Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 101: One Year Later

Chapter 101: One Year Later

The next day.

At Jade Cliff.

Fang Xi rubbed his sore back, sighed, and continued bending over to replant ‘Scarlet Blood Spirit Rice’.

This time, besides the Scarlet Blood Spirit Rice, he also selected a plot with abundant spiritual energy to sow an acre of ‘Clear Lotus Spirit Rice’!

This type of spirit rice requires cultivation in paddy fields, resembling lotus flowers. At harvest time, by peeling open the lotus flower and leaves, one reveals the seed pod filled with spirit rice grains.

Moreover, when consumed, it imparts a delightful aroma reminiscent of lotus blossoms, offering an exquisite taste experience.

Such is the spirit rice truly meant for cultivators!

Fang Xi planted it primarily for his own consumption.

“Little Cloudrain Array, activate!”

After tending to an entire acre, he flew into the air, took out the Restriction Command Token, and inputted the cultivation technique.


Invisible ripples spread outward, coalescing dense white mist into rain clouds that gently showered droplets of spiritual water below.

With the large array at his disposal, even farming became significantly more convenient.

Fang Xi spent several busy days before finally completing the replanting of spirit rice.

Just as he was about to rest and catch his breath, he noticed a voice-transmission talisman flying towards him.

Upon receiving it, he opened the formation gate and saw Ruan Xingling gracefully enter, standing on her floral basket with a cheerful smile.

“Greetings, Island Lord,” Fang Xi bowed respectfully.

“I tried reaching you multiple times earlier, but couldn’t find any trace… I feared something unfortunate had befallen you.” Ruan Xingling scrutinized Fang Xi, noticing his cultivation base remained at the fifth layer of Qi Refinement, which slightly furrowed her brow.

“Recently, I was in seclusion practicing a new magic spell, unable to leave. Did the Island Lord need assistance?” Fang Xi casually provided an excuse.

“It’s nothing urgent, just that during the Spirit Evaluation Congress, we discovered some promising talents and wanted your presence for the ceremony…” Ruan Xingling sighed, “Wan Island Lake has not been peaceful lately. First, there was a madman outside the Treasure Ship Market who killed five Late Stage Qi Refinement cultivators, causing turmoil and shifting power dynamics within the market… And half a month ago, my great-grandfather and the Mo Clan patriarch were ambushed by unknown assailants while traveling, sustaining severe injuries!”

“What?” Fang Xi’s face paled dramatically. “So many significant incidents occurred? Could that madman have reached Foundation Establishment? How are the Feng Clan’s and Mo Clan’s patriarchs faring now?”

“Not very optimistic, but they managed to survive somehow. Rumor has it that the assailant was a silver-armored giant wielding a black sword… with incredibly devastating attacks,” Ruan Xingling said gravely. “Despite having high-grade defensive magical artifacts, Patriarch Mo’s body was nearly cleaved in half by a single strike. If not for timely assistance, he likely would have perished…”

Fang Xi pondered briefly before cautiously suggesting, “Could it be… Old Monster Goldtooth hired this outsider?”

“Impossible…” Ruan Xingling responded. “Even Golden Flame Island suffered an attack from this silver-armored figure, resulting in numerous casualties. Old Monster Goldtooth personally intervened but couldn’t subdue him; instead, he sustained damage to his vital energy… If not for quickly retreating into their protective formation, he too might have been severely injured…”

Previously, Fang Xi hadn’t cared about who the mastermind behind the incidents was; anyone suspicious had faced his wrath, including Old Monster Goldtooth.

“Whoa…” Fang Xi feigned surprise, drawing in a sharp breath. “Such ferocity! Could this be yet another cultivator at the great circle of Qi Refining?”

“Hmm, this individual seems unpredictable and volatile. You must be cautious and avoid leaving the island for now.”

After giving her warning, Ruan Xingling glanced at the spirit field planted with Clear Lotus Spirit Rice. “This is… Clear Lotus Spirit Rice?”

