Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

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[The Praise Bonus effect is added to the treatment reward.]

[The effect of the Medical Billing (Lv.2) skill is applied 1.5 times.]


Raciels eyes widened as he repeatedly read the reward message that appeared before him.

Praise Bonus? It increases the effect of the skill by 1.5 times?

In the meantime, additional messages continued to pop up.

[Patient: Mrs. Dinraier has gained an extended life expectancy of 27 years and 3 months due to your prescription of Ice Galgeuntang Treatment and heartfelt care. As a result, you will receive a bonus lifespan calculated at 1/1950 of 27 years and 3 months.]

[A bonus lifespan of 5.03 days has been calculated.]

Up until that point, it was similar to the bonus lifespan settlement messages he had seen before. However, a new message was added below.

[The effect of the Praise Bonus has been included in the rewards.]

[The bonus lifespan granted to you has increased by 1.5 times.]

[A total of 7.546 days of bonus lifespan has been calculated.]

[The minimum unit for calculating the granted lifespan is 1 day.]

[The granted bonus lifespan will be rounded up.]

[A total of 8 days of bonus lifespan will be awarded.]

[Your estimated life expectancy: 146 days.]

Raciel took a deep breath as he read the messages, his fist clenched tightly.

Its real. The praise benefits have increased the bonus lifespan reward.

Originally, he was supposed to receive a bonus lifespan of 5 days. However, with the 1.5 times increase, he gained an additional 3 days of bonus lifespan!

Hehe, hehehe.

Joy filled Raciel as a smile spread across his face.

Three days.

That was no insignificant time. With three more days, he could plant apple trees before the impending end of the world. If he ate one chicken for every meal, he could enjoy a total of 9 of them. Three days had the power to make life more meaningful, precious, and valuable.

Well, regardless, Ive learned something from this.

Raciel summarized the information he gleaned from the messages.

Receiving bonus lifespan through praise and admiration from the people around you results in an inflated reward, rather than simply receiving the bonus lifespan.

It was clearly stated in the message. So, from now on?

I should pay more attention to those around me.

Even when treating the same patient, he would do so with even greater dedication. Care for the patients with such heartfelt compassion that it would bring tears to the onlookers eyes. By doing so, he could obtain more bonus lifespan for himself as well. It was a natural calculation that came to mind.

Just like this time.

He had put considerable effort into treating Mrs. Dinraier. Next time, he vowed to pretend to put in even more effort. And with that, he closed the message window and lifted his gaze.

Mrs. Dinraier lay in a deep sleep. Her breathing sounded noticeably more relaxed than before. Raciel gently touched her forehead and felt her pulse. The fever had subsided considerably, and her pulse had become stable.

Weve overcome the crisis.

Indeed, it seemed that the recovery was approaching, just as the message had indicated. Suddenly, a smile formed on Raciels face, his happiness unintentionally shining through.

Now, I can finally take a break too.

To be honest, he was truly exhausted. He had exerted so much effort to save this elderly lady. Finally, a sigh of relief escaped him. More than anything, he felt genuine happiness.

I did it.

While the bonus lifespan was certainly a cause for joy, what made him even happier was knowing that someone had survived because of him. The knowledge that a family and a household would become happier brought a sense of fulfillment. It might be a simple sentiment, but at least for now, it brought him genuine happiness.

Unbeknownst to Raciel, a smile graced his lips, illuminated solely by the moonlight streaming through the curtains.

Several days had passed, and during that time, Mrs. Dinraier made astonishingly rapid progress in her recovery.

You have fully regained your health.

On a sunny spring morning, Raciels face beamed with joy as he checked Mrs. Dinraiers pulse.

Congratulations. You are completely healed now.

Really? Is it true?


Nodding emphatically, Raciel was certain. The results from his Palpation skill confirmed it, and his Sixth Sense conveyed a clear message.

[Heart: Consultation with Mrs. Dinraiers heart confirms no abnormalities! Recovery is confirmed.]

[Lungs: Mrs. Dinraier has made a full recovery. Impressive huff huff]

[Colon: Cant help but celebrate a complete recovery. LOL]

[Liver: Hiyah! It worked.]

[Heart, lungs, colon, and liver congratulate you on the successful treatment and donate 200 HP.]

[Current HP: 1,400]

Both the Palpation appraisal and the Six Senses appraisal affirmed Mrs. Dinraiers recovery. Raciel happily accepted the donated HP and spoke.

You are completely healed. You can be discharged immediately and resume your daily life. However, please be aware that your energy levels havent fully returned, so take it easy and avoid excessive alcohol for the time being.

And what about the follow-up?

Everything looks good. Eat well and get plenty of rest.

Th-Thank you Sniff Thank you!

Tears welled up in Mrs. Dinraiers eyes.

Just a few days ago, when her fever was raging, she had arrived at the clinic in a semi-conscious state. At that time, she believed her life was hanging by a thread. The pain was excruciating, and even the act of breathing felt like a challenge. She had resigned herself to the belief that no doctor in the world could save her. Weary from suffering and agony, she had nearly lost all hope.

But everything changed when she came here. It was the Crown Prince himself who took care of her. He personally administered the cool and refreshing medicine. He tended to her day and night.

Thanks to him, she had survived. She had regained her health. It was a miracle she never expected, a miracle she had given up on. He had become her true savior.

