Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Chapter 95

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

Sui Xiong only meant to taste an oracle of the God of Hunt and Holocaust. He never thought his words could make Ray cry and kneel. This surprised Sui Xiong.

Things really were unpredictable...

Sui Xiong had already decided to put up a good fight with the oracle of the God of Hunt and Holocaust. But when the commercial corp arrived at the next town, and later at the Golden Tower City, they still had not gotten into a fight with anyone.

Could it be possible that the Brutal Hunter had changed? Had he decided to make peace with Sui Xiong instead?

Sui Xiong shook his head. A God could never change; their priesthoods decided their characteristics. Every God had humanity, that was for sure, but the humanity needed to give in to the divinity. The God of Hunt and Holocaust had received the priesthoods of cruelty, slaughter, and revenge; slaughter being one of the main priesthoods. This meant he could never make peace with anyone else. If one ever made an enemy with the God of Hunt and Holocaust, he would have to give in to him or defeat him.

Sui Xiong was not afraid of having to fight with the God of Hunt and Holocaust, since that God was not too powerful. His supporters weren’t too strong either. Theoretically, the God of Hunt and Holocaust fit into the category of Orc God. However, he was not an Orc, but a feeble figure amongst the Orc Gods; so it was very unlikely that Sui Xiong would get a rise out of the Orc Gods once he got into a fight with the God of Hunt and Holocaust.

The God of Hunt and Holocaust was a weak God, only a bit superior to the doorkeeper who came from the Dark Night Gods’ Department, who liked to make the girls his priests. In short, Sui Xiong was not afraid of him at all. Either way, it was always good that they didn’t fight with anyone during their journey.

“Two balls of fire already!” Steele said happily, watching the two trembling balls of fire on the back of her right hand.

During this journey, they helped many people who had come across monsters. Ray’s skills in martial arts had been of great help in these rescues, along with Steele’s healing magic. Every time Steele helped treat a patient, they would thank her. With the number of the people she had treated, she had lit two balls of blue fire.

“There are still ten more to go!” Steele said. Steele sighed when she saw the ten blanks on the back of her right hand.

Over time Steele had treated hundreds of patients, and even practiced the resurrection spell twice. She was very anxious when she found that she had only gained two balls of fire. After thinking for a long time, she could not help but complain to Sui Xiong.

“Your Majesty, is there anything wrong with the calculation of the number of the blue fireballs? Last time, I got a ball of fire after healing just a few people from that commercial corp. In the past few days, I have treated so many people, but I only got one ball of fire.”

“The fire of morality is calculated not by the number of people you have treated, but by the number of people you have helped,” Sui Xiong explained. “There are many people in that commercial corp, and you and Ray did a very good deed by removing the danger, and saving them from being killed by monsters. That’s why you received a ball of fire then. In the last few days, you have indeed treated as many people as you saved from that commercial corp. So again you got one ball of fire, which I think it’s very sensible.”

Steele understood at last. She nodded, then sat aside and became lost in contemplation.

Since the fire of morality was lit, her mind had begun to change. She still had sex with some random guys from time to time, but she had also begun to pay more attention to accumulating the fire of morality.

Sui Xiong was very happy about this. He created the red and blue fire system to make Steele control her sexual desires, and lead her on the right path. He was pleased when he saw that Steele had begun to behave like a kind person.

Compared with Steele, Ray had to make a more dramatic change.

Ever since Ray made his oath and declared that he would always be loyal to Sui Xiong, his whole personality started to change. He became very active, positive, and energetic. He was like a tree that had finally rid itself of a heavy stone. When they walked across a town, Ray even went to the magic pagoda to ask an advanced wizard to transform his armor. When he came back, Sui Xiong found that he changed his black armor into white. Ray no longer looked scary, but very amicable. Moreover, he had started paying attention to his looks. Every day, he would comb his hair and carefully pick out all his clothes. He was no longer a guy who was neglectful of his appearance.

In particular, he looked graceful during battle, even when he was fighting a monster. He was not a cruel and ferocious adventurer anymore; rather, he had become a decent knight, wandering the world.

He did not have a proper mount yet but he soon would. He had already caught a Copper Crown Dragon, and had been taming it the past few days.

“A copper crown dragon is not the best choice for a mount,” Ray said to Sui Xiong one day as he was taming it. “It doesn’t fly very fast and isn’t very strong. It does have very sharp teeth; but I don’t need that, so its teeth are of no use to me.”

“Then what is the best choice for a mount?” Sui Xiong asked.

“A horse, of course!” Ray laughed. “My riding skills and spearplay work best when I am riding on a horse. It doesn’t mean that other creatures are not suitable to be my mount, a horse is the best choice, after all. But it is not easy to find a horse that I can ride during a fight!”