“Yes, recently the fertility of the spirit field has improved, aided by the cultivation formation as well. Now we can grow some high-quality rice.”

Fang Xi squatted on the field ridge, his eyes filled with anticipation for the upcoming harvest.

“This rice looks promising. When it’s time for the harvest, make sure to save some for me…” Ruan Xingling said with a faint smile, then softly sighed, “Ah… this Island Lord has been quite busy lately, needing to help stabilize the situation between the Feng and Mo Clans… I fear it will remain hectic for some time.”

Although Feng Baimeng and the Mo Clan patriarch survived, they suffered severe losses to their vital energy.

Given their advanced age, even if their injuries healed, their lifespan was nearing its end…

As a result, any further schemes or intrigues had to be set aside.

This development allowed Ruan Xingling to feel a notable easing of tensions on the island recently. Feng Manlou and Mo Qingyu ceased causing trouble, seemingly keeping a low profile…

It was precisely what Fang Xi aimed for.

Following these incidents, apart from Late Stage Qi Refinement cultivators, few dared to venture beyond the protective barrier surrounding the island.

The recent calm provided an ideal opportunity for planting trees.

Of course, for added caution, it would be best to wait another year until things settle down completely…

Spring turned to autumn.

Another year had passed.

Fang Xi calculated his age - now twenty-three, with his cultivation still lingering at the fifth layer of Qi Refinement.

With a splash!

In the courtyard near the pond, a robust and plump large green fish swam about, significantly bigger than before.

Casually creating a magical energy shield to hold back the pool water, Fang Xi muttered, “This fish never advances no matter how well I care for it. Maybe it’s time to stew it?”


Instantly, the frightened large green fish hid trembling in the pond’s muddy bottom…

‘Smart little fellow…’

Seeing this reaction, Fang Xi chuckled inwardly, then rose to head towards the spirit fields and begin harvesting the spirit rice.

The twelve acres of Scarlet Blood Spirit Rice, due to being planted late, yielded only around two hundred pounds per acre.

After several busy days, he managed to gather a total of over two thousand seven hundred pounds of spirit rice, all stacked neatly into the storage warehouse.

“With so much spirit rice, even Tai Sui won’t finish it all… It’s time to try making wine. The ‘God of Wine Manual’ has a tier-one wine formula that strengthens blood qi, perfectly suited for Scarlet Blood Spirit Rice…”

Fang Xi mentally planned as he approached the best paddy field.

Above the shallow water, numerous lotus leaf bundles were clearly visible. He picked one up, peeled open the lotus leaf, and found it filled with spirit rice-laden lotus pods.

A refreshing fragrance of lotus blossoms immediately wafted through the air.

Fang Xi carefully peeled open the lotus pods to reveal Clear Lotus Spirit Rice grains, each about the size of a longan fruit, resembling small lotus seeds. They were uniformly white with only a subtle hint of pink at their tips, looking akin to miniature longevity peaches - truly enticing to the eye.

“Island Lord Ruan has been eagerly anticipating this spirit rice; it’s time I deliver some!”

The yield for Clear Lotus Spirit Rice was even lower, averaging around just one hundred pounds per acre.

Fang Xi packed thirty pounds of spirit rice and, after a moment’s thought, added another ten pounds. Using his Black Feather Boat, he headed towards Mirror Moon Lake, where the Ruan Family resided in the ‘Mirror Moon Villa’.

“Fellow Daoist Fang, you’ve arrived!” Feng Manlou emerged from inside, greeted Fang Xi with a bow, and said, “Here to request an audience with the Island Lord? She happens to be available now, let me announce your presence!”

“Many thanks, Daoist friend.”

Sensing Feng Manlou’s genuine goodwill, Fang Xi bowed gratefully.

Indeed, since Feng Baimeng’s severe injury, he seemed to have abandoned certain ambitions. He had started a family and made efforts to integrate fully into Peach Blossom Island.

Naturally, his relationship with Fang Xi shifted from hostility to amicability.

On the other hand, Mo Qingyu appeared relentless despite lacking support from the Mo Clan, but without their backing, she couldn’t cause much trouble.

