Cultivation Nerd

Chapter 14: Shower Thoughts in Prison

Chapter 14: Shower Thoughts in Prison

In the end, there wasn't much I could do but let myself be escorted to the sect's prisona bit of a surprise, as I hadn't known such a facility existed within the sect. Technically, it didn't, as they led me to a small boat. Said boat wasn't on the water, but it was there on the grass.

"Get in," instructed one of them, and I complied, joining them in the vessel.

It was a somewhat absurd sight, five men in a boat on land, all wearing serious expressions. However, the situation soon changed as the boat trembled and emitted a steam-like aura. Gradually, we lifted off and began to ascend toward the side of the colossal mountain housing the Blazing Sun Sect.

Glancing over the edge, a shiver ran down my spine. This felt like a hardcore airplane ride without any safety measures. At least we moved slowly enough to avoid the full force of the wind.

Surveying the somber faces of my companions, I inquired, "So, do any of you know what the prison looks like?"

"Only from the outside," replied one of them.

"Wei Zemin, we're not permitted to converse with prisoners," cautioned another.

Wei Zemin shrugged and sighed, "That's not an official rule, just common courtesy when elders are present. Besides, it's only fair to inform him. We don't want a repeat of the last ten individuals who resisted, one even attempted to leap from the Cloud Sailing Boat."

"They likely had something to hide," frowned another. "No innocent person would resist the sect's security so vehemently. The sect doesn't punish the blameless!"

Clearly, this one was a hot-headed youth, steadfast in his belief that the sect's authority was infallible. Many adhered to such a mindset, akin to the school mentality of unquestioning trust in authority figures. Yet, with time, they'd come to realize that age or credentials didn't necessarily equate to wisdom or righteousness.

However, considering how sheltered individuals within the sect tended to be, it would likely take some time for someone like him to outgrow such behavior.

"Apologies for the interruption, honorable seniors," I redirected their attention to me. "But may I inquire as to why I'm being detained? I believe I've committed no wrongdoing, but if I have, could you kindly inform me so I can avoid repeating it?"

"Oh, don't fret. It's nothing too severe," Wei Zemin reassured me. "Given recent events outside, we've implemented a new protocol to investigate everyone who was outside the sect during that time and bring them in for questioning regarding their knowledge of said events."

His tone suggested that this might entail an indefinite period of confinement. It wasn't ideal, but there was little I could do, and I doubted they'd detain us for long, perhaps a month at most, considering that holding disciples in cells didn't exactly instill confidence in the others or how people saw the sect.

If there was one thing I could count on in xianxia, it was the need for the strong to save face amongst themselves.

Now that clearly there was no escape, I decided to make the best of the situation. "Can I train while in imprisonment?"

"Of course," Wei Zemin confirmed. "You'll even receive your monthly allowance. Just to clarify, you're not truly a prisoner. We simply need to question all disciples who've been outside and verify whether any spies have infiltrated, perhaps by using skin masks. You'll also keep your belongings."

"There's no chance you could escape cells designed to contain individuals of higher cultivation," the hot-blooded youth interjected.

Well, wasn't he a bundle of joy? He appeared to be in his late teens or early twenties, still quite young. Hopefully, he wouldn't metamorphose into an arrogant young master and instead contribute positively to society.

...Who was I kidding? Knowing this world, he'd soon be spouting lines like; Courting death!

After several seconds of uncomfortable silence punctuated by the rush of wind, I couldn't resist breaking the tension. "So, what exactly happened to warrant such high-security measures?"

"What happened?" Wei Zemin sighed wearily. "It'd be easier to list what didn't happen."

"Careful," the hot-blooded youth cautioned, his brow furrowing. "We're not supposed to disclose anything about the incident. It could compromise the investigation."

"Relax, I wasn't planning on revealing anything," Wei Zemin dismissed his fellow disciple's concerns with a wave of his hand. "They'll all find out soon enough, one way or another."

As they spoke, we approached a rocky section of the mountaina treacherous landscape of sheer cliffs and jagged rocks, with the only relief being a cave-like opening. Its perfectly rounded shape hinted at it being man-made, likely the handiwork of a past cultivator's amusement.

The tale has been illicitly lifted; should you spot it on Amazon, report the violation.

As the boat neared the cave, the winds intensified. Unlike the others, I abandoned any pretense of appearing composed and clung to the vessel for dear life. I had no intention of risking my life for the sake of pride or some foolish display of bravado.

These guys were likely in the Qi Gathering realm and unable to fly on swords. It seemed foolish not to hold on, as even Qi would not protect against such a steep fall.

Despite the biting winds feeling like icy blades against my skin, the boat smoothly entered the cave, and the wind vanished as if it had been an illusion.

