Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 13: Pill Cauldron

In the southern wilderness’s cultivation world.

On Qingzhu Mountain.

Within a hidden underground chamber near the Shack Area.

The secret room had multiple passages, including tunnels seemingly dug to connect with the outside world.

Fang Xi quietly emerged, gazing at a pack containing demon meat, his expression slightly animated: “As expected… if magical artifacts can be brought over, resources from there can also be brought back, as long as I can carry them…”

The idea of trading between two realms seemed quite feasible.

“In the early stages, small quantities won’t be an issue; I can manage by hand. Later on, it’ll just require a bag of holding… Wait, Fang Xi, don’t get ahead of yourself! Even the smallest capacity bag of holding costs twenty low-grade spirit stones!”

Regarding the corpse of the ambushing martial artist, Fang Xi searched through it but found him surprisingly destitute…

He carried only about eighty taels of silver, akin to a beggar, without even a single martial arts manual. How dare he have the audacity to go out and rob people?!

“Wait, if he truly had money, why bother robbing?”

After some sarcastic remarks, Fang Xi proceeded to assess his own assets.

His cultivation base remained at the third layer of Qi Refining, steadily consolidating its foundation.

With a lower-tier wood attribute spiritual root, progressing in cultivation was indeed challenging.

The most valuable item among his possessions was a low-grade magical artifact—the Qinghe Sword.

Beneath it lay a secret manual called ‘Everlasting Spring Art’, which could be cultivated up to the tenth layer of Qi Refinement, achieving Great Perfection. This was a common find in the market, and after reaching Foundation Establishment, one would need to seek a different cultivation technique.

“Additionally, there are 22 spirit crystals, 60 pounds of spirit bamboo rice, 1 mid-grade Little Thunder Talisman, 1 low-grade Golden Light Barrier Talisman, 2 Frost Talismans, 5 Protection Talismans, along with various utility talismans such as Dust Repelling, Fire Warding, and Water Warding…”

“I can’t help but feel that any cultivator robbed here would shed tears…” Fang Xi sighed deeply, gazing at the demon flesh and murmuring, “Perhaps I should sell it… No, not until reaching Mid Qi Refining; it’s too risky!”

He had already inquired at the Baiyun Dojo about Fatso Han’s demon meat, known as ‘Tai Sui Meat’. It indeed matched this pale appearance and wasn’t particularly gamey when eaten.

Moreover, it had blood-stimulating and qi-enhancing effects, so much so that even Mu Piaomiao refrained from consuming it during certain sensitive days…

Despite being fully aware of its benefits, Fang Xi still decided against immediately eating the demon meat.

“Cultivators often cook demon beast meat for its spiritual energy benefits. For body cultivators, it serves as an unparalleled elixir, and naturally, they have methods to discern its safety…”

Fang Xi gazed at the tai sui meat, pondered briefly, and then cast a spell technique.


A halo of light appeared above the meat, shifting through various colors before settling on a deep shade of green.

“Generally harmless, but there’s still a slight risk of bodily harm…”

Fang Xi nodded slightly.

“Cultivators possess numerous ways to identify toxins and administer treatments… As a precaution, I should acquire a Detoxification Pill along with a Spring Recovery Talisman.”

Considering his need for talismans, Fang Xi immediately decided to approach his new neighbor, Chen Ping, for assistance.

This new spirit farmer seemed skilled in drawing talismans, making him worth cultivating a closer relationship. Additionally, this could expand the original host’s network.

The previous Fang Xi had focused solely on arduous cultivation, having few friends beyond neighbors and no connections within social circles.

However, the current Fang Xi resolved to broaden his relationships slightly, which would not only facilitate future sales of demon meat but also open channels for purchasing rare resources.

Without wasting any time, early the next morning, Fang Xi positioned himself by the door, waiting to intercept Chen Ping as he stepped out. “Fellow Daoist Chen… going out?”

“That’s correct.”

Chen Ping appeared much like any other spirit farmer - honest and timid. Upon hearing this, he asked hesitantly, “Fellow Daoist Fang…is there something you need?”

“Yes… Fellow Daoist Chen, by any chance, are you a talisman master? I’m interested in purchasing a Spring Recovery Talisman, if possible…”

Fang Xi cautiously probed with his question.

Chen Ping’s expression shifted slightly, then he smiled wryly and waved his hands repeatedly. “The path of talismans is vast and profound; I wouldn’t dare call myself a talisman master. I’ve only studied for a few days under Grandmaster Zong, still at the beginner level, struggling even with low-tier first-rank talismans…”

Each of the four arts of cultivation - alchemy, formations, talismans, and artifacts - requires immense dedication to master.

Although the art of talismans might be relatively simpler compared to others, achieving proficiency remains challenging.

If drawing a talisman proves difficult, it implies that the benefits may not outweigh the costs, leading to potential losses.

“Already impressive. By any chance, do you have a Spring Recovery Talisman?” Fang Xi added, “I’ll purchase it at market price.”

“Well… I do have one here.”

Mentioning the average market price caught Chen Ping’s attention immediately, prompting him to produce a green talisman.

Taking advantage of this moment, they exchanged a few more words before Chen Ping eventually bid farewell.

‘I didn’t expect him to be somewhat familiar, having learned from Symbol Master Zong for a few days?’

As he watched Chen Ping depart, Fang Xi suddenly recalled the couple running the talisman stall and marveled at how small the world seemed.

