Cultivation: Being Immortal

Chapter 15

Chapter 15

It was another year for the family gathering. This year, Lin Jiang was forty-seven years old, marking his thirtieth year since he traveled through time, and he had achieved the fourth level of Qi Refining.

The number of Lin family members kept increasing, and it already filled more than twenty tables. The courtyard of the ancestral home was almost not enough, and in a few years, it might need to be expanded.


Eldest Brother Lin Shan was very old, he was 78 years old and didn't want to take the Appearance Adjustment Pill. He had a head full of white hair and looked the oldest among everyone present.

"Sit down, Shan'er."

Lin Batian sighed and asked Lin Shan to sit down. Lin Shan was his legal wife's child and his firstborn. He loved Lin Shan the most.

But his most beloved son was unable to break through to Foundation Building Period. He could only watch him grow older day by day. Time was ruthless, and there wasn't much time left for Lin Shan.

Sitting next to Lin Shan was Lin He. Though he was also in his seventies, he still looked middle-aged.

Next to Lin He was Lin Die. She was 55 years old, but she looked even younger, like she was in her twenties. She didn't take the Appearance Adjustment Pill.

The fourth eldest, Lin Yuan, was already married and living elsewhere with her husband's family. She rarely attended the year-end gatherings. So the fifth eldest, Lin Hai, sat next to Lin Die. Lin Hai was in his fifties and looked fine.

Lin Jiang's younger siblings were all young and didn't have to worry about their lifespan for a short period of time. Their attention was all on Lin Batian. They hoped to receive his approval or encouragement. Children always wanted their father's love.

The three generations of the Lin family and even the fourth generation had more and more people growing up. Almost half of them had embarked on the path of cultivation, becoming like adults.

The happiest ones should be the children under twelve years old. They didn't have to check their Spiritual Root or feel the pressure of practicing. They still had their childlike innocence. The year-end gathering was like their New Year, a chance to eat and drink a lot. Lin Batian specially instructed to prepare delicious food with low spiritual energy for them.

"This year, the Lin family has developed well. The income has been increasing, and no one in the clan has passed away. There are nine new members and three new babies..."

Starting a few years ago, Lin Batian would summarize the Lin family's situation for the year on this day, such as significant events that happened.

This year, the Lin family gained nine new members, including the legally wedded wife. The concubines were not counted, and there were also three newborns. The three babies meant that they had been tested and have Spiritual Root. They were considered part of the Lin family. Those without Spiritual Root were not considered part of the Lin family. It was harsh and realistic.

"This year, the Lin family acquired a large treasure, which is the Soul Lamp. After finishing the meal, everyone will go to the ancestral hall and leave a drop of blood and their soul. Steward Wu, who has a lower cultivation level, will assist you. The Soul Lamp is a standard item for our big family. It can monitor your condition and provide family support in case of danger."

Finally, Lin Batian mentioned that the price of a large treasure like the Soul Lamp was very high. He spent over a hundred thousand spirit stones to have it customized.

The Soul Lamp had many benefits. When family members put their blood and soul into it, the lamp was lit, and when they pass away, the lamp would go out. It could check the safety of the clan members. In case of danger, it could activate secret techniques and guide them. The family could then send people to help. It was an essential treasure for a big family.

After the meal, Lin Jiang followed everyone to the ancestral hall, where Steward Wu was already waiting. Starting from the eldest, each person gave a drop of blood, and Steward Wu also extracted a strand of their soul. For cultivators, it was not a big deal. Resting for ten days to half a month would be enough to recover.

"The soul goes into the Soul Lamp, and the blood goes into the Soul Card. You must keep the Soul Card safe because it's related to your life. If you encounter danger outside, you can activate the Soul Card. The Soul Lamp will guide you and roughly determine your location. The clan will dispatch experts to rescue you.

And the people who are closer to us, the Soul Card will also react, you can consider whether to provide support or not. Generally speaking, the clan supports you all in watching out for each other."

Steward Wu held up a Soul Card and said to everyone, "This is a tool that goes with the Soul Lamp. It will also serve as proof of identity for the clan in the future. Please be careful not to lose it, as it will cause a lot of trouble if you do."

It was soon Lin Jiang's turn, and he also forced out some blood essence. Steward Wu helped draw out a strand of divine soul and put it into an oil lamp. Suddenly, the lamp burst into flames brighter than even Miss Lin Die.

"Strange, why is your aura much brighter than Miss Third's?"

Steward Wu was very surprised that Sixth Young Master's Soul Lamp was brighter than Miss Third's. This was strange because usually the stronger the lifespan, the brighter the lamp. Just look at the lamp of Young Master Lin Shan, it was as bright as a yellow bean. And Lin Die, who was now the most advanced among the Lin family's second generation, was almost at the later stage of Foundation Building.

