Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 930: Teachings of the Sky Winged Empire

Lin Yunxin then reported that the school's curriculum in Tianyi Empire is six hours in total, plus the children have an hour to rest.

Among the six hours of courses, two hours are fighting class, physical education, shooting and physical fitness classes, and the remaining four hours are general text, mathematics, science and other courses.

The fighting class has one hour of tutorials every day, and the other one hour a day is divided equally by shooting, sports and physical fitness.

Shooting classes are taught on Mondays, teaching how to use bows, pistols, shotguns and rifles, etc., and practice shooting targets.

In terms of physical education, ordinary children learn football and other sports.

Physical fitness classes are somewhat similar to physical education classes in terms of aspects, but the difference is that children in physical fitness classes carry 10-meter backpacks for running, squats, sit-ups, rope skipping, diving and swimming, etc.

The teachers who teach fighting courses in the school are all professional fighters. The teachers of shooting courses and physical fitness courses are all retired soldiers hired by the school, and the hired veterans are at least at the squad leader level. They use the courses taught to rookie recruits to teach children. .

For many children, shooting and physical fitness are two courses that scare them, because the teachers who teach them, these veterans teach them directly by shouting.

If the children responded in a lower voice, the teacher yelled directly: "I can't hear you, speak louder!"

If the children were slow to respond or behaved badly, the teacher would yell at the students directly, or even directly use some ugly words, such as bedbugs, useless scum, etc. to yell at the students.

Such an instructor has caused protests from many parents. The Ministry of Education just produced a video. In the video, the school where the two princesses are studying also performed poorly. The princess is not behaving well.

"The two princesses did not behave well, and they will receive the same scolding. Are your children as honorable as Her Royal Highness? As a child of the Tianyi Empire, you must have a strong inner endurance. If you can't bear it and cry, such a child will grow up The latter is just a useless person."

The Ministry of Education even released a video in which the second princess, Longfu, cried because she couldn't stand the teacher's scolding, and was slapped by the teacher directly, causing her right cheek to become red and swollen.

Later in the video, His Majesty the Emperor personally came to understand what happened.

Not only did His Majesty not embarrass the teacher, but he also apologized to the teacher for not disciplining his daughter well, and even praised the teacher, and even asked the teacher to punish the second princess again.

Because of this video, many children couldn't stand being scolded by the teacher for their poor performance in physical fitness class. They cried directly and ended up being beaten by the teacher.

No matter how much the parents feel sorry for their children being beaten by the teacher, it is useless to complain, because the princesses of their own countries are also punished in the same way, and these parents can only hold their noses to admit it.

Because Long Fu had experienced such a thing, she was a little estranged from her father.

Although Tao Xiang, as a mother, also comforts and persuades Long Fu, everything her father does is for the good of her daughter, but Long Fu is still young and does not know her father's good intentions for her.

Long Guo also felt that his father had changed, that his father had become very strict, unlike his previous attitude.

In the teaching courses of Tianyi Empire's elementary school, the children's grades are not inferior to children from other countries in general, but they are definitely far better than children in other countries in terms of physical fitness.

Long Fei will have such an education policy, because Long Fei firmly believes in a word, the youth is strong and the country is strong.

Children must have a strong body, and then there should be no cramming teaching in teaching, and children should not be made into nerds. Try to let children learn and tap their talents in the subjects they are good at.

Because Long Fei clearly knows that it is impossible for every child to be proficient in everything, every child is an individual, they have special features, the best way is to teach students according to their talents.

Therefore, if the children in Tianyi Empire's schools are good at any subject, they will try their best to arrange children who are also good at the same subject in the same classroom.

Of course, it is not that children only learn the subjects they are good at. The rest of the subjects will also be arranged. It is just that children can master as many subjects as possible.

Moreover, Long Fei didn't want his children to have both civil and military skills, he also hoped that the children would have the concept of right and wrong, so that they could learn to think more.

Lin Yunxin then reported the situation of junior high school and high school to Long Fei.

In addition to ordinary schools and higher schools, there is also a special military industrial school for junior high schools and high schools.

In addition to allowing children to receive part of military physical fitness and combat training, military industrial schools can choose to study machine science, energy science, metal industry science, control system science and so on.

In addition, students can also learn to fly fighters, Ms, and teach how to use drone equipment and individual equipment.

If it is a new human, there is also the ability to teach how to use the new human and teach spiritual skills.

The teaching in high school is similar, but the learning is more complicated and in-depth. There are also some teachings, such as learning how to drive a mobile fortress, and guiding how to manage a small team, combat tactical command guidance, and so on.

However, the children who can enter the military industrial school are all new humans, adjusted humans, and excellent ordinary humans.

If a student who graduated from a military industrial high school wants to join the army, if he has good physical fitness in school, masters basic combat capabilities, and is approved by the teacher (or the school instructor appointed by the Ministry of Military Affairs), he basically does not need to accept it like a rookie trainee. Three months of basic study, directly obtaining military ranks and arranging students to enter the troops within their ability.

The lowest rank is Private First Class.

If the student masters more military skills, he can directly obtain the rank of corporal, and if he also knows some squad combat command, he can directly obtain the rank of sergeant.

If you are good at driving MS or mobile forts, etc., the lowest rank you can get is sergeant.

If you still have some small-scale battlefield command and mobilization capabilities, you can directly obtain the rank of warrant officer or second lieutenant.

Master the above skills, and get a diploma in engineering, energy science, machine science, metal industry, etc.

Joining the army can directly get a lieutenant.

At present, these schools have only been established for two years, and the daily physical training of military industrial schools can basically be compared with regular army rookie training.

Regardless of whether it is junior high school or high school physical training, the backpack load is only 15 kg. The elementary school only asks the children to run 3 to 5 laps on the playground (the total is only 900 meters to 1,500 meters). Run 10-15 laps on the school playground with the high school (the total is between 2,500 meters and 3,750 meters).

A student of a military industrial school with a backpack carrying 30 kg and a rifle in both hands running 5 kilometers away.

In terms of universities, there are also general and higher universities, as well as military industrial universities. Graduates of military industrial high schools are promoted to military industrial universities.

The courses taught by the Military Industrial University are more comprehensive and diverse.

Usually, if students who graduate from a military industrial university join the army, most of them will get a higher military rank than graduates from a military industrial high school.

The salaries of soldiers in Tianyi Empire are higher than that of policemen and civil servants, and soldiers are more loved by the people than policemen and civil servants.

Because the school of Tianyi Empire teaches that soldiers are the most respected occupations for defending the country, and those who humiliate the soldiers and martyrs who defend the country will be severely punished.


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