Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 925: Extending the lifespan to a thousand years is for the development of interstellar navigation

At night, Long Fei's bedroom.

Tao Xiang was panting, Long Fei kissed his wife's lips, after a few seconds Tao Xiang pushed Long Fei away.

"I can't do it anymore... Please let me go... just let me rest for the next few days." After Tao Xiang finished speaking, she turned around with difficulty and leaned into her husband's arms.

Long Fei hugged his wife, let her rest in his arms, patted his wife's back with his right hand, and said with a smile: "It was you who shouted that you were going to have a third child, so I actively cooperated with you, but you shouted again I can't take it." After speaking, Long Fei pinched his wife's red cheek with his left hand.

Tao Xiang stretched out her hand and patted her husband's left hand away, and said with some displeasure, "Now that you are the emperor, you must have more children in order to flourish."

"Don't be so anxious to have more children. We have all been given life-extending drugs. We can live to 1,000 years. We have a very long youthful state. Even if we have a third child in another 100 years, there will be no problem. "

"By then, Longguo and his three brothers and sisters will have married and have children, and we will have a third child, wouldn't it be younger than the grandson's age?"

"Long lifespan has a great possibility. It is possible for many people to marry and have children after they are over a hundred years old. As for how many children they are willing to have and how old their siblings are, it depends on the person concerned."

Glancing at her husband, she said, "I'll watch more court dramas and novels these days."

"Why do you watch these TV shows and novels?"

"I have to learn as the mother of a country, how to get along with the emperor's concubine, and how to manage your harem for you."

Long Fei looked at his wife in surprise and said: "What silly things are you talking about, did I say that I want to take a concubine?"

"You are the emperor now, marry more concubines, so that those concubines can give birth to your blood, so that you can have a full house of children and grandchildren."

Long Fei stretched out his hand and patted his wife's buttocks, and said: "I won't accept any concubine, I just need you as my wife." After speaking, he hugged his wife tightly with both hands, and kissed his wife's lips.

Tao Xiang also responded to her husband. If she was the wife of the chairman of a group before, Tao Xiang would not allow her husband to have **** with other women, but now that she is the queen of a country, her husband must have more blood to carry on the family line.

It is impossible for her to have so many children by herself, and she must let other women bear children for her husband together.

And she must also learn not to be jealous, and must be magnanimous to accept other women to serve her husband.

It's just that she didn't expect her husband to be so dedicated to her, and she was so moved in her heart. He gave her the love of his life, and she would also give her love to her husband and serve her husband all her life.

On June 1, 129, the first year of the universe, Jesta S, Richel A, and B were equipped with modules, defensive shields, Martian jackets, and mass-produced Gundams in active service.

Mixed with AS technology electromagnetic muscle module, synchronous action recognition system.

These Ms who are being tested not only have the ability to explode in an instant, but can also make many subtle human movements, and the dexterity of their fingers is also more flexible and faster than before.

These Ms can even make more advanced and difficult moves, such as robot dance, street dance moves, break dance, moon walk moves and so on.

Of course, these Ms can have such an effect not only by incorporating AS technology, but also by integrating Noah's top-line technology, magnetic film resonance technology, super metal alloy technology and so on.

Let Ms have greater resistance to internal metal fatigue, and more intense operations will not cause internal overload of the body, and at the same time improve the body's response.

These newly developed mobile suits and mass-produced Gundams that have been strengthened, these superb movements were captured.

Then, Long Fei handed over these videos to the media for broadcast.

Soon, these video images also spread throughout the world.

It directly shocked countless countries, especially the military department and experts. Only the Tianyi Empire can do such a difficult movement for the body.

Many generals and experts in the military department think that Ms from their own country, not to mention whether their own Ms can perform these difficult movements is a problem, the movement of the body will definitely be overloaded, and maybe the joints of the body will break directly. minute thing.

However, many experts soon believed that the mass-produced Gundams strengthened by the Tianyi Empire and the new mobile suits developed by the Tianyi Empire must have integrated the top technology of the Noahs to perform such difficult movements.

It directly makes many countries envy, envy and hate.

Regarding the opinions of these experts, Junior would like to say that these enhanced mass-produced Gundams and newly developed Ms have the top-line technology integrated with Noah's part, but they can make the body make such a high The difficult movements are techniques developed by His Majesty Long Fei himself, and have nothing to do with the techniques of our Noah people.

The Noahs can't do such a technology either.

On the other side, the life-extending medicine of the Sky Wing Empire spread throughout the world.

All countries appealed to the Tianyi Empire to share this potion with the entire world.

The Tianyi Empire directly refused, and the life extension potion would not be shared, but it could be sold.

Some countries feel that it is unreasonable for the Tianyi Empire to share it for free, but it is also fine if it is bought with money.

But there are also some countries that feel that the Tianyi Empire is too much, and they are unwilling to share such medicines, and they ask for money, which is simply too much.

Most of the countries with a democratic system accused the Tianyi Empire. Among them, the United Anglo-Saman Democratic Republic was the most active.

The president of the Wanluo Federation, Purvi, spoke out loudly: "The life-extending medicine developed by the Tianyi Empire is a product of the devil. We cannot accept the product of the devil. If we accept it, it is against the principles of life. There must be something for the Tianyi Empire to develop the life-extending medicine. Question, those countries that want the life-extending potion of the Sky Wing Empire, it is best to listen to my advice, once you inject the life-extending potion of the Sky Wing Empire, side effects will definitely occur, and the Sky Wing Empire will control you at that time, causing unimaginable catastrophe It will come upon you!"

On the other side, Long Fei didn't bother to pay attention to those countries that were willing to buy life-extending medicines, or those countries that were unwilling but wanted to criticize them.

Life-extending potions do not allow those capitalists to continue to exploit ordinary people.

It is to allow human beings to go to the interstellar sea to develop civilization.

The vast and boundless universe has an unimaginably huge space. It only has a lifespan of two hundred years. It will take many years to go to another distant galaxy.

No one can guarantee how many years it will take to travel from one galaxy to another for light-speed navigation, super-light-speed navigation, warp-speed navigation, or space jump technology.

A lifespan of two hundred years, if placed in the current solar system civilization, is indeed a long time.

However, the lifespan of 200 years of outward development is very short, and the lifespan of 1,000 years of outward development may be barely just right.

Long Fei learned from the historical data of the Noah people that the Noah people still live on their home planet, with a lifespan of 500 years.

In other galaxies, the lifespan of alien races may not exceed 500 years, and a small number of alien races directly exceed 3,000 years.

Those alien races with a lifespan of more than 1,000 years are very active in the development of interstellar navigation.

Long Fei predicted that the galaxy on their side would also develop externally in the future, and the lifespan of two hundred years of interstellar navigation is too short.


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