Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 199 – Grandmaster is being a bother and fun incoming~

Chapter 199 – Grandmaster is being a bother and fun incoming~

A head popped into Mei's small abode.

"How are you doing?" The Grandmaster smiled from ear to ear.

Mei rolled her eyes. She was slightly upset that the Grandmaster didn't accept the deal, but it still bothered her daily...

"What is it this time?" Mei asked the Grandmaster.

"Nothing~" The Grandmaster giggled. She was a lot livelier since the improved Pills were doing good work.

"Then could you not bother me, just because you are bored?" Mei rolled her eyes.

She felt like she was rolling her eyes quite often these days, but that must've been her imagination...

The Grandmaster pouted. "If you want to hire someone, you should be nicer to them!" She hmpfed away, but still occasionally glanced at Mei.

"Spill it already!" Mei growled at her.

"I have news about the little rascal~" The Grandmaster chuckled darkly.

"Oh?" Mei's ears immediately perked up. "What are you waiting for, tell me already!" Mei's piercing gaze landed on the Grandmaster.

"She is currently messing up an Empire." The Grandmaster chuckled. "And apparently she has a treasure that can cause the downfall of large Sects, so pretty much everyone is after her." She chuckled again.

"Again?" Mei's lips twitched, she felt like Aiko was a walking disaster that found treasures left and right...

"Nono, this time it's for real, the whole Empire is after her." The Grandmaster tried to convince Mei that this time it was different.

Mei rolled her eyes again. "Sure, sure." Mei still had a bad feeling about this entire thing, since she felt she was forgetting something.

She was so busy with Pills that she often forgot things. It would be better if she had a Disciple. That would allow her to dump some work on her Disciple and rest for a bit, but these Foxes were so useless...

Mei shook her head, remembering the fact that most Foxes just wanted to grope her...

Mei found Aiko much more likeable since she didn't grop-


Wait! Even Aiko groped her!

Mei suddenly got upset at this and glared at the Grandmaster. "If you have nothing else to say, then leave!"

"Booo!" The Grandmaster booed Mei animatedly, making her body jiggle.

"You are a pain." Mei pressed her temples. She regretted the fact that she improved the Pill formula, which caused the Grandmaster to become more energetic.

Now her behaviour didn't match her scars and expressions. This caused endless headaches for Mei since the Grandmaster didn't need to think about the pain.

Which in turn meant that she was needy for attention.

Unfortunately for the Grandmaster, she still had a scary reputation in this Fox Village, which meant nobody was willing to engage with her...

Mei pushed the Grandmaster outside and sighed, she should've packed Aiko more Pills so that she wouldn't run out...


[Somewhere deep inside a Forest]

"Fuck, shit, fuck! Fucking shit!" A certain Mirage Fox kept cursing and cursing.

"Calm down, Boss." A beautiful Shadow Fox wrapped her arms around his body, so she could soothe him with her body. She still had the old Assassination Uniform, which allowed easy access to her private parts.

"How can I calm down when we went through all of that?!" He cursed again.

How was he supposed to know that the Mayor was supported by the Soul Transformation powerhouse?!

That Soul Transformation powerhouse was even so petty that he chased them around for a whole month!

"Just you wait! When I get my hands on you, I will definitely plough your Mate!" The Mirage Fox was so upset that he just wanted to strangle that small bitch! But he couldn't do that, as he was ordered to just charm them and get the Jade Fox on their side.

'Fuck that! I will absolutely fuck her brains out!' The Mirage Fox kept cursing in his mind and planning a devious end for the Jade Fox.

"Boss..." A slightly chubby male Fox quivered.

"WHAT?!" The Mirage Fox was too upset to pay attention to this Earth bastard!

"He is here..." The Earthen Builder said while sobbing gently.

"WHAT?" The Mirage Fox thought that he had misheard.

"He is here..." The Earthen Builder cried out gently.

"... Fuc-" The Mirage Fox didn't even finish cursing when a gentle voice drifted into the forest.

"Where are you, little guy~" It was a feminine voice dripping with lust.

The Mirage Fox shivered. 'Run you bastards!' He commanded them through the contract connection.

"Where are you hiding~? Come out and play with me~" The feminine voice was dripping with arousal, scanning the forest with her Divine Sense to find them.

At first, she was upset that they interrupted her closed-door cultivation, but once she laid her eyes on him...

She licked her lips and an expression of ecstasy was plastered on her fat face.

