Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

Based on the achievements Ive accumulated so far, I request the title of honorary professor at the Imperial Magentano Medical College.


The Emperor exclaimed.

Raciel issued a request with force. He could discern a subtle shift in the Emperors countenance in response to his audacious appeal. Nevertheless, Raciel remained undeterred.

The position of an honorary professor is a crucial component of my forthcoming endeavors.

An indispensable component.

In life, regardless of your pursuits, there are fundamental prerequisites that must be in place. To engage in computer gaming, you require a computer. To pursue graduate studies, one must be prepared to make sacrifices, even compromising ones dignity. To leave a workplace, you must first have a place of employment.

The same principle applied to the plan he currently harbored. The qualifications of an honorary professor were absolutely essential.

Allow me to inquire further. You mentioned aspiring to be an honorary professor at a medical college. Could you explain the rationale behind such an unconventional request?

Indeed, the Emperor furrowed his brow and cast a scrutinizing gaze upon him. This was the question Raciel had been anticipating. He proceeded to present the answer he had meticulously prepared in advance.

The reason, Your Majesty, is that the royal clinic I operate is currently operating outside the boundaries of legality.


Your Majesty, I believe you are aware that I do not possess a valid medical license. Consequently, in accordance with imperial medical regulations, the royal clinic I oversee is considered an unregistered and unlicensed medical facility.

Is that so?

Yes, Your Majesty.

I was not previously informed of this.

Thus, if the Crown Prince is openly operating an unlawful establishment, we should promptly close down the royal clinic

No, Your Majesty!

He interjected swiftly.

I have learned that an honorary professor at Magentano Medical College holds equivalent status and qualifications to that of a licensed physician.


Therefore, if I acquire the credentials of an honorary professor, it will effectively grant me the legal status of a licensed doctor, and the royal clinic will no longer be categorized as an illegal medical facility.

Is that the case?

Yes, Your Majesty.

You are not making such a request merely to attain qualifications akin to a medical license, are you?

That is correct, Your Majesty.

Raciel bowed his head, secretly admiring the Emperors discernment. Truly, an Emperor possessed remarkable insight. Now was the time to unveil some of his cards.

After a brief deliberation, he continued.

I desire to employ additional physicians.

More physicians?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Hmm. If that is the objective It is evident that doctors with official licenses would be disinclined to seek employment at an illicit medical facility.

Exactly, Your Majesty.

The Emperors deduction was accurate. Raciel elaborated further.

According to imperial medical regulations, unregistered and illegal medical facilities were prohibited from hiring licensed doctors, and licensed doctors themselves were unlikely to seek employment at such establishments.

That makes perfect sense. It would be challenging for individuals to gain professional recognition elsewhere for their experience gained at an illicit facility, even if it is overseen by the Crown Prince.

Your Majestys assessment is entirely accurate.

That was the rationale behind his request.

To recruit more physicians, the royal clinic needed to transition into a legally recognized medical institution. There were two viable avenues to achieve this goal.

One option is for me to obtain a medical license. The alternative is to acquire the status of an honorary professor at a medical college, which confers equivalent qualifications.

The more appealing choice undoubtedly lay in obtaining the status of an honorary professor. It required less time and effortmerely a brief reviewand it could be promptly secured.

Conversely, obtaining a medical license would entail enrollment, graduation, and a substantial time commitment of at least 4 to 5 years. Raciel was not keen on that prospect.

But I do have one more inquiry.

While lost in contemplation, the Emperors weighty voice resonated in the room. Raising his gaze slightly, Raciel observed the Emperors narrowed eyes fixed upon him.

I comprehend your desire to employ more physicians. However, why?

Your Majesty?

Why do you seek to hire additional doctors? Are you, by any chance, contemplating an expansion of an unusual hobby?

Not at all. The operation of the royal clinic is far from a mere hobby.

Then what is your intent?

The Emperors scrutinizing gaze intensified. Faced with that penetrating look, Raciel responded.

I aspire to save more lives.

In truth, he wished to say, I aim to efficiently accumulate a bonus life span, free from illness! However, he dared not utter those words, so he presented a plausible and conventional answer.

Yet, the Emperors reply was unexpected.

I decline.

Your Majesty?

Could this be true?

Raciel furrowed his brow deeply. The Emperor now wore an enigmatic smile.

So, in addition to operating an illegal medical facility, you now employ your cunning words to persuade me into granting you the title of honorary professor?


Truly shallow and pitiful. Do you not consider the toil and dedication of countless medical students who labor day and night to become doctors?

But, Your Majesty?


I have already achieved numerous accomplishments.

I am aware.

Then why do you deem me unworthy of the honorary professorship?

Because I desire to see you face more challenges.


Damn it.

Raciel barely suppressed the curse that nearly escaped his lips. He could discern the Emperors mindset.

This man, always the same. After a period of calm, his old tendencies resurface.

Was there anyone else in the world as obsessively fixated on fostering the self-reliance of their heirs as this Emperor? It seemed almost pathological, his inability to tolerate his children taking the easy route.

