Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 908: The Punishment of the Nobles and the Great Discovery of the Archaeological Team

On April 30, 128, the first year of the universe, the archaeological team of the Ouya Cross Kingdom is conducting a series of tracebacks to the underground location of the Noah's spaceship that the Dion Empire acquired in that year.

And on the same day, various major domestic media of the Tianyi Empire were broadcasting live in front of the gate of a Marquis' mansion.

The marquis is a man named Tadeusch, who was the hero of Mie Weng back then, and was once a major general of the Tianyi mercenary regiment.

At this moment, the Marquis of Tadeusz was handcuffed behind his hands, and was dragged out of the gate of the Marquis's mansion under the **** of the two major departments of the Criminal Department and the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

While being dragged by someone, Marquis Tadeusch struggled and shouted: "Long Fei, you bastard! A bunch of our brothers fought for you and took down the entire Martian circle for you. Let you do this The emperor of the planet! I didn't expect you to kill us heroes! You are a **** ungrateful emperor!"

The Marquis of Tadeusch yelled hysterically. People who didn't know thought that the Marquis of Tadeusch was cooked by a rabbit killed by Long Fei.

The Marquis of Tadeusz continued to yell, and then the relevant law enforcement officers pressed his head into the **** vehicle, and the reporters filmed the **** vehicle and drove away.

The local reporters at the scene reported that the national authorities have made a heavy blow in the past few days and arrested many nobles involved in fraud.

It turned out that 8 days ago, a piece of news shocked the Tianyi Empire, that is, the three electromagnetic rail elevator stations currently under construction by the Tianyi Empire were revealed to be involved in major fraud and internal tofu scum projects.

Long Fei and the ministers immediately set up relevant investigation organizations to conduct investigations, and even Long Fei bestowed great powers on the investigation organizations.

Three electromagnetic rail elevator stations were discovered, two of which had bean curd **** projects and cutting corners inside, and collusion between officials and businessmen was also found. In addition to officials involved in fraud, there were also nobles sent by heroes.

Long Fei immediately ordered that all nobles are not allowed to go abroad, and the investigation organization will conduct the investigation, and all nobles must cooperate.

Many nobles were involved, and some nobles sold the resources or raw materials needed by the electromagnetic rail elevator station in their own fiefdoms, and sold inferior goods at good prices.

The aristocrats involved could only plead guilty obediently when the evidence was solid. In addition to being sentenced by the court to go to jail and empty their properties, their aristocratic identities were also directly confiscated by Long Fei, and they were just like ordinary civilians after they were released from prison. , but these nobles need to pay several times more effort than others if they want to improve their chances in the future.

There are also some nobles who are deeply involved. In addition to colluding with related businesses, they even cut corners or made a pile of tofu dregs in the contracting project.

Among these nobles was the Marquis of Tadeusch.

Aristocrats like the Marquis of Tadeusz were bid by the court to deprive them of their noble status, all their properties were confiscated, and they were sentenced to slavery.

Officials, businessmen, and participants involved in these fraudulent incidents may be imprisoned and fined a hefty fine, or may have their property confiscated and sentenced to slavery.

In the past few days, countless children of nobles, merchants, etc. who were involved in fraud, all knelt in front of the gate of the palace, begging Emperor Longfei to give him a lighter punishment.

Many aristocratic children put up banners, all begging the emperor to read it for the credit of their parents, and to make an exception.

Even some nobles came to ask the emperor to forgive those heroes.

During the court, many ministers and heroes pleaded with Long Fei.

"Dear dears, do you think that I haven't thought about the credit of these noble heroes? These things really cannot be taken lightly. Just imagine, if the electromagnetic track elevator station collapsed because of them cutting corners and bean curd projects, there would be countless people. My precious life died in this accident, then who will be responsible for these debts will be on my head." Long Fei pointed to his head.

"Those common people who have lost their loved ones will not resent these nobles, but me. The electromagnetic orbital station was built by my order, and these people were killed because of my order. At that time, these crimes will be borne by me."

"It's not that I don't want to spare them lightly, but that I must be responsible for the tens of thousands of people in the Tianyi Empire. Severely punishing these noble heroes is also to tell all the heroes not to do whatever they want and use themselves just because they made great contributions to me back then. The merits of that year will be regarded as the gold medal for avoiding death."

Long Fei's words made everyone speechless, but some ministers were worried because more than ten thousand officials were involved in these frauds.

These officials in jail, this will cause understaffing in some departments and affect the operation of the government, because it takes time to train officials.

In just a few days, more than 10,000 officials were locked in, which has more or less affected the operation of some departments.

Some ministers told Long Fei about these problems, hoping that the emperor would spare some officials involved in minor fraud and let them return to their posts.

But Long Fei refused, "No matter who commits a crime, no matter whether it is big or small, he must be punished, and this is also an account to the people of the empire. The laws of the Empire shall be judged."

Everyone knew that the emperor's attitude was to use these people as a warning to others.

One of the unproblematic electromagnetic track elevator stations continues to be under construction, and the other two electromagnetic track elevator stations are temporarily suspended for a series of investigations.

There are also many officials, nobles, and businessmen whose properties were confiscated. The cash confiscated alone currently exceeds 2 trillion Earth Circle coins, and this does not include the real estate.

Those nobles who have fiefs and can get part of the tax, after being sentenced, the original fiefs are also taken back by the state, and the state does not need to allocate part of the tax revenue received to these nobles.

Salamanda processed and signed the documents in his legal department building, watching the documents with former colleagues and subordinates who were either sentenced to prison or sentenced to slavery.

Salamanda looked at the end of these people, and could only say: "The hearts of the people are not enough, but there are fiefdom nobles who can receive taxes and are still so greedy. In the end, they ended up like this. It can only be said that they asked for it." After finishing speaking Couldn't help but shook his head.

On May 10, 128, the first year of the universe, the archaeological team of the Ouya Cross Country, after unremitting efforts to search, found some relevant evidence, which can confirm that the Noahs are the gods recorded in their national scriptures.

The team sent by the Ministry of Culture of the Tianyi Empire followed the archaeological team, and there were also secret agents in the team, watching every move of the archaeological team.

The basement was searched around the location of the spacecraft, and some carvings, characters, and some cultural relics left by the Noahs were found.

The archaeological team even had some doubts that the Kingdom of Dion hadn't conducted a series of carpet searches at all, otherwise why would there be these cultural relics and carvings left all over the surrounding area.

Some of the cultural relics are still technological products. The archaeological team investigated these technological products and confirmed that they have been placed in place for more than 500 years.

It’s just that the archaeological team found some things after a long period of investigation, which only recorded some living customs of the Noah people and some historical records. Most of the technological products are machinery for daily life.

Just when the archaeological team thought they could only achieve such a progress, a member of the team accidentally touched the mechanism.

Suddenly, the basement below opened up, allowing the archaeological team to encounter a major discovery.


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