Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Chapter 19

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo

“So, you didn’t catch these traffickers?” Liv asked

“No,” Nice said. Little Nice originally wanted to brag about it, but when she remembered that the magical jellyfish asked her to keep the power of being a magical girl a secret, she changed her mind. “Originally, I was going to be caught by these bad guys. At that time, a big-sister-type girl with green clothes and green hair fell from the sky, and knocked them down with a fist! She was really, really awesome!”

Liv looked at the few traffickers and found that they were actually beaten by fists. The marks were still on their faces.

“So, did the sister with green clothes and green hair say who she was?”

Little Nice immediately shook her head. “The sister said nothing except ‘this was what I had to do,’ and flew away.”

Liv ignored the strange words, lost in thought.

Falling from the sky? Flying away? Was she a powerful mage? But why did the mage hit people with fists? Wasn’t it simpler to freeze the traffickers? Or... was she a powerful and kind creature—a heavenly creature?

Liv thought for a long time, and thought that this conjecture was more reliable, so she took it down. She asked the subordinates to interrogate the traffickers, then asked a clever trainee soldier escort Little Nice back home.

“I won’t go back!” Little Nice shook her head. “I can take care of myself!”

“You were almost caught by the traffickers!”

“The green sister will protect me!”

“Nonsense!” Liv said, holding her sister up. She explained the situation to her companions, and took her sister home.

“Take care of our house!” she said. “If you are bored, read the books and learn something. Or you could go to the yard to practice with the sword; I made a wooden sword for you, so practicing is good. Do not touch the bow and arrow, you are too young to learn that...”

She asked Nice to do many things.

Little Nice listened, angry, and quarrelled with her sister, but in vain.

Liv wanted one thing: don’t go outside!

When she left, she locked the door.

In the past, when the door was locked, Little Nice could only read books at home. But now the situation was different. Seeing her sister was walking away, she immediately twisted the bracelet lightly.


“You won’t let me out, but I’m going out!” She rested her hand on her hips and angrily pointed at Liv a few times, just to vent her grievances. After she finished, she stamped her feet and flew directly from the yard over Gars City. In order to ensure safety, the magical girl’s war-dress was usually invisible, and almost no one in Gars City could see this invisible body.

Nice happily made circles in the sky, looking for someone who needed help. She remembered in her dream that the magical jellyfish told her a magical girl should help others.

In the port area, in the embassy and business center of the Sea of Storm that had just been built last winter, the ambassador who was reading a book put down the book with some doubt, and came to the window.

“A little green girl flying in the sky? Where did she come from?”

Some people also saw her, including Ray. At that moment he looked puzzled at the sky, not understanding what was going on.

However, these masters did not like to meddle in these affairs. There was no air traffic control in Gars City, and there wasn’t a no-fly zone. As long as it was not a cause for trouble, she would not be interfered with.

A few days later, Ray read a report submitted by the guards and looked surprised.

“A beautiful girl with green hair and green clothes is helping people in Gars City.”

“Where does she come from? Is she a ranger?” he thought, remembering the girl flying around, then shook his head. “That doesn’t fit. She’s not like a ranger, but instead like a layman who benefits from magic.”

With his rich fighting background, he found that Little Nice did not have fighting experience, at a glance. But he also saw that Little Nice was growing rapidly. Perhaps it would not take long before she could truly grow into an independent expert.

Anyway, since she did good things, then there is no problem, Ray thought.

After he finished, he put away this document and put it in the folder labelled ‘Needs Follow-up Attention”. As a governor, he was very busy, and had no time to waste on a matter that had no bad influence.

However, all the ghosts and monsters of the Gars city had troubles.

Little Nice did not know anything about wisdom like ‘there is no fish in water that is extremely clear,’ or ‘the most important thing is to learn to compromise.’ She only knew that a magical girl should do good things, and her father and mother and sister always taught her to be a good person. Be a good person, and do good things.

So, in just half a month, there were at least thirty thieves, seven or eight robbers, and several gangs of fraudsters who encountered this beautiful young girl with green clothes and green hair. They were all knocked down by her punch, and then tied up and sent to the guards. Thanks to her, the security of Gars City was greatly improved, and there was a sense that there was no need to lock doors at night.