Since then, every time he arrived in a town, he would pay a visit to the businessmen there and ask if they had some good horses to sell. In fact, Ray had seen a few good horses, but most of them excelled only in intelligence or speed, not strength. What Ray needed was not an intelligent horse or a fast one; he needed a big and strong horse that could withstand impact during his fight with another equally strong knight riding a horse.

Of course, a horse of this kind only came around by chance, not on demand. He had no choice but to begin to find a mount among the monsters. This copper crown dragon, which would definitely cause panic among the people, became his second choice.

A copper crown dragon was not an easy creature to tame. It was still very ferocious when they arrived at the Golden Tower City. It didn’t dislike Ray, but it would try to hurt people whenever it got the chance.

If Ray had still been solo bandit like before, he wouldn’t mind riding a scary monster. The Nargakurga he used to ride was also a scary beast, and even helped him in the battlefield. But now Ray was a knight who wanted to help others out, so it was impossible for him to ride a ferocious monster.

There was also a good chance that it would eat a random pedestrian from time to time... If that really happens, I would like His Majesty to make it wear a golden collar, Ray thought.

As they walked through the city gate, Ray hit the dragon on its head to warn it not to hurt the soldiers standing beside the gate, who seemed very sturdy.

The Golden Tower City was just a common city, located in the midwestern part of the Commonwealth. It was also very close to the borderland. If they started from the highland and walked west down the plain for about a week, they could arrive at the Country of Thunder and Lightning. This was a client state of the Commonwealth of Mifata, famous for its plantation industry as well as mineral resources.

The Golden Tower City was a bit smaller than the Green Tree City. Before they entered this city, Sui Xiong used his spiritual sensing to explore this city. He found that there was a magic pagoda located in the center of the city. The owner of this tower was only an advanced wizard, and hadn’t stepped into the legendary world.

The public security in this city was not that ideal and the street was not bustling either. However, there were quite a few adventurers walking on the street. Apart from the golden pagoda located in the center of the city, the most obvious landmark was probably the row of gallows outside of the city. Multiple corpses were hanging in the gallows, swinging in the wind.

“I feel very uncomfortable,” Sui Xiong said. “It seems that there are few good people here, while bad guys are plentiful...”

“People in different cities have their own ways of living. You shouldn’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you,” Ray said. “I came here to recruit Knight Parne, and we shall leave as soon as we get him. As for how people in this city live, that has nothing to do with us.”

“Shouldn’t we do anything?” Sui Xiong said, frowning when he saw a child trying to steal something from a drunk adventurer. “Something is wrong here!”

Before he finished talking, the drunk adventurer noticed the boy and grabbed him. He twisted the child’s right arm with his big palm. The boy screamed in pain and fell over. Crack! The child’s bone broke.

The drunken adventurer walked away, cursing, and left that poor boy whose bone was broken lying on the ground, crying. There were many people walking past the boy, but no one laid eyes on him or showed him any sympathy.

“Even if he is a thief, this...this is too much!” Sui Xiong murmured. “He could just give the child a slap. There is no need to break his bone!”

“Your Majesty, I think you failed to notice that among those who are hanging on the gallows, more than one person is guilty of stealing.” Ray shook his head and sighed. “Maybe in this city, stealing is a felony.”

“One must die as long as he steals? That’s cruel...”

“Who knows... Maybe the overlord of this city has his own thoughts,” Ray said. “The overlord has the right to make laws and put them into practice at his own will, as long as the law doesn’t interfere with those made by the overlord who is in a higher rank than him. As far as I am concerned, there is no law stating a thief shall not be hanged in the Commonwealth of Mifata, so it is totally legal for the local overlord to make hanging thieves law.

“The law system here is crap!” Sui Xiong complained. He ordered Steele to treat the boy. Steele’s healing spell was very effective, and she easily treated him. The boy was jittery, thanked the gracious and attractive young lady in front him, and hurriedly went away.

“That boy is very good. He knows one needs to express his gratitude when he gets help from others,” Steele said. “He must have been educated, so how did he become a thief?”

“Do you want to help him?” Ray asked.

Steele thought for a while and shook her head. “Everyone has their own way of living. Even if I wanted to help, we could only help him this one time. He still has to rely on himself later. Besides, a mortal cannot manage to help every poor guy who is in trouble.”

Sui Xiong was greatly troubled by these words. He waved his tentacles and ordered Ray and Steele to leave him. Then he asked someone where Knight Parne lived. He had made up his mind to find Knight Parne, and immediately leave that d*mn place once he managed to persuade Parne to join his church.


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