Her Dao was the Dao of Gourmand. She had to eat in order to sate her Dao, the worse the food was the more she had to eat...

The high-quality Spiritual Food cost a fortune and she could not afford it...

This caused her to eat a lot of low-quality stuff, which accumulated impurities in her body, making her body very bloated.

She naturally didn't mind, rather she couldn't mind. If she minded this she might lose her Cultivation, because of the Heavenly Dao's Wrath.

The female Cultivator didn't want to abandon her high Cultivation since she pretty much could do anything she wanted.

She was powerful on this continent!

"Where are you~?" She scanned the forest again, but because of the impurities in her body and Mirage Fox's superb mirages; she was unable to find them...

She pouted slightly, not being able to find them...


[Back in the Private Garden]

Aiko played with the table, she was not as bored as she expected. The table was really easy to write on, so she used her superb inscribing skill to just scribble away a few Runes.

She looked towards the sky, it was a surprisingly clear sky.

Aiko looked down, watching the stupid Mortals and Cultivators staring at them.

"What?" Aiko snorted at them. "This is what happens when you don't provide entertainment!" Aiko pouted and turned the table slightly to the left, so that she could continue scribbling.

The Prince's and others' lips twitched. They could not believe their eyes.

The impeccable penmanship in her writing was clear as the day. If their Royal Scribble would watch this, he would absolutely cough up buckets of blood and curse his penmanship!

They had nothing against the little Fox scribbling on the Prince's table. Once she left, they just could hire an Inscription Cultivator to activate this Inscription and they would be able to profit from it.

They couldn't understand what the little Fox was scribbling, but considering that nothing fell apart or sizzled away, it meant that it was fully functional.

As you might've guessed, they had no idea what Aiko was doing. They only watched Inscription Cultivators a couple of times and the only thing they could say was that it was profound!

That's it, that's their comprehension of the Inscription Aiko was creating.

Naturally, Aiko was not creating anything in particular, she just scribbled sentences away; in hopes that she would be able to understand more Runes.

She would glance at the closed building where the Blood Fox was with the Princess.

She should've entered with the Blood Fox, at least that way she would have some company.

For some reason, whenever Aiko glanced at the Umbra Fox, she blushed and looked away.

Aiko believed that it was because of that strange dream and wondered if that was the Umbra Fox's fantasy or something that she experienced previously and her dreams just changed it to include Aiko...

Aiko wondered if she could create such dreams for herself, after all, she had the Dream Beast Bloodline. She should be able to do it.

The wind blew gently and Aiko smelled a sweet smell in the air.

She smiled like a devil as her system gave her a prompt.

[You have been poisoned!]
[Your [Greater Poison Resistance] suppresses the poison.]

Someone was coming!

The Prince gently swayed when his personal guard gave him a whiff of a bottle and he immediately straightened.

"Ugh." The Prince flinched. "I know that it works well, but does it have to smell that bad?" The Prince whined to his guard.

"We need to take cover, Prince." The guard gently said.

"Yes..." The Prince sighed and was guided away, while Aiko came close to the pile of Poles.

"Mistress." The Umbra Fox finally looked at Aiko.

"They are coming, let's have fun." Aiko smiled, she finally had something entertaining to do.


[Inside the building]

"There are intruders outside." The Blood Fox gently said, alerting the Princess.

"Who is outside?" The Princess shivered, she didn't want to leave this place.

"I don't know, you should focus on allowing me access to your body, so I can painlessly extract it." The Blood Fox shook her head with pity.

Unless the Princess learns how to give access, she will only end up in pain. Naturally, that was irrelevant to the Blood Fox, but she was worried about what was happening outside.

The Umbra Fox was not really a good fit for head-on combat. She was more of a sneaky shadow that delivered lethal blows to her opponents than clashing in direct confrontation...

'I hope everything will be alright...' The Blood Fox narrowed her eyes and turned her attention back to the Princess and the extraction process.

The sooner she finished this, the sooner she would be able to join the battle and help Umbra Fox.

Aiko was powerful enough to take care of herself, which meant that the only 'weak' link in this group was the Umbra Fox...

'We will have to train more with the Grandmaster, in order to catch up...' The Blood Fox was not aware that the Grandmaster changed greatly and that she would be more than happy to teach them.

Not because she had to, but because she could use that company.

That in turn would allow Mei to rest and have Aiko just for herself, which was a win-win situation...


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