Looking back at the entrance, I noticed inscriptions etched into the cave's shadows, likely forming a barrier to block the winds.

Inside, the cave was illuminated by flickering torcheswhich I hoped was the presence of some artifact sustaining their perpetual flame. Without light, this place would quickly transform from prison into solitary confinement.

In the corner sat a desk, attended by a chubby middle-aged man in a dark uniform, reclining in a creaking wooden chair. Despite looking more like a dad with four kids who wouldn't seem out of place overlooking a barbecue, this Inner Elder exuded a formidable auralikely at least middle Foundation Establishment.

With a nonchalant mood around him, he yawned, "Another one? Just kids caught outside during some commotion. Why's everyone acting like the sky's falling? These poor kids are scared shitless, no matter how many times I reassure them."

The discomfort among the inner disciples was palpable at his words. Ignoring an elder was deemed disrespectful, yet agreeing would be tantamount to insulting the sectan offense with dire consequences. Inner disciple or not, they had to trod carefully, a predicament I didn't envy in the slightest.

"Excuse us, honorable elder. We have other duties to attend to," the hot-blooded youth bowed, his fist against his palm, followed by the other inner disciples. Maintaining the bow for a respectful duration, they departed in the boat, leaving only the elder and me.

His gaze settled on me, and I couldn't help but gulp. This was likely the strongest individual I had encountered in my life.

"How old are you, kid?" he inquired with bored indifference. Making it clear that he didn't care about what he was asking about.

"I'm sixteen years old, sir," I responded.

Glancing at the paper in his hand, he sighed, "What's with these ridiculous questions? Who even writes them?" Throwing away the paper, he propped his elbows on the desk, resting his head on his palms. "Anyway, kid, what's your take on teenage dating?"

...Excuse me?

What the fuck were we talking about here? Did I zone out, or was this question out of nowhere?

"I don't really have a strong opinion on it," I replied, trying to keep a calm facade.

"Why not?" he pressed, his brow furrowing.

"Because it never really affected me. I never really thought about dating. I'm more focused on training and delving deeper into cultivation itself," I explained.

"Dedicated and hard-working That's good," the man smiled warmly. "That's a very commendable answer. Did you know I have a daughter around your age?"

Of course, I didn't know. How could I even know about something like that? We just met.

I refrained from voicing those thoughts out loud. This wasn't the internet, where one could blurt out anything without consequence.

Despite my reservations, it seemed he wasn't particularly interested in my response, his expression turning melancholic. "Even though she was born with average talent, being an inner elder allowed me to kickstart her cultivation journey as an inner disciple."

Was he confessing to corruption? While it was an open secret, most elders preferred to keep such matters behind closed doors.

"Do you know what she said when I offered her that?" His eyes welled with tears. "She said she wanted to start on equal footing with everyone and didn't need the advantages offered to inner disciples. She said she wanted to prove her worth to herself."

As he spoke, he retrieved a porcelain bottle from beneath the table, its potent aroma reaching me even from a distance. Taking a sip, tears streamed down his cheeks. "On one hand, I was so proud of her But on the other, I wanted to explain just how misguided such a decision could be. Coming from a regular civilian background, I understood the hardships she would face."

Suddenly, I felt a pang of sympathy for him. It was evident he was intoxicated, which explained his behavior. What parent wouldn't seek solace in alcohol if their child met an unfortunate end due to decisions made with the best intentions?

Regardless of one's cultivation prowess, no heart was made of stone. Even with centuries of life experience, the love for family and children remained undiminished.

"I think she went down there to meet up with a guy! She definitely has a lover!" His hand slammed onto the table, causing the cave to tremble, yet strangely, the table remained intact despite its shoddy appearance. "That's the only explanation! Have you heard any rumors about her?! Has she been courting anyone?! I will kill that bastard and five generations of his family for daring to deceive my beautiful, gentle, smart, cute, and kind daughter!"

His intense gaze bore into me, and for the first time since arriving in this world, I felt an overwhelming urge to punch someone.

Seriously, bring back my sympathy, you bastard! Here I was, feeling sorry for you, and you're out here fretting over whether your daughter is dating someone.

And what was with asking me if I knew anything? I didn't even know her name!

Of course, I would never voice such thoughts to his face. No matter how absurdly he behaved, this was someone who could obliterate me with a single blow.

"I" I struggled to think of a response. "I don't really know much about these matters. I don't belong to any social circles and avoid rumors. I've heard nothing about your daughter."

His intensity waned, and he wiped the tears from his eyes. "You're right. My honest daughter would never deceive me. She'll always keep the promise she made when she was four, that she won't see any boy until she's at least thirty! My old heart couldn't bear to see my girl grow up so quickly."

What in the world was my life, and who the fuck thought it would be a good idea put this guy in charge of the prisons?


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