"Among mortals, living to seventy is considered rare, but there are also people who can live to a hundred or more. I am afraid of death and good at maintaining health. I believe I can live to a hundred and fifty, which is normal."

Lin Jiang quickly made up a reason. He took a glance at the system, and his remaining life span was already over ten thousand years. He could outlive the entire Lin family. It would be strange if his Soul Lamp didn't shine.

"Sixth Young Master is right."

Steward Wu scanned Lin Jiang with his divine sense three times, confirming that Lin Jiang's cultivation level was still at the fourth layer of Qi Refining. He wasn't impersonating someone else, so it didn't matter anymore.

Lin Jiang quickly left and had a conversation with Lin Die. He also visited Eldest Brother Lin Shan. If everything goes as expected, Eldest Brother Lin Shan would be the first one from their generation to pass away. Time waits for no one, and maybe in a few years, he wouldn't be seen anymore.

After the New Year, Lin Jiang went to Anhua City with Lin Die and Lin Ying. They pretended to go there to buy Appearance Adjustment Pills, but Lin Jiang couldn't bear to spend the money. One Appearance Adjustment Pill costs over twenty thousand spirit stones, which was his entire annual income for over three years. It would take him more than five years to save up that amount.

After this trip, Lin Jiang's appearance problem was solved. At least for the next twenty or thirty years, no one would suspect his appearance. He could continue staying in the Lin family.

The next step was to take care of Zhuang Rong in her old age and prepare to leave the Lin family. Zhuang Rong was currently sixty-eight years old, and Lin Jiang didn't know how long she would live. He just needed to be filial to Zhuang Rong.

On the financial side, Lin Jiang's wealth had been increasing. He accumulated about five hundred spirit stones each year, and he had been saving for more than ten years. He now had over six thousand spirit stones, which made him wealthier than many people in the Lin family.

Because Lin Jiang didn't have a family to support, he spent less on cultivation compared to others. Most of the Lin family members, including other cultivators, invested whatever money they had into cultivation, but Lin Jiang didn't. His cultivation time was fixed, so his expenses were also fixed. Now, he had an additional expense for drawing symbols each year.

However, Lin Jiang's income was also increasing. The Spiritual Peach Mountain Villa was becoming more mature, with various industries fully developed. With more experience, his income was gradually increasing.

"Jiang'er, try on the clothes your mother made for you and see if they fit."

On this day, Zhuang Rong gestured to a piece of clothing for Lin Jiang. In the past few years, Zhuang Rong has been enthusiastic about making clothes for Lin Jiang.

At first, it was regular fabric, then it upgraded to buying fabric woven with magical materials, and finally she started raising silkworms to weave the fabric herself.

These silkworms were spiritual silkworms that Lin Jiang bought from Anhua City. The silk they produced was extremely strong, even mortal warriors couldn't cut it with swords or knives. If a mortal wore it, it would be a magical item.

"How can Mom's clothes not fit? I really like it, thank you, Mom."

Lin Jiang said. He was so moved. It took Zhuang Rong two years to make this garment because there weren't many spiritual silkworms, and it took two years to accumulate enough silk.

"It's good that you like it. I can make you a garment each year from now on, enough for you to wear for decades."

"This garment can also last for decades."

Lin Jiang forced a smile. With the fabric made from spiritual silkworms, even if he wore it for fifty years, it wouldn't wear out.

"Oh, Mom's only wish now is to see you get married, see your children born. There are so many sisters in the family, and I am the only one who hasn't become a grandmother."

Zhuang Rong sighed and said, "Lin Batian has many wives, and except for the ones who just married recently, all the others have become grandmothers or great-grandmothers. She was the only one. None of her children had gotten married."

(Translated by Gravity Tales 😃)

"Mother, I am still thinking about building a foundation."


Zhuang Rong rolled her eyes, thinking that was a silly statement. Lin Jiang was almost fifty and only had reached the fourth level of Qi Refining. How could he build any foundations?

"Really, in a maximum of five years, I will reach the fifth level of Qi Refining."

"Once you pass sixty, everything stops. Your sister is not even thirty yet and already building a foundation. You, on the other hand, should take advantage of your fertility and have a few children. I will take care of them for you."

"Ahem, I see that Shadiao has brought back some prey. I'll go check it out."

Lin Jiang immediately found an excuse to leave. Zhuang Rong had put aside the idea of Lin Jiang getting married a few years ago, but it had resurfaced and she seemed even more determined now.

Unfortunately, Lin Jiang's reputation as the shame of the Lin family was too well-known. Even though he owned an estate, he couldn't find any cultivators as potential marriage partners. This made Zhuang Rong angry; she didn't want Lin Jiang's wife to be a mortal, nor did she want their future children to be mortals. Mortals had a miserable life in the world of cultivators.


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