Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 213 – Aiko tinkering and ‘uninvited’ guests…

Chapter 213 – Aiko tinkering and ‘uninvited’ guests…

Aiko went inside her room, she was still wondering about that buzzing sound.

'Let's not think about it, I can always spy on them later.' Aiko would get to the bottom of this, but not now.

She placed the gift in front of her, it was an oddly shaped Massage Tool, but at the same time comfortable to hold.

'That Bird Lady knows her stuff.' Aiko nodded. There was a small Rune that detected motion and that same Rune was used to activate it.

'Which means that you don't need Qi to activate it.' Aiko marvelled at this idea, but at the same time wondered...

Most of them said that there were no Treasures that could be activated by Mortals, yet right here and now, she was holding one that could be activated by just about anyone.

'I have no idea what is going on...' Aiko shook her head. 'It only spins, so I should also add tilt to it and maybe include a stronger spring...' Aiko thought about it for quite a while.

The current Massage Tool was unusable as it only spun around its axis. That would not make much difference when it comes to reliving muscles.

'Maybe she wanted to get rid of it?' Aiko thought about it several times, but she was sure that the Lady Bird didn't hate her. That meant that she would not give her anything rubbish.

'I'm liked... right?' Aiko paused, since she did slap those mountains.

But can you blame her?! Her back felt so heavy, like she was lifting a freaking mountain!

Aiko slowly disassembled the Massage Tool.

It had a few springs inside so that if you pushed on it, it would gently move and make way.

'A good way to prevent injuries.' Aiko nodded, this was a good quality product.

'But I will need a better spring.' Aiko thought about it. 'Or do I?'

Aiko narrowed her eyes and picked up her Inscription Carving Pen. She had a sinister smile on her lips, looking like she would be butchering someone.

Aiko scribbled away on the spring, since the only thing on it was a preservation Rune and a capacity Rune. Aiko would add gathering and strengthening Runes.

That would make the spring slightly stiffer, but considering she would tilt it in directions... it was needed.

Aiko places down her Pen after being done with the spring.

'I will also have to redo most of the Inscription on this thing.' Aiko slowly inspected the Massage Tool.

There was nothing inherently wrong about the current Inscriptions, but Aiko needed to add the tilt and 'gears', so that you could adjust the potency of this Massage Tool.

'Lady Liu might need a gentler setting...' Aiko thought about it. Lady Liu always moves slowly, so it's a better idea to include really gentle twists and maybe once the muscles are loosened...

'But let's not overdo it.' Aiko stopped her hand from creating another abomination. 'Lady Liu is a Mortal, so even the base setting would be too much.'

Aiko narrowed her eyes. 'I will take the base setting and reduce its potency a few times and those times will be the different 'gears'.' Aiko nodded happily like she cracked the code.


{Blood Fox and Umbra Fox in the courtyard}

Meanwhile, outside was the happy Umbra Fox walking around and cleaning things.

"Is Aiko still out?" She asked no one in particular.

Hands wrapped around the Umbra Fox's waist. "She is inside her room, you naughty girl~" The Blood Fox was also in a happy mood.

The Umbra Fox chuckled. "I'm not the one who almost got caught~" She stuck out her tongue and the Blood Fox pinched her waist.

"Auch." The Umbra Fox pouted. "It's not my fault that you got all the vibrating toys." She shrugged.

"I'm not degenerate enough to use those strangely ribbed toys." The Blood Fox shrugged.

"So what?" The Umbra fox was looking forward to her first penetration so she didn't use any penetrating toys.

The Blood Fox shook her head. "She is inside her room and is tinkering with her gift." She let go of the Umbra Fox waist.

She truly had a slim waist and the Blood Fox was tempted to hug it before she went to sleep.

"I will go check on her~" The Umbra Fox was happy, which meant she was in a mischievous mood.

She sneaked around and peeked inside Aiko's room.

"Hehehe~" Aiko was giggling to herself while playing with-

The Umbra Fox immediately hid.

'W-what did I see?! Since when did Mistress buy that toy?!' The Umbra Fox was shocked.

'Surely she is not affected...' The Umbra fox sweated.

She peeked inside once again, but this time the toy was completely disassembled.

"It's not right..." Aiko frowned. "It doesn't spin well enough."

The Umbra Fox immediately booked it.


"What's wrong?" The Blood Fox asked.

"That-That-a-uh-" The Umbra Fox was like a broken record.

The Blood Fox was likewise in a teasing mood. She came closer to the Umbra Fox and wrapped her hands around her waist once again.

"Come on~, tell me." The Blood fox whispered sweetly into the Umbra Fox ears.

The Umbra Fox shivered and jumped away. "I'm not telling you!" She was completely red in her face and breathing unsteadily.

The Blood Fox tilted her head, but before she could say anything the Umbra Fox ran away.

The Blood Fox touched her cheeks. "How strange..." She didn't expect such a strong reaction.

"I wonder what that was about~" The Blood Fox hummed and sneaked around.

She was less stealthy than the Umbra Fox, but she eventually managed to get under the window of Aiko's room.

The Blood Fox peeked inside, only to find a toy on Aiko's table.

'How strange...' The Blood Fox tilted her head. 'She came back with the gift... surely that's not the gift.'

