Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 218 – Goodbye and Dragon Girl

Chapter 218 – Goodbye and Dragon Girl

Yanqi laid on her stomach with a conflicted expression.

Aiko was smiling happily since her Massage Tool worked quite well and didn't immediately break after contact with Chen Shi's back.

Aiko sat on the Bird Lady's butt startling her.

"I'm small." Aiko replied to the startled Bird Lady.

Yanqi stared towards Chen Shi.

"His back smelled and wiggled too much." Aiko shrugged and Chen Shi glared towards her with a completely red face.

Aiko ignored him like always and started her Massage Tool. She would finish the Bird Lady in a flash and give the gift to Lady Liu.

This would allow her to leave this place before another wave of undead assassins came or whatever next disaster might occur.

Aiko was... exhausted from that last encounter, not the one with the smelly guy, but the previous one.

Undead soldiers that were hard to kill were not fun to fight against.

They would just stand up again and again.

Aiko placed the Massage Tool on the Bird Lady and a cute squeak escaped her lips.

Aiko thought that she was hurt, but considering that she soon melted into a puddle, moaning even more than the Blood Fox...

Aiko gazed towards Lady Liu, she was conflicted about this thing.

"Continue, continue." Lady Liu nudged Aiko. She was enjoying the fact that Yanqi was at someone else's mercy.

She also enjoyed the fact that Yanqi melted. Lady Liu absolutely liked that gift and would definitely put it to good use.

Lady Liu was completely convinced of the innocence of Aiko, but at the same time, she would let Yanqi eat her attitude.

Who would give a sex toy to such a cute, small Fox? It's enough that they are already so corrupted, to begin with, they don't need even more corruption!

Is what Lady Liu believed, but naturally, she would not voice this out loud, since Yanqi wouldn't learn her ways otherwise.

"Is that enough?" Aiko asked Lady Liu, under her the moaning Bird Lady almost passed out.

"It's a wonderful gift." Lady Liu nodded gently. She could barely see a very naughty strap of underwear, which made her smile.

"Okay." Aiko smiled, knowing that her gift was accepted.

She presented her gift to Lady Liu and she took it.

"This is how you control it." Aiko described and explained its functions and everything around it.

"He can maintain it if it breaks." Aiko pointed at Chen Shi since he was also an Inscription Cultivator.

Lady Liu nodded gently as this was very easy to use. Most Inscription Cultivators would make it clunky so it's hard to use without Qi, but that was not the case for Aiko.

Lady Liu was happy that Aiko didn't walk on that path, as it would make it easier for everyone if things were simpler.

"Take care when you leave this place." Lady Liu caressed Aiko's head, watching her ears twitch happily.

"I will." Aiko nodded again. She got some samples of the teeth, she also stole a sword back from Chen Shi when he was not looking and her team also borrowed one body of the immortal assassins for further study.

They had everything they needed and could leave at a moment's notice.

Lady Liu hugged Aiko, which startled her. She would usually have a very hands-off approach to everything and only pet or at best, kiss them in the cheeks.

This was a great surprise to Aiko, but she didn't move and enjoyed this unknown sensation.

Lady Liu nodded at Aiko's team.

"I will visit you one day." Lady Liu smiled and her own duo pursed their lips.

They fruitlessly looked for a fix that would allow Lady Liu to live, but so far it was...

Aiko nodded happily. "Okay, I will welcome you to my home~" Aiko giggled, who knows where she would be in a few years' time? She would be definitely looking forward to the visit.

Aiko walked to her team and they chatted with Lady Liu for another day before leaving.

"Alright." Aiko nodded when they entered the city. "Let's shop a bit before we leave."

Her team pursed their lips. Another disaster was coming, but since they would leave right after, they wouldn't need to deal with the aftermath.

They were somewhat concerned, but also happy.

Concerned that someone will get messed up again, but happy that Aiko is back to her usual self.

Moreover, they were concerned that Aiko would have some marks on her after that fight with the assassins, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Aiko hummed to herself and walked around without any real goal.

She bumped into an elderly guy.

"If it isn't the Young Miss." He smiled.

Aiko immediately remembered him as the guy who stood up for her when she was inside the Herb Garden.

Aiko nodded slightly.

He smiled even more and asked gently. "What are you looking for?"

"Just walking around trying to find something fun." Aiko answered.

"You mean to cause trouble?" He laughed.

"No way!" Aiko was taken aback. "I'm always nice to everyone!" She proclaimed with conviction.

"En." He laughed.

"The Little Dragon was looking for you, you should visit her." He smiled one last time before pointing at the Inn far away.

"Thank you." Aiko curtsy bowed and ran towards the direction.

