Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 987: Federation of Jupiter

On September 15, 131, the first year of the universe, the official media of the Tianyi Empire broadcast the connection between the expeditionary force and the Jupiter circle.

There is only one country in the Jupiter circle, named the Federation of Jupiter.

Although it is a federation, it is actually a dictatorship.

Their power holders are called grand presidents and adopt a hereditary system.

The current president is a man in his 50s named Stein Heinholmes.

The news quickly spread throughout the world, and it was unexpected that the Jupiter Federation, which had lost contact for more than 60 years, was still there.

The current development of the Jupiter Federation, not to mention other countries, even the Tianyi Empire is still unclear.

As the president of the Jupiter Federation, Stein Heinholmes, he also did not expect that Mars sphere forces would come to his door.

What's more, they didn't expect that the country in the Martian circle they sought to contact was a new empire, and the Dion Empire they knew before had perished.

President Stein remembered that when his father was still in power, the Dion Kingdom had very little contact with them, and at that time, there was civil strife in the Jupiter Federation.

It has been about 60 years since the Earth Sphere and the Colonial Sphere have been disconnected.

President Stein and his government team really don't understand why emerging countries in the Mars circle come to the Jupiter circle.

On September 13, 131, the first year of the universe, the information wave sent by the long-distance fleet was received by the receiving station in the circle of Jupiter.

It immediately attracted the attention of the authorities in the Jupiter circle, and after discussion, it was decided to communicate with the other party.

After some exchanges between the two sides, Rear Admiral Dionda, the head of the Yuan Fleet, immediately conveyed the matter back to the country.

After Tianyi Empire received the confirmed news, it immediately shared the news with the entire world.

Stein first sent a diplomatic team to communicate with the expeditionary force.

Stein and the ministers watched the video message from the diplomatic team.

Unexpectedly, the long-distance fleet of the Tianyi Empire, every type of warship is very advanced, and even better than them in terms of armament.

Some of the battleships are very large. The largest battleship of the Jupiter Federation reaches 800 meters, and the average battleship is only about 400 meters.

Then looking at the individual equipment of the Sky Wing Empire and the Ms troop, the former is not as good as the Sky Wing Empire, while the latter is probably comparable.

However, they saw the Stargazer Gundam show the Carrier, a machine that can travel like interplanetary speed.

When the diplomatic team went to the location of the long-distance fleet, they discovered the Stargazer Gundam, took a picture of the unparalleled speed, and sent it back to the superior.

Stein watched the Stargazer Gundam speed video and looked at Mike, his secretary of defense, before he became his secretary of defense.

Once a lieutenant general, Mike not only has a good strategic leadership combat ability, he also has a doctorate in engine science.

Minister Mike participated in the design of some airframes and battleship engines.

Stein paid attention to Minister Mike's expression.

Minister Mike's expression was filled with shock and disbelief.

Stein asked Minister Mike: "Mr. Mike, you have a very high achievement in the subject of engines. You see the speed of this airframe, and how is its engine?"

"It's very advanced, and even technically subverts many of our known theories." Minister Mike said truthfully.

"From your point of view, do you think that the body engine of the Sky Wing Empire uses technology from an alien system?"

"Not sure."

At this time, another woman, Foreign Minister Betis, said to Stein: "Your Excellency, a few years ago, didn't a group of alien galaxies from the Dallas State want to cooperate with us?"

"Minister Betis, what do you want to say?"

"Your Excellency, what I want to say is that at that time we rejected the proposal of the State of Dallas to cooperate, and even had a conflict with them and drove them away. The subordinates felt that these alien races would definitely hold grudges, and they might even ask them in the future. We take revenge and launch wars, and if we rely solely on our scale and combat power, it may be difficult to resist the retaliation of the State of Dallas against us."

Stein frowned, and knocked on the table: "Minister Bettis, get straight to the point."

"If we really want to resist the revenge of the State of Dallas against us, we must use the power of the Earth Circle, the Colony Circle, or the Mars Circle to resist the revenge of the State of Dallas."

"Then do you think they can cooperate with us? And do they know that there are alien races coming to our solar system?"

"We can try to tell them what happened to us and prepare them."

Stein looked at the other ministers. Some ministers agreed with the foreign minister's proposal, while others opposed it.

They think that people in the Earth Circle or the Mars Circle are selfish. Even if they tell them, they will never believe it. Even if they believe it, they will deliberately ask them to share with them the advanced technology they have obtained from the alien system.

Maybe these guys got cheap and behaved, and in the end, maybe these guys might watch the fire from the sidelines when the Dallas people retaliated against them.

It is more likely that these guys might stab them in the back in order to please the State of Dallas.

The other part of the ministers who do not agree or disagree, and remain neutral, their suggestion is to temporarily observe the other party's attitude, and hint at the other party to see the other party's reaction.

Minister Bettis conveys instructions to the diplomatic team.

The head of the diplomatic team is Undersecretary Kodas.

The team brought by Kodasi conducted diplomatic exchanges with the team of Major General Dionda.

Kodasi's group hinted at Major General Dionda's team.

During the voyage, Major General Dionda and his team also received information from the State of Dallas from their superiors, telling them to pay attention to safety during the voyage.

Once attacked by the troops of the Dallas State, it must be sent back to the headquarters as soon as possible, and it can return immediately.

Fortunately, Major General Dionda and his team were not attacked by the State of Dallas during their voyage.

Finally, contact with the Jupiter Federation.

Kodaks team hinted that Major General Dionda directly and generously admitted that they were also harassed by the Dallas State.

When the news got back to Stein, the Jupiter Federation authorities felt that at least they had the same enemy as the Sky Wing Empire in the Martian circle.

In order to confirm whether what the two sides said is correct, both sides handed over photos of the aircraft and warships of the State of Dallas to the other side for observation. The diplomatic teams of the two sides looked at the photos and found that they were exactly the same as the information they had.

Neither side thought that the State of Dallas had been in the solar system for some time, and even carried out a series of operations.

Then, when the diplomatic teams of the two parties were communicating, Kodas received information from Major General Dionda and his group about the movements of the entire international circle over the past few decades.

Kodasi was very shocked. The founding emperor of Tianyi Empire, Long Fei, did not use the technology of aliens, and defeated the Dion Empire with the technology developed by himself alone.

Moreover, 6 years ago, the new human masters of their Jupiter Federation once sensed that two powerful spiritual forces disappeared shortly after the battle in the distance, and a stronger spiritual force appeared again.

It turned out that the two powerful spiritual forces that appeared at the beginning were Long Fei and Fardis, and the more powerful spiritual force appeared later was Long Quan, the son of Long Fei.

Kodasi told Major General Dionda that the envoys sent by the Dallas State wanted to cooperate with them, but they clashed after they refused. They also drove away the ambassador and team of the Dallas State.


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