Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

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Anise gazed at the necklace tightly held in her hand, deep in thought. She considered herself fortunate that she didnt have to sell it. Meeting the crown prince before running out of travel expenses was indeed a stroke of luck.

Just hold on a little longer, everyone.

She thought about the people who had requested her to sell the necklace for travel expenses if needed. She remembered her obligations towards them. Determined, she tucked the necklace into her pocket.

Then, she raised her eyes.

Before her lay the Crown Princes office, a room filled with antiquated grandeur she had never witnessed before. However, it was a simple white sheet of paper that caught her attention.

This is an employment contract. Read it carefully, the Crown Prince said, extending the paper to her.

A contract? Anise questioned.

Of course, if youre going to work, youll need to sign a contract, right?

Anise picked up the contract.

Its contents were more complex and extensive than she had anticipated. It detailed her role as a nurse in the palace, the necessary training she would undergo, and specified her working hours. It also covered matters such as salary, rights, and other important aspects, all meticulously described in tiny print.


Whats wrong? Is the contract too complicated?

Its a bit overwhelming, Your Highness.

Dont worry. Contracts are meant to be like thatcomplicated and headache-inducing. But carefully scrutinizing and checking them helps prevent future regrets, like realizing youve been deceived.


Make sure to go through the contract thoroughly, Raciel advised sincerely.

Checking a contract before signing it was crucial. Once you put your signature on the document, theres no turning back. Even if you discover something unfavorable or unjust later on, complaining wont do any good.

So, the special-duty gladiators struggled for half a day, worrying about the contracts contents, he reminisced, recalling the sight of them in distress. However, seeing Anise in front of him evoked a sense of regret.

What a shame. It would be wonderful to have a few more talents like her.

Anise, the unexpected werewolf woman, possessed incredible potential that had caught his eye.

Her athleticism oh my.

She had surpassed the royal guard effortlessly, even without transforming into a wolf. Furthermore, her caring attitude towards the injured guard had left a deep impression.

She stopped before crossing the finish line, unable to abandon him. And then she went back to attend to the guards injury. Theres nothing to criticize about her character. And what I like even more is that she didnt play dumb.

Just moments ago, he had clearly heard it. Anise, who had abruptly halted just before the finish line, had muttered a curse. Simultaneously, a fierce and ruthless smile had appeared on her face.

That expression

A calculating revenge against the guard, he concluded with certainty.

She would tend to the guards injuries and then? The confidence that she could win again if she raced afterward, combined with the anticipation and excitement of inflicting significant harm while treating his dislocated shoulderher expression encompassed all these calculations.

Yes. I cant resist a sweet revenge either.

Furthermore, she swiftly translated her intentions into actions, leaving no room for hesitation. This meant she wasnt easily swayed. It couldnt be more perfect.

There are quite a few difficult patients, especially those who underestimate nurses and act bossy. If such people encounter this woman oh, it will be worth watching.

Physical strength and a resolute characteran ideal combination.

And her exceptional sense of smell.

The woman before him perfectly embodied the archetype of the ideal nurse he had been searching for. Thats why he felt regret.

Finding such talent is wonderful. Phew. But seeing her now makes me crave for more.

Having one exceptional nurse wasnt enough. It would be better to have more. Thats why he had opened up a public recruitment for nurses.

To find the best nurse? Thats one way to look at it. But now, we need to recruit as many good nurses as possible.

That way, the oriental medicine clinic in the palace wouldnt lack capable hands. And then, at that moment, Anise, who had been contemplating the contract, raised her head. She directed a rather imposing gaze at him and spoke.

Ive thoroughly reviewed the contract you provided.

How is it?

Its good. However


I find it difficult to proceed with the contract in its current form.


He wondered what she meant.

Anise continued, unfazed.

Im satisfied with the contracts contents. However, theres one thing I would like to add.

You want to include a condition?

Yes, Your Highness.

What kind of condition?

The truth is, I am the leader of my pack.

