Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Translator: Sigma Editor: Sigma

The God of Justice, Joel Cartman, had speculated Sui’s response, but he never imagined that this mighty jellyfish God with imposing power would actually feel so moved. Sui even worshipped him, and directly recognized himself as the senior.

This gave him quite a sense of absurdity; I hadn’t even tried to force you before you fell down, he thought. He got no chance to use the several sets of preparatory statements, so he felt a bit frustrated. The saddest thing was that he was obviously frustrated, but he had no chance to show his anger. When he started to speak, Sui worshipped him. In this case, could he still yell and say, Hey! How can you be so completely paranoid?

At this moment, Ray woke up. Sui Xiong immediately left for Ray’s side, and started to talk to him.

“I’m okay, really!” he repeatedly emphasized. “You see, I’m so strong now. Even if there’s a fight with the maritime race again, there’s no problem!”

“Don’t! Don’t do it!” Sui Xiong advised him. “The maritime race has already gone. Don’t go to find trouble with them, because they will have trouble in the future.”

“Ah?” Ray was dumbfounded. Before he asked, the God of Justice spoke.

“Yes. This God you believe in was angry after you were killed. He killed the God of Storm who stealthily commanded the maritime race’s troops at the time, and also killed the Goddess of Ocean, who was the maritime race’s backing. They are now headless because the newly born Goddess of Ocean only protects the good races. Until the birth of the patron of the evil race of the ocean, they will live a wretched life.”

Ray was stunned. He couldn’t imagine what it meant to kill two Gods. In particular, these two Gods were not ordinary weak Gods, but famous ones, being the God of Storm and the Goddess of Ocean.

“What did your majesty do when I was dead?!”

Sui Xiong smiled and scratched his head with his tentacles that were not yet healed. “Just trivial things; they don’t matter.”

“If those are trivial things, then what counts as a big deal!?” Ray shouted. He noticed the broken tentacles of Sui Xiong. Then he took a closer look, and found that the patterns on him were wounds not yet fully healed. He suddenly became dumbfounded.

He was not an inexperienced child, and he knew exactly what these wounds meant. They were so grave that they must have been left by tragic battle, and made the great God suffer. He had not been able to recover!

He thought of the fall of the two famous Gods, and could imagine how severe the fights were, even though he did not see the scenes of battle.

Well, due to his lack of knowledge, Ray imagined the fierce battle by thinking of the fiercest battle he himself had.

He was inexplicably grateful, moved to tears, and deeply felt that he had followed the right person. Due to Ray’s death, His Majesty killed the two Gods as revenge, and he suffered serious injuries. It was like a general, caught up alone in the siege, being rescued by his marshal, who broke past enemy lines. After returning to the hospital for treatment, he would have discovered that the marshal was deadly and seriously wounded.

In this situation, what could he say?

He could only remain speechless; he thought later he should pay it back by sacrificing himself!

However, Sui Xiong did not mean to discuss the details, because he felt that these things were not worth talking about.

Is there anything to talk about? Brag about how brave I was? Or recall how angry and sad I was?

Funny! It was not a soap opera! Even if it were a soap opera, it would be about a couple affectionately talking about romance. If the soap opera was about two men doing that, the soap opera would be censored!

So he just smiled and changed the topic.

“By the way, let me introduce him to you.” He pointed to the God of Justice who was smiling beside him. “This is the brother I just recognized. He is very righteous and good at helping others...”

The God of Justice was dumbfounded by Sui Xiong, but he didn’t dare to frustrate him and could only vaguely agree with his words by putting on a smile. But that look of frustration had completely betrayed him.

Ray was so clever that he knew that His Majesty was talking about nonsense. He smiled and did not take it seriously, but he still solemnly greeted the God of Justice.

The God of Justice is known as the strongest of the Gods, second only to the world’s highest sovereign order. Although in the legend, this powerful God is very unreliable in terms of conduct, which is also proved by his look; but could he be more unreliable than His Majesty?

He could not help but feel it was ridiculous.

Like attracts like! This saying also applies to Gods! Good Gods attract good ones, evil Gods attract evil ones, and unreliable Gods attract unreliable ones...

He didn’t know that what he was thinking at the moment was seen by the God of Justice, who could not help but be more embarrassed. He, at the same time, sighed. How could he be perceived as unreliable when he was so upright and honest? Even for a God like him, he could do nothing to aid the misunderstanding of the worldly people!

After a few greetings, Sui Xiong suddenly thought of a major event and said, “Big brother, I have a difficult task and I would like to ask you for help...”

