Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1178: Jedi Heaven Pass

Chapter 1178: Jedi Heaven Pass

Compared to other practitioners, Chen Feis soul has no special characteristics, it is a human soul.

But besides this, there is another panel in Chen Feis soul.

The panel allows Chen Fei to understand the technique at an incredible speed, but it is not difficult to get started with this Silent Life Technique.

In terms of the difficulty of cultivation, this Silent Life Technique deliberately lowers various thresholds, for fear that practitioners in the material world will not be able to learn it.

Hence, the simplified feature of the panel is not an advantage for this Silent Life Technique.

But in addition to this powerful simplification feature, the panel actually has one of the most basic features, which is to record Chen Fei's status.

One certificate, forever!

So when Chen Fei was weak, even if his Linghui was blinded and he forgot his memory, he could restore what he had on the panel as long as he remembered a few things.

Relying on this characteristic, when he was in the Sun and Moon Realm, Chen Fei directly practiced various secret methods to disintegrate the essence, energy, and soul, all the way.

Other practitioners disintegrate their essence, spirit, soul, and rules. This is a serious injury to the source. In the least case, their cultivation level will regress, and in the worst case, the body will die on the spot.

Chen Fei, on the other hand, as long as he has enough energy, he can gradually restore the disintegrated essence, soul, and even rules one by one.

The recording capability of this panel is passive recording at first. Whatever situation Chen Fei is currently in, the panel will record it.

With several panel upgrades, it has been strengthened a lot, allowing Chen Fei to actively back up body information in two different time periods.

Chen Fei normally backs up his own information before practicing. If something unexpected happens during his practice, Chen Fei can rely on absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth to restore the body information in the backup.

However, after practicing for so many years, Chen Fei has not restored the body information in the backup because of his cultivation.

Transformation into a wraith is an unstoppable process, and once the transformation is completed, it is irreversible. It did not say that after becoming a resentful spirit, you can recover by practicing some techniques.

That's not a good thing.

If the power pollution of the mental world is so easy to remove, this mental world will not be a problem at all for the ninth-level Emperor Senior Realm powerhouse.

Of course, if it is only half of the transformation, there is still a chance for a strong man to cut off his wrist and directly cut off the origin of transformation, and what is left will still be the original origin.

During the transformation process, if you are in a place where the power of the mind world is strong, you may not have a chance even if you want to cut off a strong man's wrist.

It is precisely because of the difficulty of controlling the power of the Heart and Soul Realm that the eighth-level creation realm in the Xuanling Realm needs to divide the Xuanling Realm into two to keep out the power of the Heart and Magic Realm.

At this moment, there are two copies of Chen Fei's body information on the panel, one is from a day ago, and the other is Chen Fei's information updated in real time.

Once Chen Fei uses some secret method to disintegrate the essence, soul, and even rules, he can recover within a few days based on this backup and absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

If Chen Fei practices the Jue of Silent Life, and the source of his whole body is transformed into the power of mental deception, his soul will definitely be affected over time.

At that time, Chen Fei only needs to disintegrate the essence, energy and soul of his whole body, and then use the backup to restore the information before practicing the Silence of Life Art, and then the influence of the Silence of Life Art can be eliminated.

In fact, Chen Fei has the Suppressing Sky to protect his soul. It will take quite a while for the power of the heart to infect Chen Fei's soul. And with the method of washing the soul recorded in the Jue of Silence, Chen Fei can last longer.

But no matter how long he supported it, he still couldn't escape the fate of losing his spiritual wisdom. Without the panel, Chen Fei would definitely not practice the Jue of Silent Life.

Even if there is a panel now, Chen Fei still needs to confirm whether the panel really has absolute priority for the power of the mysterious world.

Chen Fei left behind a warrior in the Open Heaven Realm, ran the Cang Yuan Bell, loaded all the races in Qiankun City into it, and then flew to the direction of the Xuan Clan.

Chen Fei himself came to the barrier that blocked the power of the mind and world.

Chen Fei looked at the barrier connecting heaven and earth in front of him. The width of this barrier was more than tens of thousands of miles. This is the power of the eighth-level creation realm.

Of course, compared with the power of the ninth-level Supreme Realm, which can easily seal off an area, the eighth-level Creation Realm is not comparable at all.

Chen Fei walked to the barrier and saw the strands of dark and mysterious power spreading through the barrier to this side.

Even such a powerful barrier restriction cannot completely prevent the penetration of the power of the mind. One can imagine how intrusive this power is.

Once absorbed into the body, the pollution spreads at an unimaginable speed.

At present, these psychological forces that have penetrated are still a small part, so they have not yet had a big impact on the vitality of heaven and earth on this side of the barrier.

But if the time is extended, and the channel of the Heart Realm on the Rain Clan's side is not closed, then even with this Jedi-like barrier, the entire Xuanling Realm will eventually be polluted.

Chen Fei looked at the two backup information on the panel, one was from a day ago, and the other was backed up just now in Qiankun City.

Chen Fei pondered for a moment and began to operate the Silent Life Technique.

As mentioned before, the Silence of Life Technique is afraid that practitioners in the material world will not be able to learn it, so it cuts off almost all the thresholds for understanding.

Chen Fei's current talent is in the Kaitian realm, not to mention the level of genius, but he is definitely the best. Therefore, he quickly became familiar with operating such a silent life art, which has almost no threshold.

Immediately afterwards, the origin in Chen Fei's body began to mutate.