However, the Emperor had already entered a state of enjoyment.

The inherent status of a Crown Prince. When one relies solely on that and opts for the path of least resistance, can one effectively confront future challenges? Can one navigate the treacherous road of a national crisis that will determine the survival of the royal family with resilience?

Oh, give me a break.

Therefore, I propose this: instead of the honorary professorship, why not enroll in the final year of medical college and complete the graduation examination honorably?


What is he even talking about now?

Enroll in the final year? Take the graduation exam?

Raciel swiftly calculated the timeline. Currently, it was the time for final-year students to complete their last semester. There were only approximately four months left until graduation. But if he were to enroll in the final year now and sit for the graduation exam?

It might be worth considering.

Theres a perspective here: one should embrace a favorable offer. Raciel nodded in agreement.

I concur, Your Majesty.

Is that so?

Yes, Your Majesty.

Very well. I am gratified to hear that you are content.


He wasnt truly content. What could have been swiftly resolved with the honorary professorship would now take approximately four months.

But considering this resolute man, extracting this much is a victory in itself.

At least he had achieved his objective.

Having obtained what he could, it was now time to?

Then, I shall take my leave, Your Majesty.

Are you departing immediately after settling your matter?

Your Majesty?

No, you may go.

I shall comply, Your Majesty.

Raciel swiftly made his exit, wary of becoming entangled in another matter. The space where the Emperor had briefly conversed with him returned to its previous solitude. However, the Emperor filled the void with a contented smile.

Hoho. Hehehe.

He was pleased.

The sight of his son boldly making demands, always striving to accomplish something, was too delightful to resist.

Thats why he had declined the honorary professorship. He wanted to witness how far his son could go on his own. He was excited. However, he didnt want to wait too long for the outcome.

Thus, he had allowed his son to enroll in the final year of medical college.

And I will have a stern word with the dean of the medical college. Lets see if you can pass that formidable examination.

He eagerly anticipated the result.

He looked forward to it.

Unseen by others, the Emperors shoulders quivered with joy.

The Dean of the Medical College, Belvedere, extends his greetings to His Highness Raciel Adria Magentano, the rightful heir to the empire.

The bear bowed.

No, it was the dean of the Medical College who greeted him.


Raciel couldnt help but feel his throat constrict. He had no choice but to. He thought Javillon from Anbouaz was massive, but the dean of the Medical College who was greeting him now was even more imposing.

Easily exceeding 2 meters in height, and even his back was formidable. At a mere glance, he resembled a strongman from an Eastern European competition. A genuine Ural Mountain wild boar.

Its a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for the warm welcome.

Your Highness, you are too kind.

Once again, the dean bowed with apparent respect. However, it was evident at a glance that he wasnt genuinely welcoming Raciel. To put it frankly, it seemed like he harbored some dislike for him.

The look in his eyes borders on disdain?

Raciel could sense it.

Despite outwardly displaying utmost respect due to Raciels status as the Crown Prince, the dean couldnt entirely conceal his negative sentiments. Raciel could deduce the reason behind the deans aversion.

He probably believes Im leveraging my status and influence to take shortcuts.

Thanks to the Emperor, he had been granted enrollment in the final year of medical college. This meant that he, who hadnt invested the five or more years of study like his fellow students, had suddenly acquired the same qualifications. From their perspective, this could appear glaringly unjust, considering the effort they had invested.

And he likely assumes I practice some unfounded, peculiar form of medicine.

Raciel recalled the rumors circulating throughout the capital about the royal clinic. Not all of them were positive. There were rumors of the Crown Prince piercing peoples bodies with peculiar needles, applying rolled-up herbs to raw flesh and setting them ablaze, and so forth.

An undercurrent of slander and suspicion was palpable. Naturally, Raciel understood this. To others, traditional Korean medicine might seem quite unconventional.

So, in summary, from the deans point of view, I am a member of the royal family who is exploiting his status and authority, attempting to obtain a degree through an unverified and peculiar form of medicine essentially, a dishonorable royal who tarnishes the history, tradition, and prestige of the medical college.

Indeed, life was about empathizing with others perspectives.

Nonetheless, Raciel comprehended the deans sentiments entirely but saw no reason to alter his approach. There was neither a cause nor a necessity to do so. Exhibiting excessive friendliness towards the dean now wouldnt change anything.

Then, shall I request your guidance?

Yes, Your Highness. Would you like to explore the premises of the Medical College?

He would vindicate himself through his abilities. He would demonstrate that he wasnt abusing his authority and position. He would show that he wasnt practicing an unverified, eccentric form of medicine. Everything needed to be substantiated and confirmed through his skills.

Lets commence with the graduation examination that I will be undertaking.

To be clear, he was confident about his impending graduation.

It couldnt be otherwise.

Who am I? I am Lee Han, the second-ranked graduate of the College of Korean Medicine at Korea University, an esteemed institution akin to Seoul National University.

A self-assured smile subtly graced Raciels lips.

(To be Continued)

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