Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 63.

Chapter 63.

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Damn, that guy is messing up the auction!

Everyone in the auction house had the same thought.

Feelings of injustice rose like waves, and regret sprouted fiercely. Why werent they born with royal silver spoons in their mouths? Why wasnt their father the emperor? They savored a fleeting desire for a classless society and the realization of equality, despite the stark reality of their status.

Then, they all came to a realization.

If that guy really is the Crown Prince Were screwed. Damn it!

The situation was beyond saving.

The mayor of Cremo, no less, rushed in with a flustered expression. The mayor respectfully addressed the man as Your Highness. Impersonating a royal in the Empire was a crime punishable by death.

So, what does that mean?

Either the mayor of Cremo had a momentary lapse of sanity, consumed some drug he shouldnt have, fell into a severe midlife depression, or was seeking a novel way to commit suicide due to some other reason.

Otherwise, it was unthinkable for the mayor to publicly address just anyone as Your Highness.

So, he really is the Crown Prince Damn it!

Sighs heavier than a concentrated espresso slipped from everyones lips.

Those present in the Monster Auction House were no ordinary citizens. They were people with substantial wealth and social standing minor nobles, top-tier businessmen, landowners.

Thus, they were well aware of the dangers of power. They knew how their family, business, or land could fall into jeopardy if they fell out of favor with those in power. These risks were all too clear to them.

I guess Ill have to give up on this collection.

Damn! I was planning to resell it and make a profit.

Sorry, darling. Ill get you a different gift for your birthday.

The wealthy bidders who were excited about the Minotaur auction started to back off. No one dared to bid higher than the 60,000 Majen that Raciel had bid.

The auction house, which was always as quiet as a library, became even quieter, like an exam room. The auctioneers gaze swept through the silence.

The auctioneer looked around, hoping someone would offer a higher price. He scanned all directions and bit his lip in anxiety.

This auction cant end here!

He shouted internally.

He was serious.

It was a high-grade Minotaur. Its size was a whopping half bigger than an average Minotaur. It would be a shame to let such a grand item go for a mere 60,000 Majen. But still, no one seemed willing to step up.

Is it over?

A sigh escaped from the corner of the auctioneers eye. Thats when it happened.


In an unexpected moment, when everyone was sighing over the Crown Princes abuse of power, someone raised a placard.

[Gunes Desang: 70,000 Majen]


The auctioneers eyes widened. The eyes of those who had withdrawn from the auction also widened. Raciel, who had been sure of his victory, felt his heart drop.

What? 70,000 Majen?

Raciel was shocked. He turned his gaze toward the person who had just raised the placard. A lean, stern-looking old man stood there.

Who is he?

He didnt recognize the face. But the murmurs around him revealed the old mans identity.

Isnt Isnt that Gunes?


Yes, the wealthy merchant who is highly favored by the King of the South, Anbouaz.

Ah, Gunes, the wealthy merchant from Anbouaz?

The name Gunes, the wealthy merchant from Anbouaz, piqued Raciels interest. The murmurs continued to beat upon his eardrums.

Heh, if its Gunes of Anbouaz, he wouldnt need to bow to even our Crown Prince.

Right, hes not a subject of our Imperial Family after all.

To be precise yes. Hes a top manager from our rival nation, so he doesnt need to look out for our royal family.

Right. If the Crown Prince tries to exert power here, it could potentially lead to diplomatic issues.

Is that so?

The murmurs around him continued.

But right now, isnt Gunes our hope?

Why do you say that?

Hes our savior who can defeat our detestable Crown Prince!

Quiet, your voice is too loud.


There are rumors that our Crown Prince holds grudges.

Is Is that so?

Yes, so be careful. If the Crown Prince hears you, he may retaliate.

I can hear you, you know.

Raciel let out a grunt, his appetite spoiled. Thanks to the surrounding murmurs, he could identify the thin old man.

In short, he is a foreign tycoon who my authority cant touch.

Raciel cast a quick glance at the old man. The old tycoon, Gunes, also looked this way. Their eyes intertwined in the air. Raciel felt it in an instant. That old man is no ordinary opponent. But, he didnt think of backing down for even a second.

I must get that Minotaur, no matter what!


With a firm resolution, he wrote 71,000 Majen on the board. And he thought. There are still many bullets left. Even if he is a foreign tycoon, he wont be a pushover. After all, he is the imperial prince.

So, bring it on! Come and get me!

Raciel raised the board, reaffirming his resolution. He was determined to win by any means necessary, to secure victory no matter what. His resolve was rock solid.

he failed.

He just failed spectacularly.

Damn it, damn it, damn it.

Leaving the auction, Raciel looked up at the sky. And he recalled the number he had seen earlier.

