Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 80

Chapter 80: Chapter 80

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

“Comrade Lei Feng said that ‘We should treat our comrade kindly like spring, treat work fervently like summer, treat errors as determinedly as how the autumn wind blows fallen leaves, and treat your enemy cruelly like winter. You who have done much evil, just enjoy your sentence!”

His Majesty the jellyfish sneered, cast a spell to put aside the huge body of the red dragon and then searched the cave.

Unfortunately, he did not find the treasure of the red dragon, and even after using the prophecy spell, it made no difference.

Not that he didn’t find anything, but that there was simply nothing. Uherskreider was really like how it was described by the rumors: very different from the ordinary dragons because it had no money making hobby.

Love of money was the nature of dragons, and it applied to almost all dragons that were fierce, kind, wise, or cunning. They naturally liked shiny gemstones and golden coins. According to Snow Flake, even her heart could be warm when slept holding coins.

However, Uherskreider was not like this. The warmth of gold coins could not warm its cold heart, but only the appearance of weak people screaming in fire could make it happy.

It was too lazy to amass wealth. It was so poor that perhaps it was comparable to Graupel, the lazy girl who liked sleeping.

Of course, it was not really in abject poverty because even the few pieces of magic items that it carried were very valuable. For example, a few special scales embedded in it were actually scale-shaped amulets that could provide more than ten different types of protection. They could also stimulate a number of life-saving spells and even could effectively resist spell detection.

The problem was that they were all engraved with the soul of Uherskreider. If they were to be used on others, the signs would have to be wiped off first.

And even if the signs had been erased, the amulets were too large for humans who could only use it as a giant shield— a kind of shield that could protect the entire person when it was kept upright on the ground.

Being large was not the crux of the problem. More importantly, those amulets used ample materials, and their weight was really ridiculous. Even the lightest of them weighed at least one hundred kilograms.

A knight with heavy armor would have no more than 80 kilograms of a full set of equipment. This weight was the combined weight of their underwear, shirt, inner armor shirt made of chains, cotton armor, a full set of outer armor, metal helmet, metal gloves, metal boots, guns and swords, shield, dagger, etc...

Under normal circumstances, those who could wear this set of heavy equipment to combat were, at least, medium-level master adventurers. For many senior adventurers who were not good at strength, for example, Ray, if they were to wear such a heavy set of equipment, they would find it very difficult to walk normally, let alone be agile enough to fight.

In other words, if an amulet of the dragon had been given to Ray, he would not have to wear his own equipment or carry his usual weapon. It would be hard enough for him to carry the amulet everywhere.

So Sui Xiong intended to destroy these amulets, take out the useful things, and make some truly applicable equipment.

After solving the problem of the evil dragon, Sui Xiong went back to the ground and sent the elf that had been hypnotized back to the magic formation in the forest. Then he waved his tentacles, and the magic formation that shrouded the whole forest collapsed instantly accompanied by a clear sound similar to a piece of glass breaking.

“Elves, wake up.” The voice of the jellyfish god echoed in the sky, and went into their heart while the elves still struggled in a nightmare. “You are free!”

Under the call of Sui Xiong, the elves woke up in succession. They looked at each other in shock.

They could not see Sui Xiong who had made himself invisible but could see the surrounding landscape clearly. In particular, some elves that were caught there recognized the volcano at a glance where the evil dragon had been.

After a while, finally, a brave elf cautiously sneaked toward the crater and confirmed that the evil dragon was not there. So the elders with higher prestige stood out and directed everyone to evacuate as soon as possible.

“Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Young adults, you are responsible for carrying children on your back; knight-errants, explore the way in front of us, and those who can cast magic, help them!”

“Hurry up! The evil dragon might come back anytime!”

“Elderlies, gather here, and if Uherskreider comes back, we must fight desperately against it! Even if we save one more member of our tribe, it is okay. We are so old now and nothing is horrible for us!”

“Pastors? Quickly pray, and try to see if we can connect with other tribes by means of the power of gods, so that other tribes might come and pick us up.”

“There’s no way to pray in this cave. We must go up to the ground...”

“D*mn! Then hurry because our time is tight!”

Elves were busy retreating in an orderly way. They formed a long line of troops, going up the stream and running toward the ground as soon as possible.

Many experienced elves ran while still being careful about their surroundings and guarding against possible dangers.

But their fears were superfluous because Sui Xiong was invisibly following them on their guard.

Along the way, they stopped and continued on. The elves spent almost a day getting out of the gorge and going back to the ground.

By this time, those young adults were fine, but the children were exhausted, many of whom even fell asleep on the back of the adults.

Seeing that everyone was extremely exhausted, the temporary chiefs of these elves ordered them to take a rest.

Some elves with much experience with taking adventures were responsible for setting up temporary camps that were simple and crude so that the tired tribesmen could have a more comfortable place to take a rest. Others were responsible for searching for food, so that they could go to sleep without being hungry.

