Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

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A chime echoed, its purity reverberating within his mind. At the same time, a moment of epiphany washed over him.


Raciel stood in awe.

Before him materialized the components and intricacies of the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill. As he perused the details, amazement overcame him. His eyes, brimming with astonishment, darted around in rapid succession.

[Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill]

[Key Ingredients: Cholic Acid, Bilirubin, Vitamin D, Ginsenosides, Protopanaxadiol, Oleanolic Acid, P-Coumaric Acid, and more; including Coumarin, Ramnoliquiritin, Lebedebeoueryol, Hamaudol, Simipugin, Imperatorin, etc.]

[Appearance: A gilded spherical pill]

[Benefits and Effects: Promotes muscle relaxation and vasodilation by reducing calcium ion concentration in muscle cells; alleviates angina, cardiovascular issues, and pain; addresses idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension]

[Usage: Adults 1 pill; 115-year-olds 2/3 pill; 57-year-olds 1/2 pill; 2-4-year-olds 1/3 pill; under 1-year-olds 1/4 pill; take once or twice daily, chew or dissolve in warm water]

[Precautions: Seek advice from a doctor, Oriental medicine practitioner, or pharmacist if you have: 1. Hypertension 2. Kidney disorders 3. Edema 4. Elderly ailments 5. Symptoms like anorexia or vomiting (these symptoms may worsen)]

Up to this point, everything seemed reasonable. It was aligned with expectations for the Clear Heart Pills effects. However, the astonishing revelation came next.

[Side Effects: Induces sound, rejuvenating sleep without any bodily strain, side effects, or addictive properties.]


Raciel chuckled.

Not out of absurdity, but realization.

This is incredible. Monumental, actually.

It wasnt just impressive; it was colossal.

No bodily strain means its safer than over-the-counter sleep aids. And no side effects or addiction? It even surpasses Propofol. But inducing a perfect sleep Could this be revolutionary?

The more he delved, the more he pondered, Raciel sensed the gravity of the situation. The therapeutic effect, typical of a Clear Heart Pill, was certainly advantageous. Yet, upon deeper analysis, the value of this side effect appeared mind-boggling.

Meanwhile, a related incident crossed his mindthe significant occurrence at a pharmaceutical company in the United States.

Early 1990s marked the era when a pharmaceutical company embarked on the quest for an angina treatment. Progress flowed smoothly until unexpected results emerged from the analysis.

Their original pursuit was the creation of an angina remedy. Yet, during the clinical trials, a serendipitous side effect surfaceda surprising shift manifested within the male participants physiology.

Incredible. Its remarkably beneficial for men, in a unique manner.

The effect possessed extraordinary potential. The pharmaceutical company shifted focus to this unforeseen outcome, investing in research to refine and secure its safety.

Henceforth emerged a historic pharmaceutical marvel, a game-changer for billions worldwide, responsible for diminishing over 50% of seal and reindeer hunting: the legendary erectile dysfunction drug, Viagra.

In the wake of its creation, the pharmaceutical company experienced an exalted zenith, akin to a thrice-ignited rocket. This triumphant entity was Pfizer, which would later pioneer a coronavirus vaccine.

So, today mirrors the Viagra saga. Weve unearthed a tremendously valuable side effect, unrelated to the initial intention.

Instantaneous attainment of flawless sleep seemed to result from the premium Minotaurs Ohwang component. The prospect dazzled.

Its mind-boggling. Utterly astounding.

A premonition of an accidental foray birthing a superlative best-seller stirred. Raciels chest pulsed with anticipation, sensing that this pill might etch its name in Magentano Empires medical history, even resonating continent-wide. However, his euphoria didnt cloud practicality.

Too early to revel. Focus, Lee Han!

A double slap resounded across his cheeks, rekindling his awareness.

No room for celebration. Composure, first.

Raciel tossed the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill over the tongue of Uruus. Uruus gobbled it down eagerly.

Hold on! Dont rush!


Place it on your tongue. Try dissolving it slowly.


Not a fan, eh?


Weve got to manage, buddy.




Alright, swallow.


Uruuss cavernous throat undulated. Simultaneously, Raciels eyes ignited.

Meridian scanning.

[<Palpation> Skill-specific Option : Meridian scanning activated.]

[A Lock-on-able target within 10 meters in sight has been detected.]

[Target: King Minotaur, Uruus]

[Lock-on to the target?]

[YES / NO]

A nod signified Raciels decision. Instantly, meridian scanning commenced.


Uruus, the behemoth who ingested ten Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pills, emanated luminous starlight throughout his form.

Every meridian, the flow of mana coursing those channelsthese phenomena unveiled in real-time. The path of the pills components recently consumed by Uruus was no exception.

I see it.

A resplendent golden aura emerged. Its descent within Uruuss lengthy esophagus was evident. It nestled within his stomach.

