Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 964: Mr. Mai's dark hand

The Oberon Gundam shined brilliantly on the colonial battlefield in District 9, and its powerful performance, especially after the magic book system was activated, was even more invincible.

Although there are only 4 Oberon Gundams on the battlefield, they can shine on the battlefield and become the attention on the battlefield.

On the other hand, while Minister Shrek was currently dealing with the work at hand, his subordinates sent a video of the battle of Oberon Gundam.

After Minister Shrek watched it, he couldn't help but slap himself.

Oberon Gundam himself has seen the design drawings and information explanations of this Gundam. At first, he felt that the G-First Gundam with the fit function is better. The driver can use the Secomus system to control the Cannon Steel and GF tanks.

Then you can use different tactics in combat to make the enemy hard to defend.

Now, after Oberon Gundam shined brilliantly on the battlefield, Minister Shrek said with a wry smile: "It seems that some weapons are not just explained in the data map, they have to be put into the battlefield to confirm whether they have ideal results in actual combat." .”

Minister Shrek is calling Long Fei to request the manufacture of Oberon Gundam.

"Okay, Minister Shrek, you can decide this matter. By the way, in addition to Oberon Gundam having a magic book system, MSZ-009H Fafnir and AMX-114 Demeter also have a magic book system." , Oberon Gundam is the white magic book system, Fafnir is the blue magic book system, and Demeter is the red magic book system."

"How are these magic book systems different?"

"I'll pass you the information, and you can read it yourself. If you think it's okay, then you can let the Ministry of Military Affairs make these three Ms."

After reading the materials of Fafnir Gundam and Demeter, Minister Shrek had some understanding of their respective magic book systems, and decided to manufacture these three Ms.

It's just that these three Ms can only be handed over to new humans to drive, and the number of them will not be many. The comprehensive ability of new humans must be at least B level.

Minister Shrek then looked at the finances of the Ministry of Military Affairs, his expression was a little ugly, so he had to call Long Fei.

"Needless to say, Minister, I know that the purpose of your calling is to ask me for funding."

"Yes, Your Majesty, it really takes money to manufacture those three Ms."

"Okay, I'll allocate 500 billion Tianyi coins to you. It's up to you how many units you know, but be careful that some people are corrupt."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The Tianyi Empire is currently still dealing with the meteorites and wreckage that have flown in.

Shrek contacted Li Jiaming for help.

Li Jiaming also dispatched troops to deal with those sources.

The Tianyi mercenary group will attack the colony in the 9th district, and they have received information that most of the meteorites and wreckage are from the Dion Pirates in the 9th district colony.

So after the Tianyi mercenary group found out where they were hiding, they would settle their old and new grudges together.

In addition to the Pirates of Colonial Dion in District 9, the Pirates of Colonial Dion in District 2 is also where they are preparing to strike next.

In addition to the Dion Pirates, it was the Hundred Ghosts of the Night Organization and the secret forces of the Wanluo Federation.

It's just that the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk Organization can't grasp their relationship with the Dongyang Empire, and they are preparing to dispatch troops to destroy them at this moment.

The Tianyi Imperial Army and the Heaven and Earth Mercenary Group are joining forces to deal with these enemies.

In the outer space domain of the Tianyi Empire, in addition to dealing with the infiltrated Dion Pirates and the Hundred Ghosts Night Organization, the secret forces of the Wanluo Federation also discovered it.

These three troops are all fighting guerrilla warfare against the Sky Winged Empire Army.

Regardless of whether they were discovered by the Tianyi Empire's detectors or not, the three troops were all fighting guerrilla warfare. Once they found any Tianyi Empire troops, they would immediately flee or adopt a strategy of hitting and running.

But they obviously underestimated the Tianyi Imperial Army, about half of the Tianyi Imperial Army were originally Tianyi mercenaries, and they were also experts in guerrilla warfare.

In addition to dispatching some troops to attack the Dion Pirates in the 9th district colony, the Tianyi mercenary group also dispatched some troops to intercept the meteorites and wreckage in the 2nd, 3rd, and 10th district colonies.