Just then Aiko returned to her table and disassembled it once again.

The Blood Fox was even more confused and didn't pay attention to her surroundings.


A small twig broke under the Blood Fox's feet.

The Blood Fox immediately looked down and frowned, but when she looked up.

Aiko was already staring at her. Her smile was widening by the second.

The Blood Fox wanted to calmly walk away...

But Aiko rushed towards the window.

The Blood Fox flinched and wanted to get away. She turned around ready to walk away.

Aiko jumped on the windowsill and grabbed the Blood Fox by her collar.

"Hehehe~" Aiko giggled sinisterly as she dragged the Blood Fox inside.


Aiko dragged the Blood Fox inside by the collar, completely ignoring that she pulled a bit too strongly and most accessories loosened up. That included the belt.

Aiko 'threw' the Blood Fox on the bed, since that was the only flat, but soft place where she would be able to test her 'improved' gift.

The Blood Fox was stunned. This development speed was too quick for her!

"M-Mistress, I'm not ready." The Blood Fox covered half of her face with her long sleeves.

"That's too bad." Aiko smiled like the Devil, and the Blood Fox gulped.

"I-I'm not interested in this!" The Blood Fox felt fear in her heart.

"Don't worry, I will be gentle." Aiko smiled from ear to ear, she just finished the 'gears' and she needed to test the intensity of someone's muscles.

'My opinion would be biased...' Aiko thought and that's why she was so happy that there was a 'volunteer' to help her with it.

Aiko picked up the gift and walked towards the Blood Fox.

"I don't want this!" The Blood Fox cried out.

"It won't hurt." Aiko tilted her head, she didn't understand what was going on inside the Blood Fox's head.

"Anyway! Turn around." Aiko slapped the Blood Fox's butt.

The Blood Fox recoiled slightly, but her body sank into the bed.

She was completely stiff, her happy mood was nowhere to be seen.

Aiko immediately jumped on her back. "Alright."

The Blood Fox was ready to activate her Blood Abilities to blast Aiko away, but she also was confused.

'Why would she sit like that?' The Blood Fox was confused since Aiko didn't sit in the reverse position, but towards her head.

Aiko placed her new 'improved' Massage Tool on the Blood Fox's back.

The Blood Fox was even more confused. 'Does she perhaps not- Ahhhhh-'

"Mhm." The Blood Fox felt a strange movement on her back, but it was not unpleasant.

"How is it?" Aiko asked, this was the first 'gear'; the gentlest one.

"Hmmmm..." The Blood Fox was still confused, but she relaxed her muscles. She wanted to believe that Aiko wouldn't do anything to her that she would dislike.

"I'm not sure..." The Blood Fox could feel it, but she didn't quite get what it was supposed to do.

"This is my gift for Lady Liu, but I can't get the Massage Tool to work properly, so I wanted to experiment on someone." Aiko briefly described her dilemma.

The Blood Fox hid a deep blush inside, this was one huge misunderstanding and she wanted to blame Aiko for that!

"I can barely feel it." The Blood Fox assisted Aiko, now that she knew that Aiko was... just Aiko.

Of course, she would keep her thoughts about this situation to herself...

Aiko nodded. "I constructed it with 'Mortals' in mind. As they are not as strong as us, I have to be careful that I don't hurt Lady Liu."

Aiko pushed the 'gear' up.

The Massage Tool moved quickly.

"Mhm." The Blood Fox gave a happy sigh. She was much more relaxed now that she knew nothing would happen, so she was able to feel it much more vividly.

"This one is better." The Blood Fox said, this feeling on her back was not bad at all!

"Okay." Aiko nodded and turned the 'gear' once again.

"Hmmmm." The Blood Fox focused on that feeling, but frowned.

"This one is not that good..." Then she paused. "It still works, but now that I'm more relaxed it feels... wrong?"

"Okay." Aiko nodded, there was one more 'gear'.

"Auch." The moment Aiko turned it, the Blood Fox gave a pained cry and Aiko immediately stopped.

"I'm sorry, this one is no good, huh?" Aiko frowned. Gently and slowly massaging the Blood Fox's back, especially the place where it hurt.

"It was not that bad, but there is an old injury, so it hurt." The Blood Fox tried to smile, but her face had a pained expression painted on it.

Aiko nodded. She activated the Massage Tool on the lowest setting and placed it on that place.

It was agitated and maybe the muscles were very stiff over there, so if she used the lowest setting... It might help the Blood Fox?

Aiko wanted to repay her test subjects for their help.

"Mhm." The Blood Fox gave an accepting sigh.

Aiko worked in that place for quite a while. When she noticed that the Blood Fox was getting slightly too comfortable and drifting to sleep, she turned the 'gear' up.

"Mhm." The Blood Fox returned to her happy sighing form and Aiko nodded.

She slowly worked on the Blood Fox's back, again and again, until everything loosened up.

The Blood Fox now looked like a melted puddle of happiness.

[You have acquired the Title: [Masseur]!]
[Allows the User to identify stiff muscles on one's body. (Unlocks Skills and Abilities related to relief.)]

Aiko blinked a few times. She didn't expect she would get such a nice Title! What happened?!


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