Reiteration? No convoluted processes. The golden radiance absorbed through the stomachs wall surged into the first stomach as it entered. Rapidly, it navigated the bloodstream. Nestling within the heart, it expanded the coronary arteries. Blood clot conglomerates adhering to arterial walls dissolved.

As if embarking on a long-awaited spring cleaning. As if purging aged debris with refreshing zeal.

Moo, Moo?

Uruuss eyes widened in astonishment as the medicines effects continued to unfold.

Puk! Puk!

Throughout his body, within the inner linings of blood vessels, inflammation that had taken root dissipated rapidly. Vitality surged through Uruuss form, revitalizing him from the toll of prolonged captivity.

Muscles united forces. Red blood cells scaled vascular walls. Lymphatic fluid transformed their world into a realm of rejuvenation. A veritable Olympic jubilation enveloped his being.

In that very moment,

Ding Dong!

A crystal-clear notification resounded in Raciels ears, accompanied by a welcoming message.

[You have administered the personally prepared Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill to the patient: Uruus.]

[The Skill: Decoction Making (Lv.1) has amplified the medicinal efficacy by 10%.]

[Patient: Uruus, previously afflicted with stable angina, assorted adult ailments, and metabolic imbalances due to protracted captivity and mistreatment, has, thanks to your Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill, experienced total dissolution of coronary artery clots. Furthermore, most adult ailment symptoms have exhibited significant alleviation.]

[Skill Medical Billing (Lv.2) activated.]

[Patient: Uruus gains a life extension benefit of 79 years and 3 months due to your administration of the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill. Consequently, you shall be rewarded with an added lifespan equivalent to 1/1950 of 79 years and 3 months.]

[Patient: Uruus being a non-human, triggers an interspecies adjustment.]

[Resultant bonus lifespan reduced by 50%.]

[A bonus lifespan of 7.31 days is calculated.]

[Minimum lifespan increment: 1 day.]

[Bonus lifespan credited after rounding.]

[A total of 7 days of bonus lifespan granted.]

[Projected lifespan: 116 days]


Raciels fist clenched in amazement. The outcome exceeded his anticipation.

Its been cured in one go.

Uruuss persistent stable angina had been eradicated entirely. Concurrently, his other minor adult ailments exhibited considerable amelioration. The clinical trials triumph was monumental. To top it off, a bonus life extension was granted!


[Your organs are celebrating your achievements.]

[Heart: Could that be a heart-beneficial medicine, by any chance?]

[Lungs: Hehe Haha.]

[Large Intestine: Ive been feeling a tad sluggish lately, anticipating constipation Taking that, I sense a bout of relief in my near future.]

[Liver: Isnt sluggish a term for those generally successful? Youre perpetually constipated.]

[Stomach: Pfft!]

[Your organs gift you 600 HP.]

[Current HP: 2,100]

Hehe? Hahaha. Hahahahaha!

A radiant smile graced Raciels face, and an irrepressible dance of joy accompanied it. With every scrutiny of his creation, the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill, his conviction in its potential as a game-changer solidified.

Undoubtedly a specialized remedy for angina. It offers relief for adult ailments too. And considering those earlier observed side effects

This product would find buyers no matter where it was introduced. The price tag might be steep, but nobles across the nation would readily open their purses, even wrapping their money in handkerchiefs if necessary. Moreover, today marked another leap forward.

Mooo wooo? Mooo wooo wooo

Uruus yawned expansively. A wave of refreshment swept over his colossal form, carrying with it the drowsiness akin to basking under warm sunlight in a serene meadow with the rhythmic cadence of waves.

Gradually, Uruuss eyes blinked, settling on Raciel. A gratitude-filled gaze emanated from him.



Uruuss enormous tongue made contact, dousing Raciels upper body. Surprise rippled through Raciel, yet he refrained from pushing Uruus away. He perceived the gratitude Uruus was conveying.

Hes thankful

Was the soporific embrace of deep slumber, a side effect of the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill, overtaking Uruus? Despite this, the ebony pupils that met his own carried an unmistakable tenderness.

Suddenly, memories of a brown bull from his childhood days on his grandfathers rural estate flooded Raciels mindhow it looked at his grandfather.

The unwavering companionship it offered for a lifetime. Its staunch guardianship. How it deemed his grandfather its sole friend and master. Enveloped in such warmth, Raciel returned Uruuss gaze with equal gentleness. Quietly, he whispered within his heart.

Got a sucker!

A Sucker, or slave.

He was committing to a lifelong bond. Planning to exploit this allegiance with even greater dedication. He was placing his trust in Uruus. While the giant descended into peaceful slumber, Raciel solidified his resolve.

Simultaneously, he summoned Cremo Mayor without delay. The secret weapon, the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill, was now perfected, and its thorough promotion was essential.

Huh? What do you mean?

Cremo Mayors reaction to Raciels promotional strategy resembled a 16-bit tap dance at hyperspeed.

(To be Continued)

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