Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

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Diplomacy is completely foreign to Raciel. Naturally, he had never attempted it. He had never received any relevant education either. To him, diplomacy appeared as an extravagant and elusive notion.

Indirect exposure is all I possess.

He had caught wind of international summits on the news, where leaders from different nations gathered and engaged in trade agreements and the like.

That was the extent of his knowledge.

Occasionally, he recalls instances like eating chicken while tuning in to breaking news about North Korea launching missiles into the East Sea. He had even dabbled in diplomatic scenarios within games like Romance of the Three Kingdoms or other strategy-based games. So, contemplating diplomatic discussions with Anbouazs ambassador? Clearly, it would be a fools errand.

Picking a fight with an expert Thats asking for trouble.

Indeed, this encapsulates the reality of the world.

Experts are experts for a reason. If you recklessly challenge them, youll be swiftly defeated. If the roles were reversed, and Anbouazs ambassador dared him to a duel of acupuncture, wielding a needle and puffing away, how absurd would that be? The same principle applies.

I must acknowledge what I lack knowledge in. I dont even grasp the basics of diplomacy. So, attempting to face the impending Anbouaz ambassador with diplomatic schemes and rhetoric wouldnt be wise.

He needs to equip himself with his own strategy. He cannot participate in diplomatic negotiations on equal footing. So, whats his next move?

I need to bring the ambassador into my realm of expertise.

At the end of the lengthy corridor.

He finally reaches the conference room.

Facing it, Raciel takes a deep breath. He has settled on the attitude and strategy he will adopt upon encountering Anbouazs ambassador. Once again, he reviews the goal he aims to accomplish today.

Preventing a major war.

For the sake of the Magentano Empires peace. For his comfortable life as a member of the royal family and his prosperous retirement as an unemployed individual.

With strong determination, he steps forward and enters the conference room. However, he doesnt put on a diplomatic faade. Instead, he employs a form of self-mind control.

This isnt a conference room. Its an examination room. My first patient of the morning is waiting. I missed the subway on my way to work, and Im just a minute late. A minor delay.

The mental simulation is complete. As a result, a familiar smile naturally graces his face.

My apologies for the delay. Have you been waiting for long?

The middle-aged man, likely the Anbouaz ambassador, Baron Vengermein, awkwardly rises from his seat. The ambassadors surprise is barely concealed. Did Raciels greeting catch him off guard? Or is he astonished that it isnt the emperor who walks into the conference room?

Its likely the latter.

The ambassadors astonished expression disappears within half a second.

Oh, my apologies. I am Baron Vengermein, the ambassador of Anbouaz. Its an honor to meet the crown prince of Magentano.

The ambassador conveys his respect smoothly. His ability to regain composure is swifter than 5G. Clearly, hes a seasoned veteran in the diplomatic arena.

Raciel takes his seat across from the ambassador, maintaining the mental simulation he established. He gazes at the ambassador with the scrutiny of a doctor assessing a patient.

Um, have you been experiencing sleep deprivation lately?

Pardon me?

Perhaps his question catches the ambassador off guard. The ambassadors smile wavers momentarily. However, Raciel remains unfazed.

He mustnt cease speaking. He mustnt cede control to the ambassador. Allowing himself to be drawn into the diplomatic arena would tip the negotiations against him. With this in mind, Raciel continues without affording the ambassador an opportunity to take charge.

Ive noticed dark circles beneath your eyes. Your eyelids are drooping, theres a slight tremor in your fingertips, and a faint staleness in your breath. Do you indulge in drinking and smoking?

What on earth are you talking about?

Im sure you wake up with a heavy head every morning. The muscles around your neck, particularly the levator scapulae, must be in a state of chronic tension. You likely experience frequent headaches accompanied by a tight sensation in your back, am I right?

Thats true, but how does that relate to the current situation?

Its relevant.

Raciel grinned.

The ambassador is a cherished and esteemed guest, vested with full authority from the Kingdom of Anbouaz to represent their imperial court. One could say hes a direct representative of the royal family of Anbouaz. But what should I do if I observe signs of potential health issues in such an esteemed guest? I cant just ignore it, can I? No, certainly not. That would be unforgivable.

What exactly are you implying?

It means that the ambassadors well-being matters not only to me but also to the Magentano imperial family. So, if you wouldnt mind, may I examine your wrist?


