Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 861: Key Battle 21 Level 2 Enhances the Ability of Genetically Modified Soldiers

Yelishod continued to listen to the reports from his subordinates. The front line had been officially defeated, and many troops had fled back to the Markas Fortress one after another.

Such a result had long been expected by Yelisaud, but what exceeded his expectations was that he did not expect that the time of defeat would be faster than estimated.

At present, there are still some reinforcements ready to go at the Markas Fortress.

From what the troops who had fled back from the rout knew, the Tianyi Mercenary Group did not continue to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but just advanced, and stopped at about 200 kilometers away, only 100 kilometers away from the Markas Fortress.

The biggest headache for Yelishaud now is the Tianyi mercenaries who are still hiding in the fortress.

They just received some news that several captive rooms were blown up, several Tianyi mercenaries who were imprisoned were rescued, and even confiscated Spartan uniforms were taken back by them.

That's not all, I just received a piece of news that several tall and burly Tianyi mercenaries were detained in a place, and they woke up when the tranquilizer was still in effect, killed the guards, and were eventually retrieved by them He took off his Spartan suit and left the scene.

At this time, someone analyzed the situation of the captured Tianyi mercenaries for Yelisaud.

"Your Highness, we now know from some captured Tianyi mercenaries that the Tianyi mercenaries who sneaked into the fortress are all elites or top soldiers selected from their special forces. We can divide these special forces into four categories. "

"Which four categories?"

"The first category is ordinary people. They have only received strict training and special system training. They are all excellent special forces in terms of performance. The best thing about these captured special forces is their ability to adapt on the spot. The fly in the ointment is their The physical fitness and movement are not as good as the other three categories.”

"The second category is prosthetics. Their prosthetics have different functions. Even the prosthetics belonging to the same part may have different functions, and the built-in devices are different. Their combat capabilities are extremely high. In melee combat It can even punch through the armor covering of our special forces, if it is not to destroy their prosthetics, it is basically difficult to catch them."

"The third category is the strengthened fighters. Their bodies have undergone those medical and surgical modifications to improve their physical fitness. Their physical fitness surpasses ordinary special forces in all aspects, and they are even slightly stronger than the strengthened fighters of their own country."

"The fourth category is also enhanced fighters, but they have an additional name called genetically enhanced fighters. They can also be called second-level enhanced fighters."

"Second level? The third type is the first level of reformed and strengthened fighters, right?"

"Yes, not only do they have stronger bodies than the fighters who have been transformed and strengthened at the first level, but their bodies will also become taller after the second level of transformation, with a height of about two meters. We dissected some of the second-level reformed and strengthened fighters and found some shocking things."

Elishad was very curious.

"First of all, their physical senses have become very sharp, and then their vision, hearing, and smell have all surpassed ordinary people, and they can even switch their visual functions with their own consciousness. In dim places, the line of sight will switch to night vision, and even the vision can switch to red and ultraviolet.”

Elishad raised his eyebrows.

"During the dissection, it was found that their muscle fibers, bone marrow, etc. have been fully strengthened, and their wound healing is also beyond ordinary people. In terms of drug resistance, they can rely on their consciousness to resist the influence of drugs. The organs are also stronger than the first-level strengthened fighters. It is currently estimated that they can live underwater for a day as long as they take a breath of oxygen. They even have strong antibodies against poisonous gas. Even the breathing tube can filter out some poisonous gas damage, and In terms of neural pain perception, they can also temporarily deactivate pain perception with their brains."

Yelisaud's eyes contracted, and he was already a little shocked. Hearing this, Yelisaud knew very well that the strengthened fighters in his country had not reached such a level.

"Some of the second-level enhanced fighters we killed could even tear apart their country's reinforced fighters wearing armor with their bare hands when resisting, and they tore apart people and things in half."

The corners of Yelishod's eyes kept twitching.

"Your Highness, in addition to discovering that their genes have been strengthened and modified, one thing we have discovered is that some animal DNA is actually implanted in their genes."

Yelishaud looked at his subordinate with a very shocked expression.

"Several second-level strengthened fighters were killed, and the animals they implanted were different. Please take a look, Your Highness."

Yelishaud watched the projected video for a while, and took a breath.

Because the video shows that when several second-level fighters were resisting, in addition to killing the armor-covered fighters of their own country with their bare hands, they easily broke free of the alloy handcuffs of their own country.

Even dozens of shots were shot at their bodies, and blood mist came out all over their bodies, and they still rushed to the enemy and twisted their necks or tore them in half.

In one of the videos, the tall and burly enhanced genetic warrior leaps and kills the enemy as nimbly as a monkey.

Yelishaud pointed in horror when he saw another video.

When an enhanced genetic warrior roared, a pair of sharp canine teeth grew out of his mouth, some animal hair grew out of the pores and face of his body, and sharp animal claws grew out of his nails, directly tearing off the covering armor.

And the movement speed is also faster, and when running, he uses both hands and feet. When one of the strengthened soldiers fell down, he opened his mouth and bit off the carotid artery, and then rushed to another target.

And in the video, when every second-level gene-enhanced fighter becomes like a beast, his eyeballs also turn into eyes like a beast.

In every video, Dion's army took a lot of effort to kill the second-level enhanced genetic fighters, either using electromagnetic guns or laser weapons to kill them.

Moreover, in some videos, the second-level enhanced genetic soldiers did not wear Spartan uniforms at all, and they killed many enhanced Dion army soldiers with their own strength.

It is difficult to kill it with ordinary firearms, and the anti-material sniper rifle cannot kill it unless it hits the vital point.

"This is simply a monster!" Yelisaud said in horror.

"Your Highness, these are the objects we dissect. There are genes of wolves, genes of bears, genes of monkeys, etc. When they are killed, they return to their original state. What we can be sure of now is that they may be able to Their brain consciousness, liberating the beast DNA in their genes, thus exerting power many times stronger than they used to."

"And even if they don't turn into beasts, relying on their own strength, they are at least 5 times stronger than a first-level strengthened fighter."

Yelishaud couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead and rubbed his temples, which gave him the illusion that Long Fei looked like an alien, using alien technology to suppress the entire international circle.


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