Fang Xi decided to leave such concerns for Ruan Xingling to handle herself.

A short while later, Feng Manlou reappeared, saying, “The Island Lord will see you now!”

Fang Xi nodded and entered the hall, where he found Ruan Xingling waiting.

Compared to their past interactions, her demeanor now carried even more authority, gradually obscuring the gentle and gracious image of the vibrant woman that once lingered in Fang Xi’s memory…

”…I thought it would be fitting to bring some of this season’s spirit rice harvest for the Island Lord.”

Fang Xi chatted casually about mundane matters like farming and fish rearing, presenting Clear Lotus Spirit Rice wrapped in lotus leaves.

“I merely mentioned it in passing; you’ve been very thoughtful.” Ruan Xingling gazed at the lotus leaf bundle before asking suddenly, “Since Fellow Daoist is devoted to agriculture, have you considered finding a cultivation partner? Wouldn’t they provide valuable support? If you’re willing, this island lord could assist in making introductions…”

“Ah… actually, aside from farming, I still harbor aspirations on my cultivation path,” Fang Xi replied with a raised eyebrow, gently declining. “Having dedicated myself to the way of immortality, it would be difficult to commit elsewhere. Please understand, Island Lord. In truth… after returning, I plan to enter seclusion for rigorous cultivation, and fear I may not visit often in the future…”

“I didn’t expect you to be one who embraces ascetic cultivation.”

Ruan Xingling’s expression remained warm. “Very well… You may leave now!”

“With your permission, I shall take my leave!” Fang Xi bowed and exited the hall.

Behind him, he faintly heard a soft sigh, devoid of the usual melodious bell-like sound…

After leaving Mirror Moon Lake, Fang Xi contemplated his next move. Instead of heading directly back to Jade Cliff, he decided to detour towards Twin Peaks.

On East Peak, Mu Wen, now the head of the Mu Family, had established a large residence and cultivated numerous spirit fields around it. The scene suggested a thriving lifestyle.

Apart from lacking a protective mountain formation, it already resembled the beginnings of a small clan estate.

Observing several diligent old farmers tending the spirit fields, Fang Xi nodded yet shook his head slightly. He did not descend his flying boat but continued onward to West Twin Peak instead.

At West Peak:

A profusion of flowers covered the ground, and within a valley, a spirit spring flowed gently.

Adjacent to the spirit spring stood a modest dwelling enclosed by a bamboo fence.

Inside the fence, there were over a dozen beehives, with snowy-white jade bees buzzing in and out continuously.

Hua Chanjuan appeared somewhat more worn-out than before, with a baby girl strapped to her back as she tended to the bee hives. Upon seeing the approaching light, she initially startled, but upon recognizing Fang Xi, her expression softened. “Ah, Fellow Daoist Fang, what brings you here this time?”

“Fellow Daoist Hua!”

Fang Xi handed over ten pounds of spirit rice and said, “I’m about to enter long-term seclusion this time, aiming to break through to Late Stage Qi Refinement before turning forty… Although the Dao path is uncertain, one must always strive for it. Therefore, I won’t be able to visit frequently in the future. Please forgive any rudeness!”

“Entering seclusion for cultivation, that’s excellent, truly commendable!” Hua Chanjuan responded with a smile on her face. “To be honest, I wish my Yi Xi could stay by my side constantly, ideally never even leaving West Peak. The outside world is full of bad people!”

‘Has this female cultivator lost her mind?’ Fang Xi thought, somewhat taken aback.

“Oh, I haven’t yet invited you inside for a bowl of spirit honey water, Daoist friend!” Hua Chanjuan seemed suddenly reminded. “My ‘Jade Bee Spirit Honey’, even the Island Lord praised its taste…”

“No need.” Fang Xi waved his hand and hopped onto his flying boat, departing swiftly.

Back at Jade Cliff, he took a deep breath, feeling slightly exhilarated.

Everything was now prepared; it was finally time to start planting trees!


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