Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 216 – Chen Shi has to clean after Aiko and Epic Journey!

Chapter 216 – Chen Shi has to clean after Aiko and Epic Journey!

"What?" Aiko tilted her head. "Don't tell me you wouldn't punish those that would try to kill you?"

Everyone was taken aback, they would definitely not leave them alive if they threatened their lives, but at the same time, they couldn't agree with this little Fox.

If they agreed, their Kin would be kept roasted and that awful smell would keep spreading.

Not to mention, they were not willing to agree with this tiny lunatic! It was enough that they saw her play with her enemy's heads!

Aiko pouted. "I know you don't want to agree, but keep in mind that your enemies won't take you seriously!" Aiko proclaimed and a few gullible Beasts nodded their heads.

Fortunately, their teammates slapped them well so they would stop agreeing.

"Well. Since it's cleared." Aiko was about to return to her team, but Chen Shi stopped her.

"Stop right there!" Chen Shi commanded.

"What is it?" Aiko stopped hiding her tails behind her shyly and lowered her ears to appear cute beyond belief.

Most Beasts and Human Cultivators were charmed by this, but there was one person who would never be charmed!

"That won't work on me!" Chen Shi glared at the little rascal.

"Tsk." Aiko immediately dropped her act since her main aim was Chen Shi and the others were just collateral.

"Anyway. Two hours, bye!" Aiko shooed him away, but Chen Shi was persistent.

"No way will I leave until you clean this mess!" He demanded from Aiko.

"No way." Aiko flatly refused. "I won't touch that thing."

Chen Shi choked. "You have caused this!"

"I have not." Aiko shook her head. "He was the one who attacked me TWICE. So it's only natural that he will also clean it." Aiko said blankly.

Chen Shi was enraged. Meanwhile, Yanqi was having the time of her life.

She was holding in her laughter to not interrupt this whole thing.

"I will throw you inside that Cauldron." Chen Shi threatened.

"You wouldn't dare!" Aiko snorted at him.

"I wouldn't?!" He immediately rolled his sleeves so they would get dirty.

"Come at me if you dare!" Aiko threatened by rolling her own sleeves. "There is always room for more inside!" Aiko proclaimed her intention to cook Chen Shi.

"Oho~" Chen Shi haughtily smirked. "I wouldn't be so sure about that, since YOU will occupy all of it!"

He went to grab Aiko, but she wrapped around his arm like a leech.

"Hehe," Aiko chuckled sinisterly. "Now what? If you try anything you will bathe yourself in it~"

Chen Shi rolled his eyes and covered his arm with Qi.

Aiko was startled and frowned. "Oi! You bastard, that's cheating!" She immediately protested, but Chen Shi was already walking towards the Cauldron.

Aiko's mind worked overtime, she looked around and then realised something.


Chen Shi froze in place.

Aiko realised once again that these bastards loved their clean and tidy outfits, unlike Beasts. That meant that if she ripped his clothes, he would be absolutely livid and stop in place.

She was right, Chen Shi was completely paralysed since this outfit was supposed to be used for an outing with Lady Liu later...

"You-" Chen Shi was enraged, but before he could say the whole sentence.


Aiko chuckled at him. "What is it~? You still want to fight~?" Aiko smirked at him.

Chen Shi tried slapping Aiko, but she skilfully moved out of the way. She was already prepared that he would do something petty like that.

Chen Shi immediately shook his arm to shake her off so that he could properly attack her, but he didn't expect retaliation.


"Auch!" Chen Shi flinched from this rascal's bite and stared at her speechlessly.

"Seriously?!" He could not believe that this rascal would bite him.

He grabbed her and pulled her away from his arm, but it still left marks.

Aiko chuckled. "Oh, you pervert~" Aiko hummed. "To think that you would let others bite your body, what would Lady Liu think~" Aiko teased him mischievously.

Yanqi burst out in laughter, "I didn't know you liked that play~" Yanqi teased him too, and the others had a very hard time holding their laughter in.

Chen Shi immediately blushed red. He was never so embarrassed in his life!

He glared at this little bastard, readying to punch her half-dead.

"Try me!" Aiko challenged him and, like the piranha, followed his limbs' trajectory.

She also kept snapping her teeth like a piranha, which made funny clicking sounds.

No matter where Chen Shi positioned his fist, Aiko's mouth would be there, snapping at him.

At one time he could swear that he saw Aiko's neck be incredibly long.

"Y-you!" Chen Shi completely lost it. Since he couldn't beat her up here, he would make sure that someone else would!

He stretched his arm with Aiko and before anyone could react, he threw her high up in the sky!

The group stopped laughing and judgingly stared at him.

Chen Shi looked away like this was not his issue, but one Sect Leader said. "Who will now solve this problem?" The Sect Leader pointed at the dubious Cauldron boiling above a fire.

"Of course, it would be them-" Chen Shi pointed at the table where Umbra Fox and Blood Fox sat.

Yet there was no one there. Not even the tea utensils.

Chen Shi stared blankly towards that place, not believing his eyes.

"Since when?" Chen Shi could not understand how they were able to run away so quickly.

