Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1219: Earth-shattering

Chapter 1219: Earth-shattering

Along the way, there were as few resentful spirits as ever, or in other words, there were much fewer than before.

Just now in the Tongtian Tree barrier, Chen Fei saw a lot of people who had returned from the Open Heaven Realm. Judging from their demeanor, the harvest was good and the danger was less than expected.

With the power of the Babel Tree to shield the pollution from the mental world, although it is still not as smooth as it was in the material world, it is indeed much simpler than originally imagined.

Moreover, the number of resentful spirits outside the barrier is not overwhelming. On the contrary, it takes a while to search for traces of the resentful spirits.

All of these provide great convenience for killing resentful spirits.

However, most practitioners also know that this situation is extremely short-lived, and it is impossible for the resentful spirits in the world of mind and deceit to really watch the practitioner take root in the world of mind and deceit.

Maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe next month, when the resentful spirit has figured out the situation on the Tongtian Tree, the counterattack will begin.

So taking advantage of this moment, the most important thing is to kill more resentful spirits and obtain enough kills for yourself.

Moreover, even if it is not for the mission, but just for your own cultivation, killing these resentful spirits will be of great benefit.

This time being forced to come to the realm of mind and deceit, all the practitioners thought it was a matter of giving their own strength, or even their lives. As for the benefits, what benefits can there be in the world of mind and tricks.

If there really was any treasure in the realm of mind and deceit, a group of practitioners would have dug it all out long ago.

Because the power in the mind realm is full of pollution and inconsistent with the practitioners themselves, most practitioners subconsciously forget about it.

As for the superior ninth-level Supreme Being, most practitioners dare not even think about what kind of benefits they would be promised.

Because they dont need to give you any benefits, but they are threatening you with your life, so you have to submit obediently. Just ask yourself, is your life worth all your efforts?

In the end, I came to this world of mind and deceit, and discovered that by handing in the spirit essence of the resentful spirit, you can heal your injuries and even practice with the help of the Babel Tree.

The realm of the Tongtian Tree is as high as the ninth level. Normally, there is no place to take a look at such a divine object, but now it can be assisted in cultivation by such a divine object.

Only practitioners within the Supreme Race can receive such treatment, and now, after killing the resentful spirits, they can do the same.

Any practitioner who has handed over the spirit essence of the resentful spirit can feel the vastness of the Tongtian tree, understand the mystery of the technique and the rules of heaven and earth, and can also enter a special state.

The tranquility reaches far away, and the soul seems to be in harmony with the heaven and earth.

It cant be said to be an epiphany, but it is indeed much faster than ordinary practice. Especially for those practitioners who are blocked by bottlenecks and unable to move forward, it is a treasure.

Chen Fei's mind flashed with scenes of many practitioners rushing out of the barrier immediately after returning. This is probably the case for Chen Fei in the eyes of other practitioners.

Having gone back and forth once, Chen Fei's speed increased a little this time, and in three hours he was already thousands of miles away from where Zhen Cang Qiong was buried.

Meet other practitioners from a distance along the way, but Chen Fei avoided them all.

Chen Fei sensed the surroundings. Apart from the resonance of Zhen Cang Qiong, this place was no different from other places in the Heart and Soul World.

Chen Fei's figure flashed and he deliberately slowed down, but he still flew over ten thousand miles in a moment.

Standing on a rock on a mountain, Chen Fei lowered his head and looked at the canyon in front of him. The location of the resonance of the sky was just below the canyon.

The strong wind blew up Chen Fei's clothes, and Chen Fei's figure disappeared. When he reappeared, Chen Fei was already in the center of the canyon.

Chen Fei concentrated his mind, and coming here was much easier than he imagined, but if he didn't really get the follow-up skills of Zhen Cang Qiong in his hands, everything would not count.

Zhen Cang Qiong, who was specially restrained by Chen Fei, began to slowly circulate in Chen Fei's body, and the feeling of resonance became stronger.

The Zhentian Sky rotates faster and faster, and the canyon begins to tremble slightly. It feels like an ancient giant beast is awakening.

Suddenly, a ripple appeared at Chen Fei's feet. The next moment, Chen Fei's figure disappeared into the canyon, and the entire canyon instantly returned to calm.

When Chen Fei opened his eyes, he was already in a large hall.

The walls surrounding the main hall were made of bronze, with some patterns carved on them. Chen Fei glanced at them and saw human figures and other tall alien monsters.

In it, Chen Fei saw the figure of the six-legged dragon elephant. In addition to the six-legged dragon elephant, there were other figures.

The scene in this hall is the same as what Chen Fei saw when he received the Zhen Cang Qiong inheritance in that unknown mountain range.

However, the original murals came to an abrupt end when all the tribes knelt down and worshiped in one direction. And here, we continue to engrave on this basis.

The mural depicts the entire Yuan clan being wiped out by a palm falling from the sky, and a figure being surrounded by several figures.

These murals are so lifelike, as if the figures are really jumping out of them.

Chen Fei looked at the figure on the last mural. The more he looked at it, the more he felt like the Yan from the Yuan tribe. Chen Fei looked at the other figures besieging the banquet, and his expression moved slightly. Could these figures be the ninth-level Supreme Realm powerhouses? The aura rippling above is very similar to that of the ninth level supreme realm.

