Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 983: training of heirs

While Angelica and Alonso followed their colleagues to destroy a troop of clones, at the same time, Yue Yangchun and his wife were destroying a Dion pirate group.

There are sporadic fighting at various locations.

A Silver Thunder uses Bigway II to directly destroy a meteorite with a diameter of 1 kilometer.

Right now, the Sky Wing Imperial Army does not immediately destroy meteorites or wreckage as soon as they see them. As long as the diameter of some smaller meteorites does not exceed 30 meters, as long as the scanners and detectors scan, these smaller meteorites will be smaller. Just let it go.

Because these meteorites are rushing to Mars, the atmosphere of Mars is enough to rub and burn these meteorites.

In terms of wreckage, the larger ones were broken up and then handed over to the steel ball workboat for processing.

The Tianyi Imperial Army will check whether there are bombs inside the continuous meteorites and wreckage, and once found, they will detonate or destroy them immediately.

Because earlier, there was a steel ball working ship picking up meteorites and wreckage, and the bomb hidden inside suddenly exploded.

The factory was even destroyed, and the authorities responded immediately.

On the other side, after the Tianyi mercenary group wiped out all the base camps of the Dion pirate group, they successively cleaned up the sources of the meteorites and wreckage.

If there are no accidents, in about a month, meteorites and debris will no longer float to the Martian circle.

Now, the people of the Tianyi Empire don't care much about the current situation, and even don't take it seriously.

Those meteorites that rushed into the atmosphere of Mars were just viewed by the common people as meteors.

On the other side, Long Fei was looking at the report from the current military affairs. Long Fei didn't feel at ease, but his uneasiness became more and more intense.

Longquan has been telling his parents that a big rock is about to fall in the past few days.

Long Fei didn't dare to take things lightly when he told his son that he was uneasy in his heart, and made Long Fei take everything seriously.

At this time, a report came from the diplomatic department in charge of the Jupiter voyage fleet.

The content of the report is two things.

The first thing is that the expeditionary force will reach the Jupiter circle in more than a month, and the long-distance force has also received the information wave from the Jupiter circle, and is now trying to contact the Jupiter circle.

The second thing is that some of the various devices dropped by the long-distance troops have lost contact and are currently under investigation.

Looking at the second report, Long Fei felt more and more uneasy in his heart.

Long Fei remembered what his son said about the falling of the big rock, and thought: "Could it be that the device over there was destroyed by a big meteorite?" Long Fei felt more and more uneasy.

Long Fei immediately ordered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct a thorough investigation, whether those devices were destroyed by a large meteorite impact, and to check if it was a large meteorite impact, whether it was hitting Mars.

Then, Long Fei notified the Ministry of Military Affairs and other relevant departments to check the direction of Mars in all directions, no matter using electronic telescopes or any devices, to see if there are large meteorites rushing towards Mars.

Long Fei then looked at the date, it was September 5, 131, the first year of the universe, and the twin daughters' birthdays were a few days away.

Since he became the emperor of Tianyi Empire, Long Fei spent less time with his two daughters, and in recent years, he became more and more strict with the twin daughters, which caused the twin daughters to become a little bit estranged from him.

Long Fei worked hard to improve his relationship with his twin daughters.

Longguo and Longfu have also become sensible as they grow older. Dad is the emperor and they are princesses. If they do something unqualified, they will not only lose the face of their father, but also lose the face of the Tianyi Empire. .

The emperor's strictness towards them was only for their own good.

They must work hard to be a qualified princess and help their father when they grow up.

Because of the busyness of their parents, the twin sisters all saw it.

The two sisters decided to work **** their own. When they grow up, they must share the worries of their parents. Before that, they must lay a good foundation for themselves.

As a mother, Tao Xiang, looking at the efforts of the two sisters, can see that the two daughters want to gain their father's approval through their own efforts. Through hard work, they can be qualified in many things.

Tao Xiang watched her daughters' efforts and told her husband about their efforts and efforts.

"Your two precious daughters have been studying very hard recently, and they all hope to get your approval, but I hope you don't put too much pressure on them, give them more encouragement and praise, because your praise is your approval .”

As a father, Long Fei also saw his daughter's hard work and hard work. Long Fei would always appreciate and encourage the two daughters, even if the two daughters suffered failures.

Long Fei would also say words of encouragement: "I've seen all your efforts, don't be depressed by a temporary failure."

"Life does not always win, life has wins and losses, your failure this time does not mean that you will lose in the future, failure is the mother of success, if you fail, then stand up again and prepare for the next victory , People can lose thousands of times, as long as they can win the victory at the end, they are the winners in life."

The two sisters, Longguo and Longfu, looked at their father who was usually strict with them, and showed them gentle and encouraging smiles to encourage them, even if they failed, they would speak out to encourage them.

The two sisters understood that their father hadn't changed at all. Although he had become stricter, his father still loved them from the bottom of his heart.

As for the youngest son, Longquan, he is much better than his two elder sisters. Whether it is studying or doing other things, he can do it well, even exceeding everyone's expectations.

Longquan received more praise than the two older sisters, but as a father, Long Fei felt that this was not good for the young son's growth.

Long Fei believes that no matter who he is, he cannot be successful all the time. People must suffer setbacks. If a person who is often successful does not suffer setbacks, once he encounters setbacks, it may affect his body and mind, and may even lead to a state of depression .

Long Fei once discussed with Dongfang Wudi, Junior and other mentors that they should give Long Quan some setbacks, let him encounter setbacks, and then let him cheer himself up.

The setbacks that Longquan encountered several times without knowing the circumstances were all traps deliberately set by his father and teachers to make him suffer blows.

Long Fei would also deliberately attack Long Quan verbally, this was to hone Long Quan's willpower and endurance, and let him know that one must encounter setbacks, and then stand up on his own.

It also made him understand that life is not always smooth, and there are times when there are headwinds.

Especially in times of headwinds, or when encountering setbacks, how to deal with the situation, you have to figure out how to deal with it yourself.

Because you will often encounter high walls in your life, and you have to find a way to cross the high wall in front of you.

Long Fei regards Longquan as his heir. This is the process that Long Fei wants his son to go through. All of this is to cultivate his qualifications as an heir.

Although Long Quan is better than his sisters, Long Fei's attitude towards Long Quan is stricter than the two sisters, because this is Long Fei's cultivation of heirs.

Long Fei is so strict with his son, mainly because he doesn't want his son to be in a downwind situation all the time, and if there is no headwind, he must find a way to create a headwind for his son as a table for training.

However, Long Fei did not force-feed Longquan or cultivate baby chickens. Long Fei would still take care of the children's childhood.

Because in terms of subjects, Long Fei didn't expect his son to be proficient in everything, and to take the first place in everything.

Whatever subjects Longquan is interested in, Long Fei will try his best to let the children learn happily. Long Fei only wants Longquan to be interested in learning, not afraid of learning.

Long Fei did not force his son to study many subjects, because as for how to learn subjects, Long Fei hoped that his son would learn how to think and the ability to distinguish right from wrong.

Although intelligence and wisdom are both important, as an emperor or leader at that time, wisdom was more important than ingenuity, because the former was trying to find ways or seek changes, etc., but in terms of understanding or views on some things, it may not be too deep.

But in terms of wisdom, it is the ability to think and analyze anything, and wisdom also includes emotional intelligence, and can even control one's emotions.

And in terms of wisdom, he also knows how to know people and be good at tasks. As an emperor and leader, it is not necessary to do everything by himself, but to know how to employ people.


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