The Crown Princes request flowed so naturally that the Anbouaz ambassador found himself momentarily speechless. He wasnt sure how to respond or what exactly the prince was aiming at.

What is his intention?

A myriad of questions raced through his mind.

In truth, when the Crown Prince initially brought up the dark circles around his eyes and other physical features, the ambassador had taken it as an unusual approach to inquiring about his welfare. A simple courtesy. How have you been? Are your children growing well? Has the property you purchased appreciated in value?

He had regarded it as an unconventional take on the usual pleasantries and had responded accordingly, without hesitation, but rather awkwardly.

However, that was a miscalculation!

Thinking it was just a standard exchange, he had acquiesced. Now, he was being drawn into a peculiar line of dialogue!

Wasnt it just a regular greeting? Whats this about? What does he want?

The ambassadors mind raced.

Soon enough, he arrived at a conclusion.

Im perfectly fine. My health is overseen by the doctor and staff who accompanied me from Anbouaz, so I appreciate your kind concern.

The ambassador didnt extend his wrist; instead, he tensed up. He wanted to conclude this odd conversation and transition to the familiar diplomatic discussions.

Today, the emperor summoned me to hold me accountable.

The ambassador was well aware of the purpose of todays meeting. It concerned his homeland, the renowned merchant Guines from Anbouaz.

He intends to protest the inadequate response he witnessed at the Cremo port. It wasnt a mere mishap. It evolved into a significant incident involving the Crown Prince.

What if the Crown Prince had perished that day? This meeting wouldnt even be happening. Instead, a full-fledged war might have erupted.

Regardless, the emperor would have sought answers from us about that day. He would have demanded reparations.

Substantial compensation. Or unilateral adjustments to trade tariffs. Exclusive development rights in specific border regions, and more. The ambassador had strong suspicions that the emperor would present such substantial demands. He had prepared himself for the emperors ultimatums.

Masterful negotiation and careful consideration of options. Dividing and sharing mutual interests, the ambassador had meticulously laid out strategies for protracted discussions with the emperor spanning several days.

But the reality?

He couldnt even play those cards!

No, no, thats not accurate. Youre content with acknowledging my concern? Are you insinuating that our empire lacks divinity and ethics? Imagine if you were to fall ill or collapsehow much blame would our Magentano imperial family incur?

Well, uh

Why speak in such a manner? When have you ever shown concern for my well-being?

Though the Ambassador wished to respond sarcastically, Raciel remained composed and adept. The moment the Ambassador raised his hand in frustration, Raciels hand moved with equal swiftness.

With the finesse of an experienced practitioner who instinctively seizes the wrists of numerous young patients at an Oriental medicine clinic, Raciel showcased his skill.


As if the North and South poles of a magnet were aligning, Raciel deftly grasped the Ambassadors wrist. There was hardly any room for the Ambassador to react. Raciel swiftly took the Ambassadors pulse and employed palpation skill. Then, he purposefully adopted a sympathetic expression.

Hmm, just as I suspected. Youve been indulging in excessive drinking and smoking. Naturally, it must be due to your tireless efforts for the peace and friendship between the countries of Magentano and Anbouaz.

No, could you please release my wrist?

Well, if I might offer some bold advice, you should consider exercising. Cut back on alcohol and smoking, and dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to walking. Also, incorporating a spoonful of clean olive oil into your mornings would be beneficial. That way, you wont find yourself in a state similar to His Majesty the Emperor.


Emperor, His Majesty?

The Ambassadors attention was piqued. He had been curious as to why the Crown Prince was handling the negotiations in place of the Emperor.

He had been summoned by the Emperor. The abrupt presence of the Crown Prince and his behavior had raised some dissatisfaction. As a result, he had been cautiously preparing to question this diplomatic breach and regain control over the negotiations.

Yet, with the mention of the Emperor, Raciel took the initiative. The Ambassadors eyebrows furrowed. Raciel proceeded.

Exactly as I mentioned. His Majesty the Emperor has been feeling unwell since yesterday.

Whats the matter with him?

Hes dealing with a severe cold.

A cold?

Yes. Due to his demanding workload, hes been under considerable stress. Its been quite some time since he last engaged in his sword practice. Combined with heightened stress levels, hes turned to more drinking and smoking. This may have contributed to his cold and loss of appetite.

