Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 878: Fall of the Crimson Palace

Yue Yangchun and his team found a location for a laser fusion engine.

Although there are nearly 100 holy palace guards in the local area, the number of Yue Yangchun's sword and shield team plus the shadow mad dog team is also close to 80.

Yue Yangchun and Salamanda are both ace pilots.

00Raiser was responsible for attracting more firepower, and Salamander led a small group of Sword Shield and Shadow Mad Dog members to invade the internal facilities of the laser nuclear fusion engine operation.

00Raiser threw a Gn sword 2 with his left hand and pierced the chest of a holy palace guard, and his right hand Gn sword 3 cut open a holy palace guard with a single sword. Gn sword 3 immediately switched to rapid fire mode and hit another target one after another .

00Raiser rushed to the guard of the holy palace with the Gn sword 2 stuck in his chest, pulled out the Gn sword 2 and immediately pierced through another guard of the holy palace holding a spear.

At this time, Yue Yangchun received a communication from Salamanda.

"Lieutenant Yue, you are in charge of attacking some power transmission pipelines, and I will send you the location."

"no problem."

00Raiser immediately flew into the sky and fired a Gn beam towards the target electrical energy transmission pipeline.

On the other side, Salamanda, wearing a Spartan suit 2 and holding a rifle, entered the laser fusion engine operation facility with other members.

Shooting and killing some guards inside, in addition to shutting down some of the facilities, some power transmission pipelines were also found.

In addition to handing it over to Yue Yangchun for destruction, another part of the power transmission pipeline was closed.

This suddenly caused a problem with the suspension of the Scarlet Palace, and the entire fortress began to appear unstable.

After Lieutenant General Basili received the news, he had no choice but to make some adjustments to the laser nuclear fusion engine that supplies the energy of the new Wall of Titans, and transferred part of the electric energy that supplies the new Wall of Titans to the Crimson Palace for operation.

This caused the new Titan Wall to suddenly disappear, and then appear unstable.

The new Wall of Titan shield has been lightened in color.

General Shrek looked at the condition of the new Titan Wall, and roughly guessed what was going on.

General Shrek originally wanted to order the Argama battleship to discover the Super Mega Particle Cannon, but he was worried that he might accidentally hit members of his own army, so he could only temporarily dismiss the idea.

However, General Shrek had already let go of his worries at this moment. The Scarlet Palace could not emit the golden morning light, and Dion's army had no chance of making a comeback.

Now, Dion's army is just resisting.

As long as they don't make low-level mistakes, the result of victory will only be sooner or later.

The Crimson Palace can barely function at the moment.

Lieutenant General Basri transferred the defense forces inside the Scarlet Palace to the last laser fusion engine.

The cross vanguard team led by Zhou Yaji happened to intercept a holy palace guard team that was going to the last laser fusion engine.

Pirate Gundam X1 tied a Holy Palace guard with a scissor anchor, and threw it directly to another industrial building.

A thermal dagger popped out from the sole of Pirate Gundam X2's foot, and stepped on the waist of the guard of the holy palace who had just been thrown into the industrial building, and then drew out the beam saber with his right hand, cutting off his hands and legs.

F90L shot down a Holy Palace guard with a long-range sniper rifle.

Flint pierced the head of the guard of the Holy Palace with a beam saber, and the 120mm high-explosive machine gun in his left hand continuously attacked the target's hands and legs.

Zhou Ya destroyed some of the guards of the Holy Palace, while the other part seriously injured the machine and captured the driver.

After a round of torture to extract a confession, he learned the location of the last laser fusion engine.

Zhou Ya immediately tried to contact other colleagues in the Scarlet Palace.

Zhou Ya found that there was not much interference in the communication at the moment. Zhou Ya guessed that other colleagues must have destroyed the enemy's internal interference devices.

Zhou Ya can still contact Salamanda which is farther away.

"Major Zhou Ya, don't cause serious damage to the last laser fusion engine, just shut down or destroy most of their supply chain as much as possible. Once the Scarlet Palace loses all energy sources, it will immediately fall to the ground, causing Serious injuries, more serious ones may hit the capital area of ​​the Dion Empire, and at that time people will be devastated."

"I see, General, I will try to contact other colleagues to inform them."

"sorry to bother you."

Zhou Ya then tried to contact other colleagues, told them where the last laser fusion engine was located, and even informed them of Salamanda's instructions.

Li Xiucheng drove the EX-S and led his team to the last laser fusion engine.

On the Salamanda side, the laser nuclear fusion engine operates with a minimum of electrical energy.

Not only the outside of the Red Palace, but even the Zeus armor inside can no longer function.

There are only a few defensive guns left on the outside that can barely function.

Salamanda discovered from the camera outside the Red Palace that the location of the Red Palace was just above the edge of the capital district.

Some of the downed aircraft and warships fell to the edge of the Capital District.

The local people are desperately fleeing for their lives.

The Crimson Palace continued to move forward, trying to leave the sky above the capital area.

"It seems that Fadis doesn't want to hurt his people."

On the other side, Li Xiucheng, Zhou Ya and others rendezvoused to the location of the last laser fusion engine.

More than 500 holy palace guards gathered locally.

Li Xiucheng has only about 200 units here.

Some of the guards of the holy palace were equipped with powerful weapons, and they were familiar with the local environment and location, so they suppressed Li Xiucheng and others.

Fortunately, the overall performance of Li Xiucheng's Ms is stronger, and they belong to the same elites as the guards of the Holy Palace. Although they are suppressed, they are still invincible.

"Britney, try to contact and see if you can ask for support." Zhou Ya told Britney, her body was not idle, she continued to drive the Pirate Gundam X1, and the thermal dagger popped out from the sole of her right foot, stabbing into a holy palace guard. Chest cockpit.

"Help, help, our side is suppressed by the enemy's numbers and firepower." When Britney called for help, there were blind voices on the communication line from time to time.

Britney looked at the radar. Dozens of her wingmen had been destroyed.

Suddenly there was a sound from the blind voice.

"I'm Thors, you hold on, I'm coming with the troops now, and I'll be there in a minute."


In about 30 seconds, Thors drove Penelope Gundam, led a team of more than 100 mass-produced Gundams of a ferocious hound team, and rushed in from another location.

The two-sided attack caused the guards of the Holy Palace to face suppression.

Organisms have even begun destroying the electrical transmission tubes.

The Red Palace gradually failed to function normally.

Lieutenant General Basri watched the battle scene of the last laser fusion engine from the camera, and he knew what the next result would be.

Lieutenant General Basri actually wanted to continue to mobilize troops to rescue, but unfortunately the internal troops were almost exhausted.

"General, the new Titan Wall is no longer functioning, and the Crimson Palace is also unable to function normally, and has begun to fall downward."


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