Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 126

Chapter 126

Ding Dong!

The sound of a notification rings in the ears.

Simultaneously, a comprehensive medical report appears.


It was Javillons comprehensive medical report, which he had obtained out of sudden curiosity.

At the same time, it revealed Javillons minor and hidden vulnerabilities, never mentioned in the novel Devil Sword Emperor.

[Comprehensive Medical Report]

[Subject: Javillon Flamberge Anbouaz]

[Ethnicity: Human]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 37]

[Height: 193.4 cm]

[Weight: 91.9 kg]

[Blood Type: Rh+ AB]

The most striking aspect was Javillons unparalleled physical condition. His cardiovascular and digestive system functions, along with other organ scores, were nearly flawless.

With such a physique, coupled with his mastery of swordsmanship and mana techniques, he appeared to be a genuine powerhouse.

However, Raciel paid little attention to Javillons impressive statistics. His focus was fixed on the Overall Conclusion below.

This was because an unexpected weakness of Javillon was listed there.

[Overall Conclusion: Every aspect of the body is in exceptionally harmonious and healthy condition. Optimal status is observed in all categories, including metabolic regulation and immunity. However, severe chronic migraines have been detected. Adequate rest and relaxation are required to alleviate emotional stress. If the condition continues to deteriorate, it is advisable to consider resigning from the current position.]

Indeed, resigning was a straightforward solution to reduce stress. However, that was not the primary concern at the moment.

A severe chronic migraine?

This detail had never been mentioned in the novel Devil Sword Emperor. The idea that Javillon, a die-hard nationalist and fervent patriot, suffered from chronic migraines was unimaginable.

Javillons current expression seemed just that: calm. No, it was almost expressionless.

But the Palpation skill doesnt lie.

He had faith in his skill. If the diagnostic skill indicated something, then it was accurate. Furthermore, his organs also provided the same diagnosis.

Ding Dong!

[Your organs are almost envious of Javillons but stopped short.]

[Heart: Hey, owner! Whos the person getting the checkup? Their cardiopulmonary functions are impressive!]

[Lungs: Huh This is amazing]

[Large Intestine: Brother Lung over there was shocked by their lung capacity.]

[Liver: That liver index is no joke either. Almost fell for it at first sight.]

[Stomach: But their stomach seems a bit unfortunate. Always in distress.]

[Liver: Looks strong on the outside, right? Actually, its constantly tormented. By the brain. Due to migraines. If I were in that situation, Id have given up within a day. Lol]

Raciel listened to his organs diagnosis. Judging from what the stomach mentioned, he had a suspicion.

Right. Migraines often lead to nervous indigestion. Especially, they place a lot of stress on the stomach.

He had encountered many such cases in Korea. Numerous patients visiting oriental clinics had similar issues.

In particular, many patients who came in with chronic indigestion and were diagnosed turned out to be suffering from migraines.

Javillon appeared to be one of those cases.

Suddenly, Raciel wanted to confirm.

Excuse me, do you happen to have a headache?

Javillon stared at him intently. His eyes widened slightly. Was he surprised or irritated? It was difficult to discern.

Faced with that penetrating gaze, Raciel briefly regretted asking. Perhaps he should have acted as if he didnt know.

But such concerns were fleeting. One corner of Javillons mouth curled up.

Yes, it hurts. It always does. As I contemplate how to breach the fortress of Balua.

It didnt appear to be that type of headache. It felt more like Javillon was trying to avoid the topic. Raciel naturally got that impression, and he wondered if such a feeling was also evident in his eyes.

Did Javillons gaze momentarily waver while looking at him?

Ahem! Hmm!

Your face has turned red?

Why would it?

I can see it.

Its just a brief cough. My throat feels scratchy.

It must be due to the change of seasons then?

Of course.

Theres sweat on your forehead.

As you mentioned, its because of the changing seasons. This years seasonal transition is quite unusual.

Yes, it is. Blame it on the change of seasons, certainly.

Please, be honest with me.

Did you notice?

As you can tell.

Indeed, the diagnostic skill was no joke. Javillon, who appeared to be trying to evade the issue, let out a deep sigh.

Heh, indeed. Ive always been curious why youre called a saint. I didnt expect to satisfy that curiosity in this manner. I especially didnt expect you to pinpoint my pain in an instant.

So, you suffer from chronic headaches?


Javillon nodded.

Yes, my head hurts. It always does. Should I call it a migraine? How did you guess this? Ive never revealed this to anyone.

I just sensed it.



Heh. Well then. I cant delve deeper into this.

Javillon chuckled. It was intriguing. On one hand, it was astonishing. The constant headache that gripped his head 24/7.

It had become a pain as natural as breathing. Of course, he had never disclosed this to anyone. It could be exploited as a weakness by adversaries.

And yet, his personal secret had been diagnosed in just one examination.

Did he really just sense it?

To be honest, at first, it was hard to believe. It seemed like a stretch.

But the moment he looked directly into the eyes of Saint Officer Rihan, he realized. The officer had genuinely diagnosed him after confirming his symptoms.

To conclude, Officer Rihan, your diagnosis is correct. My head hurts. Its not just a simple pain. It feels like its about to explode. Even just breathing feels like a nail is being driven into my head. Its like that even now. Like this, just lightly touching my head makes the other side throb with pain.

Tap Tap.

He lightly touched the side of his head with his finger.

Raciel inquired,

When did it start hurting like this?

I dont know.

Javillons smile turned self-deprecating.

Really, I dont. It has hurt since as long as I can remember.

Surely not since you were very young?