The God of Justice was stunned. This guy wants help just after he recognized me as his brother? He lacks courtesy.

However, since Sui Xiong discarded his proud to recognize him as his brother, Sui certainly wanted a good price. He couldn’t let this powerful God go before he asked him for help!

He pretended not to see the fake smile of the God of Justice, saying straightforwardly, “I know should not have troubled you, but I have limited abilities.”

The God of Justice was straightforward and did not decline. He turned to look at the square. “Is it necessary for me to kill the two over there, to make it a good revenge?”

“No, no, no, I know how to kill people, and I’m not anxious because I will finally kill them!” Sui Xiong said with a smile. “I have some believers who were killed by the Shadow Devil, and even their soul was taken away by the devil.

“Originally, it was on me to rescue them. But I don’t know the route. Although I defeated the bastard once before, I do not know where his house is. I can’t even find a way to save them if I want to rescue them in his house!

“Brother, you know a lot, you must know where the bastard hides. I don’t bother you to rescue them for me, I just want you to show me the way.”

“Okay! It’s on me!” The God of Justice nodded slightly, reached out and drew a line in the air, then a black crack appeared beside them.

The Shadow World was over there, which was dark. Not far below, there was a huge black palace, which was the Shadowy Devil’s house that had been under construction for many years.

“Oh, it’s here.” God of Justice pointed to that, “Shall I help you solve the situation? It’s no trouble.”

“No! I won’t bother you. I am very good at fighting,” Sui Xiong laughed. “But I would like you to see to it that that bastard won’t escape again!”

“Rest assured, it can’t escape.”

With the promise of the God of Justice, Sui Xiong felt confident. He greeted Ray again and jumped into the Shadow World through the cracks.

As soon as he entered the Shadow World, he yelled and turned into a giant jellyfish again. Every tentacle was like a mountain, and his big eyes were like two bright moons, making the dark world a little brighter.

Stimulated by this light, various creatures in the Shadow World have been alerted. When they saw the source of the light, they fled. All the creatures, small and large, were terrified in front of this horrible monster. They just wanted to have more legs.

For a time, the sounds of roaring, screaming, running, and flying became a strange music, and all kinds of grotesque creatures rushed like an army of fugitives away from Sui Xiong.

Sui Xiong ignored these little creatures. He slowly extended a huge tentacle and hung it over the entire palace. He said coldly, “Shadow Devil! Won’t you come out and meet me?”

Before, the Shadow Devil had been hit by him, and blew himself up. His vitality was sapped, and he was resting in the palace. He thought that his house was secretive enough to not be found by anyone. However, he did not expect that he would only rest for a while before the enemy found it; moreover, in such an aggressive manner.

“You...what you want to do to me?!” It yelled angrily, with a trembling voice. “I... I blew myself up due to you! You still... what do you want?!”

Sui Xiong’s tentacles shook slightly and turned into a giant hand. He unfolded his hand.

“I’m a reasonable person. Now I’ll give you two options. You choose yourself.”

“What... what options?”

“First, you stubbornly resist until the end, and I kill you and find them myself,” said Sui fiercely. “This place is so small, I don’t believe they can’t be found!”

The Shadow Devil trembled, and shouted, “How about the second?”

“The second is you hand over the souls you robbed,” Sui Xiong said loudly. “You should hand over what you robbed from me, and from others before!”

“Those are not yours!” The Shadow Devil shouted.

“Not yours, either!” said Sui Xiong. “I didn’t come to reason with you! I came to hit you! If you are bold, you can fight to the end! Believe it or not, I can paralyze you!”

The Shadow Devil wondered what being paralyzed would be like when he was about to be beaten to death, but he never dared to ask.

He trembled violently. Obviously, he was extremely angry. In the end, he did not dare to fight and he could only hand over the souls he had collected over the years, leaving nothing.

Without these souls, the shadow army that it took as a token of pride ran out of sight, and the greatest means of deterrence was lost. In addition, he blew himself up a short time ago, so he was simply frustrated and extremely weak.

Collecting these souls, Sui Xiong laughed and slapped the Shadow Devil.

“You don’t keep your words!” The Shadow Devil screamed and struggled to resist. But it couldn’t resist and was slapped to the ground. Its whole body changed color.

But it did not die, only heard Sui’s laughter. “Rest assured, I did not kill you, I only hit you half dead!”

The Shadow Devil was angry and fainted.

The loud and arrogant laughter of the giant jellyfish echoed over the palace, most of which collapsed due to the shake of the giant palm.


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