Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Demian, come over here and take a seat.


Come on.


The flickering of the quiet bonfire. Under a cloudy sky, as the night deepens, Raciel pats the seat beside him. He then looks up at Demian, who is standing awkwardly.

Demians expression becomes uncomfortable.

Whats the matter?

Whats so odd about asking you to sit next to me?



Cant you convey what you need to from there?

No, I cant.

Why is that?

I want to check your pulse.


Should I check it remotely from here? Hmm?

Why on earth do you suddenly want to check my pulse?

Employee well-being. Health check-up. Arent you aware?

Im not.

Well, now you are. Please sit. Quickly.

As if its only natural, Raciel snorts. Demian reluctantly lets out a sigh, but he had no choice.

No matter how much he resists, hes just an employee, a subordinate. If the employer (?) orders, he has no choice but to obey.

He obediently takes a seat where the crown prince points. However, his unique cold gaze still shines vividly.

As His Majesty commanded, I have taken my seat. However-


I am a bit curious about why youre doing this all of a sudden.

Its nothing new to be curious about. Youve become an Advanced Sword Expert, havent you?


Demians eyes twitch ever so faintly. It was true.

Recently, during his duel with Javillon, he naturally reached the level of an Advanced Sword Expert after awakening a new Core Technique.

However, he had not revealed this to anyone yet. How did the crown prince know?

A slight smile forms on Raciels lips.

You couldnt hide it well. Did you think I wouldnt notice you tossing and turning all night because you couldnt sleep properly? Plus, you frown so hard at the slightest noise. You act just like someone facing an important exam.


So youve developed Swordmaster Syndrome, havent you?


Theres no hiding it anymore. In the end, Demian nods. Raciels smile deepens.

Of course. Anyone who reaches the level of an Advanced Sword Expert cant escape that syndrome. All your senses become excessively sensitive to the point of running wild. You cant control it unless you overcome this. Only then do you become a true Swordmaster.

You know well.

Of course, I do.

Thanks to reading the novel Devil Sword Emperor, he knew all too well about the main setting, Swordmaster Syndrome. And so, he decided to use that as an excuse.

Your insomnia will likely get worse. Your nerves will become even more sensitive. Thats problematic.

In what way?

It would cause a hitch in the security.


Your heightened senses will fatigue your nerves sooner. Your focus will occasionally break, and you wont be able to sleep, thus leading to a decrease in your condition. That will lower your efficiency in guarding me.


You need to earn your keep, especially as you are employed on special duty, right?


So, lets diagnose how severe your Swordmaster Syndrome and resulting serious insomnia are through pulse diagnosis. Well also prepare an appropriate prescription.

Instead of worrying about my insomnia, why not just give me Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pills? That has drowsiness as its most typical side effect, doesnt it?

Nope. Cant do.

Why not?

Its expensive.


Do you know how much one pill of Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill costs? Plus, its seasonal and limited in quantity. Do you plan on taking it daily? Can you afford the cost of the medicine?


He countered Demians argument with the cold, emotionless logic of capitalism in one swift move. Ultimately, Demian fell into a profound silence.

Raciel wore a smile on his face, but inside, he was tense.

Good. At least the atmosphere is set for pulse diagnosis. Now the real work begins.

His heart began to pound little by little. Out of anticipation or curiosity? Of course not. Honestly, he was more worried.

It felt like checking the remaining time before a time bomb was about to explode.

I need to check how far Demians awakening through the Reversal Core Technique has progressed.

If his awakening is complete?

Everything will come to an end.

At the very least, the entire continent will suffer catastrophic damage greater than the combined impacts of World War I and II. And thats an optimistic outlook.

First, lets check.


Raciel reached out with suppressed tension, touching Demians wrist and activating his palpation skill.


Ding dong!

[Starting Palpation.]


[3 2 1]

[Pulse Diagnosis result is out.]

[Please check the <Comprehensive Examination Form> below.]

A familiar guide popped up.

He moved his eyes downward.

