Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1173: Ninth level supreme

Chapter 1173: Ninth level supreme

Chapter 1173 Ninth Level Supreme

Chen Fei raised his head and looked at the sky, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The rules trembled, but the ones that trembled most violently were all the rules of the water system. Even the rules of water in Chen Fei's body had an urge to echo them.

Dao Yuefeng and others appeared next to Chen Fei, looking at the sky in confusion. The ripples just now can be clearly perceived by those who are above the Rong Dao realm and have control of the rule fragments.

Emperor, what was that just now? Dao Yuefeng and others looked at Chen Fei.

Chen Fei did not speak, but suddenly looked to the southeast, where a sky-reaching sword shadow slowly rose.

This sword is neither wide nor high. It is obviously thousands of miles apart, but here, the shadow of the sword can still be clearly seen.

Not only Chen Fei could see it, but at this moment several people at Daoyue Peak, and even all the practitioners in Qiankun City, could not help but look to the southeast, looking at the rising sword shadow.

That is the direction of the Yu Clan's territory, but it is more than tens of thousands of miles away from Qiankun. The fact that this sword shadow can still be seen from such a long distance can only be the evolution of rules.

Something really happened.

The Heart Quiz scroll flew out from Chen Fei's sleeve, the scroll opened, and the heaven-level mission hanging at the top disappeared without knowing when.

There is probably a ninth-level supreme powerhouse among the Rain Clan, but how did the Rain Clan do it?

In the history of Guixu Realm, many eighth-level races tried to become the new ninth-level supreme race, but they all failed and no one was spared.


Chen Fei looked at the sword shadow in the distant sky, and a guess involuntarily emerged in Chen Fei's mind.

Chen Fei frowned, how could this scene be so similar? When the ruins of the Tunyuan Clan appeared in the Black Stone Territory, the Sealing Heaven Finger fell from the sky, and the entire Black Stone Territory was sealed off.

Suddenly, several more ripples flashed across the sky. This time it was not the violent trembling of the water system rules, but other rules, but in terms of intensity, it was comparable to the first ripple.

All these things illustrate the situation of the Yu clan.

Only a ninth-level supreme being can forcibly seal off a huge area with a wave of his hand.

A huge bowl that was unknown how many miles in size suddenly fell from the sky. The energy of the heaven and earth in the entire Xuanling Realm boiled, and colorful lights filled the entire sky. The rules of the heaven and earth were chaotic to the extreme.

The sudden heaven-level mission issued by Xinguisi, the silence of the Rain Clan, and the shadow of the sky-reaching sword today, as well as the ripples that just flashed over the Xuanling Realm.

So, another ninth level supreme powerhouse is taking action?

Its not that those eighth-level races dont want to, but they are afraid of being exterminated, just like the Tunyuan tribe back then.

After so many thousands of years, there has never been an eighth-level race in Guixu, and there has been no attempt to break through to the ninth level.


The Ninth Level Supreme!

At that time, Chen Fei had a simple understanding of higher levels of power. He only knew that the power of that finger must be above the eighth level.

It's not just the sky. In Chen Fei's perception of the rules of space, this membrane covers a huge area of the Xuanling Realm, and may even cover the entire Xuanling Realm.

Now, as Chen Fei has cultivated to the Open Heaven Realm, he has also looked up the soul fragments of Liao Xia, an eighth-level race, and understands that although the eighth-level power is huge, it is still too far away from sealing off a domain.

The mission to explore the Yu Clan was canceled directly by Xinguisi. It was obvious that Xinguisi already knew what happened.

But soon, the rules returned to calm, and a seemingly invisible film enveloped the sky.

The Xuanling Realm seems to be blocked.

The power involved is unimaginable.

This ninth-level supreme powerhouse always treats a domain as a plaything and forcibly blocks it!

Houshengs tyranny, this is treating oneself as the way of heaven in the world of returning to the ruins, and treating all things like a stupid dog!

Chen Fei vaguely sensed this result, while those eighth-level experts clearly sensed this scene. This was indeed the action of a ninth-level expert, and there were far more than one.

Otherwise, such a large territory as the Xuanling Domain would not be able to be forcibly sealed off in such an instant.

In the territory of the Yu Clan, a figure stands in the sky. Looking at this figure from a distance, it seems that you can directly see a majestic rule.

This is the ninth level. It coexists with the rules, the heaven and the earth have the same life span, the rules are immortal, and the strong ones of the ninth level are also almost immortal.

Just as many seventh-level peak and eighth-level creation realm thinkers in the Xuanling Realm, the Rain Clan has indeed produced a ninth-level supreme realm expert.

Logically speaking, the Supreme Race would never allow ninth-level experts from other races to emerge, but the Rain Tribe succeeded.

In the history of the Guixu Realm, there have been many races that were far more talented and talented than the Yu Clan, but they all failed. How did the Yu Clan succeed?

Nan Qijun, you tribe are so bold, you dare to support an eighth-level race and allow it to give birth to a ninth-level supreme realm!

An indifferent voice sounded in the sky above the Yu clan, and a figure appeared at an unknown time, as if it had always been there, but no practitioner had seen it before.

"This is the matter of the Yu Clan, what does it have to do with our You Clan? Mou Zhuqin, there are some things you should not say nonsense!" Nan Qijun appeared on the other side of the sky, smiling and shaking his head.

