Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 207

Chapter 207: Chapter 77

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

On the battle ring, where everyone was focusing their attentions, a glorious competition was unfolding. The first round of the top sixteen was being carried out between two pure warriors.

One of the warriors was a noble and vice captain of the knight group from the church of the God of Knights in Duchy of Thunder. His name was Spencer Smith.

The other warrior was from a village in the Holy Angel Kingdom. He was a lord and a forest ranger. His name was Herman Armster.

Spencer Smith was young and handsome. He wore a luxurious and full body armor. The armor was shimmering, with a twinkle of blue lights. This was the characteristic of iron and steel, mixed with mithril. His armor and weapons would glow with extraordinary splendor as he fought. This is how it could be told that it was a strong magic weapon, with just a glance!

Herman Armster was a bit older. His beard was unshaven, and his flax colored hair was always messy. Besides the old chest armor that he wore, he didn’t even have a second defensive tool on him.

The sword in his hand was twinkling with magic a light, but looking at the jellyfish on his sword, it could be seen that it was actually a standard magic weapon that the Void Mask Church had provided for any of the contestants that didn’t have weapons. For him to be at such a level of poverty, it was simply pathetic!

Spencer’s footsteps and actions were light and swift, revealing the wittiness and vigor of a young man. His swordcraft might not follow the regular pattern, and he often made unreasonable maneuvers, but he had his own skills that more than compensated for all of his so-called flaws. Regarding his natural and smooth sword skills, there wasn’t any room left for him to be taken advantage of.

His rarest attribute was that he maintained his elegance, even during fierce battle, as though he was a prince that had just walked in from a fairytale knight story. Indeed, he was graceful, handsome, and carefree, as though he could kill an evil dragon, with just a swing of his hand. There were always enthusiastic cheers and screams among the audience, whenever he fought. And, one had to wonder, just how many young maidens’ hearts he had won already!

Herman was the total opposite. His swordcraft wasn’t that smooth. On the contrary, it was rough and unpolished.

It could be seen that his every move was hard-trained, and that he had practiced them countless times. However, the flow of battle preparation and finesse between his moves was obviously problematic. It could be easily said that he never had any guidance or instruction from a master, nor was he a veteran of many battles. To put it simply, his swordsmanship was totally flawed.

However, Herman did have the instinct of a wild beast, and he possessed a terrifying sensitivity. Every time Spencer wanted to take advantage of all of his many flaws via an attack, Herman would issue a counter attack with a terrifyingly high speed of response. Not only would Herman make up for his flaws, he could also turn around and attack him rapidly.

As they battled, Spencer was not in a hurry to seize an opportunity to attack. This was because he was confident in his stamina and endurance. Moreover, he believed that it would be impossible to be weaker than someone who was even older than his teacher!

So, he decided to fight a battle of endurance with Herman. No matter if it lasted a few hours or a few days, he was determined to drag his opponent to his death, relying on the stamina of his youth, as well as his perfect swordcraft!

“This young man is very outstanding!” In the sky, Morani complimented him. “He has gained fame at such a young age, but he is neither conceited nor rash. His swordcraft is so elegant, yet he has such a stable character. His is a talent that is hard to come by!”

Sui Xiong wasn’t highly skilled in martial arts himself, so he couldn’t tell what was so amazing about Spencer’s swordcraft. However, he could tell the entirely different approach that Spencer and Herman were taking.

The battle had been going on for more than an hour now, and Spencer was still maintaining his calmness, while his confident smile stayed plastered on his face. On the other hand, Herman’s face grew grave, his eyebrows tightly knitting together, while his looks grew more ferocious. He was also getting short of breath, seen when he would grunt from his throat occasionally, like a wild beast that was in a fix, bellowing before death!

“That’s weird! Why would he do that?” He said in distress. “The current situation is still considered as a fifty-fifty chance to win for both, right? Why does he look like he is at an extreme disadvantage? He looks so impatient and moody.”

Morani took a closer look, then shook His head, “There’s something wrong with that person’s brain.”


“There’s something wrong with that person’s brain,” Morani repeated. “His brain was either injured when he was young, or he was born with it that way. In short, there is something wrong inside of his head. Strictly speaking, he was a born fool, just slightly better than an idiot!”

Sui Xiong was shocked. “How could he be an idiot, yet still be able to train for such an amazing martial art skill competition?”

“I have never seen this before. But, many of the legendary living things basically have no intelligence, so theoretically, an idiotic person could still be an expert at some things.”

Sui Xiong stared in open-mouthed wonder at the man, who was now bellowing like a trapped beast. He swung the standard two-handed sword quite clumsily, and every step he took seemed laborious. He indeed seemed to be in a fix!

His hair and beard were messy and unkempt, the look on his face, ugly. Taking a closer look, there was a hint of dullness there that made him look simple-minded.