[Comprehensive Examination Form]

[Examinee: Demian Kayen]

[Race: Human(+?)]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 3,912 years]

[Height: 186.6 cm]

[Weight: 79.2 kg]

[Blood Type: He+ D]

Astonishing results were shown. The question mark in the race column, the astounding age that tempted him to multiply it by three thousand, the unheard-of blood type; they all surprised him.

As expected.

Things had changed.

When he first provided acupuncture to him, it wasnt like this. Back then, the general examination table showed normal human specifications for race, age, and blood type. But not anymore.

Is his awakening really in progress?

Raciel nervously looked further down where the <General Opinion> section was.

[General Opinion: The subject is extremely healthy, resilient, and balanced in all categories. However, severe insomnia has been detected due to excessive activation of sensory and sympathetic nerves. Residual damage from a recent excessive use of mana has been found in the body. It is recommended to take appropriate rest and meditation to soothe the sensitive nerves and tired body. Also, some foreign and unidentified tissues have been detected in the blood. These tissues have recently undergone rapid birth and proliferation but have now stopped for unknown reasons.]

Raciel read the general opinion five times. He interpreted its meaning and easily reached a conclusion.

I survived.

He focused on the phrase unidentified tissue mentioned at the end of the general opinion. He knew right away.

Thats it. Thats the seed of destruction that would grow in Demians body, a precursor to awakening.

But that had stopped proliferating. In other words, the process of awakening had been interrupted for some reason.

Its probably because I took the final hidden technique that Javillon was casting.

It was highly likely.

Throughout his confrontation with Javillon, Demians Reversal Core Technique had been rapidly strengthening. He was approaching the stage of full awakening.

However, that progress was abruptly halted when he intervened to counter Javillons final hidden technique.

When I jumped in and got caught by Javillon instead, he mustve been startled.

He must have snapped out of his trance-like state. His focus would have been shattered. His unstoppable awakening would have come to a standstill.

Raciel felt that it was fortunate that he had stepped in back then. On the other hand, he also felt relieved.

Fortunately, the awakening has ceased. As long as it doesnt progress further from here. From now on, lets avoid putting him in danger. Minimize such situations whenever possible. Keep him close whenever you can, and let him lead a sheltered life alongside the comfortable existence of the crown prince.

Raciel reaffirmed his newfound determination. Then he cast a slightly critical gaze upon Demian.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. This is serious. Very serious.

Do you have severe insomnia?

Its more than just severe.'


Demian furrowed his brows slightly. He likely had no inkling of what lay embedded within his inner self. Raciel hoped he would remain oblivious for the rest of his life. He genuinely meant it.

Raciel set aside his true intentions and regarded Demian with a stern expression.

Have you attempted to reverse mana?

Do not do it again.


Do I really need to explain it to you? Its common knowledge. Reversing mana carries consequences.

I understand. Manaheart can be damaged. If lucky, it leads to disability; otherwise, death. But I havent experienced any side effects.

Youre just exceptionally fortunate.

Do not be overly optimistic that luck will always favor you. You may suddenly lose it all. Moreover, even if your Manaheart can withstand it, other parts of your body will inevitably suffer damage.

Is that so?

Yes. Without a doubt.

In truth, that was a falsehood.

Demians Manaheart and his overall physical health were unharmed. The side effects from reversing mana were only minor.

If compared to an average person, it was akin to the fatigue following an intense one-hour workout at the gym.

However, if he continues attempting to reverse mana, if he persists with the Reversal Core Technique, his awakening will advance.

That outcome must be prevented.

For once, Raciel spoke earnestly.

Frankly, I dont want a person who neglects self-care to serve as my bodyguard. Understood? If you attempt to reverse mana without my consent and end up harmed, I will terminate your employment without hesitation.

What about my severance pay?

You wont receive any.

Isnt that wrongful termination?

Take it up with the Crown Prince then.

Or lodge a complaint with His Majesty the Emperor. If you believe you have a legitimate case.

Your Highness, youre truly

Truly what? Petty?


So what if I am petty?

If you deem it unfair, then you should have been born as the Emperors son. Why werent you?


Irritating. Incredibly irritating. If he could, hed love to land a punch on that smug face. Demians fist quivered involuntarily.