Of course, it might also be because Qingzhu Mountain Market itself was quite small, with only a few known talisman masters around.

Regardless, this visit had proven fruitful.

“Already have the Spring Recovery Talisman, now just need a Detoxification Pill…” Fang Xi murmured to himself as he entered Qingzhu Mountain Market.

Pill Cauldron Pavilion!

A meticulously crafted six-story wooden building exuded a faintly fragrant herbal aroma from its eaves.

Fang Xi always exercised caution when dealing with medicinal pills, which are meant for consumption. Although the pills sold by independent cultivators might be cheaper, their safety cannot be guaranteed entirely.

On the other hand, establishments backed by major factions tend to offer greater assurance.

The Pill Cauldron Pavilion has built a reputation over hundreds of years, with influences even stronger than the Situ Clan. For such entities, maintaining their brand and reputation is paramount, ensuring that the quality of their medicinal pills is generally trustworthy.

Naturally, “trustworthy” does not mean infallible; careful inspection upon purchase remains essential.

As Fang Xi admired the Pill Cauldron Pavilion, a young woman dressed in light green approached him, greeting warmly, “Greetings, fellow daoist. What kind of medicinal pills are you seeking? My name is Zhuo Luting, and I possess some knowledge about common pills.”

With her peach-like cheeks and almond-shaped eyes, she had an exceptionally pleasing appearance. Zhuo Luting didn’t even conceal her cultivation aura, allowing Fang Xi to immediately discern that she was a cultivator at Mid Qi Refining stage.

‘Wow, the Pill Cauldron Pavilion is impressive indeed, having a sales attendant already at Mid Qi Refining…’

‘Alright, they certainly have high standards.’

Feeling slightly envious, Fang Xi managed a wry smile. “I need a Detoxification Pill.”

“For detoxification, our pavilion offers the low-tier first-rank Clearspirit Pill, effective against various toxins. If you find it insufficient, we also have mid-tier first-rank Detoxing Pills, or even the high-tier first-rank Myriad Spirits Pill. However, their prices may be…” Zhuo Luting replied with a charming smile.

“I have a friend who accidentally consumed meat from an unknown beast…” Fang Xi began concocting a tale of a nonexistent companion.

Zhuo Luting considered for a moment. “Generally speaking, beasts don’t naturally produce toxins within their blood or flesh. Unless the poison sac was ingested, the toxicity should not be severe. The Clearspirit Pill has remarkable efficacy in alleviating animal poisons. You can purchase one to try; if it’s ineffective, please bring your friend here for examination by our apothecary…”

“That sounds good. How much does a Clearspirit Pill cost?”

Fang Xi nodded.

“One low-grade spirit stone,” Zhuo Luting replied with a smile.

So expensive!

At outside stalls, it would cost no more than seven or eight spirit crystals!

Despite these thoughts swirling in his mind, Fang Xi remained expressionless as he handed over the spirit crystal and received a small jade bottle in return.

“Is there anything else Daoist friend requires?” Zhuo Luting asked, feeling quite pleased after completing the transaction.

“Let me see…” Fang Xi placed his hands behind his back and leisurely strolled around the first floor of the Pill Cauldron Pavilion.

Soon, he stopped in front of a particular counter.

On its wooden shelves, numerous bottles of spirit wine were prominently displayed - some in jars, others sealed in glass bottles.

“These are spirit wines, primarily made from spirit rice mixed with various types of spirit medicines, then aged underground…” Zhuo Luting explained to Fang Xi. “Among our cultivators, many enjoy indulging in such beverages. Not only that, but several spirit wines have multiple benefits. For instance, this ‘Fasting Wine’ can serve as a substitute for spiritual sustenance; just one sip allows you to go without food or water for three days… And here’s ‘Hundred Flowers Brew’, which not only has exquisite flavor but also aids female cultivators in their Qi Refinement practices… If your friend was indeed bitten by a snake, this ‘Hundred Snakes Wine’ is highly effective at neutralizing snake venom!”

“I see…” Fang Xi remained expressionless, exuding a demeanor of a seasoned cultivator.

In the cultivation world, apart from the four primary arts, there were various secondary professions.

These included physicians who treated injuries, spirit chefs crafting diverse spiritual dishes, brewers, Meridian Masters, Mineral Seekers, and many more…

Brewing techniques could be considered as minor side skills or even a branch of alchemy.

Fang Xi glanced at the prices and promptly took his leave. Even if he spent all his current assets, it would likely not suffice to purchase a single jar of spirit wine.

“As for the brewing recipes, forget about it - definitely unaffordable…”

Fang Xi felt a pang of regret; being a spirit farmer, brewing seemed quite fitting for him.

“Perhaps…if Pill Cauldron Pavilion is out of reach, I can try my luck browsing the street stalls?”

With this thought, he began wandering among the various makeshift booths.

Since his transmigration, Fang Xi hadn’t been immune to novel tropes, often visiting these market stalls in hopes of stumbling upon some fortuitous encounter.

The results, however, spoke for themselves.

Novels truly lied!

However, not only did he never find any extraordinary opportunities, but even minor bargains eluded him!

It wasn’t just his own experience; after observing for a year, he hadn’t seen a single cultivator successfully snagging deals from these stalls.

Instead, there were plenty of cases where cultivators felt cheated or lost everything due to deceptive practices, and he witnessed many such incidents.

Some individuals attempted to cause chaos in the market, only to be swiftly ejected by the Situ Clan’s law enforcement team… truly a grim spectacle.


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