Chapter 24

Chapter 24: a Promise

In the morning.

With cheerful steps, Yan and Bi, who as usual always got up early to serve concubine Hua, walked steadily towards the door of BaiYing’s room.

“Hehehe, Your Majesty has a dance class today, it will be fun to see it,” said Yan, Bi agreed.

“Yeah, I can’t wait, I hear that Her Majesty often dances in her house, she must be great, yeah” The two of them walked steadily to open the door to Hua’s concubine’s room, but ...

Yan and Bi stuttered, someone was lying sideways on the bed, who was definitely not Concubine Hua because the person’s body was bigger and thicker, both of them were about to scream but finally widened their eyes wide while lowering their knees to see the person who had now turned towards them.

“Your Majesty the Crown Prince!” the two maids lowered their knees in salute.

LuoXiang’s eyes glanced at the table, meaning that whatever they had they could put on the table and get out. The two maids obeyed, immediately the two of them hurried in carefully, putting their belongings on the table and sneaking out, closing the door tightly.


LuoXiang continued his activities, which he really liked, lying quietly next to BaiYing who was still sleeping so soundly, looking at every mile of BaiYing’s soft face, largely closed eyelids, long eyelashes that seemed to shake off the strong wind because they were too long, the sharp nose, lumpy lips, Luo Xiang’s hands seemed to form all of those perfect shapes without touching them, only smiling incessantly at the sight.

A childhood memory popped into his head.

“My name is BaiYing, not Ying-Ying!” exclaimed a little boy with a cute face like a girl, he kept screaming that he was a boy, a tall, slightly fat boy kept teasing him, from his clothes and face he was LuoXiang when he was around ten years old.

“If I want to call you YingYing so what? I am a prince, who can refuse my orders, “said little LuoXiang.

Little BaiYing was really adorable, his round white face with slightly red cheeks from the cold, his big round pretty eyes looked at LuoXiang with his brows furrowed as he scratched his head.

“Um, what is a Prince? Can the Prince do whatever he wants? ”

Little LuoXiang also frowned, he was deep in thought.

“Em, that prince, I think he can do whatever he wants unless ordered by the emperor.”

Little BaiYing waved his wooden sword. He was about four-five years old at that time, he was very cute and adorable, since the first time he saw him LuoXiang could not get away from him and always wanted to stick with him all the time.

“Who is the Emperor? Is he a very strong person? ”

LuoXiang nodded.

“Yeah, that emperor is the strongest person in the country, he is my father”

“Then the Prince is the same as BaiYing, you must have to always listen and obey whatever father told us to, it’s lame.”

LuoXiang thought, he stroked his chin, saw little BaiYing, and held out his pinkie.

“Well, then YingYing has to promise, if I become Emperor, YingYing will marry me.”

Little BaiYing looked up at LuoXiang who was much taller than him with his big round eyes that blinked a number of times, then glanced at the little finger that was stretched out in front of him, hesitating to raise his hand up to a point, LuoXiang grabbed BaiYing’s little hand and took out BaiYing’s tiny pinkie to hook him up.

“Come on, we promise, it’s not that hard”

“But you’re not the Emperor, do I still have to marry you too?” asked the innocent little BaiYing, LuoXiang the fat boy waved his hand, his face looked serious.

“No way, I’m definitely going to be the Emperor, for the sake of marrying my Yingying, I will become emperor, soon everyone will listen to my commands so no one could reject it, if they refuse I would cut their head off”

Greeting confident LuoXiang made Baiying innocently laugh loudly, he was wagging the wooden sword in his hand with joy while running in circles.

“Yeah hahaha XiangXiang brother is becoming Emperor, yeah BaiYing is going to marry brother XiangXiang”

LuoXiang crossed his two arms in front of his chest and round stomach, even though he was still small but his height was beyond his age.

But little BaiYing stopped running and looked at LuoXiang with his round eyes.

“But brother, em, what is marriage? Does it mean that BaiYing can eat whatever BaiYing wants? Play every day, no study, no shower. ”

LuoXiang thought, he pulled BaiYing’s little hand closer to him, lowering his body in a whisper.

“Em, of course, you can, YingYing can eat anything, just play and don’t have to study, and um ..” Little LuoXiang brought his face closer to little BaiYing and kissed BaiYing’s round cheek, the little boy was shocked.


Even though he was still young, LuoXiang had a playboy character since he was a child, he knew which ones were too beautiful to be missed, little BaiYing held his cheek.

“What is this brother?”

“This? It means a stamp, that YingYing already belong to brother forever ”

“Owh belong to brother forever? what does it mean brother? ” BaiYing asked innocently,

LuoXiang thought again,

“Em, that means you can’t meet other people, you can only be with me every day, you can’t listen to other people besides brother, then, em, you can’t hold other people’s hands too, if you violate it, brother is going to punish you.”

BaiYing looked up at LuoXiang with a pair of tears in his eyes, his little hands clenched into fists.

“Erm, what, including not being able to go home to see Mother? Forever?”

LuoXiang nodded quickly.

“Yeah, that too, forever.”

Little BaiYing looked at LuoXiang with his innocent eyes, slowly watery and finally unable to hold back until he burst into tears, he ran quickly toward the house.

“Akkhhh no! BaiYing doesn’t want to be forever, every day just sees big brother and no one else.”

LuoXiang chased him towards the house.

“YingYing Brother! brother will buy all the best toys! ”

But the sound of little BaiYing’s crying had not stopped, his little feet ran through his yard and into his living room where his two parents and a beautiful woman who was none other than Concubine Lu, LuoXiang mother were chatting casually.

“BaiYing doesn’t want to!”

LuoXiang continued to chase him.

“YingYing Brother!”

Return to BaiYing’s room.

LuoXiang smiled, he did not expect that his promise to little BaiYing could finally come true, even though he only thought that everything was just a sweet dream, but he could make it happen now, YingYing, who was now lying so beautifully in front of him. LuoXiang raised his hand to stroke BaiYing’s front hair, smoothed it to the side, and lifted his body to kiss BaiYing’s forehead gently.

“Hey, you see I can fulfill my promise right? Brother YingYing, you are mine now, he”

LuoXiang put his hand back on his head enjoying his time to see BaiYing’s face longer. He hopes that time can stop and they stay like this forever, it feels like nothing more important in this world than to see that face every second, the face of BaiYingYing that had filled his heart ever since he didn’t know what love meant.

LuoXiang raised BaiYing’s hand, kissed him, and hugged him.

“My YingYing”



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