Cultivation Starts From Simplifying the Exercises

Chapter 1145: The beginning of chaos

Chapter 1145: The beginning of chaos

Chapter 1145: The Beginning of Chaos

The supreme race

A few thoughts flashed through Chen Fei's mind, and then he suppressed them.

The supreme race is a bit too far away from Chen Fei and from today's human race. Today's Chen Fei seems to have extraordinary combat power, but it can only be compared with ordinary races.

Perhaps among the eighth-level races, Chen Feis combat power in the early stages of the Open Heaven Realm is at the level of evil genius, but what it is like among those mysterious ninth-level supreme races is not clear at all.

The Xuanling Realm we are about to visit is a very large place with many seventh-level races. Sixth-level races can only survive in the Xuanling Realm as vassal races.

But the seventh-level race is not the strongest race in the Xuanling Realm, the eighth-level race is.

From the memory fragments of the wizard Rui Shenhun, the Xuanling Realm has nine eighth-level races, suppressing the entire Xuanling Realm.

Behind these eighth-level races, there is naturally the ninth-level supreme race. However, in the Xuanling Realm, ordinary practitioners rarely encounter the ninth-level supreme race.

Its not that they disappeared and lived in seclusion, but that the ninth-level supreme race and the ordinary races would never interact at all.

Moreover, ordinary races usually do not talk about the ninth-level supreme race. Although everyone is full of curiosity, they are all very taboo.

I am afraid that if I talk too much, I will bring disaster to my race.

There is no doubt about the talent of the Yuan clan, which can be deeply felt from the Zhen Cang Qiong they created. But that's it, the Yuan clan is still an eighth-level race and failed to break through to the ninth level.

Although this failure was due to being forcibly suppressed by the ninth-level supreme race, rather than the source race's own lack of talent.

But from this aspect, we can see what kind of strength the ninth-level race has, and how many magical skills it has after so many years of accumulation.

The most powerful technique that Chen Fei has access to now is Suppression of the Sky.

However, Zhen Cang Qiong is only at the seventh level now, and the cultivation methods for the next eight levels, as well as the ninth level Zhen Cang Qiong deduced by the Yuan Clan, are all out of Chen Fei's hands.

Chen Fei must practice the seventh-level Suppression of the Sky to the top before he can automatically sense the location of the subsequent Suppression of the Sky.

According to what Yan said, by that time, if Chen Fei is not afraid of the suppression of the ninth-level supreme race, he can go looking for it.

Once Chen Fei chooses to look for and truly cultivate Zhen Cang Qiong after the eighth level, then Chen Fei's fate will be linked to the original Yuan Clan.

all all all all with me with me

Unless Chen Fei can find another skill that is comparable to Zhen Cang Qiong, and fuse the two, he may be able to partially cover up the traces of the Yuan Clan.

But there will be a paradox. The techniques that can be comparable to Zhen Cang Qiong are either from the ninth-level supreme race, or the eighth-level race that was destroyed that year.

If you really want to obtain such a skill, even if it is integrated with Zhen Cang Qiong, it seems that not only it cannot weaken the entanglement with the ninth-level supreme race, but it will intensify it?

If you just want peace, it seems to be the safest thing to practice the seventh level of Suppression of the Sky and not look for subsequent techniques.

But in the face of such magical power, can we really remain indifferent?

And sometimes, you can really protect yourself even if you want to protect yourself wisely. In this world, many things often happen out of your control.

Just like the turmoil caused by the arrival of the Wumeng tribe in the Blackstone Territory, is it because the race in the Blackstone Territory does not want to be left alone?

Countless distracting thoughts collided in his mind, and then gradually subsided, and a inheritance stone appeared in Chen Fei's hand.

It's not Kuanglan Tiansha. Kuanglan Tiansha is the Wumeng tribe's clan-suppressing technique. The Wumeng tribe chose to pass it down orally instead of spreading it in writing.

For Chen Fei, it is naturally a bit of a pity. Although Chen Fei has made up most of Kuanglan Tiansha from the wizard Rui's soul fragments, there are still some omissions.

The inheritance stone in Chen Fei's hand at this moment is an incomplete seventh-level high-grade skill obtained by the Wumeng tribe.

Chen Fei already knew about this technique when he first read Ji Tong's soul memory. Because it was incomplete, and I didnt know where the incompleteness was, the Wumeng tribe did not practice in the Open Heaven realm.

The most I can do is to take it out for reflection occasionally and see if I can draw parallels and gain some inspiration.

It is precisely because of this that the inheritance stone of this incomplete seventh-level high-grade skill has been preserved.

Chen Fei focused his attention on it. Half an hour later, Chen Fei withdrew his attention and looked thoughtful.

Discover the martial arts, and the beginning of chaos opens the Taoist body technique (remnant).

The opportunities in life are very wonderful.

Chen Fei was just thinking about whether he would use some technique in the future to integrate it with Zhen Cang Qiong and slightly cover up the traces of Zhen Cang Qiong's aura.

After sorting out the collection of the Wumeng people, I discovered that what was recorded in this inheritance stone turned out to be a technique that was practiced from the outside in.

Its no wonder that the Wumeng tribe only comprehended this technique instead of actually practicing it, because it is somewhat different from the techniques practiced by ordinary practitioners.

It is in a mutilated state, so it is naturally even more difficult to distinguish.

