Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 89: true true false false

Chapter 89: true true false false

Chapter 89 True and False

"He said he lit the white candle and lured away the weird things? But what I saw was Senior Brother Guo taking Junior Brother Chen, the two of them went up against the trend and lured the weird things away!" Wen Ziqian blushed and shouted to Luo Jun shouted.

Senior Brother Wen, dont get excited. I overheard it just now. That Senior Brother Xie showed off the white candle in his hand.

Luo Jun looked at Wen Ziqian dumbfounded, as if he had said those words and he was just paraphrasing them.

Did anyone else see Ji Jindong lighting white candles on the mountain?

A white candle cannot prove anything. Who knows where you lit it.

After everyone came back yesterday, they all said that they did not encounter any strange things again. Someone even counted the herb collectors this morning and found that the number of survivors was extremely high.

Except for some who were injured because they ran too fast, at least 80% of the herb collectors came back.

I also saw Senior Brother Guo and Junior Brother Chen lighting white candles and rushing back. What does Xie Jindong mean? Do you want to take the credit? Someone shouted dissatisfied.

They talked to each other after they came back, and they knew that without Chen Fei and the two of them, how much they could come back was entirely a matter of luck.

Someone testified for Xie Jindong. Luo Jun shook his head and said.

In fact, only people from their group were responsible for this herb collection task. Later, because of the incident involving the Shenyan Sect, another group of people were sent over.

Yesterday's disaster on the mountain, a large number of disciples survived, which was actually beyond the sect's expectations. After all, even Feng Xiupu and several people were almost wiped out. In their estimation, very few of these disciples could return to the sect alive.

The result was just the opposite. Not only did the people from the Feng Xiupu branch basically come back, but also a large number of additional disciples from the other branch came back.

Then in the early morning, other disciples said that it was Xie Jindong who lit the white candle at that time and lured the weird ones away, thus preventing other disciples and the herbal collectors from being killed by the weird ones.

This time the credit is indeed not low. Some people want to claim it, which is normal. Someone whispered.

"How many weirdos did Xie Jindong say he attracted?" Chen Fei stepped forward and asked with a smile.

Junior Brother Chen, you are here. Everyone couldnt help but smile when they saw Chen Fei.

Now they all know that apart from Feng Xiupu and the others, Chen Fei and Guo Linshan have the greatest credit for their ability to come back safely. Under the circumstances at that time, being able to withstand the pressure and go against the grain to cause trouble was something that most people really couldn't do.

Yes, did Xie Jindong say how many he had attracted? Guo Linshans voice sounded as he walked over slowly.

Senior brother Guo, Xie Jindong said that he attracted more than a dozen weirdos and was even injured by them.

Luo Jun pointed to his shoulder and said: "At this position, Xie Jindong's shoulder is indeed injured."

Who hasnt been injured yet?

Wen Ziqian couldn't help but said loudly, the mountains and plains were filled with weirdness at that time, and being injured was simply not normal.

"Now there are many people over there who are trying to prove Xie Jindong, saying that they saw Xie Jindong lighting a white candle to attract mischief. Sometimes it is difficult to explain this kind of thing clearly." Luo Jun shook his head.

"No, we have to say that we can't let them take advantage of this matter in vain!" someone said anxiously.

Yes, lets talk about it too. Others nodded.

Senior Brother Guo, do you know this Xie Jindong? Chen Fei turned to look at Guo Linshan.

I know, my cultivation level is about the same as mine, but I am a bit arrogant, but my body skills are really outstanding and rare among my peers. Guo Linshan recalled.

Yesterday, the most important thing for attracting spooks on the mountain was to have good body skills. Otherwise, you would be swarmed by those spooks, and you would be paralyzed in the solo training state.

With Chen Fei's movement skills and his defensive swordsmanship like Starry Night Sword, it was much easier than expected to sneak around last night. Of course, you must first have the courage. Even if most people have body and sword skills, they will still run away.

"What are you making noise about so early in the morning!" Feng Xiupu appeared outside the courtyard, his face still a little pale, but overall he looked fine.

Master, Senior Brother Guo and Junior Brother Chen fought tooth and nail to lure Weiyi away yesterday, but someone pretended to take the credit! Wen Ziqian stepped forward and told what happened.

After Feng Xiupu heard this, he looked at Chen Fei and Chen Fei in surprise. Yesterday, he was surprised that the losses caused by this strange disaster were far less than expected, and he wanted to find out the reason today.

Unexpectedly, it was his two most proud disciples who took the risk of lighting white candles to arouse the deceit.

Yesterday, I saw those Zigui running away. Feng Xiupu and the others actually thought about lighting white candles and trapping the Weigui in one place. But the head trick is right in front of you. Lighting the white candle will simply make all the tricks go berserk. If they then attack one person, they will probably die suddenly.

As for holding a white candle to lead the trick, the trick is very fast and no one can do it.

You two.

Feng Xiupu nodded at Chen Fei and the two. He didn't know what to say, and finally he couldn't help but sigh. He was also like this back then. In the end, he was seriously injured and his realm fell.

Feng Xiupu didnt have any regrets. What he thought about most was that his cultivation was not high enough at that time, otherwise there would be another result.

But facing his disciples, Feng Xiupus greater hope is that when they encounter danger, they should not think about resisting, but run as much as possible.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Xiupu taught Chen Fei the Starry Night Sword and the Soul-Chasing Steps.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fei seemed to have joined the danger by relying on the Soul Chasing Step, which made Feng Xiu Pudu not know what to say.

Master, when we saw those Zigui being recalled, how many Zigui did you see coming back? Guo Linshan asked.

Guo Linshan did not think that what Xie Jindong said was necessarily false. After all, they had the desire to help their fellow disciples, which did not mean that others did not, and Xie Jindong did have the basic conditions to complete this matter.

"There should be dozens of them. You can ask Qian Lindu. He was responsible for blocking these returning Zigui at that time."

Feng Xiupu thought about it for a moment and glanced at it. Feng Xiupu did not count it in detail.

Master, what should we do about this matter? Should we report the matter of Senior Brother Guo and Junior Brother Chen as soon as possible? Otherwise, all the credit will go to Xie Jindong. Wen Ziqian said anxiously.

"Well, you two are with me. This contribution is indeed not small. Since we have done it, there is no need to be humble." Feng Xiupu nodded.

After a while, Feng Xiupu was in front and Chen Fei was behind, running towards the Sect Shanggong Hall.

Shang Gong Hall, the place where the Yuan Chen Sword Sect rewards and punishes those who have done so.

As soon as Feng Xiupu and the other two arrived at Shanggong Hall, they found that the place was quite lively.

Chen Fei took a look and found that all the uncles who were on the mountain yesterday, except for the seriously injured one, were all here. At this moment, several disciples were surrounding him, talking pleasantly.

That person is Xie Jindong. Guo Linshan glanced at the scene, turned to Chen Fei and whispered.

Chen Fei suddenly realized that Xie Jindong and others had already arrived here, obviously wanting to directly receive the credit for yesterday's trick.

"Junior brother Feng, you came just in time. Yesterday you were still wondering why there were so few people who were so weird. Today you found the reason at once."

Qian Lindu saw Feng Xiupu, pointed at Xie Jindong, and said with a smile: "Thanks to this disciple, he took the white candle to lure Weiyi away, otherwise the disciples would have suffered heavy losses yesterday."

"I came here because the two of them also used white candles to attract people yesterday." Feng Xiupu said, leading Chen Fei and Chen Fei to the front.

As soon as Feng Xiupu's words came out, the originally noisy Shanggong Hall suddenly became quiet.


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