Coincidentally, they had not gone far before they found two behemoths fighting for territory, one of which was a giant bear and the other a python. The two behemoths had deep wounds left on their bodies, and the scene of death was quite tragic. No one knew how mad they were before their deaths, but both of them died together.

The “Foraging Team” exerted a lot of effort bringing the two behemoths back to the camp. Seeing their fruitful results, their tired and hungry tribesmen cheered.


“Purely out of luck...”

“It must be that our bad luck has run out, and now there is such good luck!”

“Yeah... No one knows where the evil red dragon has gone, and I hope it will never appear again!”

“I’d rather hope to have the chance to meet it again when I become strong enough to kill it.”

“Oh, pastors? Have they prayed? We need to contact our tribesmen as soon as possible.”

“Praying requires a lot of energy, and they are all very tired. Let’s take a rest and eat before asking them to pray again.”

After some noise, the satiated fugitives fell into deep sleep in the temporary camp, and the finally recovered pastors prayed around the temporary holy place, intending to contact the tribesmen far away through sacred rituals.

After a while, their prayer was answered. With the power of the gods, they soon got into contact with tribesmen far away from them.

“You have escaped? Great! We are organizing a Dragon Slaying Team, and we thought we would avenge you by the dragon...”

“Don’t hurry to slay the dragon, probably the evil dragon Uherskreider has gone to an unknown place... Send someone to pick us up first.”

“Well, but it is also strange that we have lost contact with the assembly site, and we do not know the reason...”

“Is it that the evil dragon acted first and attacked the assembly site?”

“Impossible! There are more than a dozen senior adventurers and a legendary strongman at the spot, and if Uherskreider went there, it is courting death!”

“D*mn! What happened?”

“Do not panic! All you need to do now is to take a good rest and continue to move toward nearby villages, and we will send people to the assembly site to see what happened.”

When the news was delivered to the temporary chiefs, they were a little uneasy. But as their tribesmen far away from them said, the most important thing now was to take a good rest. Panicking was useless, and they also could not help if the assembly site was really in trouble.

The only thing they could do was to bring these surviving tribesmen to settle in the nearest village.

During the night, no one saw a green jellyfish soar up and hurry toward the village which was the assembly site.

Sui Xiong, who originally stopped at a big tree above them, went to sleep. According to his plan, it was his intention to escort these poor elves to a safe place, but he was restless when he heard they lost contact with the assembly site.

This trip did not take much time, but how did an accident happen there?

What the hell, indeed!

Sui Xiong was galloping in the air by using the power of flying magic to the extreme, and his body almost became green lightning.

At this moment, he could not help but regret that if he had known there might have been an accident at that moment, he would have left a space coordinate on Ray or Steele, so that he could come directly to their place by using the spell of transmission.

Ugh! In fact, he should have left a small avatar beside them, so at least he could have always kept in touch with them!

He complained about his ill thought while also being confused. Steele had her own protective spells on her body, Ray was a well-experienced adventurer, and the village was even full of masters and even had a legendary strongman. But how could something unexpected happen during the short period of time?

This was ridiculous!

The green lightning flew from the sky with a deep roar.

The fight against Uherskreider consumed too much of his power, and especially at the end in order to avoid the dragon escaping, he was forced to break the space shocks, so his body had almost completely collapsed. In order to repair the body, he exhausted almost all of the energy reserves used for making an avatar, and now there was a big deficit of it.

If he had swallowed the body of the dragon, of course, he could have made up for the deficit and he could have much more energy. But the legendary dragon Uherskreider’s body could be called a treasure, and its scales, skin, blood, bones, teeth, tendons, marrow, and heart were all good things, and even the dragon meat and offal also had their own use and shouldn’t be wasted.

According to news from Wendy, the study on the body of the giant snake had made some initial progress. She used magic to separate and then activate the flesh and blood of the giant snake. By catalyzing various factors therein, she had roughly delineated the possible range of the “Longevity Factor.” However, if she wanted to activate the Longevity Factor in the giant snake, she needed to use the flesh and blood of higher level creatures as a medium. Although she had some of the materials left by the teacher, using those precious materials refined by the late alchemist as cheap consumables seemed to be squandering the fortune of a community.

In contrast, the evil dragon Uherskreider’s body was so big, and cutting its flesh and blood simply made almost no difference to the body. The dragon was also known to be the most fertile creature and its flesh and blood were most suitable for a medium because they could greatly activate the Longevity Factor of the giant snake and speed up the experiment process.

And if the experiment succeeded in the future, the use of material such as dragon blood and dragon flesh might be very probable when producing longevity medicines. At that time, it would be the more, the better.

So Sui Xiong, of course, wouldn’t make up for the energy deficit by devouring the body of the dragon.

Now he somewhat regretted it, but it was too late— devouring the dragon body took time, and time was what he lacked most!


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