If Chen Fei remembers correctly, Yan is a peak powerhouse in the eighth-level creation realm, and a creation realm is besieged by several ninth-level powerhouses? So strong?

I didnt expect that this Sky Palace would actually be put into use one day. God bless my Yuan clan?

A voice suddenly sounded, and Chen Fei turned his head to look. A figure appeared in the center of the hall. It was the banquet that Chen Fei had seen before.

Chen Fei looked at Yan and could not help but frown slightly.

Last time in the Cang Qiong Palace, Yan was just a shadow, but the other party jumped out of the river of time and directly saw Chen Fei entering the Cang Qiong Palace, and had a conversation that was thousands of years apart.

When he came here this time, Chen Fei thought he would see the banquet again, but this time the banquet was phantom, and Chen Fei could not see the aura in his eyes.

My friend should have been to the Cang Qiong Temple in Thunder Mountain, but unfortunately this time I cant jump out of the river of time and have a conversation with my friend.

This is an image that was recorded in Cangqiong Palace in advance. Chen Fei could see the loneliness in Yan's eyes. He probably still wanted to see who had cultivated Suppression of Cangqiong to the seventh level.

I deliberately dropped this Sky Palace into the realm of mind and deceit in order to block the prying eyes of the ninth-level Supreme Realm. Before I reached the ninth level, I also blocked my own exploration. Yan said in a low voice.

Hearing Yan's words, Chen Fei couldn't help but smile. Does this mean that if Yan himself breaks through to the ninth level, even the world of mind and deceit will not be able to stop his gaze?

How proud and confident.

Chen Fei glanced at the last mural subconsciously. If it was as shown on the mural, then the banquet really didn't say anything big.

With an eighth-level realm, multiple ninth-level supreme realms are needed to siege. The information contained in this is earth-shattering.

You dont seem to believe what the ancestor said.

Another figure suddenly appeared from below Yan. The figure bowed respectfully to Yan, then turned to look at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei frowned and tensed his body. If there was any situation, he would launch an earth-shaking attack.

"My name is Qiong, the weapon spirit of Cangqiong Palace. I will tell you more about it later."

Qiong glanced at Chen Fei, stood respectfully at the bottom of the banquet, and said nothing.

Chen Fei glanced at the main hall. When Qiong appeared just now, the power of the entire main hall did fluctuate. It would make sense to say that it was the weapon spirit of Cangqiong Palace.

Since you are here, you already know the situation of our Yuan clan and the consequences of practicing Suppressing the Sky, so I wont say more. I will simply talk about the Suppressing Cang Qiong technique.

Yanyan paused for a moment above, and then continued to himself:

My Yuan clan considers that we are uniquely talented in the Guixu world, and we want to be the strongest clan in the Guixu world in the future, so we have placed great hopes on the Suppressing Cang Qiong technique.

A smile appeared on Yan's face and he said: "Although the Yuan Clan was only at the peak of the eighth level at that time, it had already understood most of the ninth level cultivation. Therefore, there is no need to worry about whether it is right or wrong in the ninth level cultivation method of Suppressing the Sky. It is the ninth level. After all, the method of steps has not been truly practiced yet, and there are no tricks in it. You need to explore it yourself in the future."

Chen Fei's eyes showed a clear look, which meant that there must be no problem at all with the Eighth Level Zhen Cang Qiong. As for the ninth-level Zhen Cang Qiong, there is definitely no problem.

But because no one from the Yuan clan has practiced before, I dont know what bottlenecks there are and how to solve them. The cultivators need to solve them themselves.

After all, the ninth-order Suppression of the Sky is only a theoretical technique. The Yuan clan doesnt know whether it can be practiced in the end, or whether there are any necessary conditions for successful cultivation.

"This is the case. Now I will pass on this town to you."

As Yan Yan spoke, his body began to exude majestic momentum, and the entire Cang Qiong Palace began to respond.

I send you my respects, ancestor, and let Qiong take care of the rest. After all, not just anyone is qualified to accept our Yuan Clans Clan-Suppressing Cultivation Technique!

Qiong, who had been standing motionless at the bottom, suddenly raised his hand towards Yan, and then the vibrations in the entire Cangqiong Palace disappeared, and at the same time, Yan's figure also began to disappear.

A strange smile appeared on Qiong's face, and then he turned to look at Chen Fei beside him.

A foreigner is actually able to practice my Origin Clans skills. I guess you must have a trace of my Origin Clans blood among your race.

Qiong looked Chen Fei up and down, with a hint of disgust in his eyes, as if he was looking at a vassal race of the Yuan clan.

What do you want to say?

Chen Fei frowned slightly as he looked at the flash of black lines on Qiong's face.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of treasure it is, if it is left in the realm of the mind for a long time, problems will easily occur.

At the beginning, the space of the Tun Yuan Clan had not reached the Heart Conspiracy Realm, but was relatively close to the Heart Conspiracy Realm, so there was a problem. The Cangqiong Palace of the Source Clan has been hidden directly in the Heart and Soul Realm for countless thousands of years, and now something has indeed happened.

This Cangqiong Temple's weapon spirit seems unusual at first glance.


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