Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Knitting Class

In the afternoon.

As Crown Prince LuoXiang is always being busy, he shouldn’t have time to relax.

And finally, BaiYing could enjoy his free time, but what it’s mean, by free time? Even when he thinking about the plan for the next escape, Luo Xiang’s voice keeps flashed in his head.

“Not only you but even all your relatives will also be beheaded! All to the root!”

BaiYing took a deep breath.

What choice does he have? He had to stay there longer, at least until the Crown Prince got bored of him, soon he would be, BaiYing had already planned so many sneaky things to do if that pervert asked him to meet again, just to think about it, made him smile slyly.



And his laugh caught the attention of ChaiMa, Lan’er, Fan’er, and Mu’er, LuoXiang’s three other beautiful concubines, he stops and puts his innocent face on, that old lady’s stared at him like she’s ready to eat him alive, why she always put on the face like that?

“Ahem, Concubine Hua please focus” ChaiMa’s deep voice.

BaiYing, who was sitting in front of the table with various tools for knitting, including the long needle that was already in his hand, nodded, although he was annoyed he had no other choice at this time, it’s better to continue his play on.

BaiYing glanced at Lan’er handwork who’s sitting right beside him, the knitting was so beautiful and neat, unlike his which not finished yet, BaiYing didn’t even know where to start, turned out that knitting was too hard for him, this is even harder than writing a poem as much as two whole pages in a day! Oh, his head burning up now.

“Em Sister Lan, yours is so pretty,” said BaiYing while scratching his back head.

Lan’er smiles at BaiYing’s clumsy attitude.

“Hehehe Sister Yen you can make it too, let me teach you, look at this.”

The girl’s hands were so smooth and soft, her skin was glistening like porcelain, the faint smell of perfume wafted up when she approached, LuoXiang was really have troubled with his head, why he waste such a perfect woman?

“Eh, like this?”

“Yeah, put your finger here, and..”

Soon the knitting class ended, and the results proved that BaiYing was not a painstaking concubine, at least this would reduce her value in the eyes of the Queen, this was a satisfying result for him, soon he’ll be kicked out of the palace.

He sits in front of the back building of the Peach pavilion which faces a green meadow filled with trees and beautiful colorful flowers.

Don’t know how to get out of this place, where all the corners the tall and fierce guard stand by with eyes wide open, since the Crown Prince notices his plan to escape, he felt that every time he moves, someone already keep an eye on him, all the time, but he really missed his home, really need to get out of here soon, this is so irritating.

While BaiYing was still thinking, Lan’er approached while carrying a tray with lots of fruit slices and small cakes from inside the pavilion.

“What are you thinking of? Why don’t you take lunch inside?” The girl lowered her body and sat beside BaiYing, BaiYing greeted her with a big smile.


“You’re not eating? Aren’t you hungry?” Lan’er asked again.

BaiYing felt his stomach, he just realized that he was so hungry.

“Yeah, Yen’er forgot, have you eaten yet?”

Lan’er nodded

“Yes, here, sister bring fruit and cake, let’s eat”

While enjoying a small snack the two of them were cool chatting.

“So Sister Lan’er doesn’t mind staying in the palace? Even though you didn’t see His Majesty almost every day, you think you can only see once a month.”

Lan’er nodded.

“Yeah, it can’t be helped, at first sister and others thought that being the Crown Prince’s concubine must be so fun, high status, power, big name, but, in fact, His Majesty doesn’t even want to touch us, it’s different from you, from the beginning Your Majesty seems to liked you”

BaiYing think, like him? That person deliberately wanted to torture him slowly before killing him in the most pathetic way, this is called calm before the storm comes, wherever that person is, all he does is thinking about what is the most practical and fun way to torture HuaBaiYing, since long time ago.

“Um, not really, Your Majesty just likes to play, he doesn’t do anything to me, em, sister Lan, what about Her Majesty, what kind of person of she?” BaiYing asked in a whisper, he could die if he was caught gossiping about the Queen.

Lan’er frowned in thought.

“Queen? She is a very graceful person, the person who always stick to the rules so much, orderly, gentle, em, nothing much strange, I guess if you don’t do anything wrong Her Majesty won’t touch you even a bit”

“Err do anything wrong? You mean against her?” BaiYing asked.

Lan’er nodded.

“Well yeah, I heard she once punished her subordinates harshly, first she ordered the guards to crush his bones in his arms and legs until he was paralyzed, then because she was not satisfied yet she also ordered the guards to force him to drink boiled water which made his tongue damaged, still not satisfied Her Highness ordered a bodyguard to stab the two eyeballs with a hot iron, then ... ”

BaiYing shuddered to hear that, he raised his hand to stop Lan’er’s passionate story, why is the Queen so cruel? Is there really such a cruel punishment?

“Eh, really, what’s that person’s fault?” BaiYing asked.

Lan’er thought for a moment.

“Em, I think it’s because of lying.”

BaiYing’s eyes widened wide, lying? Just for lying?

“Just lying? Maybe he made another big mistake?”

Lan’er shook her head.

“Nothing, according to the news, well, because the waiter lied about the spices he bought, because the Queen had an allergy that made her skin itchy the waiter brought any spices and was found out, then because the Queen was so upset so he finally punished, I didn’t really follow the news but that less what happened ”

BaiYing gulps, definitely not just lying, there must be something else, so what about him? Will his two pretty eyes get pricked too? Will the guards beat his bones to pieces? This is bad, he had to think about how to escape as soon as possible while he’s still alive.

The class ended, BaiYing accompanied by two young servants who followed him anywhere Yan and Bi back to his pavilion.

Along the beautiful brick road were on both sides overgrown with so many beautiful plants and flowers.

“Your Majesty is tired?” Yan asked, BaiYing nodded, he massaged his stiff neck.

“Yeah, this is really sore”

“Servant will massage you later,” said Bi.

BaiYing shook his head.

“No need sister Bi, I think after taking a fresh bath it would be better, today I’m thinking to take a bath with the orchid spices that the Queen just gave to us yesterday, it looks very fragrant”

“Then, servant helps rub your back, Your Majesty,” said Yan, hearing that, BaiYing immediately waved his hand.

“No need sister Yan, I can do it by myself hehe.”

In front of Peach’s pavilion, Fan’er and Mu’er approached Lan’er who was still standing after escorting BaiYing back earlier.

“Sister Lan, so how was it? Does she believe you?” Fan’er asked, Lan’er covered her mouth laughing.

“Hehehe she is so innocent and fools, how could she not believe me? That fool is so easy to deceive.”

Mu’er glanced at BaiYing’s back which was getting farther away.

“Sister, we are just scaring her right? It seems that concubine Hua is not a very bad person at all, she is nice to talk with.”

Fan’er tapped Mu’er’s.

“Aw, it hurts sis” Mu’er moaned.

“Precisely! it’s because she is not a bad person then we should be aware of her, she thinks that she’s already become His Majesty’s favorites so she becomes very arrogant”

Mu’er frowned, on her eyes concubine Hua is just an ordinary person, she was even too good and humble, it’s not really strange that His Majesty liked her more, while Mu’er still thought seriously her two sisters were walking away leave her.

“Sisters wait for me!”



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