Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 43: Choose a Weapon

Please read Author’s notes at the end of Chap!

Thank you!:)


Entering his room through the opened space, Khal walked into the cave and sat down in the middle.

[Notify! A dense amount of Essence Particles has been detected in the environment!]

Instantly as he heard the familiar voice and sentence in his head once again, Khal stopped himself from lying down and raised his eyebrow.

“Now that I think about it, Jas told that in this place, cultivating one’s Talent was twice or thrice as fast as normally. Then sleeping here wouldn’t be a waste of resource and time?”

As he thought about it, Khal nodded and said, “It really would be.”

Quickly, Khal sat up into a lotus-like position, and after closing his eyes, he activated his Talent.

As he did, gentle blue light lit up in his bracelet, while his eyes and sight underwent great changes almost instantly.

Even though he has closed his eyes tightly shut, he was able to see his surroundings as clear as day.

And what was even greater, that Khal was able to see tiny particles around him, flying gently in the air here and there like snowflakes.

Before, he wasn’t able to see them, but now that he was using his Heaven’s Eyes, he was finally able to see these so-called Essence Particles.

“So by consuming them, my Talent should be able to become stronger right? But how should I start consuming them?”, thought Khal, as this was his very first time doing such a thing.

Not knowing what the best choice would be, Khal decided to just simply concentrate on the Essence Particles around him, maybe that will work.

And to his surprise, it really worked. The moment he concentrated on his surroundings, the particles in the air moved and automatically got consumed into his body.

“Just like this?”, thought Khal and continued to consume the Essence into his body.

But to his surprise, as he did, he felt like the moment the Essence entered his body, it didn’t remain in his body but started to flow into his right arm, straight into the Power Core in his bracelet.

He could clearly feel as the bracelet sucked the consumed Essence from his body, right into the small pebble in the middle of the iron bracelet.

But to tell the truth, it was not a shock at all. Because Khal had no Talent, to begin with, it was only natural for the consumed Essence, which strengthened the Talent, to flow into the Power Core.

[Notify! ‘Power Core’ Heaven’s Eyes has consumed 1 Essence!]


As Khal was consuming the Essence Particles in silence, suddenly the voice appeared in his head once again, turning Khal’s expression a bit surprised.

“I have consumed 1 Essence already even though I have only just started?”, thought Khal with awe.

However, his surprise soonly turned into confusion, because even after waiting for half an hour, he didn’t hear the voice again.

Just only after waiting for close to an hour in silence while consuming the Essence did the voice appear in his head once again.

[Notify! ‘Power Core’ Heaven’s Eyes has consumed 1 Essence!]

“I wonder if I can only consume 1 Essence every one hour or the time is entirely random.”, thought Khal with curiosity and waited.

However, he didn’t need to wait for long enough, because only after 10 minutes of cultivating in silence, the voice appeared in his head again.

[Notify! ‘Power Core’ Heaven’s Eyes has consumed 1 Essence!]

“I see. So the time is random. Then it will all depend on my luck.”, thought Khal and without thinking about anything else, started to concentrate on his cultivation.

Time flew by unnoticed, and after more than 10 hours of continuous cultivation without rest, Khal finally opened his eyes slowly.

As he did, his sky blue eyes shone brightly in the dark cave, giving off a chilling aura, especially with the crimson red slit in the middle of his eyes.

“This place is not so bad.”, thought Khal calmly and deactivated his Talent.

Altogether with the first 3 Essence, in the beginning, he was able to consume 16 Essence so far, which could be considered as quite a good amount.

Others on the same Cultivation Stage as him gave their very own blood and sweat just to get a few Beast Essence from creatures, so 16 was an extremely decent amount.

Especially with the fact that he did nothing but sat in one place without risking his life against any creature.

However, what surprised Khal the most was not that he was able to consume 16 Essence simply under half a day, but the fact that he felt energized.

He felt like he has slept for several days in a row, making his body feel full of strength and vigor once again.

“So not only I can consume Essence without killing any creature, but even my body gets erased from exhaustion. Great!”, thought Khal happily and stood up.

As for why did he stop cultivating only after consuming 16 Essence? The reason was because of a very simple reason.

He became hungry.

So far, since the moment he entered Moon Academy he wasn’t able to eat a single thing and it seemed after he cultivated, his hunger became greater.

“While my exhaustion fades away, my appetite arises after cultivation. Good to know.”, said Khal quietly, and with the help of his key, he left his ‘room’.

And just as he thought, the moment he stepped through the split space, Khal found himself back in the library where he was yesterday.

The only difference however that this time there were more students than yesterday, and everyone looked at Khal like some kind of ghost.

All of them looked at him like that because of the fact he popped out of a split space in the middle of a library, while wearing a uniform that was different than theirs.

But Khal didn’t really care about others, because right now he had a bigger problem.

“I’m starving. I need to find food as soon as possible.”, pondered Khal as he walked toward the exit, ignoring the few staring gazes on his skin.

However, just before he could have reached the library’s entrance, suddenly a hand got placed on his shoulder, making him to snap his head to the side instantly.

“Finally! I thought you will never come out!”

Seeing as the one who talked to him so casually was his teacher, Khal sighed and wanted to say something, but was stopped by Logan.

“Don’t say a single word. It’s almost afternoon, so let’s hurry. We have loads of things to do!”, said Logan with a grin and placed his other hand on Khal’s shoulder.

Khal feeling that Logan was about to do something, wished to tell him he wanted to eat first, but he didn’t have the chance.

Almost instantly as the other hand had been placed onto his other shoulder, Khal felt a strange power engulf his whole body, and soon enough the whole scenery around him changed.

“Where are we?”, asked Khal, knowing that telling Logan what he wanted to say was completely meaningless now.

Instead, he looked at his proximity, only to find himself in a room, full of weapons and armors.

“As I said, we will begin your cultivation today, but before we start to hunt creatures, we need to find you the perfect weapon.”

The moment Khal heard this, he realized instantly what his teacher talked about.

In this world, one could only become strong if one consumed Beast Essence.

And how could one obtain Beast Essence? They needed to kill creatures in the wilderness and consume their Essence.

It was just that simple.

Naturally, saying it was way more easier than doing it because if one wasn’t careful enough, one could die even due to a First Stage Beast’s attack.

Especially Khal. He, who had a Talent that was only useful for scouting and scanning his surroundings, didn’t help him in anything at all.

And that was why Logan thought about finding a weapon for Khal first before going to hunt for creatures in the wilderness.

If they would have entered the wild nature without any weapon, Khal would have ended up dying in seconds that was for sure.

But like this, he will have at least a slight chance to protect himself from fatal assaults, if he can’t kill the creature.

“Well then, as you can see, these are all powerful weapons from great blacksmiths from Moon City.”, said Logan and glanced at Khal, only to see his disciple looking around with awe.

Seeing his reaction, Logan smiled instantly and said, “You can choose one weapon from here freely. It can be even an armor too if you want.”

Khal however couldn’t really react to what Logan said, because suddenly, a sentence he has never heard before, appeared in his head.

[Notify! ‘Ember Core’ has been found!]


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