Yes. In my earliest memories, I was in pain. Thanks to that, I was always irritable. Then, by chance, I stumbled upon art. The moments I painted were the only times I felt momentarily at ease. Thats why I aspired to become a painter.

But that dream was shattered

Yes, by my father. No art school would accept me. I had to reluctantly abandon the brush and take up the sword.

But the headache persisted?

Of course.

Javillon chuckled softly again.

No matter what I did, I couldnt rid myself of this pain. Thats why I delved so deeply into swordsmanship. Thanks to a realization.

What realization?

That a sword is a very effective tool for inflicting pain on others.

Surely not.

Indeed. At times, I felt so wronged. Wondering why I had to endure this suffering. Why I had to live tormented by ceaseless pain. So I thought, if I cant rid myself of my pain, why not make others suffer like me? It seemed that might alleviate the sense of injustice in my heart.

Did it bring you any comfort?

Not much.

Javillon chuckled bitterly, shaking his head.

I entertained such thoughts as a young child, but as I grew stronger, they lost their appeal. Well, in any case, having such twisted intentions and ambitions allowed me to immerse myself in swordsmanship, and I could reach my current level faster than others. I suppose that wasnt all bad.

A man who became a swordmaster, driven by his adolescent fantasies(?). Raciel found it quite remarkable.

At the same time, he grew even more curious. The story of Javillons headache, his detailed personal history, was never mentioned in the novel Devil Sword Emperor.

It was rather intriguing.

So, he inquired.

Then, apart from pursuits like painting and swordsmanship, have you ever explored fundamental treatments for your headache?

Why wouldnt I have?

Javillon chuckled softly.

Ive tried every remedy known for headaches. Starting from herbal treatments to even drinking poisons. Also, various sleep therapies, meditation, and even peculiar exercises from the eastern continent. Ive experimented with every method known to the world. But the outcome is as you can see.

So all of them failed.

Yes. Furthermore, several doctors who recommended those futile medications met their demise.

Swallowing hard, he felt a shiver down his spine. Sensing his unease(?), Javillon quickly offered an awkward smile.

Ah, but dont be too alarmed. Your head is much more valuable to me when its attached to your body.

Th-thank you?

Youre welcome.

Was it just him, or was the sensation of doing nothing and feeling a chill down the back of your neck universally relatable? Raciel involuntarily shrunk his neck.

Yet simultaneously, a new idea began to take shape in his mind.

Could it be?

He saw an opportunity.

Javillons severe chronic headache, undisclosed in the novel Devil Sword Emperor, the interwoven narratives, and his personal strugglesall became clear to him.

He saw an angle to leverage Javillons headache for an escape from this place! If executed correctly, he might find a seamless route(?) to the Star Palace!

Its possible. It can be done. The odds of success are quite high.

Raciels cerebral cortex buzzed with activity. He examined numerous scenarios and potentialities. He weighed the pros and cons. Ultimately, he arrived at a conclusion.

Its feasible.

Its certain.

Its worth a try.

So, you see

Raciel began to speak. His previously contracted neck was now held confidently upright.

His shoulders squared with confidence. His eyes sparkled with a determined challenge.

How about I alleviate that headache for you?


Had he not anticipated this question? Javillon tilted his head, looking perplexed.

You? Cure my headache?


But Ive told you, no medicine or method has ever relieved my headache.

Yes, I heard you clearly.

Then how do you propose to do it?

Theres always a way.

Doctors who confidently claimed they could cure me all ended up dead.

Then Ill say it without confidence. Let me try, and even if I fail, please dont kill me.

This isnt some kind of excuse about the effort being commendable, right?

I just dont want to die.

Very well.

Javillon chuckled.

Naturally, he had no intention of harming the Saint Military Officer.

He simply felt like granting him the opportunity due to his persistence. If it worked, great; if not, it wouldnt matter.

He held no expectations anyway. He didnt even believe it would succeed.

If he fails, I should offer some consolation.

Javillon secretly smirked. The Saint Military Officer held a significant reputation throughout the Anbouaz region. He likely took great pride in his medical skills.

That was probably why every doctor confidently claimed they could cure his headache.

And if they failed, their pride would be wounded. They might even be flustered by their failure.

Hell console him if that happens.

With this in mind, Javillon relaxed and followed Raciels instructions, observing his treatment.

Lets begin.

Youre not using any medicine?


And tools?

This should suffice.

In response, Raciel lifted just his bare hands.

Upon seeing that, any remaining expectations plummeted. However, Javillon stayed silent, not wanting to hurt Raciels feelings.

Meanwhile, Raciels hand approached, gently touching the top of his head. Until that moment, Javillon had wondered what he was doing. Was he going to massage his head?

But in the next moment

A gentle caress?

His hand began to softly stroke the top of his head?


Javillon was bewildered.

He couldnt comprehend what was happening. Why was the Saint Military Officer caressing his head as if comforting a puppy? The entire situation was perplexing.

What are you doing now?

Hush. This is the crucial part.

What could this be?

Is this how he intends to treat the headache? With this seemingly trivial action?

I dont know what you take me for, but

Javillon began to feel provoked. He raised his head.

He regarded the Saint Military Officer with indifferent eyes, contemplating whether to slap him or perhaps break his neck. How should he exact revenge?

Just as thoughts of violence began to fill his mind

My hands are healing hands~ These hands are maagical Eheheya~

Raciel started singing an odd(?) tune. The Healing Hands skill had been activated.

In that instant, the excruciating headache that had tormented Javillon for years vanished like a leaping fish.


For the first time in 37 years since his birth,

Javillon experienced a sensation of pure relief, causing his eyes to widen in astonishment.

(To be Continued)

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