Meanwhile, Raciel chuckled as if he were at ease. But in reality, he was anxious. He wanted to confide in Demian, really spill the beans.

But he couldnt. If he did, the entity inside Demian might catch on to its significance.

And his awakening would spiral out of control. That was something he absolutely couldnt reveal.

So, from now on, reversing mana is off-limits. Got it?


Thus, he admonished Demian.

Afterward, their journey along the royal road continued. It was a pleasant journey. The carriage was as comfortable as first-class, and the escorts from Anbouaz were exceedingly dependable.

They traversed mountains, rivers, plains, and numerous cities.

And on the tenth day.

They finally reached the gate at the outskirts of the royal road.


Inside the carriage, Raciel held his pounding heart. As the gate drew nearer, his heart raced more and more.

Was it due to the excitement of returning home? No, it was closer to nervousness. Or perhaps it was a mental preparation for the storm he was about to face.

His Majesty the Emperor is definitely going to raise a fuss, isnt he?

It was easy to anticipate. This time, he had created quite a mess.

I had planned to live quietly, posing as a military officer and simply enjoying the bonus lifespan. Tsk.

When he initially sought permission from the Emperor, he had presented it just like that. But the outcome? It had taken a complete turn.

Somehow, he ended up personally defeating the leader of the rebels, Javillon, and in the process, his identity was also publicly revealed.

On one hand, it was a heroic accomplishment and a merit, but on the other hand? It also constituted a significant internal interference in foreign affairs by the royal family.

Perhaps as a result, the Emperor, that gentleman, must have been quite occupied dealing with matters behind the scenes. He would have had to coordinate various issues with King Anbouaz as well.

All of this probably transpired while he was unconscious for those few days.

Simply thinking in advance about how agitated the Emperor must be, how much scolding and lecturing he must have prepared, gave him a headache.

Oh well. What can I do? Its all my fault anyway.

Just as he was on the verge of releasing another sigh, overwhelmed by a wave of melancholy,


The carriage came to an abrupt halt. Soon after, there was a commotion from the drivers seat.

Whats happening?

Raciel opened the side window toward the drivers seat.

Whats going on?

Ah, Your Highness. Well

Sitting beside the driver, Gardin looked at him with a troubled expression and spoke with an even more troubled tone.

It appears that, at the gate up ahead

Yes, the gate. What about it?

It seems that His Majesty the Emperor himself has come out.



Could this be real?

Initially, he couldnt believe it. But looking around, it seemed to be true. It wasnt just their carriage that had stopped.

The entire escort force had halted and was swiftly forming orderly lines.

Those appearances, that atmosphere, he knew what this was. He had experienced it firsthand during his training camp days.

It was reminiscent of the day General Tustar paid an unexpected visit to the training camp. From the officers to the instructors to the trainees, everyone hurriedly scurried about in a fluster.

Sigh. Really.

He let out an even more profound sigh.

The Emperor coming out to the gate himself. He didnt come out just for a leisurely stroll. Absolutely not. He came out to see him. Is he pleased? Nope. Absolutely not.

He must be so furious that he couldnt even wait for me to arrive, so he had to come out here!

So, he is in trouble.

For real.

But theres no way to avoid this.

Raciel steeled himself further. He knew he would undoubtedly face a tongue-lashing today, but he would endure it. This too shall pass. With a heavy heart, he exited the carriage.

At that very moment, he witnessed it.

Thump, thump!

The Emperor was actually sprinting toward him.

Leaving behind his guards who were desperately trying to keep up, he raced toward Raciel like a wild boar from the Ural Mountains.

Oh, dear.

His heart sank. How angry could he be? How intensely would he berate me, like a tempest? He hoped the penalties wouldnt be too severe.

In his mind, he prepared himself. The distance with the Emperor rapidly diminished. He lowered his head.

He only gazed at the ground to avoid making eye contact. The sound of footsteps grew louder. He assumed the most respectful posture he could. He could even hear the Emperors labored breathing.

Any moment now. The thunderbolt will strike.

Thats what he thought.


Suddenly, the Emperor warmly embraced him.

(To be Continued)

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