Just as the realm of mind and deceit is the dark side of the entire Guixu realm, the origin of a practitioner also has two sides. This is the other side that is usually hidden deeply and will not be revealed.

The Secret of Silence is to stimulate the dark side of the practitioner's own origin and move it closer to the devious power of the mind.

The power of the mind that penetrated through the barrier was attracted by Chen Fei and began to drift towards Chen Fei. Then it was swept up by the power of the Silent Life Technique, transforming Chen Fei's origin at an astonishing speed. Endless violence emanated from Chen Fei's heart. Chen Fei's eyes began to turn red. The urge to destroy the world and kill all living things spread.

The Suppressing Sky and Tianshuangyu Divine Techniques automatically operated. The power of Suppressing the Sky protected Chen Fei's soul, and a cool feeling spread in his soul.

The Tianshuangyu Divine Art also has the power to protect Chen Fei's soul, but with the movement of Yuanli and the soul, it is contaminated by the power of the Silent Life Art, and the transformation of the origin into the power of the heart is accelerating.

From this point alone, you can understand how far Zhen Cang Qiong has reached.

Its not that Tianshuangyu Shenjue is not good enough, but in comparison, Zhencangqiong is much better.

However, even Zhencang Qiong cannot actually completely prevent the power of the heart from infecting the soul. Just like the barrier in front of you, it will eventually be penetrated by the power of the heart.

Chen Fei's soul is also in the same situation at this moment. Fortunately, as long as he discovers the treacherous power of his heart, he will be killed immediately by Chen Fei. Therefore, the soul does not have to worry about being contaminated and alienated in a short period of time.

In less than a few breaths, Chen Fei's origin has been infected and transformed by 20%, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Chen Fei stepped forward and stepped back a hundred miles, sensing the infected location in his body. The next moment, Chen Fei activated the backup on the panel.

The vitality of heaven and earth within a thousand miles radius surged toward Chen Fei. The transformation that could not be stopped once it started, actually stopped slowly at this moment.

The vitality of heaven and earth poured into Chen Fei's body and began to clear and repair Chen Fei's contaminated origin in an extremely slow but unswerving way.

The speed is not fast. According to this pace, it will take at least several years to restore the 20% of the origin.

It can only be said that the method of cleaning up the source of pollution is quite mysterious, but this mystery may only apply to Chen Fei himself, because it is based on the characteristics of Chen Fei's own origin, which allows the vitality of heaven and earth to move like this.

Hence, even if Chen Fei could summarize the method and let other practitioners use it, it would probably not be effective.


Chen Fei shattered the two sources of pollution in his body. At this moment, Chen Fei's repair speed suddenly increased.

It can be done to restore a piece of black paper to white paper, but it is very slow. It is faster to simply destroy the black paper and make a new white paper.

Of course, this refers to Chen Fei and does not apply to other practitioners.

Chen Fei deliberately shattered a thousand pieces of mid-grade elemental crystals, and the two lost sources were quickly restored to integrity.

A small test, from what I saw just now, the panel can indeed restrain the contamination of the origin from the mind world.

Chen Fei no longer needs to do more experiments, because even the source of the pollution can be reversed. At most, the speed will be slower, but for Chen Fei, the height of the panel has been proven.

Chen Fei turned around and left, flying in the direction of the Xuan clan. After a moment, Chen Fei caught up with the soldiers and put the Cang Yuan Bell in his sleeve.

Being able to transform himself into a wraithful spirit and recover from it afterwards, Chen Fei and the human race had an extra escape route.

If this mysterious spirit realm really cannot stop the Rain Clan and the resentful spirits, Chen Fei will first transform into the resentful spirits and hide.

Chen Fei came to the territory of the Xuan Clan, and Li Song and several Kaitian realms had included the entire Xuan tribe into the Kaitian Xuanbao.

"Brother Chen, what should we do now?" Li Song said with a sad face.

Going to the territory of the Xian tribe is an option, but it is actually not safe, because if the Yu tribe really wants to conquer, the first choice target is the seven eighth-level races.

The other seventh-level races must be dealt with later.

But at this moment, in the Xuanling Realm, the safest territory is also the territory of these eighth-level races, because these eighth-level races will never give up resistance until the last moment.

Im going to Xiancheng! Chen Fei whispered.

Chen Fei understands Li Song's concerns.

It is the most dangerous place, but it is also the safest. Facing the Yu Clan's attack, the mission rewards given by the Xian Clan will definitely increase a lot.

The Xian tribe can choose to force all the Open Heaven realms to resist the Yu tribe, but if they really do this, they will simply force all the Open Heaven realms to rebel.

Even if you are likely to die, why not take the initiative to transform into a spirit of evil spirit first, maybe you can really maintain your spiritual wisdom?

For eighth-level races like the Xian tribe, they are just some resources. Now that they are at this juncture, they are nothing at all. It is completely meaningless to worry about them.

So now, going to the Xian Clan would provide the greatest benefit, but it was really dangerous, so Chen Fei transformed himself into a spirit of evil spirit and ran away directly.

Of course, this is because Chen Fei is confident that he can escape unscathed. Chen Fei will not force the Xuan clan to follow them.

"Okay, let's go together!" Li Song hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to go with Chen Fei.

Chen Fei nodded, used Yuan Li to drag the Xuan tribe's Kaitian realm, and rushed to Xiancheng at the fastest speed for more than 10,000 miles at a time.

In the Xian City Mission Hall, the mission has indeed changed.

Chen Fei stared at the Xuanguang Pool, a place with the strongest spiritual power. The mission requirements had indeed been reduced. (End of chapter)


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