Ordinary Yuanli techniques, such as Kuanglan Tiansha and Kuanglan Tianyu Jue that Chen Fei himself fused, all start with the soul Yuanli, then transform the source space, and finally reach the body.

Basically, every practitioner is an all-rounder, and there will never be a situation where the body is weak but the energy is stronger.

Chen Fei is actually already partial to science, because Chen Fei's body is far stronger than his own level because of Zhen Cang Qiong.

Other practitioners probably want to be as partial to science as Chen Fei, after all, they are more powerful. But with that time and energy, maybe the realm of Yuanli has been improved to a higher level. Sometimes its not a question of whether you want to or not, but the actual situation simply doesnt allow it, and you dont have enough understanding or time.

Chaos first opens the Dao Body Art, first cultivate the body, and then it penetrates into the soul energy and the source space.

This can be regarded as a partial skill. The body will be stronger than the Yuanli realm, but the partiality is not too serious.

This technique should be created by a certain race based on its own characteristics. It is not very suitable for other races.

Because no matter what race they are, they all have very good talents in physical training.

When Chaos first opened the Tao Body Art, he also practiced the four main rules of earth, water, fire and wind, but there was a bias. The rules of earth were biased more heavily, which allowed the three main rules of water, fire and wind to promote the power of [earth].

It is estimated that it is for this reason that after the Wumong people obtain this skill, they will keep it in their hands for meditation. Because the Wumeng clan is in the Open Heaven realm, they are now majoring in the rules of the earth.

Chen Fei thought for a while and tried to fuse the Chaos First Dao Body Art with the seventh-order Suppressing Sky.

On the panel, the two techniques collided with each other, and then Zhencang Qiong swallowed the light group of Chaos Chu Dao Body Technique directly.

Chaos Chu Dao Body Technique has disappeared, and the new fusion technique is still called Zhen Cang Qiong.

Chen Fei couldn't help but grin. The two techniques were not comparable at all, so Zhen Cang Qiong didn't even change his name.

Panel According to Chen Fei's ideas, Zhen Cang Qiong has not changed at all after the integration. It still practices the two main rules of cause and effect and destruction.

However, the aura displayed to the outside world has undergone relatively large changes. It is mainly dominated by the initial Tao body of chaos, which is the regular aura of [Earth].

A good fusion result, Chen Fei is quite satisfied with it.

Five more inheritance stones appeared in Chen Fei's hand, all of which were skills collected by the Wumeng tribe.

The three lower-grade seventh-grade gates and the two middle-grade seventh-grade gates are not as good as Kuanglan Tiansha in terms of level, and both are incomplete. However, the Wumeng tribe has found out where these incomplete parts are.

However, even if it is found, it is not as good as Kuanglan Tiansha, so the Wumeng tribe will naturally not practice it in the Kaitian realm, so they will just store it as racial heritage, and maybe it can be used in the future.

The Wumeng tribe has no future now, and these five skills have given Chen Fei an advantage.

Chen Fei spent two hours reading these five seventh-level exercises one by one.


Discovered a new skill, Lanyu Divine Technique!

The integration of all exercises, including the tactics part of the chaos, and the proficiency of the new exercises, from the original approach to the mastery, slipped to the position of 20 % of the entry -level situation, the level of the entire exercise method was increased by one.

surpassed the original Kuanglan Tiansha and reached the seventh-level high-grade position for the first time.

Chen Fei couldn't help but have a smile on his face. At least in terms of Yuanli Kung Fu, which he majored in, there was no big difference between Chen Fei and the big clan in the Kaitian realm.

When you reach the Xuanling Realm, you should have the opportunity to obtain other better seventh-level skills.

Whether it is incomplete or not, Chen Fei doesn't care, as long as the level is high enough.

Chen Fei raised his head and glanced ahead. Both the Qianyuan Sword and the Zangyuan Bell had broken through to the level of top-quality Taoist weapons, and they had profound foundations, without any sense of frivolity.

As long as you are willing to spend resources, you can easily get the best Taoist tools.

Of course, the resources Chen Fei spent can actually be easily exchanged for many top-quality Taoist tools.

But now that we have reached the level of the best Taoist tools, it is not that easy to continue to improve.

This is the same as the peak of Fusion Dao Realm being promoted to Open Heaven Realm.

Chen Fei thought for a moment, took out the Yu Ling dagger belonging to Lu Ji of the Wei tribe, and pointed at the dagger.


The Yu Ling Dagger trembled violently, and fine cracks appeared on the dagger's body. At the same time, the majestic original aura began to flow out.

Chen Fei waved his right hand and sent the Yu Ling Dagger in front of Qianyuan Sword and Zangyuan Bell.

As a person in the Kaitian realm, Chen Fei still needs two Kaitian Mysterious Treasures, whether it is to cover up his physical problems or because he has developed a habit of fighting enemies over the years.

Chen Fei now has ten pieces of Kaitian Xuanbao in his hands. A few of them were broken to raise the Qianyuan Sword and Zangyuan Bell, which can be regarded as making the best use of them.

In addition to the Yu Ling Dagger, Chen Fei also took out several seventh-level low-grade spiritual materials and smelted them into the Qianyuan Sword and Zangyuan Bell.

After doing this, a piece of spiritual essence from the early stage of the Open Heaven Realm flew out, Chen Fei shattered it, and in an instant, a majestic spiritual machine descended into the practice room.

Seventh order to suppress the sky, the Lanyu Divine Art, the secondary rules of the earth, and massive insights appeared in Chen Fei's sea of consciousness.


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