She was curious about the Dragon that was looking for her. Was it that strange girl from the shop? Or someone else? She didn't know, but she would find out.

Aiko entered the Inn, but since it was during peak hours, nobody noticed her.

She walked through the Inn looking for the Dragon Girl.

"Senior Sister, the Elder won't be happy with you."

Aiko perked her ears as she heard a feminine, haughty voice from somewhere.

Aiko trailed that voice into a small courtyard. Her team was likewise silently following her.

Aiko was curious about what was happening, so she silently climbed a tree so she could spy on them.

Under the tree was the girl that she drop-kicked? Drop-kneed? Anyway, it was the girl who tried to steal what she bought. There were also others, watching the show, but they were not significant enough to matter to her...

Aiko still had vengeance against her and she would retaliate later once she spied enough on them.

The Dragon girl was very slim, her tail was likewise slim. It was a bit underwhelming for Aiko since she expected Dragons to be a bit more... macho?

'I mean... she is a girl, but still...' Aiko thought in her mind that this was slightly disappointing now that she could look over at the girl's tail.

The Dragon girl already noticed eyes on her, but since they were not hostile, she didn't act upon it.

She would wait and see if the shadowy figure would reveal themselves or if they would have some unsavoury thoughts about her.

Aiko was unaware that she was spotted and she wouldn't even expect it since her stealth was top-notch.

But the higher someone's Cultivation, the more their senses would improve. If you had a high enough Cultivation, you start being more sensitive towards your surroundings, sensing even the slightest of gazes. If your level of cultivation is even further beyond, you would be able to locate them from their gaze alone.

While the Dragon girl did not have a high enough Cultivation; she was still a Dragon. A being that would rule over others, so her stats were naturally on the absurd side.

The haughty girl was glaring at the Dragon girl, trying to fish out any kind of reaction from her.

Aiko... got bored. She expected some kind of drama or fight, but this was getting boring.

"Tell her that she is fat!" Aiko shouted towards them, startling everyone in the courtyard.

The Dragon girl almost spilled her tea when she heard that voice and she immediately looked towards the little Fox's direction.

The Arrogant girl that Aiko drop-kicked immediately snapped at her, but Aiko pulled an overly large and heavy box from her Storage Ring and dropped it on her.

"You-ARGH!" The Arrogant girl yelled as she was buried under that box.

"I won't forgi-" The Arrogant girl's head was still somewhat free and she wanted to tell her assailants her intentions.

But Aiko simply used her head as a cushion for her fall.

She sprinted towards the Dragon girl eyeing her up and down from a close distance. Since she would be leaving this place, there was no need to be subtle about it.

The Dragon girl pursed her lips to conceal her chuckle as she watched the little Fox's ears curiously twitch each time she moved her dragon tail.

"How are you?" Aiko suddenly asked.

Yueying giggled. "Aren't you a cheeky little fox?" She pinched that slightly chubby cheek.

"I'm a Fox." Aiko didn't understand that the Dragon girl was trying to compare her to a little mischievous fox.

"Yes, you are." Yueying laughed happily.

"You- who taught you to barge into other people's courtyard?!" The haughty, unpleasant girl shouted at Aiko.

"Your grandmother." Aiko said flatly. "Now shoo, shoo." Aiko shooed her away. "Adults are talking here."

The haughty girl received numerous hits to her fragile ego and she choked on her words. Her face was dyed red, similar to her hair.

She was on the chubby side, so Aiko tilted her head. "Or you can roll away, I won't judge you." Aiko loaded her tongue and was on a killing spree today...

The girl's eyes widened and she was ready to fight.

But once Aiko's eyes shined like she found a toy to play with, the haughty girl shivered.

"We will solve this later!" And she immediately ran away.

Aiko was confused and tilted her head. This would be the first time a nice shiny toy decided to run way without doing anything to her...?

What was even stranger was that nobody tried to stop her... she just ran away?

Seeing the confused little Fox, Yueying giggled. "She can guess your strength and know if she can defeat you or not~" She hummed, not concerned.

Aiko grasped the Dragon girl's hand inspecting her.

Yueying flinched in confusion.

"But you don't look weak?" Aiko tilted her head.

Yueying giggled. "Looks can be deceiving." She once again gently pinched her cheek.

"How about you come out too?" Yueying asked towards the tree, startling the girls that didn't leave Yueying's courtyard yet.

"How did you know?" The Blood Fox landed on the box. A barely noticeable moan of pain spread from under her, but that was ignored by everyone.

"I could feel your gaze on me." Yueying openly confessed that. She felt that the little Fox was not a bad person, so she naturally thought that her retainers would also not be bad people.

"Whoa." The Umbra Fox was interested in this since it would be bothersome if someone would be able to know her location without giving out any hints...


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