The Tianyi mercenary group also discovered that the colony of District 8, that is, the colony of the Wanluo Federation, also has countless meteorites and debris floating towards the Martian circle.

Moreover, there are also many meteorites and debris drifting towards the Martian circle in the United States of Anglo-Saxon Democratic Republic in the 4th area.

However, the meteorites and wreckage intercepted by the Tianyi Mercenary Troops were reversed to calculate the trajectory and time of these meteorites and wreckage.

The discovery of meteorites and debris from the United States of America drifting toward the Martian sphere is only recent, and is currently in the minority.

When this news was sent back to Long Fei's office, Long Fei had some doubts. Could it be that the United Anglo-Saman Democratic People's Republic and the Wanluo Federation had secretly joined forces?

Then, Long Fei recalled that the secret service organization of the Tianyi Empire and the special department of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps captured important members of the Dallas people pretending to be in that country in some countries.

Long Fei wondered if it was because the people of Dallas had joined forces with the United Nations of the Anglo-Saman Democratic People's Republic.

"The current president of the United Nations of Angrus-Sa-Democracies should not be as crazy and idiotic as that guy in Pulvey. He should not do such an idiotic thing, unless he has been replaced by the Dallas people."

"On the contrary, according to the information obtained so far, the people of Dallas have not penetrated so deep into the high-level interior of their government."

On the other hand, it is true that Mr. Mai has not penetrated into the high-level government of the United Nations of Angrus-Sa-democracy people.

However, Mr. Mai got in touch with the family that controlled the Anglo-Sa Democratic People's Republic, the Armist family.

Billy is the head of the Armist family.

At the beginning, when Mr. Mai and his group of aliens came into contact with him, they were very conflicted in their hearts and told him directly that they could not cooperate with these aliens.

Otherwise, once they cooperate with these aliens, the latent crisis is like a bomb that will detonate at any time, causing unimaginable damage to the Armist family, and even destroying the entire family.

Billy was originally going to be sent to secretly kill Mr. McGregor and his gang.

However, Mr. Mai gave them some advanced technologies from the State of Dallas. As long as they are willing to cooperate, the State of Dallas will also give more advanced technologies to the Armistead family.

After Billy sent his scientific research team to study the products of Dallas State, he said that they were very advanced.

It is to let them carry out reverse development, if nothing else, just talk about civilian products, at least they will not be overwhelmed by the products produced by Tianyi Group and various companies in the Tianyi Empire.

The countless businesses of the Armistead family over the years have already been overwhelmed by the Tianyi Group, and some of them even failed to operate and closed down.

The power of the Armistead family to control the United Nations of the Anglo-Saxon peoples behind the scenes gradually diminished, and other big families took the opportunity to **** the lost power of the Armistead family.

Families that were suppressed by the Armistead family before now dare to raise the **** to the Armiside family.

Billy looked at the suggestion of his own customer research team, it is really necessary to reverse study these advanced products, maybe a few years later, the Armistead family will return to its heyday.

The products produced for export can also compete with Tianyi Group.

Billy's inner voice, the voice of reason, told him not to cooperate with these aliens, otherwise the family would suffer unimaginable destruction.

However, another greedy voice told Billy that he must cooperate, because only cooperation can bring the family back to its heyday, regain full control over the United States of Angrus-Sa-Democracies, and then control those democratic countries.

Then trample on the ground those families who dare to raise the **** to the Armiste family.

The two voices of reason and greed in Billy were fighting, and finally the voice of greed overwhelmed the voice of reason.

Billy decided to cooperate with Mr. Mai.

Mr. Mai was very satisfied with this result, and then the colonial satellites that were destroyed by the attack of the Dion Empire in the United States of Anglo-Saxon Democratic Republic, as well as the wreckage and meteorites that had been left there drifted to the Martian circle.

These damaged colonial satellites and wreckage, etc., as well as some devices that were secretly placed in their Dallas country.

This is Mr. Mai's dark hands.


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