Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 34: Arrogant

Chapter 34: Arrogant

Chapter 34 Brutal

A group of people were walking through the dense forest. Zhang Yuezhen looked at the occasional blood stains on the ground and looked excited.

The Zhang family already hates Sun Shu to the core. As long as Zhang Yuezhen seizes the opportunity to kill Sun Shu this time, her position in the Zhang family will be stable, and no one will make irresponsible remarks about her position as the manager of the medical clinic.

There is a temple ahead, which has long been in ruins. There are not many others around Pingyin County, but there are many ruined temples like this. It didn't completely collapse because the caravans sometimes stationed here to tidy up a bit.

Everyone, take the detoxification pill!

Zhang Yuezhen gave the order, and the nursing staff quickly took out the detoxifying pills. Chen Fei stood at the back and swallowed an antidote pill into his mouth.

"Whoever kills Sun Shu, I will give him half of the reward offered by the master this time, and triple the salary in the future!"

Zhang Yuezhen turned around and looked at the nursery, and said in a deep voice: "Sun Shu has been seriously injured. If you be careful, the problem will not be big. Now, you three, go first!"

Zhang Yuezhen ordered three guardians. The three looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and rushed directly to the ruined temple.

Half of the Zhang familys reward is too tempting. They had never thought before that Zhang Yuezhen would be willing to spend so much. There is also three times the salary in the future, which completely guarantees the future life.

The most important thing is that Sun Shu was injured.

As long as you are more careful, you may not have a chance to kill Sun Shu. As long as he kills Sun Shu, his life will be safe.

The other nursing staff were also breathing a little quickly, and some even wanted to rush in now, for fear that the first three people would really kill Sun Shu, and then they would have no chance.

Chen Fei stood at the end, watching the three people in front of him kick open the door of the ruined temple, and then poured in. Within a moment, shouts and roars rang out.

As expected, we are here, you five, come on!

Zhang Yuezhen's eyes lit up, and she ordered five more people to rush in. The five people looked excited, and the sound of fighting continued to sound in the ruined temple. It seems that the first three people have already entangled Sun Shu. If they rush in again, they will probably kill him.

Other nursing homes probably thought of this too, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious when they saw that Zhang Yuezhen didn't call him out.

Zhang Yuezhen stared at the door of the ruined temple. Out of caution, Zhang Yuezhen did not let everyone rush in, just because she was afraid of something ambushing inside.

Now it seems that Sun Shu is really in trouble, and the battles in the courtyard cannot be resolved.

Steward, why dont we go in too.

There were two nursing homes left. At this moment, they approached Zhang Yuezhen and said with some urgency. It was obvious that they wanted to pick up the fruit and eat it. If they went in slowly, they would probably only see Sun Shu's body. How could they be willing to do so?

Shouts are still coming from the ruined temple, and the sound of weapons clashing is endless, as if the battle inside has reached the final stage.

Chen Fei stared at the ruined temple and suddenly felt a cold feeling on his wrist. Looking down, he saw that the strange mark on the temple was now very active.

Chen Fei's pupils shrank slightly. This gangrene on the bone is usually quite quiet, and as Chen Fei's cultivation continues to improve, it has gradually disappeared. How did it become like this now?

You all come in!

Zhang Yuezhen ordered the last two nursing homes, and the two people responded excitedly and rushed in impatiently.

Youre going too!

Zhang Yuezhen looked at Chen Fei and said, "Don't say I won't give you a chance. It should be almost over now. You might have a chance to make up for it!"

Things are not quite right inside. Listen, are the sounds coming from inside a bit similar to just now?

Chen Fei looked at the ruined temple and couldn't help but take a step back. He didn't feel anything just now, but after seeing that something was wrong with the mark of the gangrene attached to the bone, Chen Fei listened carefully to the sounds inside.

What frightened Chen Fei was that although the voices in the ruined temple were shouting enthusiastically, if you were careful, you would find that many of the voices were actually repeated. When the battle is intense, you may subconsciously ignore this. But in fact, as long as you observe carefully, you can still notice something strange.

I ask you to do things, not listen to your opinions. Now, rush in immediately, dont force me to do it!

Zhang Yuezhen scolded loudly, turned around and stared at Chen Fei, saying: "Either you go in obediently, or I will throw you in! In this medical clinic, I have the final say!"

"There is a problem inside now, listen carefully!" Chen Fei looked at Zhang Yuezhen and couldn't help but said loudly.

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yuezhen shouted angrily, the long sword in her hand was half unsheathed, and she pressed her momentum towards Chen Fei, saying: "For the last time, go in or not!"

I am the alchemist of the medical center and I am not responsible for direct combat. You have no right to order me!

You allow Sun Shu to escape. If I kill you now, nothing will happen to you! Since you toasted and refused to eat, dont blame me!

Zhang Yuezhen sneered, stepped in front of Chen Fei, and grabbed Chen Fei's collar.

At Beicheng Medical Clinic, Zhang Yuezhen did not allow anyone to refute her words. What she wanted was absolute obedience. Now that she was about to kill Sun Shu, she didn't mind letting Chen Fei understand again who was the real leader in the medical center.

Fuck you!

Chen Fei shouted angrily, unsheathed the sword in his hand, and stabbed Zhang Yuezhen.

Zhang Yuezhen couldn't help but reveal a successful smile on her face when she saw Chen Fei's actions. Dare to take the lead in using a sword against her. If just now she could only teach Chen Fei a lesson, now, even if she cripples Chen Fei, no one will say anything.

In a mere skin-training realm, you simply dont know how to live or die!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuezhen was about to speed up her capture when she suddenly noticed that the long sword in Chen Fei's hand disappeared, leaving only a flash of light in his field of vision.

Thats not right!

Zhang Yuezhen was startled, and just as she was about to step aside, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, and then she lost all consciousness there.

Zhang Yuezhen lowered her head in disbelief, looking at the wounds that penetrated her chest from front to back, and blood was constantly pouring out. Zhang Yuezhen subconsciously covered the wound, but she couldn't stop the blood from flowing out.

Zhang Yuezhen raised her head and looked at Chen Fei, her eyes full of disbelief. How could someone in the skin training realm have such a swordsmanship move? Even she couldn't react to it.

Chen Fei did not look at Zhang Yuezhen, but looked at the location of the ruined temple.

As Chen Fei and Zhang Yuezhen took action, the ruined temple that had been extremely lively just now suddenly became quiet. Vaguely, Chen Fei saw a scarlet gaze projected from the ruined temple, staring directly at Chen Fei.

Its really weird!

Chen Fei kicked Zhang Yuezhen in the abdomen, and Zhang Yuezhen involuntarily flew backwards towards the ruined temple.

"no, do not want!"

At this time, Zhang Yuezhen seemed to have noticed something was wrong behind the scenes. He screamed like he was struggling to death, and then was completely swallowed up by the ruined temple door.

Chen Fei stepped on his feet and quickly moved away from the ruined temple, his heart still beating violently.

It was not because I was nervous about killing Zhang Yuezhen, but because I was worried about whether I could avoid this weird thing during this trip.


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