[Gunes Desang : 250,000 Majen]

It was the number written on the board raised by Gunes, the tycoon of the Anbouaz Kingdom.

Is it a fierce competition? There was nothing like that.

Right after he wrote 71,000 Majen, Gunes looked at him and smirked, raising his board. The bid written on it was a whopping 250,000 Majen. The enormous Minotaur was sold to Guness for 250,000 Majen.

What about him? He had to watch the Minotaur being delivered, his heart burning like watching an ex-girlfriend with a new boyfriend. To add insult to injury, Demian poured oil on the fire.

Its a good thing you lost, Your Highness.


Good that he lost? That didnt make sense. Demian, with a grave face, added.

If you had poured the prepared 100,000 Majen into one Minotaur, it would have been very inefficient.

You mean its not cost-effective?

Yes, Your Highness. Plus-


If you waste funds inefficiently like that, there wont be enough to pay me, which is why Im saying this.


Raciel stuck out his tongue. Demian dared to say this in front of him. Demian was definitely not a sane person.

I saw his obsession with money in Devil Sword Emperor, but its even worse in reality.

A bitter smile naturally came to his face.

And a counterargument naturally came out.

If your salary gets delayed, are you going to quit and leave?



The only reason I protect you, Your Highness, is a stable and generous salary. If that condition is not met, there is no reason for me to stay.

Are you serious?


Dont you have any gratitude for me saving you from the underground fighting arena?

Of course I do. But that feeling is separate from the salary issue.

So, gratitude and money are separate?


Demian, nodding as if it was obvious, finished his point.

In fact, with my skills, I can earn more money wherever I go.


Raciel was at a loss for words. He couldnt argue with Demians point. It was a clear fact, truth, and an undeniable reality.

Thats right. Demian is already at the intermediate level of Sword Expert during this period in Devil Sword Emperor.

Sword Expert Intermediate.

It was a significant level if viewed that way, common if you think of it as a minimum requirement for a royal guard. In a local territory, it was enough to be considered among the strongest. Thats where Sword Expert Intermediate stands.

Then, what about Demian?

He was beyond that standard.

His reflexes were beyond those of an ordinary human. He had an innate ability to wield a sword, coupled with a combative spirit akin to wildness. Even though he was at the intermediate level of a Sword Expert, he could engage in battle equally with those a rank higher.

In essence, he had already acquired the skills of a superior Sword Expert at this point in time.

Superior Sword Expert thats a position close to a Sword Master. People who stand at the boundary between human and superhuman. Thats what I heard about Superior Sword Experts.

If one is at such a level, they would be mentioned among the strongest even in a large mercenary group. How much would such an S-rank mercenary earn in a year?

Its an astounding amount. The salary I give now? He could earn that much easily. No, if things go well and his reputation increases, he can expect even more.

In fact, Demian, the protagonist from the novel Devil Sword Emperor, did earn money like that. So his claim is certainly not false. The moment Demian feels the salary Raciel give is inadequate, or if its delayed even a little, he would leave without hesitation.

That could be problematic.

The protagonist Demian, who he cheered for while reading the novel Devil Sword Emperor. Could there be anything more reassuring in this world than having him by his side? Considering his potential for growth in the future, Demian was the number one person Raciel wanted to keep by his side.

Because the strongest person in this world will be my bodyguard.

Suddenly, he remembered the plot of the original Devil Sword Emperor.

Raciel dies. The emperor falls. The second prince becomes the emperor. The empire gets swept up in chaos and collapses. Although such extreme events would not happen here, you never know with people.

Thats why I must keep him by my side as insurance.

Moreover, theres not just one reason to keep him around. He must live a stable life by  his side. Only then everyone would be happy and safe.

Raciel reminded himself of that fact and made a resolution. He smiled thinly at Demian.

Dont worry. There will never be a delay in your salary.

Can I trust that?

Of course.

But considering the shady tricks you used at the auction house, I dont really trust you.

Moreover, seeing you lose miserably even after resorting to tricks I dont really trust you.

And yet, seeing you still confidently act shamelessly I dont really trust you.


Lets go back to the mansion and sleep. Lets get rid of the hangover. It was shameful to have lost at the auction even after using tricks. Being brutally hit by facts, or rather, bombed by Demian, bitterness surged up as if he was experiencing acid reflux.

If another Minotaur is up for sale tomorrow, he will definitely buy it. Swallowing the tears mixed with resentment and his resolution, Raciel did not realize. Today, the defeat at the auction would be a blessing in disguise. Right now, a significant and dangerous change was happening to the large Minotaur that the tycoon Gunes had bought, which nobody noticed.

He also didnt know what great advantage this change would bring to him tonight.

(To be Continued)

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