Ah, so thats why the Crown Prince is representing him at the negotiations?

Indeed. Youve hit the nail on the head, Ambassador. Its with a sense of regret that I convey this news, and Ive been entrusted to relay the Emperors message, which includes an invitation to a banquet by way of apology.

The Ambassador was momentarily speechless.

A cold? Thats the reason for his absence at the negotiations?

I didnt expect such transparency.

Furthermore, a direct apology. Offering a banquet as a form of apology.

This puts me in an awkward position.

The Ambassador silently voiced his frustration.

He couldnt decide if the Crown Prince was naively straightforward or cunningly strategic. In the world of diplomacy, issuing an apology is generally avoided and almost considered a taboo.

The moment you vocalize such words, you relinquish all justifications and cede the upper hand to the other party. From that point forward, your position to contest unreasonable demands weakens, and you find yourself in an exceptionally disadvantageous position during diplomatic negotiations.

Consequently, uttering an apology is considered taboo. At most, one might express regreta moderate, neutral stance. Yet, just now, the Crown Prince, while conveying the Emperors message, apologized outright.

But its so forthright that its hard to find fault with.

Ambassador Anbouaz swallowed his resentment.

The Emperor is unwell. His absence is due to illness. Instead, the Crown Prince is present, extending goodwill. He approaches the situation with an attitude of open disclosure.

But what if this is questioned? Why didnt the Emperor attend? Could it be seen as a breach of diplomatic protocol? What if theres a protest?

It would make us appear petty, crossing a line. Huh!

Theyd be relinquishing the moral high ground. Ambassador Anbouaz sighed, foreseeing the clear trajectory of events.

Is he effectively nullifying one of my strategies like this

This Crown Prince isnt an ordinary adversary.

Inwardly grinding his teeth, the ambassador sighed in secret frustration.

However, as for Raciel, he paid no mind to the ambassadors internal calculations. In fact, he hadnt predicted the extent to which his candid apology would stir the ambassadors inner sentiments.

Im not here for diplomatic negotiations.

Negotiating isnt his forte. He had no intention of facing off against the skilled negotiator, the ambassador. So, today, in this setting, he would?

I should only present one-sided requests.

All he needed to do was make the demands indisputable. He had confidence in that. He possessed the means. Raciel held unwavering faith in his judgement and voiced his thoughts.

Regardless, I hope youll take better care of your health moving forward. Now, Id like to delve into the primary topic of todays gathering. I believe both you, Ambassador, and the Anbouaz royal family are well-informed about the incident that transpired at the Cremo port.


Yes, and so I have something to communicate. No, its more of a request.

What would the Magentano imperial family like to propose?

We request that Princess Adeline Boarne Anbouaz, the heir to the Anbouaz throne, reside within the Magentano capital for the upcoming six months.

Pardon me?

The ambassadors shoulders twitched. What was he implying? He couldnt possibly be serious.

Our princess? Why?

Was it an attempt to take her as a hostage? To demean the Anbouaz royal family? It simply didnt add up.

Is he contemplating war?

The ambassadors gaze turned icy as he regarded Raciel. This request bordered on being a direct insult. It lacked tangible advantages or rationale; it was a degrading demand.

Had it been a plea to abolish trade tariffs or surrender a portion of the border territory, his reaction wouldnt have been as intense.

Yet, Raciels lips curved into a smile as he began to speak.

You probably believe my request is absurd. However, theres a valid motive behind it. A logical reason that stands to benefit both the Magentano imperial family and the Anbouaz royal family.

What is this reasoning?

Of course.

Raciel nodded. Absolutely. They needed to avert the looming conflict. Hence, Princess Anbouaz couldnt come to harm. She needed to be brought to the capital for half a year.

Only then could they stave off war. All could experience tranquility. His royal life and retirement would remain secure.

With unwavering resolve, Raciel moistened his lips. He laid a brilliant falsehood upon his tongue. A concealed card was affixed to his lie. Indeed, he had been reserving this deception for occasions like this.

Ding dong!

[You have used 1 Deception Authorization Ticket.]

[Designated target: Ambassador of Anbouaz will unquestioningly and eternally place trust in one of your lies.]

(To be Continued)

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