Underground, in the wide sewers, several figures were whispering and discussing countermeasures in anger.

“It can’t go on like this!” said a round-headed figure. “That Green Girl is too annoying, and we must kill her!”

“Well, what can we do?” asked a figure that looked like a mouse.

“We can set a trap,” said a figure in a black robe. “She looks a little silly. Maybe we can catch her in a trap!”

“Okay! If I grab her, I’ll eat her, cut her head off and hang it in the house as a souvenir!” said a muffled voice.

“Let me have intercourse with her before you eat her,” A thin figure said with an obscene smile.

Then others also laughed in an obscene way.

The matter was decided.

These people—or creatures (after all, there were several non-human beings among them)—were the big bosses of the underworld forces of Gars City. They had been hiding so deep, that even Ray could not catch them.

All along, they had targeted each other, and the statuses of alliance, hostility, cooperation and betrayal had been constantly changing. But this time, they united to eradicate the unreasonable, uncompromising green woman who was up against them.

After careful discussion, they prepared a plan; a fairly complete, detailed, and feasible one.

However, it turned out that it was not a good plan.

“What? There was an outbreak of war in Ximen District?” Ray asked. After a busy morning, he jumped and hurriedly ate something. He had been preparing to take a short break. “How much is the loss? And casualties?”

The guards who reported the news seemed to be a bit off, and embarrassed. “A lot of money has been lost, but the casualties... according to our preliminary statistics, they are all members of various illegal organizations.”

Ray was relieved, sat down again, and asked, “Is it infighting? These guys are getting more and more naughty!”

“According to the witnesses, it is not infighting among the various organizations,” the guard said with some amusement. “According to them, they laid ambush against someone. They wanted to destroy or grab the ‘Green Girl.’ But the ability of the Green Girl far exceeded their imaginations. After a fierce war, they suffered heavy losses. The chiefs are all dead, and the Green Girl has escaped.

Ray couldn’t but laugh. “They deserve it! These guys see no law! Pass my orders, that the defence forces should gather and clean up, and see if I can take advantage of this opportunity to catch the guys that I have been wanting to catch!”

The guard gave Ray a salute and hurriedly left. Ray sat there thinking for a while, went to the front of the documents cabinet, took out a folder marked ‘Important Documents,’ and found several documents in it.

That was the report and analysis of Green Girl all along.

“Strange girl... where exactly are you from?” Looking at the documents, he fell into meditation.

“What the hell is your origin?” Bena, ambassador of the Sea of Storm to Gars, looked puzzled at the little girl who was sleeping in bed, and she was surprised.

Just now, she noticed that a war broke out over Ximen district and was planning to go and see what was going on. However, she noticed that there was a green light flying here. She found that she was the famous Green Girl that was legendary during this period of time.

The girl’s armor was damaged in several places, and it was contaminated with a lot of blood. She found several bleeding wounds. So she flew up and stopped the girl, and brought her to the ground.

Perhaps because she was out of danger, the Green Girl fell into a coma after coming down. With a green light, she became the mixed-blooded girl with obvious moon elf characteristics, looking about ten years old. Bena took her back to the embassy in doubt and treated her.

Because she was still unconscious, there was no way to ask her anything. But soon, her subordinates returned to report what went on in the Ximen District.

When Little Nice woke up, she saw a smiling mermaid looking at her, with her blue eyes filled with curiosity.

“You’re finally awake,” she said. “You’ve been so reckless this time!”

Little Nice hurried to sit straight and reached, subconsciously touching the bracelet on her left wrist.

“Don’t be nervous. I’m not your enemy,” Bena said with a laugh. “You haven’t been completely cured. You can recover here for some time. We are absolutely safe here.”

“But...I’ll need go home again,” Little Nice said quickly. “If I don’t go home, my mother and sister will worry!”

Bena blinked and became more and more curious.

“Then I’ll send you back,” she said.

Little Nice was not willing to run the risk of being identified and being escorted by her, but because of the injuries, she was now unable to stand, let alone walk.

She eventually returned to her home in a carriage with a fish badge, with Bena’s escort. When she arrived home, she saw her mother and sister who were extremely anxious. That night, the famous hero of the Gar City, Green Girl, was scolded to tears by her mother. She was like a poor, hungry puppy.


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