Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 936: voyage fleet

During the voyage ceremony, Long Fei handed over a long sword with a silver hilt to a male major general Dionda in front of him.

Major General Dionda took over the sword sent by the emperor.

"Major General, I will leave it to you to protect the safety of the diplomatic ambassador. The mission of the long voyage is to show the intention of coming to the other party, and not to be hostile to the other party."

"Of order, Your Majesty."

Major General Dionda saluted, and took his own airship to his command car, the Rebill.

Watching the voyage team set off.

The news was broadcast live on national media, and a media team followed the voyage team.

Soon, it spread throughout the world.

The leaders of various countries felt that looking for the Jupiter Federation and going to such a distant place should be handled by the technologically advanced Tianyi Empire.

As far as long-distance voyage technology is concerned, there is no problem with large countries. The problem is that it takes a long time to go to such a distant place.

Spaceships need an air circulation system, an internal environmental control system, and internal breeding capabilities, which must be guaranteed to ensure the life of the crew.

If you can accurately calculate the distance back and forth, and ensure that the items you carry can be consumed enough, there will be no uncertain factors of change.

It is absolutely no problem for the major powers to dispatch the same scale of voyages as the Tianyi Empire, but the above requirements cannot be guaranteed by the major powers.

Moreover, there is no nearly infinite controllable nuclear fusion technology like the Tianyi Empire.

At present, the Tianyi Empire has installed the Minovs super-energy thermonuclear reactor used by the fifth-generation warships, which can not only switch and regulate cold and hot nuclear fusion, but also a quasi-perpetual motion machine with infinite energy that is close to a solar furnace.

The entire world currently only masters thermonuclear technology, and cold nuclear technology can basically be said to be blank.

This has led many experts to believe that the Tianyi Empire's single nuclear energy technology may not only surpass the world by more than 30 years, it may even be a century.

This is also why all countries are willing to establish an international exchange university, and most hope that the Tianyi Empire can send scientists to guide them, that is, only teach cold nuclear technology, and all countries will benefit from it.

At least ten years can be shortened in the journey of progress, and it will make them less likely to go astray.

The long-distance voyage troops of the Tianyi Empire will definitely leave behind communication receivers and relays after a certain distance.

This not only allows the expeditionary force to keep in touch with the Sky Wing Empire, but also the following media team can conduct daily live reports.

The beautiful reporter who was in charge of the broadcast introduced the two spacecraft of the Jupiter Reese class and the Tsiolkovsky.

Responsible for introducing some structural equipment and working environment inside the two spacecraft, as well as interviewing the staff. During the filming, Harrow can also be photographed manipulating machines or equipment for some work.

The internal factory can also maintain Ms.

During the live coverage, many national leaders had their eyes on the two spacecraft.

The internal circulation system, environmental regulation, etc. are all technologies beyond their country's reach.

Especially the live broadcast, which can be carried out simultaneously in such a distant place, every country envies the Tianyi Empire for having such advanced communication technology.

Now people from many countries in the world can come to the Tianyi Empire, and they have a feeling of honoring their ancestors. When they come back, they can brag about the environment of the Tianyi Empire and how advanced it is in front of relatives and friends. Even the Tianyi Empire has stopped for 30 years. The country cannot catch up.

Many people wish they could immigrate to the Tianyi Empire.

Only new humans can get the Tianyi Empire's ID card relatively easily. If ordinary humans don't have good diplomas or skills, it is basically impossible to get the Tianyi Empire's ID card.

If you are a wealthy capitalist, if you just want to get the ID card of the Tianyi Empire simply by relying on money, it is basically a dream. Unless you give it to the Sky Wing Empire with valuable patent rights, otherwise you can forget about the ID card of the Sky Wing Empire. .

"This is the media station of Tianyi Empire No. 1. I'm Haixia. Today's live report ends here. Tomorrow we will interview the battleship and the person in charge of the battleship. I hope all viewers can watch our live broadcast on time."

Not only the people of the Sky Wing Empire, but also the people of many international countries really want to know whether the Jupiter Federation, which has lost contact for many years, still exists.

The people in the earth circle and the colonial circle are both curious and worried. They are curious whether the Jupiter Federation still exists, and worry whether the Jupiter Federation will be the second Dion Empire once it exists.

If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that war is coming again.

Everyone prays in their hearts, hoping that the war will not come again.

If the long-distance voyage troops want to reach Jupiter, it will not be possible to arrive in just a few months.

Although the speed of the Tianyi Empire is very advanced, even though there are a few hours a day, the speed of the day exceeds more than 750,000 kilometers.

Moreover, under such fast sailing, the interior of the ship is very stable, and the staff can work with peace of mind without any discomfort or vibration, which will not affect work efficiency.

Stargazer Gundam has also attracted the attention of various countries, with its superb AI and fast navigation and automatic work capabilities.

The Stargazer Gundam can not only reposition some deviated communicators, but can even catch up with the voyage team in a very short time.

It can also be used for the exploration of the team on the long voyage, especially the radiant golden flash on the back of the Stargazer Gundam, with a little bit of starlight in the flash.

It has aroused great interest among some Ms lovers, and discussions have also been initiated on the Internet.

Although the Sky Wing Empire officially informed Stargazer that the name of the device activated by Gundam is called the Radiant Carrier Propulsion System, which is a technology developed for interplanetary voyages and a technology developed for human exploration and development of the universe.

Officials have also stated that the Carrier propulsion system is not intended for military use.

The Brilliance Bearer propulsion system has also aroused discussions among experts from various countries.

However, the discussions of experts from various countries have strayed into a blind spot, mistakenly thinking that the Stargazer Gundam engine uses the latest type of controllable nuclear fusion.

On the other hand, Sister Taoxiang has been watching the live broadcast of Yuanhang Fleet from time to time recently. When time permits, most of the daily live broadcasts are not missed.

Sister Taoxiang recalled the accident back then. If there was no accident at that time, maybe the two sisters were already living in the Jupiter Federation, maybe the two sisters also got married there and had children, and they might be old ladies now (Sister Taoxiang didn’t know Jupiter. The Federation has now mastered the life-extending potion).

At that time, the Jupiter ship went to the colonial circle, and it took at least 15 years to reach the destination. At that time, the Jupiter circle was not as advanced as it is now, and it often broke down from time to time and needed repairs.

And you need to bring enough food, because it is impossible to breed inside.

Tao Xiang really wants to know how her hometown is developing now.

Life in my hometown was very difficult back then, and it was not easy for everyone to make a living.

Food and water sources have been allocated. At that time, in order to exchange for food and water sources, score tickets had to be exchanged for food.

Moreover, each person is only allowed to eat two meals a day, but the portions of the two meals are small. Although they are not hungry to death, they are often not full.

It can be said that everyone is often hungry. In order to fight hunger, some people tighten their belts.

Moreover, each person can only exchange 10 liters of water a day. As a result, many people are unwilling to drink a sip of water when they are very thirsty, and many people are often dehydrated.

Especially those who do coolies.

Why did Taoxiang join the Jupiter ship back then? At least she could get better treatment, and she could guarantee three meals a day and more water to drink.

"I don't know how my hometown is developing now. Has the life of people there improved?"


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