Sui Xiong suddenly noticed that there was a strike of light that flashed through Herman’s eyes. It was the light of wisdom and intelligence!

This person... Is not just some idiot!

“Maybe we should help him,” he said. “Such a person, who could practice his swordcraft at such a level, shouldn’t be living in a cloud of muddle-headedness!”

Morani creased His eyebrows. “This kind of help would require divine power of wisdom and a treatment league. We do not have such capabilities. To depend on an exchange of divine power to realize this goal, the cost would be too high.”

“Let me figure out a way.” Sui Xiong smiled. “Such a matter as dealing with a simple-minded person, it may not necessarily require magic at all.”

He used his soul induction strength to slowly infiltrate Herman’s brain quietly, to check out the situation of his brain.

Regardless of whether Herman had been born idiotic or was a postnatal idiotic, most of the idiots had problems with their brains. Very quickly, he found the problem.

In Herman’s brain, there was a large area that obviously had a lesser blood supply flowing to it, and the electric current of the nerve net was also unusually thin. He deduced by these observations that he seemed to even be lacking a chunk of his brain!

Maybe this was the exact reason that Herman was so idiotic and clumsy. It also could explain why he was at a total loss in the areas of flexibility and adeptness.

If I could treat his brain for a bit, to repair the damaged parts, maybe he could recover his clear thinking and stop being an idiot!

Sui Xiong thoughts swirled in his head. He was determined to help him. After the match ended, he came to Herman, who was eating a pork knuckle in the corner of the contestants’ restaurant. He could clearly see that Herman was depressed that he had lost the match.

“Hello, I think you need a treatment.”

Herman lifted his head to look at the green jellyfish that was floating before him.

“I don’t eat seafood,” Herman said.

Sui Xiong choked and sighed. He said, “I am Void Mask. I am trying to treat your idiocy. Are you willing to let me help you?”

Herman’s eyes were wide open. He looked at him for a few seconds, then lowered his head to search the table for something.

“What are you looking for?” Sui Xiong asked.

“My dad told me not to drink. He said I could be cheated when I’m drunk... Did I drink? Why don’t I remember?” Herman mumbled to himself, somewhat incoherently.

Sui Xiong was angry now. He rolled his tentacle and slapped Herman on his head, thundering, “Who the hell are you? Why would I have the time or care to cheat you?”

Herman heard this, and since he understood the words, he confirmed to himself that he wasn’t drunk. He then hesitated for a very long time, before he finally accepted Sui Xiong’s suggestion.

So, Sui Xiong treated him. It was a simple treatment. Sui Xiong turned one of his tentacles into a probing pin, which he then used to pierce into his skull. Then, he repaired the part of brain that was damaged.

This was easier said than done. The nerves and blood of a human brain were extremely complicated. Even a medical expert wouldn’t dare say that they understood it entirely, let alone Sui Xiong!

But, Sui Xiong had the advantage, as he was able to look clearly at the structure of Herman’s brain. Plus, his mental strength was extremely strong, enabling him to analyze such a large amount of data. Even when he was dealing with countless complicated structures, he wouldn’t be phased or overwhelmed.

Even so, he still took two to three days to fully repair Herman’s brain. After all, the process of restoring a brain was quite different than creating one. If he was just creating a brain, he would only have needed half a day to get it done.

But, when restoring a brain, one had to do it slowly, in order to ensure that there would be no problems. This was because the restoring process was much more complicated.

Just when the brain restoration job had come to its end, Sui Xiong cast a spell to wake Herman up, as he had put him into a deep stupor for the treatment. The then asked Herman how he felt.

Herman looked sleepy, and he was looking at him, as if he were very confused. In fact, he seemed to be at quite a loss! After a while, however, his eyes grew bright, and the sluggish look on his face gradually dispersed. Then, he slowly began to display a firm and resolute expression on his face.

“I remember now!” he said. “Many things that I had forgotten, and many things that I didn’t take to heart before, I remember all of them now!”

“Yes, but I’m asking you, how do you feel about your brain? Do you feel dizzy?”

Herman got off of the surgery table, then knelt on one knee before Sui Xiong. “Great Void Mask Majesty, you have bestowed a new life upon me! Please forgive me for not being able to string together any ornate phrases to praise you adequately! From now on, I am your loyal servant! Please allow me to be at your service!”

Sui Xiong was stunned. “I only did a single surgery for you! How did I recruit an underling?”

Looking at Herman, who was being so persistent, he didn’t have the heart to reject him. So, it was decided!

By the way, Herman needed to rest after his surgery, so he wouldn’t be able to partake in the match of the defeated team. Hence, he defaulted in that round. His opponent, Felix, had actually waited for half an hour on the battle ring, before realizing the snafu in the end!


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