A pack? And youre their leader?

Yes. Its a mid-sized tribe comprising around 50 individuals.

Do they also wish to take the nursing exam? If so, please bring them as soon as possible.

Oh, thats not it?



If you could include the condition I propose as a special clause in the contract, then I will agree to it, and my tribe will also participate in the nursing exam.

Is there a special clause? So, what condition do you want to propose? Raciel leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. Around 50 individuals like Anise?

I cant resist 50 Grade-S nurses!

It exceeded his expectations. If he could recruit all of them, he could consider it a resounding success right then and there.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Raciel eagerly awaited Anises condition.

Please address the inherent problem that plagues our tribe.

Your Highness?

Ah, I see. An inherent problem, Raciel replied. It must have been quite challenging. But Im having trouble understanding what it is exactly. Its not related to food or something similar, is it?

No, its not about food.

Then what is it?

Its our tails.




What on earth was she talking about?

Anise continued to explain.

To put it simply, our werewolf tribe faces numerous disadvantages in human society because of our tails.

Why? Are you teased or discriminated against because of the shape of your tails?

Its not about teasing.

Then what is it?

Our tails move on their own.

On their own?


Like how a dogs tail automatically wags back and forth?

Thats exactly what I mean.

Anise nodded.

Her expression grew solemn.

Depending on our emotions, our tails move involuntarily. When we encounter something frightening, our tails hide, and when were happy or excited, they wag noticeably.

And thats a problem?



Because we cant conceal our emotions.


Without realizing it, Raciel slapped his knee. Their tails made it impossible for them to hide their emotions. He could already envision the potential issues arising from this.

So, youve become easy targets for human swindlers because of your tails.

Thats correct. Our emotions are so transparent that we often fall victim to many humans.

Anise forced a bitter smile. Raciel understood the message behind her smile.

If their tails wag vigorously when theyre happy or excited, they cant hide their joyous emotions. That could be seen as a good thing since theyre being honest. But the world isnt that forgiving.

Suddenly, he thought of South Korea and his social life there. It felt like surviving in a jungle.

Someone too kind-hearted? They might receive praise, but theyd eventually be taken advantage of. Those who cant conceal their emotions and are overly honest? Theyre often seen as pushovers or ostracized.

Sorrow is halved when shared, and joy grows when shared? What a joke.

Sharing sorrow recklessly only becomes a weakness. And sharing joy generously? It may bring applause and praise on the surface, but it also invites jealousy and resentment. It only attracts more potential enemies.

Moreover, living without the ability to hide ones joy that would be a jackpot for fraudsters.

The more Raciel pondered, the clearer it became that this wasnt just an ordinary hardship. But what if the entire race had such tails? What if they were unable to conceal their feelings?

So, is that why you hide your tail in those baggy pants?

Yes, thats correct. But even then, the tail moves so intensely on its own that we cant hide our joy.

What if you tie the tail to your leg?

It unties itself quickly.


The tail unties the rope by itself.

Is it a self-controlled muscle?

I suppose so.

What about cutting off the tail?

We tried, but it was impossible.


When we cut off the tail, it seemed to affect the muscles in the hips and legs, and we couldnt walk properly. Everyday life became impossible. Plus, it regenerated in less than a month.

The tail? It grows back?

Yes. Its similar to a lizards tail.

So, I implore you, Your Highness. Ive heard that you treat numerous patients without discrimination. Thats why I came to you. Please find a solution for our tails. If you do, I and my race will willingly become nurses in this place.


How was he supposed to treat a tail that couldnt be tied or cut? For the first time, Raciel felt overwhelmed in front of a patient.

This is a challenging case.

He was in a dilemma. So, he proposed a solution he had considered.

What if I become your social protector?

What do you mean by that?

Im suggesting that I become the social guardian of your race, using my position and authority as the crown prince. In other words, Ill prevent situations where you could be cheated or face various disadvantages in social life.

That should do it. What fraudulent individual would dare to mess with someone whose guardian was the crown prince?