And it wasnt just Mrs. Dinraier who was moved. Her son, the Young Master Dinraier, wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

Your Highness, thank you. I never imagined that you would care for my mother and save her like this Sniff

The Young Master Dinraier bowed deeply, his tear-streaked face filled with earnestness.

Your Highness, you are the benefactor who saved my mothers life. How can I repay this debt?

Well, theres no need for repayment.

No, I truly wish to repay you. Perhaps I should cover the medical expenses. How much would that be?

Medical expenses?

Yes, Your Highness.

But you need not worry about that.


Did you know that medical expenses at this clinic are completely free? Havent you seen it written in the brochure?


But why would I accept medical expenses? That would make the brochures contents false advertising. Patients, or rather, guests, would be disappointed.

But Your Highness?

Yes, what is it?

I still wish to express my gratitude!

Raciel fell silent.

While he had no intention of accepting medical expenses, Dinraier Young Master was persistently insistent on repaying the favor, more than Raciel had anticipated. That prompted a thought in Raciels mind.

He is so determined to repay the favor. Perhaps I should offer him something.

That thought slipped into Raciels mind. It seemed like a waste to let Dinraier Young Master leave without giving him something in return.

Is there something I can get without facing accusations of false advertising?

Raciel tapped his mental calculator vigorously, working his brain to come up with an estimate. He activated his cerebral cortex, searching for a way to ask something of Dinraier Young Master without falling into the trap of false advertising. He pondered over it

Finally, an idea flashed in his mind.

Raciels smile deepened, and he spoke, How about this?

A meaningful smile appeared on Raciels lips.

I heard that you aspire to be an artist, is that correct?


Is it true? Can you draw?

Yes, Your Highness. But why?

Dinraier Young Master nodded, visibly flustered. Raciel suppressed a laugh.

Its not that complicated. Your mother has been bragging about her son while lying in the hospital bed.

Both Mrs. Dinraier and Young Master froze simultaneously. Observing their reaction, Raciel stifled his mischievous smile. His words were true.

She was so worried about her son.

Memories of the past few days flashed in Raciels mind. After overcoming the crisis, Mrs. Dinraier gradually regained her strength day by day. During that time, they had shared deep conversations. She was just like any other mother in the world, always prioritizing her sons well-being.

She mentioned that her son has a talent for painting and dreams of becoming an artist. She felt conflicted. On one hand, she thought it would be better for him to study and pursue a stable career to secure his future.

However, Mrs. Dinraier always ended her musings with a smile.

She said she supports her sons dreams.

It was thanks to that sudden recollection that a plausible plan formed in Raciels mind.

Well, if youre eager to repay the favor, how about doing a little job for me?

A job?

Draw me.


Dinraier Young Masters eyes widened in surprise.

You mean Your Highness?

Yes. It would be wonderful if you could capture me in a painting as I care for a patient. Ideally, depict me in a dignified and noble manner. You can go into detail I mean, add as much detail as you like. Can you do that?

I-I can do it.

Excellent. And beside me, draw the nurses who work tirelessly, also contributing to the noble cause of patient care.


Yes. Portray them as devoted assistants in pristine white uniforms, faithfully supporting the princes noble intentions. Can you do that?

Y-Yes, of course.

Great. Lets start right away.

Now you mean, immediately?

Yes. Is there a problem?

No, none at all.

Good. Bring your drawing supplies. Well begin right away.

Ah, I understand. Ill go home and get them.

Dinraier Young Master seemed flustered by the sudden proposal. He hurriedly left to retrieve his art supplies, and the artwork began. The process continued for three whole days.

During that time, Dinraier Young Master diligently captured various poses and expressions. Admittedly, there were moments that felt a bit cringe-worthy, but Raciel endured it. And in the end, they achieved a wonderful result.


Raciels eyes gleamed with excitement as he gazed at the completed artwork.

It turned out even better than I expected.

Thank you, Your Highness.

No need for thanks.

But, Your Highness, is this acceptable?

Hmm? Whats the matter?

The depiction of Your Highness face in the painting It looks different from reality

You mean you shaved off too much of the chin?


Its alright. Its alright. Its like artistic interpretation, you know?

But even the proportions of the body

You think the legs are too long?


Oh, its fine. Thats not the important part.


Were going to hold an exhibition with this.


Youve been working on sketches on your own until now, right? Gather them all, and Ill organize a solo exhibition, with this artwork as the centerpiece.


Dinraier Young Masters eyes widened like saucers as he stared at Raciel, unable to grasp the meaning behind his words. This prompted a mischievous smile to escape Raciels lips. Now it was time to unveil the essence of the plan he had devised.

There will be many visitors. It will be excellent publicity.

Great publicity?

Well also include a recruitment notice for nurses at the Royal Infirmary.


Even before Mrs. Dinraier was admitted, we realized that there was a severe shortage of professional nursing staff.

So, you see this part of the painting? Up here, well add some vibrant and eye-catching typography.

Typography You mean adding text?


Are you truly planning to include a promotional message for recruiting nurses?

Exactly. Thats the plan.

Finally, they were starting to understand each other. A sense of satisfaction welled up within Raciel.

In that case, what kind of message would you like to include, Your Highness?

Young Master asked the question.

Raciel chuckled brightly.

Show me the nursing.


And so, the unprecedented specialized nursing competition, sponsored and hosted by the Crown Prince, Show me the nursing, was about to commence.

(To be Continued)

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