Cultivation of cause and effect first, and then destiny. The two rules blend together to create nothingness. Without the ninth-level teaching, an eighth-level race could figure this out on its own?

Next to Mou Zhuqin, two more figures appeared. They looked at Nan Qijun coldly, and then looked at the ninth-level supreme realm of the Yu clan. There are always races with great talents, wasnt that the Yuan clan back then? Nan Qijun chuckled.

"There is indeed a race that is overflowing with talent. If the Yuan race is destroyed, the Yu race can also be wiped out!"

Mou Zhuqin also had a smile on his face. He stared at Nan Qijun and said, "You tribe members won't stop you, right?"

I have broken through to the ninth level, do I still need to accept your trial?

The ninth-level Gongtianshu of the Yu clan who was always silent looked at Mou Zhuqin, and then turned to look at Nan Qijun.

Gong Tianshu can break through to the ninth level, which is indeed the help of You Clan. He cultivates cause and effect first, and then cultivates destiny. The two merge and become one of the ways of heaven.

Gong Tianshu has left the Guixu Realm and gone to the void since the middle of the eighth level. He has not been near the Guixu Realm for tens of thousands of years.

Today, Gong Tianshu finally took the step of narrow escape and entered the ninth-level Supreme Realm, returning to the Ruins Realm.

The ripple that flashed through the entire Xuanling Realm was the return of Gongtianshu, and the rules of the entire Guixu Realm resonated independently. It was also because of this resonance that the other ninth-level supreme realm experts in the Guixu Realm sensed Gongtianshu. .

Gongtianshu can continue to stay in the void, but in the void, Gongtianshu cannot continue to practice upward, nor can he lead the Yu clan to take that step forward.

If this is the case, it suddenly becomes meaningless whether Gongtianshu is of the ninth level.

So Gongtianshu returned to the Guixu Realm, and what followed was everything in front of him.

You are just entering the Supreme Realm for the first time. The fate of your Rain Clan is not up to you to decide!

Mou Zhuqin heard Gong Tianshu's words, glanced at Gong Tianshu, and then looked at Nan Qijun.

Gongtianshu is very strong at the moment. After all, where is the realm of cultivation? Gongtianshu is the ninth-level supreme realm.

But the Supreme Realm is also different, not to mention that there are three ninth levels on Mou Zhuqin's side at the moment. Even if necessary, other ninth levels can come as quickly as possible.

It is not said that it is easy to destroy the Yu tribe, but for these supreme races with multiple ninth levels, it is indeed not a difficult task.

The only thing that needs to be considered is the attitude of Youzu at this moment, because even among the ninth-level races, Youzu are the top ones.

Mu Zhuqin can guess why You Clan wants to support the Yu Clan to create a ninth level. You Clan wants to muddy the water in the Guixu Realm. The muddier the better.

We, the ninth-level race, have never said that we will not allow other practitioners to break through to the ninth level, right? Nan Qijun said with a smile on his face.


Mou Zhuqin nodded, this kind of thing has been tacitly understood for so many years, and he didn't want another ninth-level race to divide the core interests of Guixu Realm.

Because I didnt want to share the benefits, I naturally kept doing it like this.

"Since there is no agreement, now there is an extra supreme realm in the Yu clan. Isn't it a little bad to kill at will?" Nan Qijun said with a smile.

"So, You Clan wants to protect the Yu Clan, right?" Mou Zhuqin was not angry. If You Clan is determined to protect the Yu Clan, then more Supreme Realm people will naturally get involved in this matter.

Whether the Rain Clan can be saved depends on how tough the You Clans attitude is.

"It's not about protecting or not. Back then, your Si clan took advantage of the fighting between different clans and took advantage of the opportunity to rise, but you were also besieged by other eighth-level races. Now this Xuanling Realm is also sealed by you, or you can follow this method. how?"

Nan Qijun glanced at Gongtianshu and then at Mou Zhuqin.

Mou Zhuqin said nothing and looked down at the territory of the Yu tribe. It was clear to Mou Zhuqin how many eighth-level creation realms there were.

Mou Zhuqin once again sensed the approximate number of eighth-level creation realms in the Xuanling Domain.

If Gong Tianshu does not end up, the Yu clan alone wants to resist the siege of other eighth-level creation realms in the Xuanling Domain.

Okay, lets use one area as a chessboard. I havent played chess like this for a long time!

An old voice sounded, and Nan Qijun's relaxed face suddenly turned serious, and he was even ready to withdraw at any time.

As for you, just look at it like this. I can leave it to you, the Rain Clan, to control the fate of the Rain Clan. This means that your breakthrough in cultivation realm has not been in vain!

After the old voice fell, the rules of the sky rioted, and Gong Tianshu's expression changed drastically. Just as he was about to burst out with power, he was forcibly held down by the rules of the riot.

"If you act rashly again, don't blame me for taking this opportunity away from your Rain Clan!"

The old voice appeared again, Gong Tianshu's eyes were filled with struggle, and then he allowed this force to lock him in place.

Those who have performed well in destroying the Yu Clan, I would like to give you an opportunity like the Yu Clan!

The majestic sound, resonated by the rules, spread throughout the Xuanling Realm.

The other seven eighth-level races in the Xuanling Realm were all stunned. Then they understood the meaning, and their minds suddenly wandered.


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