Raciel believed his proposal made sense, until Anise shook her head.

I appreciate the offer, but I decline.


Because its not a fundamental solution.


Do you understand? If anything happens to you, Your Highness, or if you change your mind our race will go back to the same situation as before. Or it could even be worse. After experiencing life in human society with your support, we would have to go back to watching from the sidelines, just like before. That would be the worst.

I dont want that outcome. I didnt come to you seeking a temporary solution.

You want a permanent solution?

Yes, Your Highness.

Hmm. Alright, I understand.

Youre not seriously agreeing, are you?

I have no choice but to accept it. What else can I do?

Whats the method?

To be honest, I dont know yet. Cant I think about it from now on?


Anise nodded.

She knew very well that the condition she proposed was extremely challenging. If the crown prince had confidently claimed, Thats easy, she would have been disappointed.

This crown prince, hes honest.

The crown prince admitted he didnt know how, but he would think about it to find a solution. His honest approach was trustworthy.

Then Ill wait for your update.

Yes, please stay here at the Star Palace. Dont go anywhere.

May I?

Youve passed the test, so you deserve that much.

Raciel smirked. He wanted to keep Anise close. Even after she had left, his thoughts remained the same.

Wow. It would be such a waste to let this opportunity slip away.

The best nurse and a group of fifty family members with similar abilities. He would regret it if he let this chance go. He didnt want to lose it under any circumstances.

But how could he catch them?

How am I supposed to deal with that tail, seriously?

A tail that couldnt be tied or cut off. How could he stop that peculiar and troublesome autonomous muscle tail? Frankly, it was daunting.

Thats why.

Even after dinner, throughout the evening, he couldnt stop worrying, but no solution came to mind. Perhaps it was because he had been frowning all evening due to these concerns.

Finally, Gardin, unable to bear it any longer, spoke up.

Theeen heeee-!

Whoa, damn. You startled me.

Thats not acceptable!

Are you doing this on purpose, Gardin?

No, Your Highness!

Then what is it? Whats your complaint now?

If you frown too much, stress accumulates in your body and can lead to various diseases, Your Highness.

I feel like Ill get a new disease from being startled by you all the time.

No, Your Highness.

Why do you get to decide that?

Moreover, if you keep frowning, youll get wrinkles, Your Highness.

Are you not even listening to my response?

I am listening very carefully, Your Highness.

You always have a response ready in times like this, dont you?

No, Your Highness.

What do you mean no? Its true.

Is there anything else, Your Highness?

Huh. Why?

Once you have wrinkles, you cant get rid of them, so it might be better to keep your face relaxed.

Is that so?

Yes, Your Highness.

Phew. But thanks to you, my mood is better.


No, just saying.

Raciel gave a faint smile.

Come to think of it, he had been frowning all evening. Maybe thats why he felt like his dinner hadnt digested properly. Perhaps Gardin had noticed and stepped in, just like he always did.

Hes clearly trying to lighten my mood. Its so obvious, but its both embarrassing and nice.

What a good person Gardin was. Raciel was grateful to him.

Thats why.

Feeling like he had momentarily set aside his worries or like he was joking around with a friendly uncle, he said to Gardin.

Its fine. Whats the big deal about wrinkles? You can always get fillers or Botox.


Gardin tilted his head.

Filler Botox What are those?

Of course, he wouldnt know.

Because he hadnt been to Korea.

Theyre things. Great for improving and preventing wrinkles

Raciel said with a slight smile, then suddenly paused.


Improving wrinkles? Preventing them? Thanks to that something crossed his mind.


A flash in his mind.

An idea emerged with a thud.

It took root in the crevices of his frontal lobe. It sprouted leaves, extended stems and branches. The problem that had occupied his thoughts all evening. A way to stop the autonomous muscle tail of the Werewolf clan. Suddenly, the secret that bloomed before him was

Botox injections.

Raciel tightly clenched his fist.

(To be Continued)

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