Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 948: Meteorites and debris drift toward Mars

In May 131, the first year of the universe, it has been nearly five years since the establishment of the empire, and it will take three years to upgrade the overall industry.

The second electromagnetic orbital station was also officially completed.

With countless meteorites floating, the application of quantum scanners can not only find out whether there are precious metals or required metals inside the meteorites.

Borrow the technology of the Noahs to develop a method to convert meteorite components into metal components.

Many metallocene meteorites are converted into metal components after excavating all the metals.

The Tianyi Empire can obtain the metal it needs in a short period of time.

The cost price of metal raw materials has dropped a lot.

If there is no accident, the international exchange university will start in two years, and countries around the world are preparing to send top students to the international exchange university to learn advanced technology.

On the other hand, big countries such as the Ouya Cross Country helped the Tianyi Empire investigate the suspicions of some countries, and after confirming that some countries could eliminate the suspicions, they recommended to the Tianyi Empire to share the advanced technology of the Dion Empire with the country.

Purvi was in the office listening to the secret agent's report. Mr. Mai and his group of Dallas natives had disappeared, and it was impossible to find out where they were hiding.

Purvi was very nervous and anxious, worried whether this group of Dallas people would go to cooperate with the Tianyi Empire.

Once they cooperate, he will be at a loss if he deliberately fell out with the Tianyi Empire and didn't join the International Exchange University.

Because when the Dallas people approached him for cooperation, they gave some of the advanced technologies of the Dallas country to the Wanluo Federation. When they cooperated further, they could continue to get more advanced technologies from the Dallas country.

But unexpectedly, six months ago, Mr. Mai and his group disappeared without a word.

Fortunately, the high-tech products sent by Mr. Mai were still kept in the research room, so that they could still study these high-tech things.

However, the scientific research team reported to Pulver that these products far surpassed their technology, and they could not copy them at all.

Even if it is to carry out reverse development and design, even if it is a small amount of manufacturing, it will not be possible

Relevant industries must undergo a round of upgrades, otherwise reverse development and design products can only stay on the design drawings.

Pulvwei felt a lot of headaches, because in addition to the upgrading of related industries, it is the reverse development of products that need to create new industrial technologies.

Purvi is aware of those so-called new industrial technologies, only the Tianyi Empire has or has created new industrial technologies.

Purvi hated Mr. Mai and his group very much in his heart. He blamed these people for leaving without saying a word. on the design drawing.

However, the scientific research team is very clear in their hearts that industrial upgrading and innovative industries require the country's economic strength and the industrial support of enterprises.

Many large enterprises in the Wanluo Federation have already left the Wanluo Federation, and they have been wiped clean.

The parent companies of these large enterprises have all gone to the Tianyi Empire to learn the more advanced technology of the Tianyi Empire and upgrade the industry.

The Wanluo Federation's economy has also declined severely, and this year's economic budget is even lower than the economic budget during the war.

If it wasn't for the current social ideology of the Wanluo Federation overpowering the people who are realistic and economically rational, maybe the Wanluo Federation would launch a recall vote against Puervi.

Purvi looked at the current report document submitted by the scientific research team, which made him feel annoyed and annoyed.

At this time, the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk organization sent their news on his personal mobile phone.

At present, the first step of their joint cooperation plan has already begun.

In June of the first year of the universe, 131, the frontier troops of the Sky Wing Empire often dealt with some small meteorites and some wrecks that drifted over.

The border guards felt weird. Recently, those small meteorites and debris would float to Mars from time to time.

And what's even more strange is that these small meteorites and debris are all drifting towards Mars from different directions.

The border guards mobilized a large number of steel ball workboats to transport these small meteorites and wreckage to the space factory, either to convert the metal components, or to restore the wreckage into raw materials.

The border guards informed their superiors of the current situation.

The Ministry of Military Affairs looked at the report uploaded by the border guards and conducted research and analysis.

During the scanning process of quantum scanners, quantum detectors, etc., there is no problem with small meteorites and wreckage at all, just ordinary meteorites and wreckage.

What is puzzling is that these small meteorites and debris are all floating towards Mars from different directions.

Since two weeks ago, from a small number to Mars, the number has gradually increased now.

It can even be said that it is floating towards Mars in all directions.

Many experts in the Ministry of Military Affairs have concluded that this is man-made, and that this is a deliberate attempt by the forces to target the Tianyi Empire.

Otherwise, how could there be countless meteorites and debris all floating to Mars instead of floating to the earth circle or colonial areas.

At present, the space factory can dispose of the small meteorites and debris floating towards Mars.

The investigation conducted by the intelligence unit at the same time revealed which force was targeting the Tianyi Empire.

On June 12, 131, the first year of the universe, quantum detectors found some wreckage including explosives and alloy knives, etc.

There are lethal weapons such as explosives in the wreckage, mainly from these wreckages, these wreckages are all weapons left over from the destroyed MS or mobile fortress.

There are more wrecks of these mobile suits or mobile fortresses than there were in the past.

There are also those weapons that are retained to be differentiated and then disassembled.

At present, the Sky Winged Empire has started to be alert. Although the news has not been conveyed to the people, the people continue to maintain their usual routine.

However, many of the merchant ships traveling back and forth to the Tianyi Empire saw something strange in it.

Some local merchant ship staff also informed the family members on the ground of these things.

This matter was quickly communicated to the public, and the private network also began to discuss this matter.

In order not to cause unnecessary panic among the people, the relevant responsible departments have silenced and issued a statement on the Internet, stating that the recent small meteorites and some debris have drifted to Mars.

To appease the people not to worry unfoundedly, and to believe that the country's military will protect their safety.

On the other hand, the intelligence authorities of the Tianyi Empire have already found out the contact information between the Dallas State and the Wanluo Federation authorities.

From some relevant dignitaries bought and people involved inside, I learned that a force from the State of Dallas made contact after Purvi came to power.

The two parties have also carried out some related cooperation, and the Wanluo Federation has obtained part of the advanced technology of the Dallas State.

After repeated investigations and multiple confirmations, it has been confirmed that the Wanluo Federation and the State of Dallas are cooperating.

Then, the intelligence team analyzed the recent small meteorites and debris floating towards Mars, and there is a great possibility that they came from the Wanluo Federation and the State of Dallas.

As for other countries, the intelligence team has some doubts, but the biggest suspect at present is the Wanluo Federation.

Because of their weird president, from time to time they want to smear or make groundless accusations against the Tianyi Empire.


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