intriguing-looking things, standing next to each other behind the windows.

Some sold weapons, some potions, and some traded clothing, however, there was a single shop that Khal couldn’t figure out what it was selling.

“What are they?”, asked Khal with curiosity as he pointed at one of the shops on the side, which had strange-looking objects behind its window.

Miss Mary hearing the question turned her head where Khal pointed and looked at the shop.

But when she saw the ancient-looking items, Miss Mary just waved her hand and said, “Those are Antiquity or you can call them Artifacts. Except for their core which is used as jewelry because of their jade-like and colorful appearance, they are totally useless.”

“So they are artifacts… I see…”, said Khal and losing his interest, he averted his gaze from the shop.

Time has passed relatively fast and after walking for almost 15 minutes, Miss Mary suddenly stopped and said, “We have finally arrived. Welcome to the Realm Pillar!”

As Khal heard this, he raised his head, but the moment he saw the building before him, his jaw opened slightly.


Before Khal, a massive building made out of white jade and with a height that pierced the clouds above could be seen.

However, this wasn’t the only reason why he was so stunned. The other reason why he was so shocked was that the moment he walked on the street or outside the city, he couldn’t see this enormous pillar at all! It was like it has popped out of nowhere, which was insanely startling.

Just imagine walking on the street and suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge castle appears. What would your reaction be? Well, not a boring-looking face that was for sure.

After taking in the breathtaking sight, Miss Mary turned around revealing a bleaming wide smile, and said, “From here on, you are on your own. Unfortunately, I can’t go inside there because I need a few things to take care of, so I will wait for you outside here as soon as I have finished with my work. I wish great luck for the both of you!”

“Thank you, Miss Mary! Khal, let’s go. The Ceremony will start soon.”, said Liza with an excited grin and grabbed Khal by his wrist.

Without waiting for him to respond, Liza started to drag him toward the entrance at the bottom of the pillar, leaving the smiling Miss Mary behind their backs.

Miss Mary waved her hand with a gentle smile on her face, but the moment the two kids walked into the building, her smile vanished, and looked toward the sky with a worried expression.

“Please, Lord… Bless them with a great Cultivation Talent.”


Inside the Realm Pillar, Liza and Khal were looking around with quite a curiosity.

Just like the exterior, the sight inside was just as breathtaking.

While the walls were made out of the white jade-like material, the floor was made out of ash black marble. However, the most dazzling sight that Khal noticed was in the middle of the huge hall.

In the middle, a circular lake with a small island in its middle could be seen. The lake was surrounded by colorful trees and bushes, while a single, curvy wooden bridge was the only connection between the island and the hall above the lake.

In the middle of that isle, Khal noticed that in the middle of the circular-shaped altar, a huge white rock could be seen, which he realized instantly.

“So that should be the legendary Destiny Stone.”, said Khal a bit loudly than he should have, as he looked at the stone.

“Exactly. Legends said that the moment your name has been carved on it your destiny will be set for all eternity. As for what kind of destiny, no one knows it truly.”

Hearing the unfamiliar voice from the side, both Liza and Khal turned their heads and looked at the boy before them.

It was a boy with blonde hair and a charming facial expression, smiling back at them as calmly as a holy being.


The boy seeing the two’s slight frown, laughed suddenly and said, “Ah, sorry. How rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself.”

With that, the boy put his right palm onto his chest’s left side, and with a slight bow, he said, “My name is Nathan Wilster from the Wilster Family. I am pleased to meet both of you.”


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