"Since Aiko started brawling with you." Yanqi was still laughing, holding her belly.

Her incredibly jiggly chest attracted a lot of attention.

"Huh..." Chen Shi stared at her dumbly. No way in hell would he miss them running away!

"It's true." The others nodded gently so as not to agitate the beast in front of them.

Chen Shi's body shook. "YOU FUCKING BRATS!" His voice pretty much spread throughout the Capital.


{Somewhere high up in the sky}

"This feels like deja vu..." Aiko sat cross-legged while falling, thinking about this situation.

"What a strange feeling of deja vu..." Aiko could not shake that feeling off.

She was free-falling, but for some reason, she was not worried.

"Maybe because he didn't slap me this time, so I have a much better orientation and feel about the fall." Aiko nodded slowly.

Previously, her mind was occupied for some reason and she had a hard time focusing on the ground, but that was not the case this time.

"I believe that they should have reached Lady Liu by now." Aiko was buying time for her team to book it.

"But it would be much better if they didn't pack those things!" Aiko frowned. She had to play a snapping clown so that it would attract the attention of others.

"I should probably book it towards Lady Liu’s place too, since I have the gift and everything..." Aiko nodded to herself, this was a good idea.

"Alright!" Aiko strained her eyes and focused on the ground. She would double jump and run towards Lady Liu's residence.

[You have acquired the Title: [Gruesome Cook]!]
[Gruesome Cook]
[The User's cooking will always turn into something sinister.]

"..." Aiko stared blankly at the system. "FUCK YOU, SYSTEM!" She shouted loudly.


{Back in the courtyard}

Chen Shi was staring at the abomination that Aiko created.

'What am I supposed to do with this?!' He was frowning this whole time trying to figure out how to move this without touching it.

He couldn't really force others to do this, since he was a revered Cultivator, unlike those Foxes...

'Do I have to move it with my Divine Sense?' Chen Shi shivered, but that was the only way he could move it without polluting himself.

"Where is the sewage?" Chen Shi asked the other Cultivators.

"Behind the palace, you can't miss it." Before the Beasts could protest about their kin, the cheetah, was still inside.

Chen Shi lifted the thing in a blink of an eye and disappeared from the scene. The Beasts could only blankly stare towards the now empty courtyard.


Chen Shi blinked behind the palace and he immediately saw the primitive sewage system. He didn't dwell on it too much and immediately dumped the whole thing inside.

"Taken care of-UGH." Chen Shi shivered from the smell. He would have to have a bath before visiting Lady Liu... and his clothes...

Chen Shi could only cry in his mind...


{In the sewage system}

The Stinky Cultivator was cautiously cleaning his place so that he could leave, when something heavy crashed through the sewage system.

He looked towards it cautiously. He would not take a step forward since that would trigger his Dao.

Meanwhile, the Cauldron crumbled from the boiling shit, spilling its content.

The Stinky Cultivator almost vomited from the putrid and disgusting smell.

He could hear a sad whine from within that pile of disgusting liquid.

"What in the world?" He focused his Divine Sense only to spot a cheetah inside that thing.

"What did he do to deserve this..." The Stinky Cultivator was confused about how someone could be so cruel...

The Smelly Wind recovered some of his body from the impact of the lid, but it was not good. He wouldn't live for long...

Suddenly, an absolutely disgusting smell, much worse than the smell of boiling shit, assaulted his nostrils.

"UGH." What was worse for the Smelly Wind was the fact that he was healing at an incredibly fast rate.

Within a matter of moments, he was able to stand up completely healed.

The Beast and Cultivator stared at each other.

Both of them frowned at their opponent's smell.

Suddenly the Cheetah's fragile thin leg enlarged and became incredibly buffed.

The Smelly Wind stared at it speechlessly, only some of his seniors could produce such muscles and he got them after just a few breaths from this Cultivator.

A moment later, his hinge legs undergo a similar transformation.

At this point, the Smelly Wind's mind was rolling around in confusion, until the rest of his body became likewise buffed.

The Smelly Wind looked towards the Cultivator in confusion.

The Stinky Cultivator was likewise looking at him with wonder and confusion.

"Are you perhaps missing a steed?" The Smelly Wind would never submit to anyone, but these changes were so radical that he couldn't pass on this situation.

"Possibly." The Stinky Cultivator had a sudden enlightenment. If he used his steed to do the walking... then he didn't need to walk himself! Why didn't he think of that?!

"What do you think about small Foxes?" The Stinky Cultivator wanted to make sure that his new steed wouldn't cause any trouble.

The Smelly Wind shivered. "Avoid at all costs! If it can't be avoided, then be as polite as possible!"

The Stinky Cultivator had a strange twinkle in his eyes.

The Stinky Cultivator nods at him and the Smelly Wind nods back. One was strong and one was weak, but both stood united under similar beliefs.

This marked the journey of incredible scale, where a smelly Cultivator and his similarly smelly steed dominated others by simply fanning their scent.

His steed was incredibly fast and considered, making everyone envious of his Heavenly Evolutions!

But that is a story for another time...


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